ITT shit tier waifus

Attached: nseom.jpg (474x715, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread: a shit/ body pillows&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcsMGXy-riAhUHEawKHQTgBfkQ_AUIECgB&biw=1485&bih=839

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pic not related

pic very related

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anons waifu.jpg

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homura is top tier

yuckyno a shit

It appears Yukino's superiority has led to such controversy.

Phew, dodged a bullet there.

>irowhore a shit
>shitzuka a shit
>sucky a shit
>ewwy a shit

Reminder that Iroha needs to cake her face with make up and Yukino doesn't need any.

yuckysisters.... we lost..

Delete this. Seriously fucking delete this right now

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Also this.

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fuck off yuicancer/irohacancer

I'm a yuckybro though..

Yukino's inevitable victory is making Irohafags lose brain cells. Apparently. a shit/



>My wife is not there
Feels good to have great taste

he is right though

irowhore a shit mate, mai too

No, it's just butthurt spamming waifufag that doesn't read the source material.

Somehow mine dodged that bullet, maybe if it were made about a few years earlier she might have been on it.

No, he's not

She's pretty much as trashy as Yukino but at least her design is a bit better

>Yukinofags care enough for their favorite girl to read all the drama CD's, LN and manga
>Irohafags are retarded secondaries that don't care enough for Iroha to read anything
Checkmate, Irohafags. Prove me wrong.

t. obsessed yucker

>Yukinofags are obsessed
>when there is 15+ pages of Irohafags spamming "yuckyno a shit" over and over again

at least it's true

>the yucky can't take banter

I don't think you know what banter is. Spamming 3 words isn't "banter"

No wonder Sauske is never home...

Attached: Sakura_Haruno.png (1440x1080, 1.39M)

Not really. Mai is indeed trashy. I will give you that.

Yes it is though.

>trying to talk to cancer
Your fault

No, it isn't. It's spam.

If you wanted to "banter" you could at least try a bit harder, but I'm afraid your brain can't handle complex things.

>quality banter

Attached: imbeciles.png (546x665, 461K)

No, it really isn't

mai's design/fanart is way better than Yukino's

Attached: bun3.png (600x903, 445K)

Yeah, you’ve got a point

Attached: 57B8856C-3A15-4F61-BEB4-82C30EBF55D6.jpg (760x1073, 100K)

Not really. Mai looks like shit.

Yes it is lmao. Seethe more yuckybro.

Everything is better than yuckyno desu.


>Yucky clone 3.8
>looks like shit
Why are yuckybros so mentally ill?

still better than that obnoxiously selfish piece of shit

why are iroturds and maishitters cancer?

>cherry picking

Attached: Cosplay scene.jpg (703x495, 128K)

irohasu is going to win becausse yucker is too yucky lol

are you sure about that

Attached: te500.jpg (500x281, 39K)

It's too bad 8man doesn't like Iroha.

Attached: Hachiman first thoughts on Yukino.jpg (656x698, 150K)

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Attached: excluding one person.png (515x293, 159K)

Hayama and Yukino don't like each other, idiot.

Attached: Hachiman thinks his conversations with Yukino are refreshing and pleasant.png (698x645, 97K)

That looks nothing like Yui

She also made him buy her a drink and didn’t pay up afterwards. He should have really raped this bitch early on

it's iroshitstain

8man isn't mentally ill like you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Hachiman is such a faggot, I'm glad I never read the novels

Hachiman is going to remain a loner. Yukino x Yui is canon ending

Attached: 1556535858841.png (1077x1415, 1.61M)

So you don't like the fact 8man has patrician taste in girls?

Yukino is the kind of person that loves to look down on other people that's why it was so hard for her to be an outcast. It's also the reason why she likes to hang out with Hikki and Yui. Yui treats her like a goddess and with 8man she can just do whatever she wants.
She uses the club for the same reason, people come to her and reveal their weaknesses to her because they need help, she makes fun of them and tramples all other them and calls that helping

That's literally not at all her character or why the club exists Yuipollfag.

Jesus, how do people not understand this series after 4 years?

>yui treats yukino like a goddess

Suck my cock you faggot. irohasu is going to win

Personally, I like the 'Evil Yukinon' interpretation of her character, it makes her much more interesting.

explain to me why your waifu is treating everyone like shit, please I never understood

Fuck off cancer

She doesn’t though. She is only harsh towards Hachiman because she wants to straighten him out

>Yukino is a good girl and everyone who disagrees with her is wrong
Sure is a deep and interesting character there, am I right?


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You would've been correct if you said "evil yui" since she tramples all over her friendship.

