Kaguya a beautiful maiden in love
also, marvelous and lewd chapter
Kaguya a beautiful maiden in love
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nah, I think the last arc was too fast
HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAA MD just fucking DUNKED on JB! How will they ever fucking RECOVER!
I'd just like to take this moment to say that Hayasaka is for enkou. Thank you for your attention.
What do you mean?
Chika needs to start training Shirogane how to have sex.
But incest is garbage.
also, >'''''chika'''''
The real endgame is Kei x Miyuki. Prove me wrong.
>3 days until Korean raws
Oh how the time flies
>3 days until Korean raws
But almost a week until english raws.
Thread's dead now, but here you go
Spotted the fag
What absolute shit this manga has become
Yeah. Let's both drop this shit and never post in these threads ever again, that'll show these faggots.
Kei x Kaguya is unironically more likely.
>What absolute shit the threads about this manga have become
friendly reminder from Aka
Of how he's admitting he fucked up? Nice reminder.
>Blaming the author for retards ignoring what is explicitly stated.
poor Aka
Just reread the whole arc
Found it hilarious at times
It seems that "Ice" is way more baka then baka ever was. She acts like a pathethically desperate tsundere, until based maid does her thing
If only four pages per chapter can contain the sex, then all the author has to do is split up his 1 chapter per magazine issue into four chapters for sixteen pages of the sex!
Reminder you can dress like Kaguya too
But i'm a boy
not for long
who says that ? your parents ? Don't believe everything.
You already have the flat chest so thats a pro
but Kaguya isn't flat
Chapter 34 proves that
most Yea Forumsnone are probably less flat than her tho
i pack 90 kgs and i AM flatter than her
Reminder to keep Kaguya threads drama free. Thank you.
that is not the attitude, user
Why did Prez choose Chika as a treasurer and not Ryuju? Did she refuse to return to the student concil?
But we already had plenty of pages with sex (tongue kissu)
Momo is only good for one thing, Anal.
Either Kaguya insisted on having Chika as treasurer to not be alone with Prez or Momo didn't want to continue. Or both.
He didn't; she's the secretary. Ishigami is the treasurer.
You meant Ishigami. Chika is the secretary.
I do think that she didn't wanted to be in that spot tho
For you. She's a dom top with a big black peg.
Remember when this manga was good?
Indeed I meant Ishigami my bad
not President but she will give advise to Kaguya
I remember it always being good and getting better all the time. I've dropped everything else to devote my full attention to kaguya
Probably asked her so Kaguya had someone she was kind of friends with on the council to make her hate him less.
>a vise
Chika gonna give kags a vise to clamp prez's nuts in
Ugly was better in Icemodo.
What aggregator is fastest at stealing JB's stuff and doesnt watermark so I can add them to my tachiyomi?
I'll have to see it in color before I come to a final conclusion.
If your goal is not to become the girl you do not belong here.
She's one of the VIPs who knew Ishigami's story and dealt with Ogino, so she might have just stepped down to open up a spot for him.
Get a wig and you're ready
So what happened again with MD?
>forgetting a few days ago
do you have amnesia, user?
>Wanting the daughter of a crime syndicate as your treasurer vs an otaku who will reluctantly get it done.
Prez is stupid, but not THAT stupid.
>open up a spot for him
Nagisa is VIP too, she is Kaguya's friend and same class with prez and Fuji. I think there are some reason that momo don't want to back to student concil anymore so maybe the one who open up a spot would be Nagisa.
We also need to know the result of pregnancy test.
>same eyes from the culture festival
NTR arc when?
Has anyone seen my otter? He's been missing for weeks now and I'm starting to worry.
jesus christ how horrifying
I forgot how close we are to when this comes out
Reading this chapter makes me feel empty.
Chikas such a good friend, sharing knowledge with Kaguya and helping her brace herself.
Waif what happened to Kaguya at MD?
JB got mad at them and pulled of both their chapters and the Fans scans ones.
I mean the snipes, who are doing em'? And the JB jews mad at that shit?
The snipes are just random anons or people. Sniping wasn't really the main issue, JewB is mad that people read on MD instead of their site which cuts into their revenue.
The problems was with Mangadex as a whole
They pulled off all of their stuff from it
As far as i know i think the Fans scans versions of the chapters are lost forever
looks nice..
that's a very big room
>They kept the narrator
They did something right atleast
>kaguya is literally a slut
NO! just NO!!!
I giggled
Will F do the live action dance?
>She sees you wiener
It's weird that there is so little of the other characters in this trailer. Especially Fujiwara.
>Subject F is going to interrupt Kaguya and Miyuki in the middle of their date
How do you feel about this?
I've noticed this before but, why do japanese have misaligned teeth? Is dental care not covered by insurance?
Hayasaka is the only cute one. Nagisa and Fujiwara look ugly.
best girl in both dimensions
They actually think it's cute. It's the reason why fangs exist in anime & manga.
It's just a thing that happens when you're from an island.
This looks like a mix of random chapters
looks awesome desu
Can someone remind me how much Miko weighs? And her height while you're at it?
cultural thing, same reason why americans are loud and TOO friendly to strangers
If they are getting up to the doctor they might be skipping a lot. I wonder if they want to end it at the festival instead of the fireworks.
Slut looks fine
F looks ugly as shit though
In most most countries non preventive dental care isn't covered by insurance.
>fujoshi club walks by
i want to have sex with prez and kaguya
this nigga looks like he's pushing 40
Haven't been in one of these threads since the anime announcement.
Did they get fucked up due to secondaries?
Love her or hate her, you can't deny that Ice was the most beautiful Kaguya
Hi Karen
>they kept the same narrator
They can't just do that without making an S2? Right, a-anons?
To an extent. Mostly its people who lost their minds because 3-4 chapters didn't have jokes or romance. Also kaguya is a bitch apparently but no one who thinks that actually stopped reading.
Wait, are they adapting chapters that the anime skipped?
From the trailer it looks like they are adapting home visit chapter?
Don't know
Not really looking forward for it
How does she do it?
No thank you. I liked the anime but it brought in secondaries and made discussion terrible.
>To an extent.
I guess they are all the Anons that refer to Fujiwara with her name.
>because 3-4 chapters didn't have jokes or romance
>didn't have
The last few chapters were all about romance.
>Also kaguya is a bitch apparently but no one who thinks that actually stopped reading.
Double what?
In the last month we learned that Kaguya is more repressed than a 16yo nun.
I like how your calling it "their stuff" just be real with us fag and say "Their pirated terribly done translations that only serve to give them a userbase to milk money out by acting like victims"
When is she going to call him Miyuki?
>Hayasaka's best girl-ness mamages to trascend dimensions and makes the actress actually cute and fuggable.
Color me impressed.
You just have yellow fever
Miyuki-san, she's a high class ojousama, after all.
And it's just for a few years before she goes full
I'm so sorry, user.
it‘s sad that he had to spell this out. he apparently realized most of his readers are retarted
New ribbon looks ugly.
I think this explanation is just a throwback to how the arc started
This manga is the gift that keeps on giving.
Fuck I was feeling a bit sad and reading the latest chapter cheered me up a bit. Man, this manga sure is nice.
she was cute
in her own, desperate way
Holy shit, those uniforms look cheap as fuck, especially Shriogane's looks pretty jarring.
> Karen Kino Wants To Join