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Beastars Chapter 132
Nicholas Ortiz
Robert Johnson
Ethan Turner
Carter Torres
Jaxon Green
Hunter Rogers
Gabriel Wilson
Julian Carter
Xavier Russell
Hudson Harris
Joseph Jenkins
Carson Davis
Jace Myers
Joseph Davis
Camden Clark
Jackson Rivera
Easton Barnes
John Lewis
Jack Morgan
If only he knew
Isaiah Lewis
Dumb cat
Aaron Gray
Brody Jenkins
They must really love Louis. Not one of them gave in and snitched under pressure and pain.
Blake Martinez
Jesus fucking christ where was he shot?
David Hall
Jacob Reed
post yfw legosi is dead
Jeremiah Smith
Gavin Sullivan
louis thinks too highly of legosi, he can do worse than that
Lincoln Baker
Jonathan Adams
Aaron Sanders
Andrew Nelson
What the fuck
Nicholas Sanders
Logan Allen
Tyler Jackson
Is she planning a really late late term abortion?
Leo Bailey
Parker Price
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thaaaaaaaank you!
Jeremiah Foster
He's clearly hallucinating or his autism is acting up. Remember when he ate the bug? But this is sweet at least and we get to learn more about her.
Who's Legosi gonna be voiced by?
Bentley Baker
Jonathan Torres
Thanks user. Was really nice to catch a thread as it was being dumped for once.
Alexander Harris
Thank you translator user
Julian Young
Why this manga suddenly become gay..?
Jason Williams
based translated kun
Adrian Diaz
Logan Collins
>suddenly gay
Oliver Gomez
his mom is going to tell him that he has to become a spirit detective now
Christian Edwards
I do wonder if they're gonna go with a deeper voice? I honestly see them going the safe route and having him voiced by Kaito Ishikawa. Suwabe should voice Louis.
Isaiah Moore
Christopher Parker
We ghost cops now.
Asher Flores
I wonder how this interaction will change Legosi's view of hybrids? I can't imagine it'll end that well if the mom committed suicide.
Joseph Ross
Wait for 133 to roll out when we see more of his mom and how she is even more of a hybrid abomination than melon.
Carson Harris
At least she was still full carnivore, and seemingly looks normal, though I'm guessing she also inherited the poisonous capabilities of her dad.
Carson Thompson
It's that time of the week again. Based.
Josiah Taylor
Thomas Mitchell
i wanna fug ghost mom
Nathan Sanders
Jayden Nguyen
>black alley market has gone full commie SJW and is treating everybody as equals
This sounds extremely stupid and unbelievable.
Liam Jackson
Aiden Morales
She's going to have scaly hands, reptilian teeth drooling poison, and autism that will give even legosi a run for his money.
Jose Russell
>I wonder what he is up to
>I am
Sebastian Hernandez
Louis became a really big player, and we've already seen that there are entire industries like the hyperdrug that are propped up entirely by powerful herbs. I don't think it's too ridiculous that Louis significantly harmed the perception of carnivore gangs.
Sebastian Thomas
No user is ever able to predict what crazy bullshit Paru will come up with next chapter. Fucking amazing.
Nolan Perry
Not even the minor characters are safe
Ryder Sanders
First time popping into one of these threads since I'm looking for something new to read.
Is the whole series some weird "don't racemix" racist japanese message thing or is this just for an arc or something?
Christopher Evans
So if legosi's mom was so readily there by her son's side. Does that mean she regularly sees Legosi masterbate to a midget rabbit?
Alexander White
Thanks TL, love you
Brody Phillips
The manga took a turn after chapter 100 or so. Before this it was high school drama/murder mystery/delinquent dueling/slice of life/romance.
David Richardson
At this point it's hard to tell whether manga is pro or anti racemixing.
Lucas Cook
People predicted Riz, Meron leading the shishi, and Louis' homo leg pretty far in advance. You're seeing it in real-time with the komodo teeth, too.
