Precure thread

Precure thread~lun

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Other urls found in this thread:!Th9FxahY!Ws2FC56xFGvjdrwa5xLVjc6GScEt4BOq0p6g3YOtmrY!N4JDAR6a!MqM2eBZbUftZEbYs_jniWQ

This thread will be short lived

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Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 31 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.07.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Everyone sleeps, no episode this week.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 02.mkv_snapshot_21.56_[2018.05.19_17.01.43].jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Joke's on you, I'm gonna rewatch last week's

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Post moar Star

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It's a rough episode.

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What Precure seasons do you plan on watching until the next Star Twinkle episode airs? I'm going to finish DokiDoki and start Happiness Charge.

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This looks like something that can go easily to hell if one step is done wrong. This was a nice episode, Aoi going full symphogear would be great but eh, still hate the no-finisher.

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Watching Smile for the first time and man, i could barely tell this was supposed to be a Nao episode when Yayoi is the one who got the screentime and the character development.
Guess people aren't calling Elena Nao 2.0 just for their gimmicks.

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I want to say that was on purpose. If nothing else the bait-and-switch definitely caught me off guard too and is probably the main reason it actually got me to cry.

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That is one of my favorite Smile episodes. Nao's great even if her screen time is lacking. That ending hit me pretty hard. Please don't pick on Elena.

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Pretty Lala.

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I'm currently watching Smile and Heartcatch.

You forgot to draw the cute Lion, that's why it looks so messed up. I won't bother with this one because I know I'll fuck it up.

I am going through KiraKira and rewatching Smile with a friend.
Might give Doki another shot once I am done with KiraKira.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 30 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.15.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

>Alice in wonderland
U wot?


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That was just the solid block it was coming out of the freezer. In the end it wasn't so bad.

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Cute egg.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 30 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.19.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

>egg custard

>with a friend

I'm watching Fresh right now and holy shit I hate Chiffon. It's not one of my favourite season. I wonder if they'll do more with Pine, she's one of the rare Christian Cures.

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is this the mahou shoujo thread

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That one belongs on the shady part of the Mahou Shoujo town.

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>still hate the no-finisher
dont worry, it will come.

It's a good one, too.

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Attached: kira-ed2c.webm (1280x720, 402K)

/pc/, tell me the name of this season.

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Harriet Potter: Magical Boarding School

Harry potter and the witchy lesbians

I want to push Himari over and watch her roll around, struggling to get back up.

I want to see more Hikaru and Lala in each other's clothes.

>rewatching Smile with a friend
Yeah hahaha good one my friend, well memed my dude
That was a grate one lmao

Name is in the pic, can't you read?


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Lesbic power is strong in this image

>he doesn't know

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Oh happy day Negom is Negone.

Hello there, it's me the Starposter
I'm here today to grant your wish

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Starposter, Starposter...
Can you post Lala instead?

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I love you Starposter, please keep up the good work!

Lala already receives too much attention. Maybe later.

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And that's it for today, don't wanna flood the thread further

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>I'm here today to grant your wish
Heartcatch season two please.

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does the fetish for "girl dress in mascot costume" have a name
asking for a friend

Hikaru is a criminally underrated pink, I'll give you that. She needs development though, right now she's just another iteration of the idiot pink. I wonder if they'll go full Luke Skywalker with her, that would be fun. But she's a great pink, she's fun, has a great design and her VA is doing an excellent job.

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>just another iteration of the idiot pink
More like genki pink

Let's get Elena some development first, then we can worry about Hikaru.

Oh my

I wish to become a precure again today as well~


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>human skin tone Ayewan

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Fuck off

I need this too.

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>no face marks or fuzzy feelers

W-Why so rude?

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Who hurt you my sweetest child

I faped to a lot of Hana with Saaya pictures for this glorious day. Mana with Rikka is next.

Don't be jealous he didn't post you cuck princess.

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What's wrong with you?

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Cute hedgehog

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20 episodes and this is the first time i posted an animation error, i most have missed a ton

Attached: [PCSS] Pretty Cure Splash Star 20 (DVD) [4CA53829].mkv_snapshot_10.21_[2019.06.14_23.48.36].jpg (640x480, 62K)

Rare skinsuit face opening

what is this creature

Post the least cute cure.

Cringe. Being a tryhard is so not cute.

Attached: [BSS-Commie] HeartCatch Precure! - 19 [01DFA54A].mkv_snapshot_06.19_[2019.06.14_23.19.07].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Post Lala

Training apparatus

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What a camwhore

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See you later little girls

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I came here to dance at you.

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This is a big stationary bag

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Rin. She's a cunt a cunt and unlike Aguri, isn't particularly relevant.

Attached: Rin-ese.webm (640x360, 1.37M)

No precure week mil....

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>It's not one of my favourite season.
Well for guys tastes I guess. For me it's one of the best, maybe It'll grow on you at the end.

I don't see something wrong, you mean the flowers?

