I still don't get how he was able to hurt people by cutting them with his imagination
I still don't get how he was able to hurt people by cutting them with his imagination
It's like when you intimidate someone, only on a larger and more autistic scale.
When you have truly mastered martial arts, you won't need to use your hands or feet.
i agree its retarded as fuck.
Imagine being this low test
Literaly weaponized autism
you know how baki did the shadowboxing to train?
musashi took that to the next level by making people feel physical pain with a similar technique while not physically hurting them but hurting them in their mind
keep in mind, Baki beat his father by playing a dinner party.
The series went nuts with the imagination nonsense well before that, remember how Katsumi's mastered Mach Punch works? Or all that bullshit in the final Baki vs Yujiro fight (I'm think I'm one of the only people who actually did not like that fight at all mainly for this reason)
You are supposed to skip these chapters
I liked the Musashi vs Retsu fight even if the outcome was lame, that being said Retsu's character was going nowhere at this point anyway, what was the point of the boxing stuff?, the Musashi vs Motobe fight and the Musashi vs Haneyama fight.
>Baki is able to recreate a top tier boxer in his mind to fight him
>baki is able to sacele up a praying mantis to horse size in his mind with perfection
Kind of too much, but ok
>Baki is able to make a whole crowd see a triceratops in front of them just by doing a fight stance inspired by said animal
What the fuck?
>Yujiro makes soup for baki just by playing pretend, everyone arround is able to smell the soup, Baki can taste it and even tell it had alittle bit too much salt
Please stop!
>Musashi spend 100 chapters cutting up people by looking at them
Aaaaaaaand dropped
Seriously why the fuck the manga turned into this LSD trip?
If that was bothering you you chose a nice place to drop it, right now we have a sumo wrestler who cna use his imagination to create a opponent who defies the laws of physics by "falling" in every direction instead of just downwards
Sukune feels more in-line with the earlier opposing characters we had honestly, it's more that Dou's structure of "one guy vs the main cast" is fucking lame especially of said one guy struggles to carry the plot by himself.
>Plot Armor
You can actually taste the impotent anger. Based Miyamoto putting wikipedophiles in their place
I think the point of the Boxing was to make him gain more well roundedness to his fighting style
But then Itagaki dropped it when he dug his Usain Bolt shaped hole
Are you sure you followed Baki from the start?
The manga ended with Son of Ogre
don't bother with the filler sequels
Son of Ogre was a lot worse than both Baki and New Grappler Baki honestly, also almost everything that gets complained about in the more recent stuff started in Son of Ogre if anything.
>also almost everything that gets complained about in the more recent stuff started in Son of Ogre if anything.
The pretend training started in son of ogre indeed, but the pretend fighting and the side character wankery did not
How Yujiro was handled as a character changed dramatically in Son Of Ogre too, and I know not everyone liked the sort of character he ended up being.
> but the pretend fighting
Are you referring to Musashi's imaginary swords here? It's not that much worse than Baki's imaginary dinosaur fist is it?
>and the side character wankery
Dunno what you mean by this to be honest