Logan Parker
As long as you're having kids, Abe doesn't care.
Alexander Davis
I just realized something
Legosi is Moon Moon
Jaxson Myers
That is because of the combined autism of the fanbase able to speculate to this degree.
Ian Roberts
Jackson Green
counter-autism if you will
Jaxon Reyes
Anthony Gonzalez
as long as you have fun it's ok I guess
Connor Cox
Im honestly not sure.
On one hand the series constantly shows how much of a fucked up mess a multispecies society is, all conflict in the manga is born from the fact that herbivores and carnivores decided to live together for some reason.
On the other, seems like the final message will be pro diversity, with the posibilty of just not living together only being presented once and portrayed as wrong, despite always giving us more reasons to think the contrary.
Isaiah Rodriguez
I think this series doesn't state that one or the other is better it's more of a there are good and bad things to both options so we will suffer no matter what but still try our best
Brody Murphy
it's a grittier gayer version of zootopia
Owen Williams
No society is perfect. Just because there hardships (Carnivores accidentally maiming herbs) doesn't mean the goal of integration and coexistence is not worth fighting for. That is what the series has always been about! Legosi wants to mack on a rabbit, Louis growing fonder and fonder of carnis, Legosi bonding wit h the other tenants. No one should be surprised at this point.
Matthew Cox
Non-judgmental, pro-understanding. It's about dealing with the things forced upon you that you can't change in life, and the fact that no matter how you deal with them your decisions will have consequences and cause friction. There are few times where characters are vilified even if they're antagonists and murderers, and the viewpoints treated most critically tend to be about insincerity, hypocrisy, and lying to escape inner grief (Juno's desire for segregation, Bill and Aoba's views of carni/herb relations, Tao's fear of herbivore contact, Riz's memories of Tem)
Consider that one of our current major characters, Yafya, would be considered a heinous monster motivated entirely be spite were it not for the fact that he's compared against El Chupacabra.
Caleb Torres
Most of the conflicts would be resolved by creating lab-grown meat
Owen Thompson
Would make the back alley market go out of control, creating a bunch of shits like the old boss who desire real meat for spiritual reasons.
Leo Watson
>"legosi... you must marry louis and eat haru. it only makes sense"
>"thank you mom I finally see the light"
Dominic Jones
>"Legosi, my son... I have some important advice regarding that rabbit Haru"
>"...About three minutes a side should do it. They carry disease, so make sure it's cooked well."
Justin Robinson
>"Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Season the rabbit with salt and pepper. Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the rabbit pieces and brown on all sides. Place in a 9x13 inch baking dish. In a medium bowl, combine the sugar, onion, ketchup, garlic, paprika, Worcestershire sauce and water; pour over the rabbit. Bake uncovered for 90 minutes in the preheated oven, basting frequently. Meat should be very tender when done. Nutrition Facts Per Serving: 626 calories; 31.2 g fat; 21.5 g carbohydrates; 63.5 g protein; 175 mg cholesterol; 1684 mg sodium."
Noah Jenkins
no way fag
Camden Lopez
>Even the fucking meat black market fell for the *****equality***** meme and everything is going to shit there thanks to that to the point the fucking meat eaters are getting shat-on and shamed for doing the very same fucking thing the black market is and was created for
Just under how many layers of redpills Paru is at on right now? This is getting eerie now.
Nathan Young
>sugar, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce
Fuck, hybrids really are all the same. Yafya was right.
Camden Reyes
The whole fucking point is that shit is not white and black and while there's gonna be issues people can get along together despite their differences and long as there's understanding, TRUE understanding, and willingness to try to get along with even if it will be a harsh road.
Shit goes to fucking hell when you force it, as we're seeing it now with what is happening with the Shishigumi. And what happened with Yafya when he tried to get Melon caught but all the other officers gave excuses as to why not help because "muh multicultural society we cannot give news of this happening because it would ruin that" despite a fucking serial murderer getting away scot-free thanks to it. Gee, doesn't it sound fucking familiar?