Attached: Volume 3 Chapter 13 Page 19.png (1072x1580, 1.19M)

I suppose

Attached: 546ADD7F-072D-4FD0-8FF0-627ED8D74045.jpg (690x544, 70K)

try again

Attached: carry on.png (295x383, 94K)

It’s not she isn’t wrong at times. What the fuck man. I know you want to shitpost, but at least try.

I'd like the 'Evil Yui' much more than the 'Sad Yui' we have right now

At what? Yukino helps out

Randomly insulting other people just for thee sake of doing so is nothing but putting yourself above them.

When was she wrong? Whenever an argument between and Hachiman comes up, she's always treated as if she's in the right and Hachiman is in the wrong.

Yui sucks

You suck faggot

Yukino is just brutally honest. She doesn’t really go out of her way to insult other people, except for 8man. Even when the conversation is about something else she always finds a way to use it to make fun of him in some way. She probably liked the way he glared at her in episode 1 and she’s hoping that he would eventually snap and push her down or something. Fucking slut.

She doesn't randomly insult people though. Hayama betrayed her. Yumiko is a cunt towards her and Yui. Hachiman needs to be fixed. Haruno is pretty much evil incarnate.

Well, mostly because Hachiman is a twisted edgy guy

Maybe because Hachiman is in the wrong? All of his problem solving fucking sucks and doesn't solve shit. His philosophy and idealogy is set up to be defeated. Even Yui and Hayama have said things that he is wrong at times.

that last part was unnecessary YPF

At least you finally admit Yukino likes Hachiman, this is an important first step!

wow what a beautiful friendship

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>intentionally using material from the early parts to make some dumb point

Attached: All of this was the first time for me.png (585x229, 24K)

That's Hachiman being an unreliable narrator, she doesn't think he's scum. She was having fun spending time with him alone during that date.

They missed their chance to hatefuck each other

They don't hate each other, though.

Is Oregairu even worth getting into?

They did at the start

Attached: Hange_Zoë_(Anime)_character_image.png (1080x1080, 991K)

Bruh, not even then.

Yukino never hated Hachiman, she made a club to save him. If she hated Hachiman, she would've treated him like Hayama.


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She has shit in her surname

Yukino jumped at every chance she could get to call him names. Also Yukino’s name is always number 1 in 8man’s “people I won’t forgive” lists.

It's Snow Beneath The Snow, dumb EOP.

While calling her beautiful, untouchable and saying she's an exceptional person.

>being this retarded
It means Snow beneath the snow. She has a great name.

And you have a dick up your ass

Yukino YukinoSHITa clearly has shit in the surname

>can't into Japanese
dumb EOP

You sure have weir fantasies about me faggot

>being this retarded

Probably because you’re a massive faggot

Why I should waste my time learning japanese?
If I want to watch anime or read manga there's always some guy that translates it

>she doesn't think he's scum.
she never showed him anything but disgust

After reading your post I was about 99% sure that you have a dick up your ass

>She was having fun spending time with him alone during that date.
like a dog you can treat like shit and he is still happy to be around you and loves you unconditionally

You're saying that you have fantasies about me because in your twisted mind I'm as gay as you? Weird guy indeed. Stop being such a faggot or kys, whatever makes you happier

One of my favorite charts. Comedy gold.

>being this retarded
Yukino has always been looking out for him, mouthbreather

First time being called a faggot on the internet?

don't judge peoples fetish a lot of people like slave master relationships

Another faggot detected, sure there's a correlation with being a waifufag and fag, even the name implies it

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I’m not even him, I just called you a faggot. Faggot.

how do you even reach this level of self-delusion?

so you have some kind of mental illness right

I think you are confusing Hayama with Hachiman. She is disgusted by his ideologies but is always fascinated. She actually shares things that are personal with him that she never tells Yui.

It's amazing how you retards still don't get Yukino's character.

How do you not know what the story is?

I am sorry but best girls are not supposed to be here. But we thank you for showing up..

>Not yoruka
Fuck that slut

Triggered waifufags, you sure showed me hahaha
Shit Taste that Yea Forums enjoy

Yukino is the reason he has met so many people and made the club to save him. It's not delusion. It's a fact.

>you retards still don't get Yukino's character.
Try to explain her to us please

I’m sorry, friend. I didn’t think that my insult would hurt you this much. I didn’t even look at the post you were responding to. I just picked your post by random because I needed to call someone a faggot.

You still sound like a faggot

Why, you don’t actually care. You just want to shitpost

She also has KINO in both her front and surname,whats your point, Yuipol?

