JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

So out of the 10, which do you think is the best OP?

Personally, I'd say 4 > 5 > 3 > 9 > 2 > 1 > 7&8 > 6 > 10

What do y'all think?

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Other urls found in this thread:

10 >>>>>>> the rest

thanks hipster

GREAT: CNBT, Chase, Traitors' Requiem, Sono Chi no Sadame
SHIT: Bloody Stream
MEH: The rest

I just finished part 6 and that was a really unsatisfying ending, what the fuck were they thinking?

i thought it was pretty good

1. Sono Chi no Sadame
2. Fighting Gold
3. Great days
4. Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
5. Bloody Stream
It was a "happy ending"



I really dislike when stories kill everyone off and reincarnate them. It feels like a cop out because they wrote the villain to be too strong and couldn't figure out how to beat them.


he was defeated though, by the coolest stand

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Generally I understand, but not only did they not help at all (the ending wouldn't really change if they didn't reincarnate), the reincarnation isn't just cheaply undoing their deaths either.

Traitor's Requiem has really grown on me.

That "HELL NO!" gives me life every week.


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As an unemployed faggot, I'm pretty much just living for new JoJo episodes

what does Araki have against tom ford?

What if he noticed he still had a dick? haha wouldn't that be hilarious

Bloody stream > fighting gold > Great Days > everything else. Last place would be CNBT. I don't like those vocals

correct me if im wrong but
>mista touched her cunt then sniffed her fingers

What if he took off Trish's boot and started sniffing her feet haha

Kill yourself

>It's a Villain Manipulates the Intro episode

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Stealing that one

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Actually pretty based, but I would put 2 and 9 at the bottom. Coda is terrible.

So we can all agree that even he didn't deserve his "fate" right?

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Nobody deserves Diavolo's fate.
If Diavolo died once for every death he caused in his life, then that would be fair, but infinite deaths is excessive, even if he was the worst person in the world.

So how many episodes until narancia dies in the anime?

Do you think he has been liberated through Pucci's stand?

Bloody Stream
Traitor's Reqiem (Especially after that edit)
Sono Chi no Sadame
Great Days
Fighting Gold
Stand Proud
End of the World
Chase (After looking up lyrics)
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
Chase (Before knowing lyrics)

I'm kind of retarded

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>post yfw Diavolo somehow escaped the death loop as a result of Pucci's shenanigans and appears in part 9 (aka part5 2) again, but much more paranoid and damaged from the endless seeming death loop

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He was beaten. Heaven was not achieved. The main cast(except emperio) sacrificed their lives to make sure of that

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Araki isn't kino enough to pull that off.

>mfw after hundreds of deaths Diavolo decided to try to find inner peace and to ignore his deaths so he becomes some enlightened monk

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Traitor’s requiem is just a spoilerfest. Automatically bad OP

>t. animeonly scum

i feel like it could be next week

none of them are bad but
sono>CNBT>bloody=great days>fighting gold>traitors=stand proud>chase>end of the world

What? Aren't there only 9 openings?

Diavolo interrupting the opening was really underwhelming
Between this and him literally telling time to resume in the last episode, it just feels like they gave up trying to make King Crimson feel unique and now he's just The World 2.0

retards think great days bites the dust is a new opponent even though it's the same song ran through a video editor

It's David's way of telling animeonlys to read the fucking manga so I have no problems with it and it's objectively based

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Eh it wasn't the best but I feel like they still have something up their sleeve. Still cooler than The World OP.

Is it ever explained how Bucciarati's soul continued to inhabit his corpse?

I can't remember

what was your reaction when Diaboro hijacked the op ?

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I wonder what music or quote they might insert for Stone Ocean...or Steel ball run?

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>Bruno speaking with Diavolo's voice next episode

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God tier: Great Days (bites the dust)
Great tier: Bloody Stream, CNBT, Traitor's Requiem, Sono chi no kioku
Good tier: Sono chi no Sadame, Stand Proud
Bottom tier: Chase, Fighting Gold

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>Fighting Gold
I honestly completely forgot that Traitor's Requiem wasn't the only Part 5 opening until reading this post

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>Why is he speaking italian?
>Oh, right.

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it was hard to put KC's ability in the op, but yeah it was underwhelming. at least DIO's time stop was surprising the first time, Kira's op is kino

Here's how I would do it
>skip a few segments and alter characters to look confused
>do the Diavolo thing they actually did do (minus the dumb soliloquy), but he avoids GE's attack instead of the OP playing as it normally does after the new scene
>in the GER episode, when Diavolo avoids the attack, GER activates and strikes him down

Also I probably wouldn't have introduced the KC opening on an episode entirely focused on Chariot Requiem

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When will we get an OP that incorporates sissy hypno?

This episode's sucked. Where the fuck went last episode's amazing atmosphere? Requiem SC looks bland as fuck now.

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I want a loop gif of this part so it looks like Trish its masturbating.

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They're gonna use this for the Hollywood adaptation.

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not, but from the fame i posted so you can see her entirely. It would make an amazing reaction pic.


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>really gets in there and cups the entire thing
Why Mista

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Dont tell me you wouldnt.