Chase Richardson
>Mom gives him insightful and inspiring speech
>"I understand now... Thank you mother, goodbye..."
>Legosi comes back to his body and slowly closes his eyes
>Next chapter
>"Legosi, you finally woke up, you slept a long time"
>"Louis... how long?"
>"I'm afraid it's been... nine years"
>Sins Of The Father starts playing
Hudson Fisher
Evan Martinez
Based translatorfag! Yes!
Benjamin Murphy
>Mom that killed herself says "aren't you being too quick to give up?"
What a cunt
Brandon Long
>Shit goes to fucking hell when you force it, as we're seeing it now with what is happening with the Shishigumi.
The Shishigumi are not good people, user
James Green
That's honestly besides the point.
Jack Jenkins
It's not real politics, it's fiction politics and some people just occasionally try too hard to pull it into real politics in one direction or the other. It's just examining the ramifications of how this hypothetical animal society would work.
Christian Rogers
Both segregation and desegregation have issues
Thomas Johnson
>call me by "my name"
what does Paru means with this?
Austin Lopez
>t. Jordan Peterson
Nolan Ross
She's just a figment of Legosi's unconscious mind, she'll say whatever Legosi's wishes she would say.
Or if he actually is having a spiritual out-of-body experiences and that really is her ghost, then it's going to be about how she regrets what she did or maybe even that she didn't commit suicide but was killed in yet another Beastars Plot Twist
Jaxon Diaz
>"y-yes mother?"
Colton Nelson
Michael Sullivan
is that Louis using his psychic homo powers
Logan Green
from where is this frase?
Adam Reyes
It's not pro or anti race mixing which is the great thing about this Manga, it doesn't patronize the reader by trying to push its own ideologies to them, it shows both sides of the hypothetical issue in a very neutral point of view, something incredibly rare in most media, even more in manga.
James Baker
It reminds me of
Xavier Morgan
His gay leg detects when Legosi is hurt while his gay mind just detects when he's nearby
Eli Johnson
>The manga took a turn after chapter 100
>before it was only a high school drama / murder mystery / delinquent dueling / slice of life / romance / comedy
i dont know dude, the manga take a new turn every new arc
Robert Martin
Lucas Sanders
Species mixing =/= race mixing
Lucas Harris
Hunter Torres
>looks like a pure wolf
fuck paru
Jordan Butler
user she was literally described back in her wake chapter as a popular student in her school and was beautiful
Landon Martin
Thank you!
Brody Campbell
>"Legosi just fucking rip into haru like heat her up and eat her she is so meaty for a rabbit and will taste delicious with a little bit of herbs and spices, eat her legosi EAT HER RIG-"
>Legosi wakes up to Louis whispering all these things in his ear
William Harris
I genuinely don't understand how that even works. While there's a lot of shady shit, there were tons of herbivores literally selling themselves to be eaten, and shops selling corpses that died naturally. Do they just up and say "haha fuck you carnivores you don't get these either"?
Luke Butler
It's an obvious analogy you dip. Especially in Japan, where they basically view other races as other species in general.
William Parker
Obvious to YOU because you're specifically looking for it
Brody Cruz
Yeah this. It's like Zootopia where people think it's x analogy when in fact it isn't.
Julian Hall
honestly it will just renew his ideology
remember, this isnt actually his mom, it's just an idealized version of his mom he created, so obviously she's encourage him to pursue his beliefs rather than challenge them because that's what he wants to hear from her
Anthony Wood
Gay movie, Louigosi is canon
Tyler Green
Can't wait to see Legosi matepress Louis
Carson Carter
All these Louigosi posters. baka desu senpai
Zachary Hernandez
Nicholas Thompson
There's a gacha of coin wallets right now
Christopher Rivera
soul society arc?