It's not bad by any means, I am having a good time. It's just a bit underwhelming. I love Rabu, she's a 10/10 Pink Cure, she's so expressive and fun, and I love the shenanigans, I'm yet to see a bad episode or even a meh one. It just doesn't peak like other PreCures for me. I've certainly seen much worse than this.

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Yeah, I'm an idiot. The post was meant for

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"Peak" as if?

I like cat puns.

They're alright, but sometimes OT goes too far and I have to paws for a second to figure out what they meant.

It really depends on the day. Only when I'm feline it.

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That's how I felt about it until the final arc won me over. In retrospect the whole thing was better than I gave it credit for. I was also watching in production order and didn't like the style change.

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I could say the same going Fresh > Heartcatch.

Yeah, I hope you're right. I don't mean to sound overly negative, I'm really enjoying myself, it's probably another case of mismanaged expectations. I just need more time with the Cures.

As for the art style, I rabu it. It is perhaps one of the PreCure art directions that hasn't aged the best but I still like the fluidity, the animations sometimes going off model and the expressiveness of the characters.

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Fresh is the only season I haven't watched so fuck Fresh.

It's fun.

Attached: 1542475517369.webm (638x360, 2.5M)

It has one of the best MotW executions so you should (fuck Sorewatase).

Also, rare Christian Cure.

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I'm getting to it, don't worry.

Post upgraded Hikarus!

This please

Here you go!

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>/pc/ actually talks about Fresh for once
Still hoping for someone to upload that novel someday!

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Close enough.

I want Hikaru/Star with a ponytail.

Well that would explain a great deal.

I am basically asking for a recommendation here, but in your opinion which team of Cures has the best interactions? From what I have watched I would go with Smile personally.

Attached: [ScrubsMofu]_Smile_Precure_33_[1080p][F66C3026].mkv_snapshot_03.15.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

This might be surprising to most who've seen all the seasons but I'd actually agree that Smile is up there, and by a fair margin above most seasons. Kira went out of its way to do side interactions as well.


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Sexy Kirayaba

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have you taken the oyo pill yet

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jackie chan why

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It's really messing with me how her hair didn't change color in this image

Butt shaking cuties!

it's hot. as much as i like the platinum blonde, the natural colour is sexy too.

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I prefer strawberry blonde but man it's just weird seeing Peach with Love's hair color.

so bold

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the imagination tanks most be recharge from time to time

Flappy's colors, he is not supposed to be pink

I'm sure she'd be down to drop acid too.

say something nice about her

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I like her voice a lot.

Her brother is fucking hot.

She's the lewdest.

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Precure belongs in the /trash/

with (you)

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 35 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.13.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Where in Tokyo do i need to go to find these?

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She is the third cutest Kira girl.

Fure Fure user!
It's garbage CAN not garbage CAN'T

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I want to fuck this fairy. Her brother too.
Honestly though, I liked her.

What are their 「STAND」 names?

You and your family are non-recyclable garbage

I want to wear and fap in their outfits.

Contact and Ziggy Stardust

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the best in life

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thicc grandma

Yes 5 is the only correct answer. Smile is just a pale imitation.

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So cute.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 35 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.10.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Oh no, she is gonna be impregnated by that dog.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 35 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.17.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

I really like that episode of KiraKira. Putting those two in an episode together like that made for a really good one.

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With no Star Twinkle episode this week, I figured I'd get off my lazy butt and finish up something I've had on the back burner for like a year: the Fresh Precure Musical Show! Watch it, it's fun!


No Mega upload for this one because of the bandwidth limits on free accounts. Keep in mind that I'm uploading from a toaster on a third-world-garbage internet connection, so please be patient and help seed.

The only raw I have is a terrible DVD rip, so it skips in a few places (mostly early on) and glitches out when you skip chapters sometimes. There's nothing I can do about that unless someone can provide a better raw; please bear with it, sorry.

Attached: Fresh Precure Musical Show-1_001_28190.png (720x480, 193K)

I cannot guarantee that watching this dance lesson will make you as cool as Maeda Jun, but it should help at least a little.

Attached: Lovely fighter.webm (480x320, 1.24M)

Attached: itsumo do my best.webm (480x320, 1.94M)



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i dunno what im more frustrated with:

>Precure and the conclusion of the Bluecat arc/the birth of Cure Cosmo being next week
>Zi-o and the conclusion of the Grand Zi-O arc being next week.
>Or the final past rider arc, the Drive arc, being movie excluisve, specially since the Brain special actually teased some interesting things and an acrtual conclusion to the roidmudes and Chase.

>Blue Cat! Get away from Madoka-lun!
>No! Me and Madoka are involved in a secret relationship~

>Lun! (mad)
>You're saying that because you plan to steal Madoka's panties-lun!

>If that's the case why do I have them already?

>Calm down Madoka-lun! I'm gonna protect your skirt from rolling up with my sensors-lun!

>In any case, those are pretty plain ones huh
>Madoka doesn't wear anything except unpatterned whites!

>terrible DVD rip
That was me sorry

Isn't that the Precure choreographer who died?