I hope he gets fired from Passione for sexual harassment.

unless Abacchio sues him for appropriating his lipstick

Is that what diavolo sounds like in his native tongue?

He's italian, what did you expect ?

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What did he mean by this?

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CNBT > sono chi no sadame > traitors requiem >the rest

>when the doujin plot gets really interesting

Kind of disappointed desu. Was expecting more than just Dio's interrupt 2.0. Then again, the way it's set up seems to imply a GER interrupt later, and if that happens the KC interrupt will retroactively become pure kino.

Why was Diavolo/Bruno outside the Colosseum, let alone so far away from it that he's running towards it?

Someone said that the Italian in the opening is more standard Italian, while Diavolo is supposed to have a Sardinian accent.

Being older than Giorno is the only bit of authority Narancia has had in his whole life.

Polnareff's exposition didn't feel that long in the manga. That was like half the episode.


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This gave me PTSD from reminding me more of DO NOT AVERT YOUR GAZE

I always heard that too but no one ever mentions it

thanks doc

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>tfw it's almost inevitable with part 5's success that Araki will give in to fanservice and bring it back in the alternate universe

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You’re not actually deluded enough to believe that, right?

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Araki is a notorious sellout

Since when?

Since SBR went monthly

Name an example that isnt avdul

How successful has Part 5 been? I've heard conflicting conclusions.

Every mangaka is

Going monthly has drastically improved every aspect of the series.

If he ever finishes part 8

That was the best career decision he ever made

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>it's a mind swap episode

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>it's a mind swap episode

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Except for maybe Legato Bluesummers

>Giorno, Diavolo and Coco Jumbo with Polnareff soul inside shows up in part 9

i’m cum

Yes... but I’m impatient and binge a lot

You are cum?

1.great days
2.sono chi no kioki
3.traitors requiem
4.crazy noisy bizarre town
5.bloody stream
all others are about the same in ranking for me but theyre all still really good

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Final episode opening. Requiem interrupts the Diavolo interrupt. Yes or no?

Based End of the World chad

Fighting Gold > Bloody Stream > Stand Proud > Chase > everything else

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>VAs have to act like each others characters
Based davidpro for going with this instead of just swapping the voices. I love this shit.

I like Bloody Stream and fighting gold. The rest are on the same level, except chase and stand proud.

Based underage user

>expected creepy SCR atmosphere
>ended up with a boner

Can't complain tho

Honestly I’m genuinely impressed at how well the VA’s managed to copy the speech style of another character, especially Mista in not only trying to sound like a girl, but sounding like Trish.

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They handled it perfectly. Swapping voices would have made it obvious there was a swap from the beginning.

i love the "huh?" that giorno does but in narancia's style. (at around 5:30 in the episode, after 'trish' asks what he's talking about)

he did narancia's 'huh?' so perfectly

I honestly thought they replaced Giorno's VA at first cause he sounded funny. It was a good job.

Giorno's VA did such a good job copying Narancia that I almost thought it was Narancia's VA copying Giorno.

understandable have a good day

>that music
>that voice
>the animation

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I wouldn't say NOBODY deserves that fate. I think Cioccolatta does or even Dio. Diavolo is still worse than every other Jojo villain (except Dio) because he brutally mutilated a child and left him for dead showing no remorse (Kira killed a child but he didn't slit open his wrists, drink his blood, and sow his mouth shut so I think we can say he's not quite as bad). That being said I think Diavolo's fate isn't as bad as Kars's. At least Diavolo gets a change of scenery.

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Are they going to add GER to the opening?

I'd say the only one who deserved a fate like that is Pucci, since he's the only villain that actively tried to fuck over literally everyone on earth to achieve his goals.

Pucci did what he did thinking it was for the good of everyone.

>mfw they added King Crimson's POV of time skip in the OP
>also when they added Chariot reqiuem to the ED

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Does Diavolo use Sardinian phrases in the Italian translation? Cause that would be KINO

To some degree, but it was also 90% him projecting his guilt over what he did to everyone on earth, he basically just didn't want to accept responsibility for the actions he took in the past.

As it is, even if he had 'good intentions' it's a horrifying thing to do and probably DOES deserve to be punished by an infinite death loop, or at least, a reasonably long death loop.

> yfw next ep will probably end on Narancia getting fenced

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I mean of the manga

Pucci was trying to help everyone.
He was delusional and was causing harm instead of good, but that doesn't mean he deserves infinite death.
He only deserves to die once so he can never harm anyone again.

That's like 2 chapters. No way it would be that short. Though I can't think of a good stopping point within the next few chapters.

Maybe ending on Giorno putting flowers around Narancia's body instead? Though I guess that's still pretty short.

that was the best part of the episode

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Just saying, despite his intentions, his actions were still 90% selfishly based and still horrific in scope, and he still deserves punishment for that.

Yeah but when you kill the whole world it's just a statistic but when you kill someone with your bare hands (especially when you do stuff as fucked as what Diavolo did) I feel like you're a worse person. Plus Pucci was attempting to better the world while Diavolo was selfishly trying to cling onto his own life.