Thomas Kelly
>cherry boys got in
Carson Ortiz
>as a carnivore-herbivore hybrid you are a complete animal
A complete mutt you'd say
Zachary Lopez
This is how homos and straights should act before the Bisexual Master Race.
Dylan Wilson
Thanks for making my day a little bit brighter, TL!
Jonathan Williams
This is probably the most apt description of this manga I’ve heard.
Samuel Brown
So basically, Zootopia as a manga was an apt description after all
Mason Williams
Zooshitpia is on a way inferior level to Beastars
Bentley Torres
Well yeah but the comparison is still apt.
Nolan Russell
Mason King
Juno does look like a female, while Mama Legosi looks like a female Legosi
Andrew Baker
Good thing legosi didn't poke his eyes out by mistake
Asher Scott
This is what happens when you see everything under a memetic lense.
Christopher Sanchez
how crippling will his medical debt be?
Liam Watson
Why is he naked where's his hospital gown
Daniel Wright
It's all in his mind. It's not real.
Henry Lee
Hi-quality manga
Nathan Long
fucking incredible manga
Ayden Rodriguez
>6 years ago
Shouldn't it say "when I was six years old"?
Robert Miller
These are the kind of stuff why i hate beastar threads
Leo Cox
No, wait. I thought Legosi started living with Gosha when he was 6 because he was younger in those memories but she did kill herself 6 years ago, when Jack and him were 12.
Samuel Campbell
It was never stated that Legosi mom killed herself when he was 6
So we can assume it happend when Legosi was 12 and his design in that chapter when he tells jack his heritage fits the age
Luke Thompson
No. When he was 13 years old, when Jack was 12. Six years ago. Ch73.
Jeremiah Butler
Jose Flores
>he is going to need energy to revive so he'll make Louis have a dream where they kiss but Haru will be the one who does it
Nathan Watson
WTF just a normal wolf. Where is the hybrid mom?
Nolan Lewis
ICU patients are naked if necessary.
Jaxon Robinson
What a handsome wolf.
Robert Gray
Komodo poison imunity i guess
Adam Bailey
Legosi's mom is a big girl, she is almost the size of Legosi who is considered a fucking UNIT even for wolf standards
Jackson Nguyen
I think the kiss between Legosi and Riz awoke something dark in Paru. There was nothing gay before that.
James Butler
Does Melon really hate eating meat or was he just trying to be a dick?
Carter Sullivan
That picture is basically taken out of the manga.
Adam Jones
Ayden Foster
Why are they so scared of the mutt anyways?
Connor Hall
IIRC, the antler gambit was predicted too.
Austin Ward
Louis turned them into pussies
Hudson Lewis
Ian Carter
Carter Davis
He said he doesn't have the stomach for it in his introduction, but doing what he did in front of honour-bound lions was explicitly a violation of even the slim moral etiquette remaining amongst predators. tl;dr, he's DAMAGED.
Luke Green
>tl;dr, he's DAMAGED.
Jordan Evans
Domo. Don't suppose I could trouble you guys for a font list?
James Fisher
They really lucked out on the whole hybrid thing. I mean, look at Meron.
Eli Evans
They've got pretty different circumstances. Based on Yafya's phrasing, we can probably guess that mammal/mammal interspecial conception isn't anywhere near as unusual and miraculous as reptile/mammal, but that probably means that traits are much more stably heritable. Additionally, whilst reptile/mammal is more unusual, it's still carni/carni and not carni/herb so that might lead to additional complications for him.
Either way, bitch is pure poison.
Nathaniel Bailey
No gay subtext there.
Asher Gomez
Kino and ridicules, just how I want this manga to stay.
Adam Bell
prepare for your mind to be blown
Michael Fisher
Just like how only the female Jew can pass down the gene of being Jewish.
The serpentine genes cannot be fully given if the baby is created in a non-serpentine womb. It will always be a half breed that only received certain lizard aspects.
It's only common knowledge.
Noah Carter
The manga not being leftist propaganda does not make it racist.