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Fuck, are you kidding? Now I'm sad.

Attached: Living the dream.webm (480x320, 2.26M)

JFC how horrifying.
How can people watch this unironically and not feel disturbed on a primal level?

Attached: [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 35 [1280x720].mkv_snapshot_11.26_[2017.10.08_12.26.29].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

I'd still rather have some jank than not have the show at all, so... Thank you?

Symphogear S4.
I mean, they're not exactly the same but they're still singing magical girls


Oh wait shit what was the file name of the rip you downloaded?

I heard about it some years ago, dunno if it's the guy

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Sasuga kot

Attached: 75016215_p0.png (856x1025, 1.32M)

Sequel movie for 20th anniversary like Doremi.
We need to believe...

It was multiple years ago that I downloaded and converted it, so I'm not certain... It was a DVD iso with a generic name, I think. "Fresh Pretty Cure Musical.iso" or similar. Do you actually have a better one after all? I know there are a couple torrents online I haven't been able to check because they're dead, I'd be glad if that were the case!

Attached: Fresh Precure Musical Show-1_001_39897.png (720x480, 170K)

New season in 2 weeks, get hype.
I'm pretty sure you did it because the talk about Fresh! Joking good job, more Fresh is always good .
>That last one
You what?

>I'm pretty sure you did it because the talk about Fresh!
I actually did! I also have the Smile and GoPri shows sitting around half-finished, so I was definitely going to do one, but the thread inspired me to finish Fresh first.

Attached: 75222412_p1.jpg (900x1275, 1.18M)

I ripped the dvd myself for /pc/ years ago!Th9FxahY!Ws2FC56xFGvjdrwa5xLVjc6GScEt4BOq0p6g3YOtmrY
Should work better

Attached: 75243090_p2.png (1889x899, 2M)

>I'm glad for your feelings, but you know...
>Wha-!? Lun!?
>For me, the most important thing is...

>B-blue Cat... I'm not into this kinda thing...
>W-wait, I just missed the target okay??

>Stop right this instant Blue Cat...
>This is a misunderstanding! I'm telling you!!
>Yeah... out here in the open... (we're here you know?)

Well gosh darn golly gee, user, now I feel right silly. I'll give it a try and get back to you in a zillion years when the four-gig download finishes on my connection.

Attached: Me.jpg (853x480, 28K)

the trailers and plot synopses for the Zi-O movie were released already and explained that the Drive Arc is gonna be part of the movie alongside the Quartzers plot.

can you translate this one?:

>precure thread is up with no new episode today.
>/ai/ is dead.

>What I wanted wasn't "that" okay? It's "this"!! If you follow the course of the plot you'll understand!!

>She just confessed she's been cheating...
>Declaring she has another woman just in front of her girl...
>Lowest of the low...
>Enemy of women...
>Stop going that way and ignoring me!!

>You there! You understand what's going on, right? I'm not the kind of girl they're talking about, you know that right?!

>Blue Cat...! She's stolen it so artfully...
>You're wrong-purunsu! Mao-chan didn't steal anything-purunsu~!

>No, she's indeed stolen such an outrageous thing.
>Purunsu's heart.


>Say something-lun...

Thanks, man.

Search prichan not aifure

I really thought I would hate her when she was first leaked, I initially thought being "rainbow" for a colour and "pegasus" for an animal was bullshit.

But then she turned out not to be annoying whatsoever. Likeable, even! She seems like someone you'd want to be friends with.
Also her image song is really nice:

Seconded. Aoi is my favourite Kirakira and I like Himari too. Their friendship in this episode was really heartwarming.

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Inorin has such a nice voice. I just wish she didn't have so much of a cold fish personality.

Oh, now I see it was referencing Precious Thing.

one of the reasons i picked Kira Kira was because she was cute, when it was reveal that she was a genius at sweets making i feared she was going to be a massive bitch to Ichika and the others; gladly that did not happend.

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>that Saaya cg set is still not uploaded

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What's he thinking about?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 12 [64ED0DD2].mkv_snapshot_11.41_[2018.05.30_18.23.38].png (1280x720, 1.06M)

giving Mirai a brother

making Mirai a mother

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imagine the smell

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Sailor Moon Crystal season 3.
It's still really bad.

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I wish Hikaru can be cooler so she can rise above and be the Mana pink that we need. Not in terms of harem (though it could happen anyway) but just in being a very cool solid pink. I hope next year's pink or Hikaru later accomplish this task.

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Refrain from posting insectoid translations in this thread

Mana's not cool.

I like that every Pink is different. I don't think there's a single Pink more different from Mana than Star is, so making Hikaru like Mana in the second half of the show would be idiotic.

Mana's not COOL cool, but she's cool. Cooler than the average pink for sure, top 3 in coolness at least. It's just that she's also still a dork, but dorks can be cool in cartoons for children.

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Me too!

