No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them!

>No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them!
>All that remains is the end, where you will all perish
>Eternal greatness exists only within myself
>Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished!

K I N O as shit opening

Attached: Traitor's Requiem 2.jpg (1533x862, 753K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I really liked the voice changes VA did
and yes opening is kino as fuck

>Mista is now the 4th Trish

I fucking lost my shit when I heard the goddamn ground crack. That was goddamn glorious.

Diavolo theme is probably the best villain theme of the year for me. The fact that they overlayed it in the actual song and it fit is amazing.

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Would you rather Trish in Mista's body or Mista in Trish body? Which would be less gay?

It was kinda lame. I don't know what to tell you.

Now just waiting the yellow clouds around Giorno become the three "retired" members

Both equal levels of gay, so you gotta fuck them both to even it out.

Yamashita Daiki immitating Giorno is actually just him doing his Deku voice, its pretty great

There are still five more episodes left for DP to fuck around with the opening more.

My only "issue" with the OP was not having Pol pol in it so far. Was kinda expecting him to at least appear today.

Chariot Requiem was added to the end credits Stand column at least.


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>KC eye slants still connect with the outer part of his face
Does this bother anyone else

I hope so. This week’s was cool, especially with all the visual changes, but it felt weird just hearing Diavolo’s theme instead of more of Traitor’s Requiem.

>I don't know what to tell you
You wanted to point out your "superior" taste, so you knew exactly what to say. the exact mindset of someone with massive insecurites and a lack of self-confidence.

There's a term for that, its HunterCHADs

>Koitsu no na wa,
>His name is Diavolo

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All I want to say is, Diavolo's design is pretty fucking cool. I love how he looks.

daily reminder

Attached: Dio Vs Diavolo.jpg (2518x1500, 1.18M)

Why is he so perfect?

Attached: Clipboard01.png (1920x1080, 2M)

>inb4 "DavidPro is a bunch of hacks for 'tracing'!"

He's so much better looking in the anime.

>I Am No Longer Doppio Or Diavolo!

Time Stop is un-counterable without your own time stop or complete dominion over time (Gay Priest). Diavolo can do nothing to kill DIO anyway.

On top of that, DIO's kid kills him and takes over his whole organization while his kid probably catches Gold Experiences nightly as one of the lucky girls that he sires.

>I am the one who will destroy you!

Attached: once you go blue your balls will be through.jpg (2859x2025, 948K)

>watch the modified opening
>think to myself, damn this is actually kinda kino
>go to my favorite mongolian basket waving forum
>everyone's kinoposting

Attached: good shit.jpg (600x747, 171K)

No knowing it was going to happen today made it that much more effective

Reminder that personality is everything.
Trish with Mista's mind is the toppest waifu.

That's something you don't hear often about an adaptation

Attached: Jitsu Wa Watashi Voice.png (989x326, 101K)

It was so good. Jojo's peak easily.

the voice actors doing impressions of each other was absolute K I N O

Attached: waifu.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

Boy. The last 3 episodes have been a drag
DP is doing their best but I now correctly see the flaw with Part 5
It's not Giorno
It's the ending

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I always thought the Requiem arrow gave you the ability you needed the most in the moment or at least that's what Yea Forums told me

But Chariot stabbed himself with the arrow on accident during a peaceful time and got the same ability? So is it a fate thing? Like the Requiem arrow will always transform your stand to fit your moment of highest desperation even if it hasn't happened yet?


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>Part 3 at times felt like it was more about Polnareff
>Part 4 at times felt like it was more about Koichi
>Part 5 feels like Bucciratti is always the MC until the end

Attached: Bruno's Bodacious Battle Biography.png (1280x720, 1.02M)


Oasis fight and Boss Reveal were drags for you?

Looks better in the manga desu.

>listening to Yea Forums
You fool child.

> it's another jojofags are so up araki's arse they convince themselves the op is good
holy shit that diavolo part felt so misplaced

yes. Oasis fight and boss reveal were drags for me
> underwhelming fight followed by two full episodes of exposition
> Chariot Requiem is just too vague and not threatening. How is it going wild if no one is really hurt by the mind switch?
> want more boss antics and they start with a whole body swap arc
easily the worst ending of any part.
I-i had forgotten

The real reason Polnareff couldn't contact Jotaro is simply because of plot. Araki knew [/spoiler] Jotaro would defeat Diavolo and he didn't want the story to end so quickly.[/spoiler]

best family

Attached: famiglia.png (1064x955, 1.36M)

Oh well, point still stands.