Attached: yukino_s1_collarshirt.png (1280x720, 1.22M)

she made the club to look down on people and to make fun of their weaknesses. 8man was her first target because she knew that he would just take every insult since he lost all energy to actually fight back

You chose correctly though

I'm going to get rich with all those (You)s in plaining on building a house

I am sorry is this the first time you are on Yea Forums. Just try to be less of a faggot

>says the actual faggot

Attached: 2642E39F-2BAF-4C5B-A231-74163472C897.jpg (1200x721, 139K)

you can stop lying whenever you want to YPF

Fuck every waifu in Oregairu I only like it because of 8man character arc and the bittersweet memories that I have from those years in the equivalent to preparatory in my country

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fuck off selfinsertfag


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Yukino is a quite and very smart girl that is in love with 8man since day one. She always tries to help everyone but she has problems to communicate that properly. She also cares a lot about her friends and despite her problems with her sister she still loves her unconditionally. She is a person who is always there for you.

Attached: slne.jpg (960x540, 67K)

Nice headcanon

Any anime girl is a waifu for some guy

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See, it's a waste of time arguing with cancer. user gave you what you wanted, but hurr headcanon

t. Hachiman

Literally me character hahaha

>despite her problems with her sister she still loves her unconditionally
typical yikinotard. but you people tell us to stick with the canon

>t. Watari

>that is in love with 8man since day one
Gee, I wonder who’s behind this post

It’s true though

>in love with 8man since day one.
From where do you get that. Their first meeting wasn't actually that friendly. They started to respect each other later

Yukino wasn’t in love with 8man from the beginning

Yeah you’re right. She grew to fall in love with him over time.

>Yukino is a quite and very smart girl
Yukinofags confirmed to be dumb ESLs

Attached: well.png (574x826, 453K)

Why is that the only thing you’re homing in on?

Quiet, it’s a typo and don’t pretend like any of the other autists here can type better

so bunnyshitfag then? so you're movie isn't gaining any traction on Yea Forums so you decided to troll other series?

Well I've never made a typo in my life.

Because you touch yourself at night

Yukino is the only one who was deeply affected by Hachiman's desire for the genuine article.

Attached: Hachiman wants something genuine 1.jpg (1096x1600, 352K)

But Yui is the one crying there

So basically because you’re a faggot

because she is braindead, she doesn't want something genuine

Attached: I don't want something genuine.png (660x238, 13K)

don't try to argue with Yukinotards they are beyond saving

Aren’t we all?

That's the biggest true I heard in weeks

>iroha/yuifags are cancerous samefagspammers

>being this retarded
Why don’t you fags go shitpost some other series?

because she thought the club was collapsing, something genuine went over her head. She doesn't want the real thing. Yukino was crying and lost her composure for a long while afterwards.

>ypf being butthurt that Yui is a fake bitch and Yukino is the only one who cared about genuine

At least Yui actually loves 8man with all her heart. She could handle his flaws and other problems. Yukino only started to respect him as soon as he became more socially "normal" and proved himself "useful"

>married with a child
por que

Nah, YPF. Yui only likes Hachiman because he saved her dog.

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The same way a battered wife handles a drunk husband. Yui is a toxic influence on Hachiman.

Sure after everything that happened and all that time that passed it's only about that fucking dog ... Yukinofags are just pathetic

lol yuckers being threatened by irohasu superioritey

>Yui is a toxic influence on Hachiman.
please elaborate that retarded comment

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>liking a tranny

Yui lets Hachiman to self-sacrifice. Speed watcher.

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Because Yukinofags can't reply with something that is actually canon

>yukinofags constantly quote pages from the LN
>hurr can't reply with canon

Please leave.
She told him not to do that ever again

Yotsuba a shit

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Who is worse, Irohafags or Yuipollfag?


nitpicking and taking a text out of context is not a good argumentation


>Please leave.
Yes you are a secondary or yuipollfag.
>She told him not to do that ever again
Because he confessed to another girl, she even tried to confirm it if it was a real confession. She doesn't try to stop him during the election arc.

Me. I'm the worst.

Based. I hate almost all of them.

Attached: 51C7D00A-7E78-4CCA-BA46-9061D961C585.jpg (1280x905, 115K)

Do something permanent about it

Attached: 3C099233-9E73-4AC9-A8CB-34CEDFD81645.jpg (1280x905, 101K)

It's better than what form of argumentation you've been using, ypf.

Yukinofags are the worst



You're divorced with reality

Attached: eatshit.jpg (378x96, 42K)

Yukino even back stabbed her only friend and when 8man asked her to help her for the first time he had to beg like a dog. she surely had fun making a foul out of him after he took her crown

>troll oregairu threads 4 for years with shitposting
>Y-yukinofags are the worst!!


>posting in a different browser
Nice try

I think you are confusing Yui for Yukino. Yui backstabbed Yukino several times. Yui literally leaves the service club because she thinks 8man and Yukino are dating.

