Saiki had a hard life

Saiki had a hard life.

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English dub for season 2 never ever :(

Who gives a fuck about that shit

how do you think Netflix will adapt it into an anime?


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This is why you learn russian and watch dubbed russian anime 1 hour after it comes out in Japan

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his "friends" were kinda based sometimes, like that time they shared the red beans ice cream or that special shit he wanted to eat, also i think he started to lose his chill and actually cared just a little bit about the popular chick


Which one Yea Forums?

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Left, she’s the perfect woman so it was an obvious choice

Gacha is shutting down, but found a way to decrypt the asset files. Will share more at a later time.

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Well anons? Did 100 yen man give you all what you wished for?

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Saiki´s mom is CUTE

Saiki's grandma is cuter

my autistic friend really likes this show but i watched an episode and it was lame as hell

Isn't Kaidou's guardian a chihuahua and Nendou's father Reita's guardian?

Based user's autistic friend

I wished for comfy Saiki threads and for World Trigger to return from hiatus.
Dreams do come true.

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Cool looking forward to it

and season1 dub was one of the few really good dubs out there

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Brown with big tits

Dark Reunion is going to start an economic crisis within the next two years

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Brown is best and Saiki's destined true love.

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Perfect Pure Gyaru Sweetheart

Right in both versions.

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pure gyarus are the best

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Tried watching this the other month, quickly became a favourite. Nendou is a killer dude.

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ramen kuini ikou ze

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Right is quite literally his soul mate, well it wouldn't matter if it's one sided but her power let her find her soul mate (saiki)

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Wasn't there a new season announced or was I daydreaming?

Great taste, aibou


Netflix announced it.

You're the one with autism, my dear user.

Holy shit

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Mikoto is usually my literal fetish although she doesn't appear to have tan lines however in this case I actually prefer Kokomi.


More? Didn't they end it with that special 2 episodes?

I always distracted with that damn balls chin

>ever good

>Comfy thread that isn't meant to last
It hurts

apparently a whole new season announced back in march

>also i think he started to lose his chill and actually cared just a little bit about the popular chick
He was willing to princess carry so you know he cares a little. Also he said the both their powers together and they would be invincible. Kokomi get ready for marriage.