Nice spoiler, bro.

this episode was trash dog

>holy shit that diavolo part felt so misplaced
It's standard for the main villain to do that after part 3

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>puts people to sleep no matter what they're doing
>swapping bodies around
>"How is it going wild if no one is really hurt by the mind switch"
Yes, that woman and her baby whose minds were swapped surely won't be hurt.

I want more spice girl!

I think he means it showed up too early.

Why didn't they just kill Diavolo while he was unconscious and in Bruno's already dying body?

I'm all for Jotaro NOT stealing the spotlight once again.
I was laughing through the first half, the second half was a lot of exposition

ngl the latest episodes since chiocolatta and secco were garbage. No idea why araki decided to drag the ending like this

this guy gets it
holy shit i'm shocked at how off-base Yea Forums is on this
pure unadulterated garbage

Probably because it's not Diavolo in Bruno's body

It's Doppio, isn't it?

Then maybe Araki shouldn't have gotten Polnareff involved in that way and actually learned to write his characters or stories more decently for once. The win-arrow is such a cop-out solution it's not even funny.

I want her wedges on my face

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>muh muh jotaro fag
>imbecile who don't know how to use a spoiler
what a shock

It isn't misplaced, they're using this now because they have a third variation for the final episode. Everyone knows what it is going to be.

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That thing is only fan speculation, I think. It would fit with what happened to Kira, you get what you want but with a twist. Also, Polnareff even then wanted to protect the arrow at all costs, so maybe that's why it manifested the way it did.

This is my favorite series to have playing while I welcome the local group of vagrants to blast AIDS deep into my rectum.

Why didn't Diavolo just take over Doppio's body when he was fighting Risotto like he did just before he changed


Attached: awesmile.gif (300x300, 737K)

post feet or get lost

Look at this turtle.

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>Risotto like he did just before he changed
because he was in the open and didn't want to reveal his identity to risotto

He didn't have to reveal his identity
That wasn't Doppio going THIS IS A TRIAL
Just kill Risotto using Doppio's body

She appears one more time during the final "battle".

>king crimson's time skip in the new OP ends exactly where the regular OP does

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What would knowing the Boss's ''''identity'''' honestly do? It literally means nothing.

Bucciarati should have just stayed in Diavolo's body and been the father Trish deserved.

It's a typical fancannon thing in the Jojo fanbase. People confuse Requiem's ability ("the power to control souls") X Chariot's last directive as Polnareff died (protect the arrow at all costs, which it now enacts on its own since it went berserk). Bites the Dust came before but it's an intersection of those two things, desire+ability.

He came out only after Risotto got shot (which is why he used KC's full ability) because if Risotto got away somehow he would have been fucked by revealing his Stand/face

Attached: mista_rapes_trish.webm (1280x720, 2M)

It's a continuation of Kira's aesthetic
He justs wants a smoothly ran business

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-01-17h08m05s601.png (1280x720, 904K)

He used KC's full ability as Doppio to Pol

This is how you tell a story with just an opening

This reminded me of all those rap music videos nowadays that have this type of shit in it

>Bucciratti is always the MC

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I don't understand how Diavolo can be such a strange and awkward character design and yet work so wonderfully well as a villain in the anime.

Director at DP must really love this part.

Attached: Diavolo epitaph.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

Maybe I’m still riding off the high of the last episode, but this episode kinda dragged. I feel they could’ve easily fit more content in it than they did.

>commits so much evil

Dude just wanted to sell drugs. How does that make him evil?

It means you know who he is and have more advantage over his god like Stand power then, you potentially kill him anonymously at your convenience without him ever knowing.

The guy is a paranoid wretch willing to kill his own daughter for a reason. He wants to keep his criminal empire and everything he has killed for, for himself.