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Attached: [DreamingRoses-Doremi].Yes.Pretty.Cure.5.Go.Go!.42.[1280x720].[E3B3E210].mkv_snapshot_09.00_[2013.12 (1280x720, 170K)

I disagree about Mana being top three in coolness, but I absolutely love her dorky side. She's great like that. I wished that Doki used that a bit more. I also wish that Doki gave Alice and Rikka more screen time. That's one of my biggest complaints towards Doki.

But mirai has a sister already, a twin sister even! i mean yeah, she just barely learned how to EVERYTHING when she was just barely 13, and also is an inanimated object brought to life because bullshit-bullshit, but still...

Attached: mofurun.gif (600x297, 734K)

>Precure confessions

You write like a 15 year old girl.

Megumi = Love > Tsubomi > Nozomi > Saki > Nagisa > Mana > Ichika > Hibiki > Mirai > Hana > Haruka > Hikaru > Miyuki
In terms of coolness.
I mean, everything's possible when your daughter is a God that can just blend reality for shit and jiggles.

>Haruka that low

Attached: Go-Princess-Precure-Ep-50-Img-0008.png (924x520, 460K)

You've got Saki higher than Nagisa? I guess you're the type who liked Z better than Dragon Ball.

Dream > Megumi > Mana > Love > Nagisa > Tsubomi > Hikaru > Saki > Ichika > Mirai > Hibiki > Karuka > Miyuki > Nozomi (who is a totally different person from Dream when we're measuring coolness).

Haruka. Whoops.

Is this their coolness while in cure form or just in general? I haven't watched Go Princess yet, but I could have sworn that Haruka was one of the cooler tough types in cure form? Or an I wrong about that?

Shit happens.
>I guess you're the type who liked Z better than Dragon Ball.
I liked Z more, sure, but it was mostly by symbiosis due to my family, not because I "liked" it. In Precure's case It's mostly biased because I loved SS, and while I liked FW I disliked MH.
>(who is a totally different person from Dream when we're measuring coolness).
You can't do this because "most" of the cures become more competent and cooler once transformed, by that logic Tsubomi and Blossom are different, so do Hibiki/Mirai/Haruka.
See above. The point was comparing it to MANA, not Heart.

>I like that every Pink is different. I don't think there's a single Pink more different from Mana than Star is, so making Hikaru like Mana in the second half of the show would be idiotic
I'm not saying she has to be like Mana, I'm saying I wish she can be a very cool solid pink. Mana was just a example and having Hikaru get better to be like Mana in terms of coolness is not idiotic so I disagree with you. Being a choice or not I'm not interested in another Ichika getting Shunned over or a loser Hana of the season. At least Hana achieved greatness and success later, Ichika not much.

But c'mon. Dream's voice drops like four octaves. And she's so much more handsome and less stupid. It's not fair to Dream to judge her by Nozomi.
I'm mostly joking, of course, I know the original comparison was of everyday coolness. But I actually do think that Nozomi changes way, way, extremely super deluxe more than Tsubomi, Hibiki, Mirai, or Haruka, or any other Cure. Nozomi and Dream really do feel like two different people.

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Not the one you replied to, but I think that Hikaru is fine the way she is. She's been great so far, there's no need to change her character into something that wouldn't even fit her. Ichika and Hana were also fine the way they were.
>Ichika getting Shunned over
When did that happen?

I actully like Dream. She's competent, great teamwork, handsome, seductive voice. But I didn't disliked Nozomi at all, even her high pitched voice was fine.
Probably Akira/Yukari stuff.

Have you guys seen how cute my wife is?

Attached: mikoto_yuan-1139968843026010112-D9H7k8JUYAAbqfU.jpg (2893x4092, 628K)

Well look where you are

Imagine fluffing that fluff

Wow you need to watch more Precure.

In the DX movies I always thought of Dream as the overall leader instead of Nagisa.

She definitely is in the first few. After they get to New Stage though, it's more or less split between Black/White and last year's Pink.

i will hug her fluff and never let go

>Probably Akira/Yukari stuff.
They did have a lot of time in Kira, but I feel like Ichika rose above them by the end.
I've seen Kira and Hugtto and Ichika and Hana were both good characters in them. What don't you agree with?

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Damn you beat me to it


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I wonder if she is an adult like Lala. Hopefully, she gets pregnant

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Lala is legal! Legal!

Not even a preview this week?

Hi I'm the user that told you I disagree with you, not the one that told you to watch more Precure. Anyway yes Hikaru is fine the way she is however I just wish she be cooler in a way she wasn't always messing up or be able to radiate a alot more than Madoka. For Hikaru to become cooler I don't want her to become this through a way that isn't her but through a way of her own progression.

Yes I want her to be so high up that it's her standing with Blue Cat and Lala and not Madoka. And okay yes I hated on Madoka and Fuwa because I'm jealous of them getting close to Blue Cat instead of Hikaru. Now I'm concerned Lala will go with them and Hikaru will end up alone like Ichika.

>When did that happen?
First thing let me say I don't think Hana is a loser, I was just meming. I love Hana very much just like Hikaru and all the other pinks. I am a crazy pink lover and I want to be the Negom of Pinks.