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the expressions this ep were great

Favourites: Great Days, Fighting Gold, Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town

Good Enough: Traitor's Requiem, end of the WORLD, Stand Proud, Sono Chi No Sadame

Not very fond to them: Bloody Stream, Chase

It'll probably end with Doppio dying

>No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them.
>All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
>Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
>Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished.

I cummed

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You can see he's got the Diavolo eyes

Kind of sucks that they gave it away in the manga by having Trish see KC for a second, hope they leave it out in the anime.

Doppio is inside Buccirati
The boss is inside some random civilian

Why they gotta make Diavolo so fem

I don't think that was hinting at that. Trish saw KC because he was in one of the bodies and they were all clustered together. That's why later they spread out.

They didn't

> the boss is inside some random civilian

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They should've made Diavolo the Giovanni-esque design that was hinted at

Fuck how long was this here?

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It at least made me highly suspect it when I first read the manga, when it got to the point where everyone was suspicious I figured it had to be Trish because she saw it first.

Great Days is best, no question.

But no one is left. Unless there was some bug around

From the start you dink.

Emporio is sad because his friends are all dead, even though he should be happy since they all have better lives in the ireneverse, I think it's a great ending


They had better lives but effectively the people they WERE are now dead since they don’t have any memories of their past lives. Even if they were the same souls I get being sad that the people you knew were only there in spirit.

damn i thought my thread was dead, come back a few hours later and 150+ replies

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No, there are people that deserve that fate
people that skip parts
Just listen to those strings. Beautiful.

>Diavolo skips parts of life
>that's why he deserves the ultimate punishment

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Golden wind's op sounds generic as fuck and doesn't even fit with the theme


There wouldn't be enough souls.
Diavolo and Doppio sharing a body means that the number of souls is always 1 more than the number of bodies.
Which means that either 2 people are in 1 body somewhere, or a soul just disappeared into the void.

bruh moment

Jojo is all about fate and destiny, Diavolo literally is the anti-jojo.

No one said you can’t possess stands

For part 6 they're obviously gonna have time speed up, or everyone but pucci is really slow
Don't know what they'll do for part 7
I think part of the reason it's not done as well for part 5 is we already knew about the power

in all honesty chase is prob one of the best ops

when's the preview for jjl?

What’s been going on in Part 8? Does it have a central antagonist yet?

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It wasn't.
It's another edit and there wil be blood in NArancia in the next episodes

>Don't know what they'll do for part 7
Valentine comes in at the beginning of the OP, brings in a second, different OP, and the two play back and forth, slowly overlapping until they're playing on top of each other and then the footage breaks entirely

genuinely made the rather boring Requiem Plays Quietly stuff a lot more entertaining. One advantage of animation I guess

That would be a better reason for SC going berserk

Great Days is definitely my favorite OP.

Second would be the current OP, Reqiuemo or whatever it's called.

What's the best OP? The answer is obviously modern crusaders right?

do you mean ed

Hard to beat Roundabout for me. Both genuinely as a good ending and for the meme factor.

>5 better than 7
pathetic taste

It's a shame they didn't continue the idea of playing part of the ED song over the end of the episode and coinciding with the To Be Continued screen

That was a genuine stroke of genius and really amplified the identity of the show

yeah, my bad.

>wanting everyone to see the future is a horrible thing



Do you not pause stuff when you go to the bathroom? It's not like it's airing on TV.

That's why I say I'm a retard.

It would only work for roundabout and last train home, the others start too soon too loudly

And I am taken to a place
Where your crystal mind
And magenta feelings take up shelter
In the base of my spine
Sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola

If you had sex with Trish while Mista's soul was in her body, would that be gay?

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Is josuke illegetimate children?

Seeing Diavolo interrupt the OP really made this season for me. 10/10

I've always wanted to have gay sex with a vagina

Yeah, he's a bastard.

i'm waiting for the final episode where giorno interrupts it

Why do Kujo men love white women so much? Is this just a Joestar thing? Is Josuke gonna end up with a white women? It's still kind of weird to think Josuke is half japanese half british.

you're visiting the Colosseum in Rome with your teenage italian friends when suddenly a turtle climbs up onto a pillar and tells you he's actually a Frenchman

what do you do

>tfw Diavolo finds peace within himself after those infinite deaths and his two personalities merge into one superior being

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No, logic dictates that it's only gay if the balls touch. Trish's body does not have testicles, therefore it is not gay.

it's intentionally unsatisfactory user, the Joestars lost. araki originally planned to be done with them (and jojo as a whole) so the unsatisfying ending was a real kick in the teeth to people who thought dio was long since the loser and that nothing could stop the powerhouse of jotaro. part 6 isn't my favorite part but i really respect the ending and think it's totally intentional to come out feeling bad.

>the Joestars lost
Emporio inherited the will of the Joestars and killed Pucci.

>the Joestars lost
Pucci had two goals: achieve heaven and end the Joestar bloodline.
He accomplished neither.

If you aren't listening to this after finishing a reading sesh of Steel Ball Run what are you doing with yourself?