And he ends up being very right to be paranoid in the end.

sope furry they improve this shot in the bru rayuu

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funny thing is that he commited less evil than dio doing his car ride with senator adams killing some dozens of civillians

The second line is fucked up, it should be “Only the result remains” which is obviously a reference to KEKKA DAKE DA

uhh, KC+Epitaph is the PERFECT counter to Time Stop.
Epitaph can see the time stop before it happens and KC can erase it.
He can literally disable DIO completely.


Dio as a kid was doing more evil shit than Diavolo when you really think about it.

Pretty much. Diavolo was a businessman. He was only responding to market demand.

This scene is fucked without context


>Dude just wanted to sell drugs. How does that make him evil?

Attached: Jotaro.gif (322x324, 91K)

>Dude just wanted to sell drugs
He literally have a group of assassins,why do you think he only do one type of business?

Drugs do a shitload of damage to people, families, and society as a whole.

Everyone hated the assassins though

to kids. you left that part out.


They should’ve switched VAs still. That would’ve been way too funny to pass up like that.

>Poison the boss in a moment where he doesn't see it necessary to activate epitaph
Kill confirmed.

>imprisons his mom beneath the floor and keeps her alive for no fucking reason
>stabs his stepfather to death with a pickaxe
>burns down his home village
>all around sociopath who doesnt care about the consequences of his actions and has the right to rule the world
Oh at least he spared a maid guys!

You don't remember Diavolo's buried mom and the subsequent genocide?

The anime improved the art a lot

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Part 5 has been shit for awhile now.

That was speculation when the shitty translations existed. The arrow's real power is the ability to control souls.

What happened to swole Diavolo?

It made sense regarding Kira, he wanted to stay hidden and unassuming in a small town so he can continue to practice his fetish. Here it makes absolutely no fucking sense. How on earth is this business managed? Boss wants to run a massive criminal organisation also while being a completely paranoid retard? Like he accidentally got into this position and freaked out instead of kickstarting the whole thing. Seems to me like Diavolo just lets the mafia run itself while he's off hiding in random hotels throughout the country. What does he gain from this type of business? Money? Money that he spends only on hotel expenses and basically nothing else cus it would be too suspicious?

Araki faces can be really shit.

So what did Diavolo do with his hair when he was wearing a suit? Just braided it?
If this doesn't play in the anime I will be pretty disappointed.

>king Crimson your in italy right after part5 ends

08/07/2019 Arena di Verona - Verona
10/07/2019 Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi - Torino
18/07/2019 Arena Santa Giuliana - Perugia

this will be fun

Attached: mentally challenged trish.png (814x908, 214K)

Played at the very end of Episode 21.

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Muscles are gross

>He literally have a group of assassins

And countries have armies. What do you have against soldiers?

He wouldn't be selling to kids if they weren't buying it, and the kids wouldn't be buying it if they had been raised right. So clearly the true evil here are the parents.

DP wants you to think he just wore Doppio's hairstyle

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t. tumblr

I agree there's a huge explanatory gap in Diavolo's character as it relates to the day to day management and reward from being the boss given his personality. He doesn't seem to be materialistic to the extent of caring about the profit. Hell, he doesn't even seem to want the raw power of his position or take joy in bringing terror to others. He just wants to "stay on top" and believes in self-progressivism, traits that wouldn't be feel out of place in any of the other antagonists like Dio, Kira and Kars. The only thing that sets him apart is the setting and his wish for anonimity, which is also shared with Kira. My guess is that Araki wanted the italian mafia setting so bad and that desire was strong enough to override the consistency of Diavolo's characterization

>Seems to me like Diavolo just lets the mafia run itself while he's off hiding in random hotels throughout the country.
Like a boss.

diavolo is not going to fuck you if you keep whiteknighting him

You need to BLACK Secco for the full meme effect.

>Another Persona
>Fierce Battle
>Death has a subtle time skipping close
>unnamed song where he kills Abbacchio
>Diavolo theme now bleeds into the OP

How many songs will they keep giving him? At this rate a fifth of the whole show's soundtrack will be dedicated to him.

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Daily reminder that governments all over the world are more evil as they literally live off drug (tobacco, alcohol) sale.

is it still daisuke talking in italian or some other guy, if it's someone else is he credited in the ending?

