When did he lose his touch?
When did he lose his touch?
That day.
But Sarazanmai is a masterpiece.
Yuri Kuma Arashi
t. smelly fujo
he didn't
show me a masterpiece classic anime with 13 episodes or less
you can't tell a mindblowing story with almost universal acclaim with a total of less than 4 hours and a half in a episodic manner
Ping Pong but it isn't as good as Utena.
He peaked on Utena.
He is Akio. Stuck in time. Unable to move on, trying to recreate that unforgettable moment.
He didn't, but he hasn't directed anything that is close to Utena in quality since. That is more the result of the amazing team assembled for SKU's production than Ikuhara himself. While he was instrumental in making Utena what it was, he was also surrounded by very talented and motivated people who were allowed to go wild and do what they wanted to artistically. The circumstances which led to SKU will probably never happen again.
Ping Pong
Haibane Renmei
Kino no Tabi
He didn't touch Anno.
It's less about having little time and more about HOW you use that time.
And using the greatest amount of stock footage of your career in your shortest show was clearly a retarded idea.
okay, I've been defeated
>kino no tabi
The only good things he ever did were Utena and Sailor Moon
I want a new Be-Papas anime
Can't lose what you never had
Which also ironically happens to be his best work.
I chuckled irl.
He peaked too early and also can't seem to understand how to handle something shorter than at least 2 cours
It's not his best, but it's better than MPD (and Sarazanmai, but that's a given).
On YuriKuma. But then he got it back.
No we just don't understand his brilliance.
When his just a part of a team, he's good. Alone he is a self-indulgent hack.
Shortly after birth.
He hasn’t
Who is this ugly girl?
why is that people always mention utena's core team but they always overlook the core staff for his other projects so they can claim he's a self indulgent fuck while ignoring people like shouko nakamura and nobuyuki takeuchi
>There are people out there who think YKA is better than Penguindrum
It is.
ikuni a cute! a cute!
I feel like Utena is miles above everything he ever did and will do, while all his other shows are more or less on the same level, so for me he hasn't changed much since Penguindrum honestly. He really needs to work with 2 cour again though.
>He really needs to work with 2 cour again though.
and a writer
Penguindrum is better than Utena.
Ahah, no.
I'll never understand this sentiment
And he never will touch you
Utena>Penguindrum>Sarazanmai>Yuri Kuma Arashi