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I think josefumi is full Japanese

And you know they have to play roundabout after the last episode

yes and no, the dubbing was surely made by an Italian boy (between 20 and 30), but it seamed a bit forced and definitely not enough deep.
Diavolo is man of culture and a man of the world, so it's lack of sardinian accent was legitimate.
Nope. For an Italian it would be hilarious following a main villain who speaks sardinian.

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Are you sure you didn't skip part of the opening?

Guess the year the anime adaption if 7 is

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What's the English equivalent of a sardinian accent? Like, deep American south?

I'm sorry but some of us have lives and can't read like 8 10k page mangas and watching one episode every week is good enough


According to the files I downloaded, parts 5 and 6 are only 1500 pages. Part 7 is much more, and part 8 is already approaching part 7 length

When Steel Ball Run gets an anime adaptation it's going to receive a STANDING OVATION. Screencap my words. STANDING OVATION

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SBR is overrated.


Reading the manga is absolutely faster you idiot

Part 9 is about Doppio Higashikata

>They'll never animate Part #!
etc etc

Even if they do, enjoy your CGI horses.

Like the cg stands?

The comparison is impossible because it's too unique, and it's not just an accent, but almost an entire separate language from Italian.
>It can be said that Sardinian has no relationship whatsoever with any dialect of mainland Italy; it is an archaic Romance speech with its own distinctive characteristics, showing a very original vocabulary in addition to morphology and syntax rather different from the Italian dialects
That's because Sardinia is the most isolated place of Italy. So it's fair to say that's a bit like the Highland English:

Part 6 is an overall mess full of dissapointments. Dragon's Dream was so boring it still haunts me.

Yes, just like Aerosmith.

Thank you! That's really fascinating.

>part 5 is shit
Why did you all lie to me for years?

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>Listening to Yea Forums
That's your big mistake in the first place

Yea Forums is always in full contrarian mode.

Sleeping slaves one episode or two?

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They COULD fit it into one, but I figure they might try to go for two and then put in a decently sized epilogue into the last episode.

I miss Freekin' You
What did nips think about it?

Probably one. We still need to cover what's left of the requiem, Diavolo emerges and GER before Sleeping Slaves and we only have 5 episodes left.

To be fair the bad scans killed part 5 for a lot of the western audience.

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Haven't read the manga in a while, but why WERE Giorno's hands bleeding after he woke up during the SCR chapters? I can't really remember.

Next episode will likely end with Doppio's death

The will very like expand on Narancia's death to make it more sad and tragic

>It was his last day before retirement too

It'll probably be the same as Abbacchio's they'll linger on it for a bit longer, but there's stuff going on so they can't exactly spend too much time expanding it.

DP should easily able to finish GW in 5 episodes and give an extended epilogue

Can any other anime part compete with 5 at this point?

>only have to endure one more part

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I am going to guess GW's anime only epilogue is going to take up half an episode

I'd fuck Diavolo.

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That would be better than what we got, at least.

I just want to see A) what happened to Trish B) Did Pol meet back up with/contact Jotaro C) MAYBE Fugo reconciling with Giorno/Mista D) MAYBE some kind of short mourning/funeral scene for the other team mates ((where C could also take place)) E) Maybe some stuff of Giorno Mista doing gang shit, could even be just a few stills.

Yeah i am thinking the final episode in it's first half will be the final bits of Sleeping Slaves and then we get the anime only epilogue. I don't think it's going to take up the entire episode but i expect a lot better then what we got in the manga

I mean they gave one to part 4, and 5 needs one a hell of a lot more, so I have reasonable hopes that they'll try add to the ending.

Not with that concave midsection. It's like an alien parasite ate his abs.

Nice to see that the markings on his arms are tattoos. But why get tattoos if you're all about hiding your identity?

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>he doesn't know about vacuum poses

Crazy people all seem to end up incredibly skinny or massively obese.

I bet my ass that the same thing will happen to part 6.

>But why get tattoos if you're all about hiding your identity?
He kills anyone who saw him, and they are normally under a suit anyway.

All right so let me get this straight, Johnny and Gyro enter the cursed land where a meteorite apparently fell. It "curses" whomever walks in to this land with stand powers. It also happened to have the left arm of Jesus Christ which fused in to Johnny's arm without him noticing. The arm is what allows Johnny the use of spinning his nails. The nails are incredibly tough and can slice and dice almost anything. He names this ability "tusk". Not only does Johnny get the tusk ability he gains a stand that looks like a weird fairy thing that speaks to him in ancient Latin. It grants him even more nail spinning powers and allows him to move his legs a bit. But why can other characters have stand powers without the need of the corpse parts? And did Jesus come to America on a fucking meteorite? Or was he the fucking meteorite?

How can people compare this to Part just because of stand battles? Part 3 WAS NOT ALL THIS KINDS OF FUCK

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All parts are good

Good point. Would be fun to see the scene in the basement with an uncensored Boss.

Sardinian sounds really weird to us italians cause it's a different language, not a dialect.
Basically every sardinian person (save for some really old dudes) also know italian though, so I'd say that Diavolo would speak italian with a sardinian accent.