Attached: Secco.gif (340x191, 750K)

Fine by me. White-knighting and getting rejected is my fetish.

Biology states that the least gay option would be to fuck Mista in Trish's body

Bites the Dust isnt even a requiem ability. It was a new ability Killer Queen gained from the (regular, not requiem) arrow stabbing Kira, not the stand.

>It means you know who he is
All information regarding him is made completely irrelevant once revealed he has no ''identity''. What would knowing the name Diavolo do? It means as much as knowing him as ''Boss''. And his face? He hides in the form of Doppio the whole time anyway so it's not like that matters either. Not to mention he doesn't seem to be stationed at one specific place, has an address or anything. He can move throughout the country with ease. You gonna spot him randomly at some café in god-knows-where? Especially if he knows people are actively out to get him? It's just a wild-goose chase.

This OP was awesome, and the episode covered one of my fetish and made my peepee hard.

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Fuck the troops

Yes, BTD isn't Requiem. But it's the predecessing idea of Stand evolution through the arrow, which is why people confuse the two. I just mentioned it to make the distinction clear: BTD's ability was influenced by Kira's desire to remain anonymous, while Requiem's ability to control souls is separate from Polnareff's wish to protect the arrow

Makes sense, I guess. Thank you.

Doppio stole Diavolo's original hairstyle

If you really think about it he committed several evils, he dug up the arrows in Egypt and sold them to enya who used one of them to give DIO a stand and sold the rest to which resulted in Kira getting KQ and subsequently the other stand users Kira's dad picked

Have you ever watched any other series that adapted a manga with shit art like Jojo?


Claymore had nice art

Fucking a girl’s body with a male’s mind is the only way to enjoy genderbend and genderbend doujins.

>imprisons his mom beneath the floor and keeps her alive for no fucking reason
>Diavolo's buried mom
We don't know the fill story behind that.
>stabs his stepfather to death with a pickaxe
Because he knew too much.
>burns down his home village
>subsequent genocide
How is starting a fire to cover up the death of a single person and fake your own death a genocide?

Not him, user, redpill me.

oh shit you're probably right.

Do you blame gun sellers for mass shootings?

For monsters and shit. The "humanoid" characters looked like shit with an extra heaping of sameface.

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Polnareff what are you doing!?

pretty boring episode although funny, so introducing the new OP now was a good move by DP, something to talk about

Mista touching himself was hot.

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Friendly reminder

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Why she's seeking Narancia all of a sudden? She never show a bond with anyone in the gang exept maybe bucciarati.

>because his stepfather knew too much
>we don't know the full story behind that
No, we don't. And we won't because it doesn't matter. The narrative's implication is clear that nothing excuses those actions. Let's leave out that he smiles before killing his stepfather because that's just an anime thing Even if his mom was potentially abusive (?), Diavolo's attitude contrasts completely with Giorno who had two confirmedly shitty and abusive parents. That's what marks him as the antagonist and Giorno as the protagonist. One let fate turn him into a bad person (when his life wasn't even that shitty) and the other grew stronger because of it.

What? Her first bond was with Narancia. She protected him while Bruno screeched at her not to in Grateful Dead.

Trish and Mista talking in each other's voices is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a non-comedy anime

Did you think any of Trish’s reactions made any sense? It was like I was watching Mista play Mista instead of a body swap episode.

>No, we don't. And we won't because it doesn't matter. The narrative's implication is clear that nothing excuses those actions.
Of course he's evil, but he's much less evil than most of the main villains.

>My guess is that Araki wanted the italian mafia setting so bad and that desire was strong enough to override the consistency of Diavolo's characterization
Seems to me rather like he didn't know what to do with the Italian mafia setting and just didn't know much about it in the first place. It becomes less and less relevant as the part progresses. It would've helped to be localized more around Naples like it implies in the beginning. Centered around the businesses and back-and-forth interactions of this peculiar organisation and a plan to dismantle it from within. Part of the reason DiU works better is because it was heavily inspired around some events taking place in Japan at that time, which intrigued him to play around with that idea which was more familiar and close to home for him. And I ain't gonna blame him for not knowing much about Naples etc. especially in the 90's. He probably watched some Godfather and thought that was cool, had a trip in Italy for a bit and wrote whatever he thought on the spot. Too bad it just devolves into this very typical shonen kakugou/destiny/fatalist narrative by the end and takes itself way too seriously while being too inconsistent. And I hear he was depressed around that time so that didn't help. Shame cus I still love alot of the ideas it has.