Anyway continuing about Ichika. I guess short answer to say, I wanted her cool factor to go up to the point she could've had both Ciel and Himari in her close relationship circle. Well it would take a lot more than that but that's what I wanted from Ichika. I'm super jelly Biburi got to Ciel than Ichika. I do like Biburi too but it makes me hate her because of my jealousy. Yes I'm a crazy yuri futa shipper and I love shipping characters together even though romance might not be the real context.

Something tells me you only care for Hikaru and would turn on Lala and Mao the moment they interacted with someone else
To the one who wrote this post you were right about me, how did you know of my hidden intentions. I was definitely trying to play a similar tactic to Yagami light and Lelouch.

Darn screwed that up, sorry meant to look like this:

>Something tells me you only care for Hikaru and would turn on Lala and Mao the moment they interacted with someone else
To the one who wrote this post you were right about me, how did you know of my hidden intentions. I was definitely trying to play a similar tactic to Yagami light and Lelouch.

Finally finished an entire series.
Always watched a few episodes here and there growing up, never actually finished.

I'll take a bit of a break then go back and watch futari, and move from the start, wanted to finish smile first though because Miyuki is my Ultra Happy.

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Why is Lala playing golf?

No precure this week

Oh man stop it Hana's outfits turn me on the most. I wonder if Hana would let George do that sort of thing with her.

So, how much did you like Smile?

Honestly I'm liking Aguri a lot more than I did back when the show first aired. Maybe it's because I finally watched toradora.
god's work user

Attached: [Femme] DokiDoki! Precure - 24 [BD 720p Hi444PP AAC][A723DBEF].mkv_00_04_08_[2019_06_15].jpg (1280x720, 202K)

I rather liked it, but it might be situational as well, its the first real mahou shoujo i've watched in a long time, and the shitty dark magical girl memes have been wearing me down. It was nice to go back and get my fill of traditional happy ends and friendship.

Nice Shot!Precure

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i wish to be mana in that situation

I don't get it what is Aguri trying to do to Mana here? Also does Mana like what Aguri's doing? Should we call the FBI?

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she's trying to squeeze her love of sweets right into Mana's head

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That's how I felt about Aguri when I went back to Doki after I dropped it the first time. She's a lot more likable than I thought she could be.

Would the FBI cared if I raped myself as a precure?

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my favorite part was when the little ball reached the hole

is this /pc/ favorite cure?

Attached: Utaoekaki25-1140017885667926016-D9IoNPWU4AALmDM.jpg (2048x1466, 453K)

It was 7/10, I'll bump the score one up or down depending on the translation when based user comes through.

I dunno about /pc/ but this is mine

Attached: 7ebbd02b7d1f4d10769887e000fb64015437f935.jpg (947x850, 414K)

But that's not a cure, unless you mean that /pc/ doesn't have a collective favorite by that.

She's not even in my top five purple cures. I still like her though.

sure why not? my only reason was posting the image and i just wanted to add something, but i like how you think

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Because no StarPre this week desu

precure season, but they pilot mechas


I'd be okay with this.

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If you do something that's illegal where you live in a foreign jurisdiction where it's legal, you can still be tried for it back home.
So even if it's legal in space, it's still a crime on Earth.
at least Earth doesn't do any kind of extradition from space, and I'd totally just leave Earth if it meant being with Lala

What disciplines would you like to see represented in a Sports Precure season?
>track & field
>kendo (yawn)
>martial arts

Is Fuwaspace considered intergalactic waters?

I want a hockey cure
or really just a hockey anime in general would be nice

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Fuck I hate Negom so much I miss her on Twitter and reading her comments now. Errr now I want her to come back!

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Serves you well!

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I gotta say, seeing Chocolat's hat in the real world is really satisfying somehow.

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Post kigs from other series

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Akira in Kirakira was just okay, but her voice actress is a total cutie pie.

what happened with her twitter?

Fuck me, I'm really loving Fresh right now.

Attached: 1538174220391.webm (638x360, 1.15M)

She decided to delete it one day. She's only posting pictures on her pixiv account for now.

Attached: 75161701_p0.png (485x1345, 251K)

I see, I hope it's nothing serious like a stalker, I loved her cute devotion for Saaya and recently for Madoka.

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Not tellin'

Fresh is pretty solid. It's nowhere near the top of my list but maybe that's just different priorities or something. I feel like Fresh was carried hard, at least as far as what I enjoyed about it personally, by the midseason cure. They're pretty easily my favorite of the seasons I've seen so far.

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 16 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.35_[2019.04.30_21.50.40]. (1274x720, 35K)

Attached: ʌɐʍɐlɐl.gif (1006x658, 638K)

Apparently she laid down with a middle schooler and took the account down before the scandal went public

Attached: ǝʌɐM sƃuᴉlqᴉS s,ɐuǝlƎ.webm (586x418, 53K)

Cure Passion ruined Fresh for me, I dropped the show.