Now the problem with that is really simple, Sardinian accents sound really silly to us.
The closest thing I can think of to compare it to english would be some weird form of Scottish or Highland english.
It would sound kind of goofy if your main villain had a thick weird accent wouldn't it? That's why they chose standard italian.

Also, now that I think about it, it would make sense for the boss to mask his accent as much as possible because it would be a lead to his identity.

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Thanks for the insight user.

>? And did Jesus come to America on a fucking meteorite? Or was he the fucking meteorite?
No, he just came to America. It's been a while since I read SBR, but I'm pretty sure it was just Jesus's bodyparts and not the meteor that gave people stands. Also, just like in previous parts, you can get a stand from a mcguffin, but it's not the only way to get one, and some people just awaken them on their own. Also, Tusk is the stand, not the nail shooting ability.

No problem, this anime really loves my language and country, so I'm happy to talk about it.
I also lost my shit when I heard it in the OP.
It could be better, sounded kind of basic, but fuck man, so good.

nope. they even introduced a new villain in the last chapter

tusk is the stand

and stands can be granted by corpse parts and even be relatedto possessing a corpse part but having a corpse part is not a requirement to have a stand


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It's had an antagonist for 50 chapters.

2022 - 2023

Funny you mention it, Willy in the italian translation has a Sardinian accent because it strangely fits.

There are some Sardinians who are really fucking salty about us "continentals" so some of them want an indipendent sardinia, not unlike scotland.

Well, if you read the manga, you'd already know that NARANCIA DIES JOLYNE DIES JOTARO DIES EVERYONE FUCKING DIES GYRO DIES

When I heard the voiceover was in Italian I was really surprised

They will stop with Joline

I like how it's like a reverse of the usual. Instead of a new version for the stand being activated, in part 5 KC was always being used in the OP and now we just see it from Diavolo's perspective. The only part that was a little iffy for me was the Italian, which is understandable, but I liked the rest. Especially if they change the OP again for GER.

I'm going to hope you mean "everyone in the gang except Emporio fucking dies", or else I'm going to have to call you a retard for misinterpreting part six's ending.
Also Johnny dies 10 years after SBR fag.

non mi dire...

Foo Fighters dies, Norisuke dies...

Did animeonlies get baited into thinking SCR was Purple Haze? The smoke and back silhouette really seemed like they were trying to produce that effect.

>"everyone in the gang except Emporio fucking dies"
That's what I meant, yes
>Also Johnny dies 10 years after SBR fag.
Eh, he'd be dead by the time JJL happens anyway, and it's handled in a very matter of fact way too.

my gf is anime only and I don't think that thought ever crossed her mind. She didn't say anything at least. I think it's kind of obvious that it's a different form of Silver Chariot

Oh senti, io come faccio a sapere che sei un pastapizza anche te se scrivi in inglese.
Adesso anche gli altri sanno di Willie sardo, meglio così.

>Norisuke dies
Hey now, we don't know for sure yet.


Che poi se anche tutta la gang parlasse napoletano sarebbe un cristo di disastro, meglio avere l'italiano standard.

do we really though?

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Eh, I just can't see Tsurugi being so cold to his granddad. Something deeper has to be going on.

This is at least a comforting thought for Diavolo and Kars, that even the universe itself ends one day. Nothing is forever.

No vabbè, se li facessero parlare in dialetto, o anche solo con l'accento la butterebbero proprio di fuori completamente, al livello di uno dei ridoppiaggi di paolo chiavator.

Musically speaking traitors requiem grew on me for the prog rock vibe it has but God damn the dynamic sounds too fucking flat, so it's Great Days

rare photo of Doppio quickly turning into Diavolo

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i skipped it and didn't notice

Does last train home count?

I just want to say that I knew the turtle speaking with an audible voice would be hilarious and it was beautiful.

Someone could post that pic with a trannie looking like diavolo?

They'll stop with Jolyne, I don't want Part 7 to get animated if it's fucking Toei quality because of the length

Pastaboo here. I absolutely love how much italian DP is putting into this part. Every written text is in italian, they added italian to some lines, and now this fucking OP. I'm really glad they made the setting integral so integral to the part. That was something that the manga lacked a bit. Also will we get two deaths next ep? They don't have the balls to pull it off, right?

I want part 7 animated if it means fixing the glaring writing issues and trimming the ending.

Hopefully by the time DP gets to it they'll be more confident and bold with their changes.

Ending in on Narancia is a bit short, so I'm guessing we'll get Doppio too.

This, 7 is just too much work, horses out the wazoo, more detailed art, long runtime, I really just don't think DP would consider it worthwhile money-wise.

Narancia dies in Requiem 5 and Doppio dies in Requiem 6. I'm wondering if they'll just adapt 3 chapters for a slow paced sad episode and then go back to normal pace.

>This, 7 is just too much work, horses out the wazoo, more detailed art, long runtime, I really just don't think DP would consider it worthwhile money-wise.

You're acting like jojo isn't the cashcow for DP and their only successful series

The show doesn't have that much free space left to go THAT slow paced, they'll definitely get Narancia and Doppio done by the next episode.

Still not enough to make 7 viable, would just take way too long to make/be too labour intensive.