>diavolo ends up being a criminal like his mother

>It would've helped to be localized more around Naples like it implies in the beginning. Centered around the businesses and back-and-forth interactions of this peculiar organisation and a plan to dismantle it from within
It seems he went for that sort of slower, suspenseful and localized pace with parts 4, 6 and 8; while parts 3,5 and 7 where more of the travelling adventure type with diverse and mobile action that hinders a consistent plot in favor of fights with a cool but shallow backdrop.
If there's anything we know about Araki is that he always tries to make one part very different from the one before it, and that when he starts out a part with a plotline, it goes awry by the middle and it's usually a mess by the end because that's his writing style. That unpredictability does end up being a part of the charm though, but I guess your complaints come from how the italian mafia setting is very interesting but had unused potential in Jojo

>being this retarded
Epitaph only sees the result. He would have no idea that time stopped.

Y'all actually think this shit is good

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he hid himself while he tried to repair himself, what's your problem bro?

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I don't think a single villain in all of Jojo has done anything as vile as Dio making a woman eat her baby.

It's shitty writing that gives no explanation on how manage to Polnareff survive being beaten into piece and flung off a cliff

>diavolo uses KC to escape his fate and bend time to his will
>gets sent to a world where time never ends and he will never reach the inevitability of a final death
Sleeping KINO/KINO Slaves

So how did Polnareff stitch his arm back on? And doesn't he only lose one leg and an eye in the manga? They really wanted to push a Punished Polnareff, I guess.

>If there's anything we know about Araki is that he always tries to make one part very different from the one before it
And this is one of the reasons I enjoy the series as a whole. Changing up the setting, following different groups of characters with different circumstances etc. is a great idea.
The unpredictability is indeed part of the charm, especially with the battles and how creative he can get with them, but I think there is still a line that when crossed, it just delves into frustration and annoyance more than anything and ends up souring the experience.

Wait so, is it Diavolo's own fault he ends up that way or is it actually an ability of GER? Ya got me confused user.

>And doesn't he only lose one leg and an eye in the manga

SCR has a few very nasty tricks, it can get pretty wild.

It’s the power of the resurrected Dio.

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lmao i love these fake spoiler images

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>Yea Forumsutistic jojofaggots tricking themselves into thinking DP does anything better than Araki outside the part 1+2 adaptations

Drugs are evil my dude.

>killing the protagonist again
How does Araki keep getting away with this?

Attached: GIORNODIES.jpg (1560x1200, 830K)

Diavolo looks like a prostitute trying to proposition Giorno in this picture.

I bet you think that Reefer Madness was a documentary.

I know Diavolo is Trish's dad but he looks so much like her its kind of wierd.

I mean you and your dad both have pink hair and lipstick. Im really really REALLY trying to take him seriously as a threatening villain but his character design is a mess.

You're kind of both wrong.
Doppio's mother was buried under the floor AND SHE SOMEHOW LIVED. Of course a Stand was involved. Neither King Crimson nor Epitaph have the ability to keep a person alive under those circumstances, so we can assume that an external Stand user did it for shit & giggles (because he was stalking Doppio or something). Doppio walks in, sees his dad for no apparent reason tearing the floor, his mother is buried there! - he loses it, kills the priest and burns down the house. The event was so traumatic that he lost his memory. From then on he either developed a new personality or Diavolo took over him (for good).
Notice how Doppio/Diavolo had no secrecy paranoia before the event - Doppio dated a girl and had unprotected sex with her. This is not something Diavolo would approve of given his present desire to remain anonymous at all cost.

Attached: consider this.png (662x450, 359K)

There's no other stand because it's all just part of Diavolo's insane and untrue backstory. It never happened.

What's he dreaming about?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 34 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.10_[2019.06. (1920x1080, 2.32M)

>Pretensious shit in an opening


>It never happened.
This might be a probability.
If so, there's no need to vilify Diavolo for things that never happened.