Cooper Gonzalez
I'm pretty sure paru stated in one of her interviews it's about the dynamic between men and women.
Easton Garcia
If Legosi's dead mom reveals that she fell in love with his dad because he too is a hybrid of a wolf and something else I'll lose it
Luis Phillips
Yafya seeing Gosha's ghost when
Chase Jackson
Nah Yafya will pay for it because he knows Gosha will be mad
Colton Brown
Legosi's mom was a hardcore fujo all along
Aiden Ramirez
what did paru mean by this
Lincoln Young
Kayden Mitchell
gazelle should be a new gay codeword
Brayden Wright
What a bunch of fags.
Dominic Clark
Give me all of your memes right now I've only known about this for three days and need ALL of them
Connor Morgan
Are you sure you want to start this, user
Evan Baker
It's called a feast, user.
Nathan Garcia
Luke Smith
I can't wait to see Louis team up with Legosi to save his yakuza buddies from Melon. He'll likely get pissed at Yafya if Yafya considers making them into fertilizer.
Isaiah Wright
>if Yafya considers making them into fertilizer
I like how that isn't an euphemism.
Lucas Ramirez
It'll be the friction between him and Yafya in the plot going forward that makes Yafya reconsider his plan to make him a beastar somehow.
Brayden Turner
Mason Smith
Benjamin Cooper
Samuel Phillips
Yeah Louis pretty much accepts that carnivores will always be carnivores no matter what while Yafya seems intent on making sure they supress themselves completely for the sake of herbivores. As Yafya said, the garden represents his ideal society, on where carnivores only exist to prop up herbivores.
Anthony Jenkins
Justin Foster
Tyler Price
Tyler Walker
Jason Watson
Aaron Carter
Chase Price
He actually treated them like "people" something their previous and current boss have never done, it just shows how loyal they really are
Sebastian Lewis
Thomas Johnson
Joshua Turner
Thank you user these are delicious don't stop
Landon Perry
William Wilson
Liam Reed
Jayden Morales
Brayden Kelly
I hope that when Legosi wakes up he'll find some weird yellow fur on his bedsheets to show that Jack visited him.
Henry Brown
Easton Collins
Wyatt Kelly
Hunter Adams
okay that's probably enough spam for now
Michael Davis
Thanks again user you kickstarted my folder
time to lurk and collect
Gavin Cooper
I think it would have been more collectible if the bags were at least different colors, but keep the art B&W
Juan Rogers
Well if there's any need for a TS I am still around.
Carter Mitchell
This is from the first page I saved. I did it on my first readthrough, only for this line.
Kevin Campbell
Thank you
Jayden Sanders
If the average animefag is going to be like this then maybe Beastars can still be protected from the new anime.
Camden Lewis
He already has dreams with him every night, where he either punches him or gets fucked by him.
Bentley Thomas
when Haru grows tits
Bentley Green
phrase user not frase
Levi Evans
Robert Ramirez
Kill yourself.
Juan Lopez
And that's weirder for them coming from an herbivore, who usually just see them as a danger sign.
Gavin Jenkins
So is this when we find out where Legosi inherited his autism from? Or did we establish that it came from his grandpa?
Daniel Diaz
Makes sense that cross-breed abominations tend to have defects.
Lucas Phillips
Grandpa komodo is just a bit absent-minded. Some of the weirdness comes from his "stares at beautiful scales" grandma wolf. We have yet to see how much he inherited from his father, if any.
>but what did he inherit from his mother?
Whatever makes him get into situations that endanger his life, probably.
Lincoln Thomas
Adrian Jenkins
I told y'all niggas that Legosi's ghost would be the new MC
Blake Butler
Remember the snake guard or the shy chameleon? All reptiles are high-functioning autists, but if you combine komodo autism with wolf genes you get a self-destructive retard like Legosi.
Blake Edwards
Yafya hinted at hybrids attracting each other when he mixed his blood and legosi's to lure out Melon.