>they believe Johnny's actually dead

>implying it'll ever be adapted
It's gonna end at Stone Ocean.

Did DP fuck up by having Polnareff take away the arrow and have chariot change back, only for him to not have the arrow when he ran into diavolo? What was that about?

What do you mean? He had the arrow at the Colosseum

Why does everyone think animating a horse race is some kind of Herculean feat

Chariot Requiem isn't holding the arrow at first. Diavolo had it and then dropped it down the stairs without noticing.
Then in the flashback, Polnareff nabs the arrow from Chariot Requiem and that instantly changes it back to normal Chariot.
So how does Chariot Requiem walk around the Colosseum without the arrow at first?

The monologue is all about Tsurugi growing colder. Something is going on and I'm not saying he killed Norisuke directly, but it's still not a good turn of events for him.

Attached: Tsk tsk.webm (1280x720, 337K)

I mean when Polnareff first discovered Requiem, he took the arrow from chariot and it changed him back, but when Requiem shows up in the present, he doesnt have the arrow, it doesnt make any sense to me

Considering how many breaks they've taken with VA I don't see how it'd be too labor intensive. They can even split it into 2 seasons like with SC. They may take a longer break after SO, but they'll 100% animate SBR.

Polnareff says Requiem is now out of control and divorced from him.

He was only pinched by the arrow earlier and full on stabbed by it later. More juice to run on

For me, it's Joseph

Horses are at the very least difficult to animate, and if theyre around during the entirety of the part its just a lot of added difficulty.

You think that's a mindfuck, just wait until you get a bit further in. Jesus' name in Hebrew would be translated as Yeshua Ben Yosef.

The full, proper English translation of his original name is JOshua, Son of JOseph.

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I was under the impression that the arrow gives you an ability that you need in the moment that you stab your stand with, hence Silver Chariot's body swap and Killer Queen Bites the Dust and GER.

But seeing that chariot already had the go to sleep ability and body swap back then, I don't really know what to think of it.
Since fate is also a thing, it might be possible that Silver Chariot had already used the ability that would be needed at a different time.

Or is it only that stands have a requiem ability that lays locked until stabbed?
Then why are GER and SCR new powers so unrelated to their old ones while bites the dust has still something to do with it?

Should I just "Araki forgot" this and stop thinking about it?

Someone pointed out that Araki is probably still using the 'alien virus' explanation here, and that Jesus corpse is infected with it.

They're difficult to just draw, even.

>4 rows
>4 columns

Still, even if we assume Tsurugi is just one cold, calculating prick who only cares about the rock disease, Norisuke's told him numerous times that he'll deal with it when the time comes. Even if Jobin promises Tsurugi safety, it just doesn't seem in character for him to off his only other option if the Rokakaka doesn't pan out. He's a smart kid after all.
My bet is Jobin had to incapacitate him for whatever reason, and Tsurugi's left to deal with the mess. Fuck if I know where this is going though.
Looks like part 9 is about the bizarre adventures of Jesus Christ, the first JoJo and the original stand user.

Kira pierced himself to gain Bites the Dust, so it's a different process from Requiem

As for Requiem, since Araki doesn't really explain it and it never appears ever again
Don't worry about it

Post yfw FIGHTING GOOOOLD for Sleeping Slaves

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That's gay.

>zefo kujo

Because Chariot was directly stabbed by the arrow this time.

>Jesus' Bizarre Adventure
Can't wait for [JUDAS PRIEST]

Bites the dust was caused by a normal arrow, SCR and GER were caused by the beetle arrow, requiems as far as we know can only occur with the beetle arrow.

Kind of like the stone mask vs the stone mask with the stone of aja in it.

I heard the last episode was even more disappointing than the last one. My expectations are low.

> I heard
Why don’t you form your own opinions?

Great pic but this ruffled my autism

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serves you right for not making your own opinion

It's been there from the start, go check retard

That guy is not actually new. He's the same guy who got beat when josuke set snakes after him or some shit, the stand user who can posses you only by cutting you and manipulating you above the floor youre on, like a puppet.

But that's not a horse with no name.


I want to fuck Trish (Mista)

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"Non raggiungerai mai la verità." when?


top jej moment right here

>tfw stinky fingernails

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That's why it's so good.
It makes you realise people are defined by their life, and not their supposed "soul"

end of next week

Poor Mista, he was the only one of the group hitting on her too

Anime only girl here.

Here is my understanding of what happened and what will happen next episode.

>Giorno and Narancia, Mista and Trish, Turtle and Jean Pierre swapped souls.
>Since Diablo has two souls, Doppio's soul went into Bruno's, which is why Trish didn't recognize it.
>The turtle died instead of Polnareff inside his body.
>Dianlo's body has both Diablo and Bruno's souls. He is going to kill Giorno, which will actually kill Narancia.

Would it be gay to fuck Mista in Trish's body?

Don't worry, they will end up together.

Diavolos soul isn’t in his body.

There is no other place.

Don't respond to bait.

Anime only girl here. Why can't my gender understand jojo?