Attached: ʌɐʍnqᴉq.gif (400x720, 244K)

is this a joke, right? I can't see her going full ara~ ara~


Nao playing golf is cute.

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I started Fresh not liking it very much but fuck me am I having fun now, everything is peach perfect (pun intended). I think the turning point was the dog wig episode, it was just so absurd and fun at the same time, I was giggling throughout. And when it came to the feels, it also hit pretty hard. That was one heck of a manly episode.

Really loving Fresh right now.

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Fresh is still my favorite season.

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Fresh is pretty good, I'm around the halfway point, but I'm not really liking it as much as I thought I would. I mean I like it but it doesn't feel really amazing to me.

Attached: ʌɐʍoɐɯ.gif (800x450, 1.45M)

How is this even possible

The only thing I truly despise is Chiffon. But then again that is my usual reaction to the magic babbys.

Attached: 1548210697118.webm (638x360, 486K)
Is this the maximum autism of big friend?

I wish I was that middle schooler cosplay as Saaya right now.

I'm hard now, what do?

I didn't mind chiffon. I liked the concept at least. Kinda wish Miki was more of a character though, even in her focus episodes 95% of the time it feels like she's just "there."

Fresh is weird.
I enjoyed it plenty, but watching it itself didn't wow me.
But whenever i think of the show after finishing it i can't help but feel a strange sense of affection for it that i just don't have towards other series. It's weird, i liked it fine and it didn't blow me aways but something about it just stuck with me.

I'm ok with Chiffon, the only magic baby that I can't stand in Precure is Ai. I don't really hate anything in Fresh, I just would like Miki and Buki to get some more screen time. But I have that problem a lot in Precure.


I get why Chiffon is there, I understand the underlying psychology of having the little fucker around. I get the concept and I respect it. But he/she/it is one heck of an annoying babby, he's always causing fucking trouble and every Cure looks after the fucker like he was royalty. I just want to shovel him on the side of the head, lock him up and force the fucker to milk my Cure Vitan for a change.

About Miki, I get that. Even in her own episode, it all felt like going through the motions. It's really unfortunate because she has a lot of character, I know this is far from an isolated incident but I wish the sidecures got more love sometimes. Miki? More like Cure Berry underdeveloped.

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Apparently she laid down with a middle schooler
So was that gril using Saaya Mask?

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That ball slapping plus labored breathing is analogy to masturbation right?

God I hope so

I want to get into this expo, but I don't have any little girl. Any ideas?

Won't be surprised if this were actually true. I hope Itou Hachi learn well from this.

It was actually a middle schooler? I thought it was fellow manga artist. I remember the pics being posted here on Yea Forums and mods didn't delete them.

Homo Girls Precure

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Lemonedo is soaked on lemonade

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This dog looks sad

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/hoc/ get. out.

I miss reading about her itching womb, and that she started ovulating while thinking of Saaya again.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - Futari wa Precure - All-Stars Memories [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.18.08_[2019.0 (1280x720, 174K)

Ohh boy you'll sure love Chiffon later then. I hope you'll keep loving the season after that. In my opinion Fresh was near perfect and solid with it's execution, being the main focus the Love/Setsuna/Labyrith plot. Still I wanted mktn to have more screentime, like others anons said she's "just there" literally. Also both ED are top tier almost on par with BOOM BOOM I LOVE PRETTY GIRLS.
I know the plots had to tie together at the end but still the reveal felt contrived enough to not care. I guess I didn't liked Doki that much.


Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 08 [9CC3FA23].mkv-00012.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

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Yayoi is a closet slut and I like that.

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>erase the hand with controller
>it's now an image of a trap

closet slut yayoi is doing things to me

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Are the musical shows archived somewhere else, like a mega folder ? No seed on this torrent

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They never released a DVD/BR or CD for the 15th anniversary or Hugtto live concerts, did they?

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>Lala Acid Eaters

Holy shit!

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I am cum

It's missing Ms. Shamuru

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should cures wear scarves?

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there's only room for one smile mech in my heart

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I didn't have these ones! Thank you very much!

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There's something beautiful about melancholic Cures

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I miss Kotori.

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All things considered, precure are in the pretty low tiers of mahou shoujo aren't they, power wise at least.

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I don't know about that, Precure have always been defined by "as long as I don't give up, I literally cannot lose". The strong-willed ones can come back from anything and kill immortals, that's gotta put them decently high on a power scale.

>generic gundumb designs
Why can't /pcg/ into good mecha designs?

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But most of their power is rooted basically simply in purification magic. They have increased strength and agility, and their magic has some potential for better usage. But in terms of power scaling, they don't really have any abilities or magic that could compete with power houses like Sakura or the Sailor Senshi.

While precures keep coming back, its more of a factor of their villains just being sufferingfags as opposed to wanting to legitimately kill them.

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Depends on if you count final forms or not. Infinity Silhouette seems really strong.