Uh, no. It's Yui that backstabbed YPF

Attached: please let me and her end it properly.png (933x258, 17K)

I love how Yukinofags always pretend like there is only one samefag because they can't even comprehend the fact that the majority hates their one dimensional waifu

Nope, Yukinofags don’t make shitty bait threads like this.

Obligatory and mandatory.

Attached: This twintail bitch.jpg (1728x7248, 716K)

What a joke

You sound mad, YPF.

You always react like this, is a good entertaiment to mock you

It's because everybody else but them is a shitposter t. shitposter

>32 IPs
>200 posts

Yeah that was heartbreaking but I can also understand why Yukino reacted the way she did. He didn't listen to her and went on with his own plan. No wonder she let him beg for a while.

as shit as it gets

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>replying to yourself

YPF that’s just sad. Stop lying already

Every bitch on the left. Except Mashiro. Every girl on the right are still better.

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we have literally around 10 people posting each other but you belive it's 9 vs 1. that's what I call delusional

Attached: 30093F5C-37B8-4BAA-A585-9E839BA44F29.jpg (1280x905, 124K)

Faggot, there’s only a handful of people in this thread spamming

Yukino is irredeemably shit because she messed with Kawachi's flour even though he didn't actually have any chance of beating Kanmuri. What a trash character.

Give me source.

>social retardation

>Tsuruya - Has a retarded laugh
Not an argument
>Kanon - Attention whore
All women are
>Yui Goido - So manly its surprising she doesn't have a D
What is a tomboy/reverse trap
>Hajime - Autistic Hyperactive Freak
You say that like it's a bad thing
>Makoto Kikuchi - voice of a slut

Attached: snaps.jpg (396x570, 49K)

Attached: 2.jpg (1449x2048, 277K)

Who is she? She's hot.


nice falseflag

It’s some whore

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Title says shit tier but literally all of them are elite wtf

What is it about Yukino that makes so many people mad? Can't handle that she is the main love interest? This is some NaruSaku tier salt.

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Nothing suspicious here.
t.another yukinofriend

It's just like in the story. She's so perfect that other people feel threatened by her presence alone.

there you go again
attacking all other girls

Found it. and what a slut.

Irohafags are mentally ill and so is that one Yuifaggot

Attached: autism.png (370x373, 64K)

Sidegirlfags deserve it

Very, ,VERY well deserved.

It's just that Yukinofags take every bait that's throwed towards them

They are indeed jealous and they don't even try to hide it, I really can't wait to see how salty YPF and Irohafags get from season 3/volume 14's conclusion.

Attached: Bestino.png (1000x2228, 3.75M)

Kek, what a whore

>that guy who was a new waifu every season

I'm now convinced that Yukinofags are the only ones still posting seriously in every yahari thread

>they take every bait
>spam 30 threads every single day shitting on the series and characters
Fuck off

Probably because they’re the only ones that care

You are implying that Irohafags and Yuifags aren't angry with Yukino's importance. If they weren't they wouldn't be making 3 threads a day and whining about Yukino nonstop.

That looks like the type of face she would make after making 8man climax for the first time

It's the truth, the rest is just making fun of them

Nah, the rest is just cancerous

The series quality went down(only waifufag stil cared) and Yukino is the clear winner(making the other waifufags leave), What did you expected?

Will you still be saying this after volume 14 releases and Irohafags and Yuifags lose it when Bestino wins the 8bowl?

you're not really doing that good of a job then

>The series quality went down
That didn't happen. The fandom is just shitty.

Because the manga is overall really good but she is a really trashy main girl

Wrong on so many damn levels.

These two are the trashy girls user

Attached: AB290A57-2458-4356-98BD-9AF829CBE438.jpg (1080x1421, 503K)

>Yukino makes that face while they are having sex
>this makes him double it up further
Yukino tops this, wins every time.

Attached: Yukino knows she got this.jpg (959x851, 329K)

She doesn't have the stamina to keep it up though. She's going to get destroyed every time.

Yes, because irohafags are literally 2 guys and Yuifags are maybe 3 guys, I would prefer an ending where 8man ends with no one making a massive meltdown with dead threads to Watari

>His wife is a literal who

they will just have to keep practicing then

Yui is the only girl who isn't used good

>wears revealing clothing, jewelry and cakes her face in make up
>presses boobs against 8man
Yuigahama-san is slutty, but not as slutty as Iroha.

Wrong YPF

Attached: A7ECEB8A-AE0D-41D1-B2A4-899869C04EE2.png (1280x616, 896K)

Yui is a sweet girl that tried to flirt with eh guy she likes and yes she puts a lot of effort into him recognizing her as a woman, that's not a bad think. Yukino on the other hand just walks around like the general basic bitch

>eh guy
>bad think
Why are Yuifags ESL?