Diavolo is actually the first one it shows in his new body....



its usually released on arakis site a few days before the chapter drops, so we will probably get it next week before wednesday since the chapter drops that day

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only girls can understand jojo

There is, just wait and see.

Anime only girl here (cuter).

I bet Diavolo is actually inside Trish's body. He used King Crimson to enable his soul to move wherever it wanted to. You can see that Trish's face briefly had Diavolo's eyes flash through it.

The best JoJo OP is Bloody Stream.

sincerely, someone with taste who stopped watching after Kars.

Why are there so many sexy girls who are into JoJo?

I know kars was shit, but we get better villains after that so you should keep watching.

Imagine if Mista in Trish's body allowed all the other boys to fuck her.

tfw no hentai of this

I stopped watching after Kars' defeat because that was the pinnacle of the series.

Honestly I'm just messin' with ya, I just coincidentally never went back to the series after that season. Bloody Stream is still the best though.

because bulky hunky men.

>sexy girls
you mean hambeast fujos

I really like what they've done with part 5 anime. Manga was so forgettable. Unlike with part 4, where it was the opposite.
How are ratings and sales of BDs going, compared to part 4?


i'm horny

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I did, I just watched it and was disappointed. Should've ended with orange death.


Would have been pretty rushed at that point.

Your Name.

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So they're the newest avengers?

Is Mista x Trish the best relationship of all time?

I don't recall there ever being multiple types of arrows

In Part 5, yes, in all parts - Jotaro x Anne

If there was one exception to don't stick your dick in crazy, it's Diavolo. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.

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>Doppio and Diavolo are two personalities in one body
>they can somehow have distinct physical appearances and voices
>actually they're two different souls entirely but only Diavolo seems to know it
So is this a retcon or does Araki just not really understand how multiple personalities work

And if their souls swapping control of the Doppio/Diavolo body changes its appearance, why does nobody else change appearance during Chariot Requiem

>And if their souls swapping control of the Doppio/Diavolo body changes its appearance, why does nobody else change appearance during Chariot Requiem

it's a manga with super powers

>wow why are you complaining about things that don't make sense, it's a story with magic haha just turn your brain off it doesn't matter if the story attempts to establish rules and internal logic just don't think about it
>anything that happens is fine because anything can happen for any reason or no reason at all

Giorno x Mista x Trish tho

What if crazy sticks its dick in you

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I've made something cursed...

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I'm so sad that Bruno died before he could impregnate Trish. Mista would happily raise Bruno's child.

>Anime only girl
As a manga only boy, i feel like i’ve been baited by a troll.

I'm pretty sure his whole deal is less"multiple personalities" and more "this guy is two people in one body somehow". His body changing depending on who's in control is just something he can do because Diavolo is a weird freak/monster.

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>actually they're two different souls entirely but only Diavolo seems to know it
>So is this a retcon or does Araki just not really understand how multiple personalities work
are you implying souls are real?

That's usually cuck shit, but if happily raise a guy like that's kid

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DID is explained in jojo as having multiple souls in one body.

Well they are in JoJo

nice touch

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but Kars comes back in part 4

>some of Jojos are sailors and marine biologists
>dolphin, anhcor, fishing hook pins on their clothing
What's with this guy and the ocean?

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Every arrow except one is just a normal arrow with a hole in the middle, the only one that’s different is this beetle arrow.

The arrow DIO gave to Pucci also has a beetle
Araki probably just redesigned it, rather than creating two distinct types of arrow

>some of Jojos are sailors and marine biologists
Literally only Jotaro
Gappy is more Josefumi than Kira

eBay bought the arrows off Diavolo though, so it makes sense Dio had it when he was alive, I assume it came into polnareffs possession after he died in part 3.


There was a fan made timeline made for the arrows, but I don’t have it, any other anons got it?

>The arrow DIO gave to Pucci also has a beetle
thats the same arrow polnareff has

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It's not a retcon. Two personalities=two souls is how the disorder works in Jojo.

I just looked it up to verify the Break Down OP existing since I don't remember it all. Obviously I've never seen the altered version either. I think Kira is fucking with me, send an ambulance

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What would King Crimson Requiem's power be?

The power to skip over Part 5 completely

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It would be the single specific power to counter GER.

In a sense Diavolo got his eternal climax, huh.

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Does DavidPro's Jojo have an Italian dub?


Fucking hell, that got me.

Is it wrong if I've only ever bothered with the manga because of time constraints?

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Get in line.

Wipes someone from history, as if they had never existed. Diavolo is unaffected by any paradox this would cause.

>they are normally under a suit anyway.
Wait, he's not normally dressing like that? I thought the suit-silhouette was just a placeholder image, like the silhouettes in Detective Conan.



The boob sweater outfit is Doppio's

The suit shadow never appears after Doppio pops up, after that point it's just a shadowy face on Doppio's outfit or a full shadow with no features, so, yes, there's nothing indicating the suit was a placeholder. The clothing he wears when he gets his appearance revealed is just Doppio's with no shirt rather than his own.

He's still wearing Doppio's clothes, all he did was take off the sweater.

> doppio was wearing a black lace singlet under his clothes

What a slut

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What edgy Tumblr blog is this from?

How does one call something like this? Double dubs?