Attached: 69081749_p0.png (1200x902, 1.52M)

Sakura and Sailor Moon are technically pretty cheat-level, sure, but that busted shit never actually comes out in ordinary episodes. Season finales are practically completely incomparable to regular episodes in magical girl shows -- even for Precure, where you get Cures who are punching out gods or kicking at big bang strength. I'm completely certain that whatever BS ability was thrown at Forever Lovely or Parthenon Heart or regular-ass Black and White, they'd power through it no matter how little sense it'd make. Time powers, erased from existence, whatever, who cares, eat a love beam.

I've never been the least bit troubled by Precure playing mostly in "low power levels" because cross-IP comparisons are rendered largely pointless by the fact that the only controls on it are that someone wrote it and it was published. There's no International Power Level Control Agency monitoring power scaling and blacklisting degenerate works or something.

At least Precure wears the arbitrary nature of its powers on its sleeve, the way is angling at. This is largely half a step away from saying "if it just has to serve the narrative properly", and fuck internally consistent, carefully worded rules that structure its system perfectly. The crowning moments have also generally been a bit less about "I just have to try/push/grunt harder!" and a bit more about coming to grips with what's truly important.

the ultimate strength of Precure is to reach the big bang of the universe.

I want to big bang a bunny

Attached: DO1GeS_VoAUGi0p.jpg (1333x2000, 316K)

Exactly, that's the kind of show it is. Or the kind of genre it is, really. Precure are as strong as they need to be, because the exact powerlevel involved isn't the point. The point is that they find that strength in themselves and in each other, even when it seems too hard physically or emotionally, because that's how they inspire little girls and boys to believe in themselves and give their all.

Cure Lovely is undefeatable.

Well obviously, but that's just the same copout as "whatever the writer wants XD"
You can still talk about what they've been shown to be able to do and compare power levels that way.

Needs more robot/android/cyborg procures.

But we had one last season

But why stop there? If the red Twinkle isn't the ship's AI, I'm going to cry a lot at someone! Justice for Ai-chan!

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I never understood power level wankery but then again that's probably just because it always makes me think of those card games based on pre-existing IPs where the strongest cards are always random characters nobody gave a shit about instead of the MC because the designers were too busy trying to make the MC super cool and didn't bother playtesting the pack fodder properly.

Then if you must, put them in whatever tier you put "my powerlevel is your powerlevel +1" characters like Arcueid or the Antispiral. The only thing Precure have ever consistently demonstrated onscreen is that they can handle any level of foe, but even weak foes take effort.

What kind of pink would you like to have in Precure? I would like a shy pink around ten years old with older Cure teammates.

well they can't defeat death lol

Attached: mis.jpg (162x134, 7K)

delinquent with a heart of gold


Some people just need to know who's winning and by how much, even if it's not a competition.

Shy Cures are great.

That's a cute idea, more young Cures would be nice to see.

I'd like a smart Pink, it's been way too long. Not a student council type or a science type, just an ordinary person who's not an idiot. In terms of personality, it'd be nice if she were a bit reserved, because again, it feels like all we've had lately are super hyper Pinks. It'd be nice if she were cool and handsome, too.
Someone like that could really elevate a show, way more than a dumb hyperactive Pink with no friends would.

Attached: Ideal Pink.png (566x800, 666K)

A height gap cure would be nice.Like,most cures on her team are stantard asian 150-160cm at most,meanwhile she's an absolute goliath ranking in at ~190cm.She's also pretty busty due to entering puberty early but has no ass.


Attached: 1406580776382.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

I could go for someone like Riko who's smart but awkward with a bit of a chip on her shoulder. She'd have a lot of room to grow but she'd still need a little something more to be a good pink.

Attached: [Imagination Station] Maho Girls Precure 02 [739818E9].mkv_snapshot_03.47_[2016.06.23_18.31.41].jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Tallflat is a dumb meme,but we can compromise and make her a b-cup with some ass.

>just an ordinary person
I like everything about your post except this part. I prefer pinks to be weird and bazaar, ordinary or normal is just too boring for me.

Clearly Ayumi needs her own season. She's about as dull normal as they come.

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Its just for fun.
Friendly competition is a good thing as long as you know when to set aside your differences and work together.

So you want a pink like Madoka then?

Riko would already make a great pink, if I were to add anything to her it might just be a hobby. She needs something relatable that she can excel in without taking away from her struggles with plot-relevant stuff (social and magical).

I would adore that, yes.

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I like to think Forever Lovely is one of the few who wouldn't be phased by any treat, her "powerlevel" seems to be ridiculously high, and her power income is literally unlimited. Dunno if time magic works on her because she'd be able to beam'd the target before casting the spell.

Huh, I feel like an idiot. I though that Cure Pine stood for pinecone but it's actually pineapple.

I loved the hospital episodes, the Cures are all wonderful.

Attached: 1532752422396.jpg (1274x720, 918K)

At this point I'm more inclined to believe that E1 is the red cure than anything. Her ep 27~32 mini arc will be heart wrecking.