What if Legosi's dad was also a hybrid? What if his mother's poison killed him and he will give him a speech about how he didn't regret dying because of his love? Then Legosi wakes up with a brand new set of Shark Teeth.
Owen Phillips
It starts with Yafya seeing Gosha and his wife, leaving him behind. He is seething and about to attack but Gosha reacts and throws a punch towards him... that hits a random beast in his blind spot! It's just the two of them now, surrounded. Like the old times.
After a good fight, they are hot, bloody and sweaty. The only thing they can hear is each other panting. They are naked... but the only thing Yafya can see clearly now is Gosha's face, with his comforting smile and his droopy eyes staring at his. Getting closer. Part of Yafya wants to run away but he doesn't even move a muscle. Gosha is now so close that you can smell his intoxicating breath. Yafya closes his eyes then opens them slowly as he wakes up.
He doesn't know what's more frustrating, having that dream again or that he can never see how it ends. HE JUST WANTS TO SEE BECAUSE IT HAS HAPPENED SO MANY TIMES, okay?
Kevin Young
Forced meme is forced.
Evan Fisher
I would be mad but not surprised.
Cameron Mitchell
She was popular at school. He'll be a full-ass gray wolf, and she'll have married him to try hide her komodo genes and live the life of a normal wolf (which directly leads to his death at the hands of poison he wasn't aware of)
Hunter Powell
Justin Gutierrez
>when people edit the edit of your OC edit
I love you autistic faggots
Blake Morales
Jack Anderson
If you really were user that made the o my home leg image could you make one with legosi when his spirit is detached from his body, could be "o my autistic soul"?
Ryan Turner
Not him but... aren't you asking a bit much?
Nicholas Perez
o my dead mom
Jaxon Wright
I hope the chameleon shows up in beastars, he and the fox were cute together.
Michael Lewis
I think it's trying to be more neutral. Especially with introduction of Seal man who teaches about the culture of the sea. Were shown different ways societies exist. The issue with de-segregation within the manga isn't that Carnivores and Herbivores mixing is fucked up. But rather there's no truth in their interaction. So can we consider them living together in peace, to truly be living harmoniously. This is something addressed in Haru's chapter about how people go about it for show, as well as in with the Back Alley Market existing as a whole and how it's something everyone knows exists but don't confront.
Kayden Wilson
Just take this image, make him sadder, and edit the text
Tyler Bailey
>There's nothing inherently wrong with desegregation, but there is when you lie about and avoid legitimate issues in an attempt to avoid blame and fake legitimacy
Is Paru goldpilled?
Noah Young
>"Polish your fangs" ad when Legosi has lost his fangs
>"Polish your antlers" ad when Louis has lost his antlers
I like subtle poetry like this.
James Hill
I didn't make that connection. Nice catch user. Have a leg.
Cameron Smith
thanks for the dump
Cooper Stewart
Is the ending close?
Jaxon Rivera
Makes sense. From the beginning, I took it as an allegory for different personalities and even social classes of people. "Herbivorous" vs "carnivorous" people, what drives each, how they coexist or hurt each other. Only relatively lately has it come to a place where you could interpret it as a pure race analogy; a lot of earlier chapters wouldn't make sense this way.
Ryder Ward
Ending of what, the manga? Who knows. I doubt it.
Brayden Taylor
Missed the last chapter (guess I will never get used to weekly stuff) and currently reading that first. And damn, it's kinda obvious but I didn't see that coming. The new Shishigumi boss I mean.
Christopher King
The way you will know the ending is close is when Legosi loses his virginity
Kayden Sanchez
the MC just died of course it's close
Christopher Gonzalez
Louis will return to lead the Shishigami one day
Cooper Fisher
No, it's not
Alexander Bell
Nathan Campbell
I miss edgy Louis.
Thomas Myers
>death of the author
Fuck you. The curtains are blue, you like or not.