Based and bosspilled

Hey you guys stop all that civil discussion rIght now! This is a jojo thread for christ same get back to shitposting.

Was he actually just scratching there?

From the implications of the timeline, it seems Diavolo unearthed the arrows and unleashed stands to the world after the events of his childhood, so no stand was involved with his mommy issues.
I appreciate different interpretations when it comes to Diavolo because his personality lends itself to "ok but why, something must have happened to him". But I don't think Araki thought that far ahead originally, let alone know/consider that dissociative disorders have a link to deep traumatic events in childhood when coming up with Diavolo's character. He just thought douple personality was some rad shit and put it there.

Cozy phone sex with Doppio after eliminating all the traitors

Akagi and Kaiji?

So what was up with Doppio yelling at Diavolo earlier last episode? It seemed really out of character for him to speak to the Bossu so rudely.

Low effort garbage shit OP
Not really though that was awesome. I already liked the song, but the additional background choir in the last part made it even better

Did you forget that Doppio disobeyed the Bossu's orders in Metallica and demanded praise from him after fighting his own way?

Someone please give me a real answer to this question
In spite of all the fuckery in jojo, i dont understand why this couldnt have happened: why didnt giorno heal polnareffs body, give him some new legs and then do the soul transfer with the turtle? Giorno was able to switch his soul from narancias body to his own, theres no reason why polnareff couldnt have gotten back in his own body. Considering theres a lot of other stuff that seem less realistic, it should have happened

Meeting his mom was the traumatic event, I guess their reunion wasn't a happy one considering where she ended up

I forgot the whole Chariot Requiem arc since I read it years ago but I need some guidance here, Diavolo's soul is in Bucciarati's body, right?

Doppio has rare bursts of courage every now and again but Diavolo only trusts him because he's honest and easily manipulated mostly rather than any kind of actual attachment.

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Why does he wear that gay tranny shit under his sweater?

Nope. Think cuter.

Is Part 6 the only part since 2 where the main character actually feels like the main character?

oh, I see, it's dorurururu-kun

It just boils down to Araki not wanting or wanting something to happen at any given moment and that is it. He'll bullshit his way through anything and then tell you it's fate. Just like the way the whole Giorno/Narancia soul/body switch played out implies that either Bruno should've been totally fine this whole time, or Giorno should've become a zombie.

Soul switch is SCR's ability, not Giorno's. Once SCR was defeated, soul transfer wasn't possible any longer, and everybody was preoccupied with more important matters while SCR was active.

strawberry gelato

Polnareff already died before he was swapped. If Giorno healed his body, it'll be Bruno all over again.

Turning Trish into a guy makes her 300% more attractive. Araki does it again

Attached: trishsta.jpg (641x572, 62K)

Get out of here with your shit taste, DP sucked up all the expressiveness from the manga. The villains do look better though.

They actually made it uglier

Was anyone else aroused by Bruno in last weeks ep? He looked so vulnerable, I could have easily raped him.

based ESL

Guys always make the best girls. That's why Yea Forums loves tomboys, the closest thing to a bro while being feminine.

I had a dream last night where at the end of Part 5 we got a stinger with Jolyene and Hermes being transported to prison and I started crying out of joy.

Part 6 isnt even my favorite but fuck I love JoJo so much and I can't wait to see the love Part 6 gets, it deserves so much.

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"Holy shit, i smell awful."

Attached: e56f5ca194050791d16c2bdd7c677201.jpg (1000x1091, 358K)

Diavolo's soul is King Crimson

How can a man be this beautiful?

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Was pretty good, also the effects how the ground breaks

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Retreading this after having read the manga, this arc really does suck. Chariot Requiem going out of control and all the time it takes to resolve the issue really makes it seem like CR is the final boss and Diavolo is just a side show. I remember the requiem thing being like 10 chapters and then Giorno stomps Diavolo and not even half that many chapters. Kinda makes Diavolo look like a chump after all that build up.

Its the hair

I bet they were having fun fucking around

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>t. mexican cartel drug dealer

>Kinda makes Diavolo look like a chump after all that build up.
Yeah, he only kills half the cast, what a bitch


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As a girl with hairy knuckles im offended by this episode

>in knuckles
Are you even human?