Whoops, forgot to remove the picture. I was going to make a comment on how purples make great pinks, but I erased it when I thought about the stupid cat woman.

You didn't notice the fruit theme? Or did you just think it was plants in general?

Attached: 32936014_p1.jpg (842x595, 151K)

I thought it stood for pine trees. That had me confused so much on how she fit in.

me too dude. top quality loli.

Attached: 29309041_p1.jpg (750x750, 177K)

It happens to be honest. And that episode was sweet. I wanted them to transform in front of the girl to make it extra special but still was a sweet scene.

I'm an idiot, user. I'd be the baka pink if I was a Cure.

Chiffon wasn't a total cunt this episode.

Attached: 1549196253685.jpg (1274x720, 413K)

>stupid cat woman
Yukari? If she was younger and the show was about her learning to be a more balanced person I think it would work pretty well. But yeah as she is she wouldn't fit at all.

I know Cure Macaron also has cat ears but Cure Cosmo's are genuine so idk why but I'm pretty excited, I hope they are very sensitive and Hikaru will play with them out of curiosity and interest.

I already got everything I wanted.

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Hyper-Confident but still not without a dorky side, someone like Love basically.

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I want a pink who comes from the bad parts of town. Like, pink from the ghetto raised by single mom and her friends (before she become precure) are all in the gang. Also, in addition to having to fight magical monsters, she also grapple with all the problems of being seen in contempt by society.

I still think cure white has the cutest design, desu.

I want an alpha dyke pink that seduces the other girls into becoming precure.

TERF pink

Something about it still feels nice and smooth, very elegant, very kirei.

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>pink from the ghetto raised by single mom and her friends (before she become precure) are all in the gang.
the name cure black is already taken

I want a pink who is terminally ill and strive to become the best pink ever because she might be dead tomorrow.

White's good but I think Passion and Black are my favorite designs

Teammate Extremely Radical Friendship?

Totally Erotic Raunchy Female?

Let's face it next year's pink will be completely woke.


I want to fuck a magical girl.

You meant previous year's pink was.

>tfw will never be a magical girl
>even if you became a magical girl you'd still ruin all your friendships and none of the other girls would want to be your friend
What's the point of even living anymore?

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I love Blossom's design. To me it's the perfect Precure design.

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>even if you became a magical girl you'd still ruin all your friendships and none of the other girls would want to be your friend
So you become a dark magical girl instead?

I want a sleepy cure. One who always wants to take a nap. The fights could happen inside people's dreams.

>Everything was just a dream the whole time
please no.

You're not a girl to begin with, so you can't even become a magical girl even in a world where magical girls are real.

I'm a metafictional magical girl who goes insane after not getting focus episodes.


>I want a sleepy cure. One who always wants to take a nap
Lets call Toei

Please die already, thread-chan. I want to post more pics!

>Error: Max limit of 250 image replies has been reached.
I honestly don't remember the last time it happened

we had /m/ posting this thread, and you know how /m/ gets.

Well that Hikaruspam came to bite us in the ass

No it all wouldn't be a dream, the fights would just take place in dreams. Think Heartcatch except the bad guys put the victims to sleep and the cures have to journey inside their dreams to save the day. Or something like that.

SHIawase getto dayo
Atashi knpk
WAtashi, shinjiteru
SEiippai ganbaru wa


What the FUCK!

It's kinda annoying, I wanted to post the part from the musical that made me realize the catchphrase craziness. It's the part where they sing that song that has all their catchphrases as lyrics and they all hold up the coins that spell out "happiness". Went to all that trouble of stitching the four screenshots and then bam, image limit.

It was the good kind of /m/ posting though: /mpc/ posting.

More the shitty mechacure spam.

It's not like your work has gone to waste, friend. You can still post it in the next thread.

It's cherrypicking segments placed in very different parts of their corresponding lines, but sure, it's fun that they bothered to stuff that in. It's not so mindblowing to deserve being called crazyiness by any means, more just a cute easter egg.

But it's all the first letter of their catchphrases, how is that cherrypicking? The song lyrics aren't what's cool about it, it's the catchphrases themselves.

When do I watch the Maho movie? After the show?

Same as always, once they start advertising it in the OP. So, late thirties.

Right, fair enough. I guess Bukki and Setsuna's catchphrases never quite sunk in for me, it sounds like just another thing they'd say.



I still haven't made it to Cure Passion but what is Buki's catchphrase. I know Rabu's is the GET thing and Miki is the "perfect" shtick.

People keep saying it's the true finale though

>A height gap cure would be nice
For some reason I can only picture her as a quiet, aloof purple with an insecurity about her looks. She'd probably have a mini arc about accepting her abnormal height.

It's not. It's a good standalone story and is fine to watch anywhere past the endpoint, though. I'd actually recommend watching it before finishing the series, though.

People don't say that about the Maho movie, they say that about episode 49. But I disagree with that, episode 50 is great.

anywhere past the *midpoint

We call those people communists.

Watch it at the end so you no longer have a disappointing show to continue.

oo shots fired