No, Yukino wants someone to like her for the real her (something genuine) and not for superficial traits like her cute looks. Yui uses her looks to get 8man to fall for her, a guy she doesn't even know.

Yui encourages Hachiman to self destruct and she never helps him animeonlyfag

>a guy she doesn't even know
You can only know your close family, the only people you live with and sometimes you can't even know them

and Yui doesn't make an effort to get to know him first before making him chocolate. She already planned on dating him before volume 1 even started.

She doesn’t even try to get to know him

so how salty are you guys gonna be when iroha wins?

Go back to r/anime

If she is shit tier, she isn't a waifu.

pic related is just bait

Alibaba is the only good one here

That's how it works IRL, the something genuine is just an idelistic fantasy

no, Yui is just a shallow thot

Stretching the definition of "girl" here, but anyone saying shit like Moeka over this faggy piece of garbage ought to be shot.

Attached: take your dog.png (579x504, 236K)

Fuck, I'm angry.

Attached: Abloobloo anal is icky, better kill my sister.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

If Yukino would be as popular as Yumiko she would act exactly like she does

yuckysisters ruining this threads again


>iroshitters ruining this thread again

>The other paths? Sure, you went through them, you just didn't REALLY love those girls as much as me, user!
>By the way, enjoy my worm AIDS. Try dumping me after THAT sob story!
>I'll even cause the death of some of these other cute girls, while we're at it. Can't have you even think about another woman, can we?
Never trust a telepath.

Attached: Sumika.jpg (960x797, 142K)

It was a shitty bait thread, nothing of value lost

who the fuck is this?

An emotionally manipulative ahoge.

Attached: Muv Luv.png (800x600, 640K)

what did she do?

And the yuckies got baited as usual. Cute but sad.

nobody posted her yet?

Attached: 1551636539768.jpg (700x990, 487K)

nah, iroshitters were just sperging as usual

Good. Only I am allowed to love her.

>thread is full of irohatards seething

careful Irohatards main girl incoming

Attached: 2019-06-15_01-11.png (521x903, 368K)

Stop replying to me obsessed yuckyshitter..

he says, while replying to the yukinofag, like some obsessed deranged irowhoreshitter


Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?

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Sure thing, sweaty.

I don't know about the other 2 anons but my Elf wife is more popular than at least half the list. I'm not posting her because she doesn't belong in a shit waifu thread.

>he says while he is sweating profusely

I hated Yukino in the Anime but when I picked up the manga I fell in love with her. I can't really figure out why I hated her in the Anime so much.

bad adaptation

Attached: 1560452454897.jpg (1080x1900, 396K)

seethe more yucky

O B S E S S E D iroshitter

Yukino literally hates everything about Hayama, there isn't a single interest they share in common. She doesn't like him calling by her first name, doesn't like talking to him and she hates how he values superficiality. YukinoxHayama doesn't exist.

And the rest?

Attached: My beloved harem.png (1446x1506, 1.9M)

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>YukinoxHayama doesn't exist
Yukino is just seething because he rejected her

Other way around

>From worse waifu thread to Oregairu thread #245678.
They said Saekano fags are cancer.

Attached: Megumi.png (1046x1636, 973K)

Yukino is the only one who takes his breath away, no girl ever had a chance.

Attached: 1560244125273.jpg (1092x1600, 463K)

Yukino never had romantic feelings before she met 8man, secondary.

sidegirlfags have pretty much made it their day time job to shitpost this series

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Wrong thread

Attached: 6CB39A19-4213-4581-86D6-D3EAD71C4884.jpg (772x1000, 203K)

this entire thread is wrong, as expected.

>Roasting this hotly.
Careful their user, your gonna wind up sending some of these Yea Forumsutists to the burn ward.

>t.salty waifufag
You’re waifu a fucking shit

Better than yours, that's for sure. Rei has the personality of a mannequin and Asuka salivates over old men.

Used goods can be loved

Attached: 359861.jpg (225x350, 40K)


She probably looks like utter shit and also loves old man cock

My waifu never gets posted here, feels good
Not even this one had her. Also there's no such thing as a "shit waifu." They might be a shit character, but if they're someone's waifu then to that person they're perfect

she's a cute

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my waifu is from a vn so nobody even knows her and those who do wouldn't dare to post her in a thread like this

No, she's friendless girl who reads books and lives by herself.

Same, my waifu's series fell of the radar years ago.

fuck off falseflagger


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Then she’s probably fugly and has the personality of a garbage can

bottom left, who dat?