So why is the bossu still a twink even though he was muscular when he took over dippio?

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Read my post again, brainlet. Giornos body was dead, he healed it, and did the soul switch. Polnareffs body was dead, they could have healed it, then did soul switch.
It could have taken them like 30 seconds to do. Mista and trish were bickering while narancia was scouting around. Giorno was staring at buccilatis body for 10 minutes. He could have done it

If anything you're just reinforcing my point. When he's disguising himself he's a looming threat and kills main characters at random but once he reveals himself he hides like a bitch to kill Narancia and gets handled by Giorno like he's Saturday's trash.


It's not out of character tho. Half of the King Crimson v Metallica arc is Doppio ignoring Diavolo while Diavolo tells him to calm down. Diavolo being the soft one while Doppio is kinda distant when you'd think it would be the other way around is what makes their relationship interesting.


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Shh Bruno a sleep

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Why doesnt Diavolo have abs? Giorno was fucking ripped in ep 1.

>If anything you're just reinforcing my point
incredible mental gymnastics, user

no, absolutely fucking no, it's an overused cliche in all form of fictions to give characters their original voice when they swap bodies with someone else, it was way better to have Trish imitate Mista and Mista imitate Trish

My mob boss can’t be this cute!

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It's almost like he's more dangerous when he's an anonymous thread and he doesn't want to be found out, exposed and made vulnerable. Which has gone entirely with his character so far.

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Selling drugs to kids

How come out of the three pink characters Trish is by far the ugliest one

When you run a massive criminal organization you are practically destined to die

In Diavolo's case, all his fears were confirmed.
He had traitors that wanted to usurp him, and knew ppl would use his identity against him. He only thought of things on a much further scale than Kira did.

This is a man who is LITERALLY only looking out for #1

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user is actually Diavolo IRL shitposting in defense of himself inbetween deaths

Because muscles are gross.

How did Trish end up looking like that when both her parents are gorgeous?

*runs towards you*

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After learning about Bucciaratti's situation, Giorno knew better than healing corpses right away. Once they realized that you can swap souls back and forth under SCR's effect, they were 1) way too far from Polpol's body 2) under attack of the boss and in a direct struggle for the arrow.

Trannies be like.

Based DP know who are the target audience of jojo. Waifufags DONT MATTER.

She's only 15, she's still a growing girl. Her face isn't fully formed yet.

Giorno is also 15 and much hotter

Ok you idiot, let's try to spell it out so your smooth brain can understand it.
First scenario.
>bruno gets donuted
>bruno's soul died (sparkles float out of his body)
>giorno healed him
>bruno was brought back to life as an undead
Second scenario.
>giorno's body gets skewered
>narancia's soul died
>giorno's soul is fine
>giorno heals his own body
>giorno transfers his soul over and is completely fine
Third scenario.
>polnareff gets donuted
>polnareff's soul dies
>polnareff's soul gets transfered into the turtle
Polnareff's scenario is closer to Bruno's, so therefore if Giorno healed Polnareff's body and had him transfer over, Polnareff would become undead and die eventually, like Bruno.

Pucci felt more like the MC of part 6

*counter squad*

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*spreads legs

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Giorno has superior genes

Name a sexier stand?

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Didn't he burned a whole village, killed a priest, buried alive his own mother, and hire the most despicable people that will do the most atrocious things to their targets?

Sticky fingas

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>why would that be better than just order him to never stop the train?
Ask Araki.

Well, I can see where Spice Girl got sass from.

Giorno has fucking joestar and brando genes combined.
Of course he's much fucking hotter.

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Diavolo is hotter than Jonathan

Narancia as Giorno was my favorite

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He was the best VA this ep imo.


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mob psycho 100 is the most prime example
some people still won't like the artstyle of the show but god damn if the manga doesnt look like shit most of the time

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Bruno being completely fine when his spirit possesses Diavolo's body confirms that the spirit is not the problem but the body being dead/decaying. Either Bruno should be fine after being healed by Giorno, or Giorno should become a zombie upon healing his own dead body.

Every so often, one of you guys says something in one of these threads that is just absolutely incredible to behold.