Yeah, slutty Doppio is the best

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Bossu's slut

They definitely have phone sex off duty, right?

You write that fanfic.

hot sauce me up fampai

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>>they can somehow have distinct physical appearances and voices
>>actually they're two different souls entirely but only Diavolo seems to know it
This is way more interesting and fun than if it were a realistic portrayal of DID.

part 6 is easily one of the worst though. Mostly due to half the villains having shitty stands and fights associated with them. I think the main group has the most solid stand powers of any other, but some of the characters can be sorta mixed like Hermes and Emporio.

Can someone explain if JC's stand was Tusk or was Tusk Johnny's stand?

thanks user, I'm glad part 5 anime increased the quantity of good doppio/bossu arts

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President's body also changes as his soul becomes more AMERICAN.

Yeah, I can't imagine any other studio delivering so consistently over the years.

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what is this imagery trying to convey? That Diavolo is going to be a new member of the Fantastic 4?

When does Dio show up?

Wasn't he just changing places with other versions of himself


next 3 ep

The platonic love he and Doppio share. In retrospect it is the love for the super ego.

Pretty sure it's just some cool Diavolo/Doppio artwork with an upside down cross because Diavolo.

I kind of got Madoka vibes from that

itsuka kimi ga hitomi ni tomosu ai no hikari ga

Sono chi no sadame, bloody stream, sono chi no kioku, great days, and traitor's requiem are all equally good.

>implying they wont just cgi the horses
you might not like it but its what they will do

That would look horrific and DP would know the kind of reaction it would draw.

1. Great Days
2. Uragimoro no Requiem

Orgasm is the orgasm of life

You die when you are killed

>SHIT: Bloody Stream
Ding ding, your opinion is wrong

attack on titan does it
Dp will do it

They already did CGI horses in part 2

Attached: i happen to be an expert on this topic.jpg (2289x2289, 404K)

Thanks for the clarification, Jotaro.

There's a difference between having CGI horses for like two episodes vs having them in large numbers as well as consistently shown throughout the whole part.

Goblin Jotaro

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So Coco Large died instead of Polnareff?

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Thats what I'm wondering? I mean, it doesn't, since post finale coco jumbo controls itself and Polnareff is just in the gem, but how did it survive?

Was this like Diavolo residing within Trish? Was Coco Jumbo just sharing house with Polnareff the whole time?

best is Sono chi no kioku > Fighting gold > Uragirimono requiem > Chase = Stand proud = Sono chi no Sadame = CNBT > Great Days > Bloody Stream

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no, narancia(giorno) was inside the turtles stand after they all switched

user you do realize that the French term for orgasm literally translates to "little death" right? This isn't some edgy teenager's idea


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reminder that traitor's requiem just got sabotaged by diavolo

>t. reddit
Go back.


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>Not Rolling Stone in the anime

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Can a someone explain why people are associating that with capeshit?

Whoever invented that term must’ve been an edgy teenager.

Mega cool pepe.

Cringe redditor.

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God this guy is such a terrible artist.


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Why does Araki hate women so much?

Wrapping up Part 6
So Pucci's plan is basically that he wants to spoil your entire life for you? Because he believes there's a peace in knowing everything is inevitable?

Because he can't like men in the open when women exist.

Im this happens I'll scream


poor trish, because of araki's fault she is completely useless except for a few occasions

Hi Cum, I'm Dad!

Misogyny is a common trope in all popular manga and anime.

>post yfw this was going to happen but araki dies before it finishes

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They didn’t lost.
In fact they live happier lives.

>Trish's stand leaves a dinosaur footprint
>isn't a dinosaur
>she uses it once and then never again
Araki forgot

diavolo is phil connors

It happens twice

According to araki, it’s the contrary

To be fair, isn't JoJo (and lots of classic shonen/seinen manga) a kind of capeshit when ya think about it?

>Superpowers (stands, hamon and spin)
>Suits (strange fashion all the wazoo )
>Weird aliases and code names

Yeah it checks out.

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Part 8 started so good but it’s so bland now


Do you have a link to where you found this artwork?

If characters still move like normal while Diavolo is erasing time, then why aren't they looking straight at him when his timeskip ends? Unless he's going invisible, then he wouldn't really escape their line of sight.

Great Days > End of the World > Stand Proud > Bloody Stream > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Fighting Gold > Chase > Sono Chi no Sadame > Traitor's Requiem (Worst edit, it sucks).

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because they act as they were fated to act before time skipped

If she didn't use it during the final arc Mista would have shot himself in the head and died.

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>sono chi no sadame so low
you just invalidated your whole rating

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Thank you

It makes sense he'd ditch his accent if trying to stay anonymous

part 5 should end with jolyne in prison, just like part 2 with jotaro

Attached: jotaro-prison.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

You cant just ditch your accent

You can, with practice, or at least cover it up like actors do.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Touhou

it would be awkward if it ended with a scene from an unrelated part

The only reason they did this was because I'm pretty sure it was done like that in the manga. No other part had a preview like this I don't think.

part 2 ended with joseph getting on the plane to see jotaro, that scene was added in the anime.