Yukino dosen't love 8man, she already rejected him Why would she laugh like that about his proposal if she actually liked him. She is just enjoying herself making fun about 8man

Attached: rejected.png (567x909, 458K)

So,just like rei?

No, several characters have remarked on her beauty.

Well, she does have some remarkable similarities to Rei but the main difference being that she's shy and believes in absolute justice.

Made a club to save him? Yukino said club was because she wanted to save the world. Hachiman was in that school being a loner for a year and a month and suddenly Yukino wants to save him and so made club? Limo accident was more than year ago too. And in volume 12 Yukino agrees "sensei was the instigator behind everything". Seems Hiratsuka gets the credit for club and for whatever Hachiman got out of it . She was club advisor and school counselor, makes sense.

>She is a JUSTICEfag
Ok,she doesn't belong in this thread

calm down YPF

Who the fuck let this turbo autist in?

We don't know that. Would make a lot of sense if in middle school she liked Hayama, her childhood friend, but then felt betrayed when he didn't stop the bullying of her but chose to be everyone's friend instead and not make waves

The club literally ends when "fixing" Hachiman has been completed. Just ask yourself, why would some rich girl make a club in her spare time? It's because she blames herself for Hachiman not making friends, and she wanted to fix that.

Yukino LITERALLY confirms she never felt those feelings before, yuipollfag. When are you going to stop this?

my post was literally making fun of YPFs

Yukino quite literally confirms on several ocassions that her feelings for Hachiman are something she has never experienced before.

>waifu isn't there
Also, take it back. My wet towel is insulted that you compared it to Inori.
I'm so glad Yea Forums knows that Henrietta is shit.

wrong, user, the club ends when Hachiman keeps being stupid, continuing to make Yukino rely on him even though she and others told him to stop that crap. She tells Hachiman it's not the genuine thing, and then tells him "let's end this" and so ends the club. After she leaves in the monologue at the very end she says it was all "a twisted sham". Hachiman isn't fixed at all.

She never mentions romantic feelings and never having them before, she mentions this and instead it's things like never going out and other emotional things...but never says she didn't like someone before:

"“I’d never argued and fought like we did… nor cried in front of others. I was so nervous even when we went out together, and it was the first time I was so unsure of what to do… I didn’t even know it was okay to rely on someone. That’s why it went wrong somewhere…”

fuck off turbo autist, go sperg elsewhere.

Attached: First time I've seen you on a date with someone.png (689x416, 70K)

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Only makes her better because it allows her to be the target for teasing, which gives her the onus to fire back. All of this in a niche lingo we happen to share. Truly her possessing such a trait was no mere random act of change, but the choice of steins gate!

Thank you for justifying me posting best girl, celeb17 herself, with your stale bait image macro.

Attached: @channeler Kurisu.png (300x300, 128K)

can some yukinotard explain to me why she has to be such a cunt while he is already beaten up

Attached: not happening.png (571x907, 492K)

It's because of the accident, Yukino feels guilty about it. She doesn't think she's worthy of being his friend. Yukino's goal has always been "fix" him and then move on, not fall in love with him.

calm down irohatard

Smartest post itt


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>booru'd her
>not disappointed

Attached: 1530421205489.gif (480x360, 2.61M)

That proves nothing about what I said. I only said it is quite possible she liked someone before. I did not say she was ever with someone.

In fact, it makes a lot of sense if in the past she wished she was with Hayama, but instead Hayama did his usual thing of valuing his clique rather than Yukino

You need to start thinking logically user, you're doing poorly

She never said she felt guilty about accident. Why would she, she wasn't driving and Hachiman was the one who decided to risk his life for a wiener dog.


Yukino's body language showed she felt guilty over it and she even tried to indirectly apologized for it during one of the cultural festival planning committee meetings. She wanted to clear up the misunderstanding and Hachiman didn't let her.

You should stick to fanfics autismo

Attached: feelings that I'm experiencing for the very first time.png (1146x642, 657K)

No, during festival planning meetings she was talking of misunderstanding that Hachiman was causing with his antics

all of them

Sincerely, you should go back to your cancerous fanfics. You're unwelcome here.

>thinking Yukino is some shallow girl like Yumiko and Iroha
Yukino hates superficiality, how often does this need to be repeated?

>reddit spacing
It had nothing to do with antics, retard.

lolz picking non-canon drama CD song sung by Yui and Yukino, proving..... nothing in particular

You're the one posting fanfictiony stuff now, user.

are you going to quote Visual Novel next?

Grasping at straws, user...

>reddit spacing
go back

Go read it, user, you're making shit up. They were only talking of meeting, no where do they mention past of accident. Yukino is telling Hachiman to not have misunderstandings due to his antics.

Your ability to make nonsense up between your ears that has nothing to do with the text of the story is amazing.