Isaiah Stewart
I like happy Louis.
Christopher Foster
And then taken out of context by another artist and then were gonna have more gay furry shit
again i hate that one fanbase ruining the series
Isaiah Baker
And I miss Ibuki
Easton Phillips
>Zooshitpia is on a way inferior level to Beastars
Joseph Watson
he'll lose his virginity and then get into a fight where he wins by turning into a cloud of cum.
Landon Richardson
Brandon Murphy
>fanbase ruining the series
You are a self-hating faggot that can't get over other faggots reminding you of your own faggotry. Sane people don't give a shit.
Isaac Davis
I want to pat Louis.
Wyatt Collins
>Letting other people influence what you lie
>People can't like what you like
>The fanbase having any sort of effect on a nip thing
>Having shit taste
Sebastian Sanders
It honestly shouldn't really be paralleled with humans. You can do that, but it doesn't make sense. The race dynamics in Beastars are entirely their own, based on animals, not humans like Zootopia.
Jose Rogers
you guys are the best
Tyler Clark
Lincoln King
Reminder: Zootopia gave Paru the courage to publish Beastars.
Blake Powell
Yeah, I looked up the timeline between those two, beastars came out in about the time you'd expect if she began drawing it and got it greenlit by an editor after zootopia was released in japan.
Brody Fisher
Out of this thread right now unless that's the Arby's version. You will not desecrate this thread with cursed shit, only wholesome or retroactively blessed shit like the Arby's version.
John Flores
I remember something about she not watching it until well into beastars publication though
Kayden Kelly
mostly posted it for the bunny cunny.
Imagine a child the size of legosi, how hard would haru's orgasmic birth be do you think?
Owen Turner
someone take that one family guy scene where quagmire's mom is giving birth but put haru's face over it
Jack Wilson
We all do
Easton Butler
I say this every release it seems, but THIS IS FUCKING STUPID
Carson Baker
The shishigumi will be Louis' personal bodyguards when he becomes beastar. Calling it now.
Luke Morris
Hope so
Kayden Perez
What happened to Juno? Will she ever be relevant again? We haven't seen her in like 30 chapters.
Jaxon Wright
Fuck Juno, what happened to Pina?
Justin Taylor
Nicholas Evans
Nathaniel Edwards
legosi ate her for being an annoying bitch
Henry Jones
we all do
John Cook
The more I read, the less I enjoy. I think this manga peaked a while back. Current arc and story is fine, it's just the author is simply limited by her abilities.
Josiah Hill
Christian Phillips
If she has a future it's with Louis, and it will probably be a romance that will end in tragedy way later in the manga to remind us what could happen if Legosi wasn't Legosi.
Christopher Robinson
Was he tired of his lady? Been together too long?
Christian Thompson
is it a bit freaky that Louis has human toes and not hooves?
Sebastian Adams
Is it a bit freaky that all these fucking animals are bipedal and talk and wear clothes and shieeeet?
Nathaniel Hernandez
I need to pat Jack
Daniel Richardson
>don't know what happened with their performance
>never learned what their "special circumstances" are
just a bit mad. Beast Complex 8 with them when?
Jeremiah Kelly
Rokume says hi
Aiden Fisher
Joshua Ward
>they fell for the equality meme
Carter Bennett
She looks really creepy with those eyes
Brody Bennett
Thanks as always
Alexander Thomas
It's not speculation. She confirmed it in an interview. If it wasn't for Zootopia making cartoon animals popular again, she might not have taken the chance after Beast Complex.
Ayden Morris
Beastars existed way before zootopia existed, Legosi was Paru's high school husbando you twat
Anthony Rogers
middle school crush
Sebastian Miller
user, read that comment again, but slowly
Wyatt Anderson
Landon Reyes
Henry Stewart
Imagine if you met a human-shark hybrid in real life who was also a complete psychopath.
Easton Peterson
shit writing
Cooper Perez
Logan Johnson