What went wrong with your upbringing to type like this?

Beem typing docs all day at work on system that makes paragraphs with double carriage returns, user.

>Yukino and Hachiman weren't communicating for days/weeks
>the misunderstanding has to do with his antics
Dumb speed reader

I think you need to go back. Your brand of cancer isn’t appreciated here.

>hachiman and yukino's relationship becomes strained because he finds out about the car accident
>hachiman asks yui if she knew
>hachiman later on near the end of volume 6 asks yukino about the car accident and tells her she doesn't have to tell him the truth
imagine being this dumb

Shouldn’t you go back to seething in your discord or facebook page?

I can read, user. I can read Japanese too. But since you are probably English only let's have a look. First Megumi is scolding Hachiman for his antics:
“I’m disappointed… I thought you were a really serious guy too…”
I had no words in response to her sad whisper.
That’s why I didn’t want to work. If you strived to do your job, you would be forced with expectations. At some point, a simple misstep on your part would be met with disappointment.
I wiped away my regret together with a sigh.
I lifted myself out of my chair.
Just as I was about to exit the conference room, Yukinoshita was at the front of the door.

Next Yukino asks him question as he's leaving:

“Are you okay with this?”
“With what?” I asked her back, but she didn’t reply.
“I think it’d be better if you cleared up the misunderstanding.”

Yukino is telling Hachiman to clear up a misunderstanding, right after Hachiman was acting up.

“I won’t be able to. It’s already out there, so the problem ends there. There isn’t anything more to clear up.”

Yukinoshita narrowed her eyes and lightly glared at me. “…You make excuses for the most pointless things but never when it comes to things that matter. I think that’s somewhat cowardly of you. No one can make an excuse if you do that.”
“There’s no point in making excuses. People act on their own the more important something is.”
“…I suppose so. That might be true. Things like excuses are meaningless,” said Yukinoshita, as if reflecting on it.

Now how does that have anything to do with accident, user? It doesn't

Attached: Anime girl.jpg (457x525, 70K)

weren't you the autist that got blown the fuck out on the subreddit so hard you had to delete your account? you had some pretty retarded arguments

Ok, and what would Yukino need to make excuses about? What was Yukino reflecting on?

She's thinking Hachiman might have valid point of view.

Now if she had said "I need to clear up a misunderstanding with you", that would be related to accident.

But instead she's telling Hachiman to clear one up, and at first getting angry that he won't do as she says.

The accident and that misunderstanding aren't in scope in their talk.

Why would Yukino care of something like that over not being on speaking terms with Hachiman? Face it, you don't understand the story.

You're so funny user, anyone you can't win argument with must be a redditor? You seem to have some familiarity with some situation over there? Best stay in the closet around here, redditor.

Ok, so now I just know you're retarded. Just stop. Go write shitty fanfics like the mouthbreather that you are. That's all you're good for anyway.

I can remember specific quotes in all 16 volumes but you say "I don't understand story". LOLZ, you haven't read it half as many times as I have user, and that includes Japanese, fan translated English and also the vol 1-7.5 official translations. Argue with me, you'll lose, casual.

Nah, I'm pretty sure you got blown the fuck out. You have the same retarded writing style. Is English your first laguage? Perhaps you should learn how to write like a normal human being first before trying to engage with other people on the internet.

So your arguments have no merit and thus you must resort to insults. Pretty lame, user. Up your game, or up yours.

>read it so many times
>still don't understand shit
Embarrassing. Time you could have spent on learning how not to be a piece of shit human being.

Funny words from someone who writes like they have a bad case of teen angst.

No, there's just no point in arguing with someone with dementia.

Yukino has developed over the course of the story, Hachiman has not.

Attached: yukino.jpg (640x578, 69K)

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stop bumping the thread and let it die

Is this from the newer chapters? I read up to low 60s and don't remember this.

Attached: trifecta_of_worst_girls.jpg (2654x720, 282K)

shit taste

Volume 10

Pic related is garbage and so are her autistic pedo fans

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You call that worst of long black haired girls?

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Mai, Chitanda and Kei belong there

There is more than one Yukinoshita in play. Things aren't working out with the imouto so maybe it's time to try for the onee-san

Attached: the-other-yukinoshita.jpg (1648x2046, 259K)

Go back to your containment

fuck off cancer

OreGairu is the worst major/popular series that I had the misfortune of stumbling upon. Everything about is shit. The author is a dipshit. The story is a convoluted drama driven teenage romance where nothing happens. The characters are shit. The best characters are the ones with least development because the author didn't have a chance to fuck them up. Worst of all are the shit fans that live for this garbage.

1. genuinely cares for Hachiman
2. correctly tells him he has a problem making others rely on him, especially Yukino, because it feels good afteer being a loner for so many year.
3. Is smarter and more capable than Yukino
4. Hotter body than Yukino
5. Is family heir gets all the power and money
6. Constantly flirts with Hachiman and engages in skinship
7. Has social skills and can interact well with people

Looks like a win to me, you must be intimidated by amazing women.

>1. genuinely cares for Hachiman
stopped reading right there

Attached: 3vYXFhn.png (867x1080, 728K)

honestly fags like you are the worst. also the side characters in oregairu suck ass.

Only normalfags like this garbage

Yes, genuinely cares user. Did you miss:

1. Was concerned that Hachiman have a good hobby
2. Gave advice about picking college major
3. Gave advice about career
4. Correctly told him what he's been doing wrong in relation to Yukino

1. Haruno doesn't care about anyone but herself. She is a soulless whore.
2. She is a cunt that has been ruining other people's lives for her amusement.
3. Haruno is a lazy and dumb whore. Even fucking Yui has blown her out.
4. Haruno is ugly as shit and looks like she is on drugs.
5. She is forcing Yukino to do that.
6. She does that with old bald politicians as well.
7. She is a fucking piece of shit that treats people terribly. A literal wolf in sheep's clothing.
Now fuck off, cancerous secondary.

Did you miss that the first three she only did so she could pry information of Yukino out of him?

Retarded secondaries and fanficfags need to go

You suck ass, faggot.

What do you mean, it's been an amazing driver of daki sales. OreGairu has more body pillows than any other series. Every pointless volume means another year of daki Totsuka, Komachi, Rumi, .etc. Proven success model, It's in the bag, gahahahaha!

>yes, genuinely cares
>Hachiman picks Yui in ANOTHER
>Hachiman is dead to Haruno
This is why fags like you need to stay quiet

do you have a mental illness

ANOTHER is Watari's own quick cut and paste fanfiction when he was told to whip up something to stuff in Blu-Ray packages. It's not canon and doesn't prove anything about canon.


t. daki owner

Watari told people to read it autist

Can't handle the truth, can you? body pillows&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcsMGXy-riAhUHEawKHQTgBfkQ_AUIECgB&biw=1485&bih=839

yeah, this guy has a serious screw loose

are you not paying attention to how this "person" is writing, he is a literal subhuman

Attached: 109721.jpg (1920x1080, 2.28M)

yes he did, because you need to buy a $70 disc to get each volume. Really user, you are so gullible.

Well, yes, he is pretty fucking autistic

Fuck off fsggot

Attached: RuixKajita.jpg (1066x1600, 670K)

who is this

What is her deal?

Best girl Rui from domekano, she's way too good for the trash MC that keeps leaving her to screw her older sister, so it's good she's getting to know some other guys.

so some shitty harlot then

No, that would be the manwhore MC.

She's only been with MC so far in story, he's the one that's fucking her older sister sometimes and making out with other women. A real piece of trash.

why do you read it then

Just for the best girl, she's a QT

that's sad



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i hate her

What are you sniffing

less than a week after breaking up with her boyfriend, pic related happens with her co worker. girls a thot

she smells Ichigo's saliva on Hiro's face. Ichigo has true love, 02 just wants prey to use and consume.

Attached: ichigo-kiss-hiro.png (1854x957, 391K)

Gross as fuck

well fuck her then

She should shower

Ichigo has true love with Goro, not that cuck

in semen? or with water?

Goro is a cuck

why not both?

Semen is better

Is 02 a semen demon?

Of course, look at her design

Nothing wrong with her design

She looks very slutty

in the far future, not at that point in story

a lot of weebs like slutty anime girls

How far in the future

they are responsible for ruining anime



I actually really like her


What is it from?

Some doujin

probably some really dumb meme

I don’t get the joke

It ain’t funny anyway

then why bring it up in the first place?

9+ months later we see Kokoro has her baby and Goro and Ichigo having some kind of relationship, where Ichigo is embarassed that he kissed her goodbye. Then 8 years later she is pregnant with his child... so maybe Goro just wasaway exploring for years so that's why the relationship so slow to get to where they are finally a couple with baby coming.

It wasn’t me

wait, they kissed and she got pregnant?

I thought she was into the blue haired guy

No, that's not quite how it works. Even hand holding doesn't quite cause pregnancy though a couple may as well go for impregnation after reaching that point.

Have they ever talked about pregnancy

nah, pink girl is

Actually both

they all read the sex ed book so I think they know how it goes... Must be a well written instruction set.

nah, ichigo moved on

Reading is different from doing

I don't think so

Saika i rike

My waifu has remained safe from this thread based

I'm sorry you have garbage taste. Who's your waifu? Winry?