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Where is the wind coming from

Sometimes I wonder what JoJo would be like if it was written by a more consistent author. Would probably lose the magic, though

>manga Boss is ripped
>anime Boss is malnourished
Does not compute.

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A different timeline where he isn't a mentally unhinged mafia boss but a loving dad.

Why is he so hot in this particular frame?

It would. I get the impression that people enjoy the flaws as much as the best aspects of the series.

>doesn't know how muscles work

Stando powah

Diavolo looks buff and malnourished at the same time in the manga.

Jonathan just isnt hot

Italy's victory at the next World Cup.

Epitaph works by having your hair blowing in the general direction of your future in order to read it as an image in the hairline.

If Diavolo's hair is flowing in a certain way, it's pointing him in the general direction of his future. It's fucking kino as hell.

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He was awake as Diabolo for like 30 minutes at most

>tfw the finger is confirmed to be Giorno's
>tfw Pol didn't make the OP

even Fugo made the OP

>cliche in all form of fictions
Name one (1) book than do this.

Percy Jackson probably

That's just stockholm syndrome kicking in. I enjoy the series but when it goes full-on retard mode shit ain't fun anymore. You can still keep the goofy bizarre magic of it intact and have it be decently written on top. It's seriously not asking for much.

Whats with the rumor of part 6 airing in 2020?

He deserves better than this

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>my opinion must be objectively right
>every other opinion is objectively wrong and some sort of illness

>Trish in Mista's clothes

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Doesn't matter, he showed no signs of being sick or anything, especially after how fucked up he was getting a minute ago in his own body. He could've stayed in Diavolo's form no problem from that point on.

trash episode with too much fanservice and yet another plothole

Your anus is a gaping hole user

>that triangle in the eye

So how do we summon Trish-edit anons?

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Name the plothole you coward

I'm fairly sure he also said nothing about being able to feel again. That means Diavolo's body is also degrading.

Mob Psycho 100

Trish is only kinda hot until Doppios debut

But not hotter than DIO.

It's a case of an unreliable narrator.
Since the supposed Doppio's backstory (how his mom could get beneath the floor and survive without Stands being involved etc.) is so improbable, we can assume that either of the following is true:

a) it's all a made-up 'urban legend' as in b) Boss intentionally spread such stories and half-truths as false leads to identify potential traitors who would be going on a wild goose chase trying to unearth his identity.

Post them if you got them.

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Based King Crimson puts up all their albums on streaming services just in time for the Jojo finale



>The body can come back to life if someone other than the original soul is controlling it
Do you realize how dumb this sounds?

Now I get him.

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>so much potential for good edits this episode, but I can't draw for shit
why wasn't I born with any natural talent mom? why me?

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Why would he need to outright state it? He acts, sees, hears normally now. Diavolo's body is not degrading because it didn't die. Bruno's spirit is attached to a healthy body therefore he's fine. Just accept the fact it's just another gaping plothole and Araki doesn't care.

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>Giorno has fucking joestar and brando genes combined.
It can't get any better than that, two fucking ripped dads and Giorno is a twink why?

Early neglect

I wonder if we're getting more op wacky stuff, it'd be disappointing if they dont use that part of the song with Bruno's theme

Shit taste desu. Although ONE's art is very crude, he knows what he's doing. Composition/paneling is top notch and the imagery is incredibly memorable.

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The face you make when sex pistols go up your tight asshole

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This is going to give a new fetish to a lot of people.

In terms of hotness from the main villains:

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Look at the rest of Dio's sons, Giorno got all the best genes there was.

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i will remind them

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Are parts 1,2 and 8 the only parts that the designated Jojo feels like the MC

Switch Kars and Pucci

Is Giorno with makeup

I felt the same sensation with Another World Diego in part 7, Araki just really sucks at concluding things.

Josuke is the mc but Jotaro finishes Kira?
Emperio is the guy to kill Pucci why?
Why does he get to do it?
Diego with the world who doesnt know anybody wins the race why??

Pucci will topple Diavolo once animated, just you wait.

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>mfw diavolo fucking breaks the opening in Italian

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>Jotaro finishes Kira
I'm pretty sure it was the ghost that finished him.

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implying body swap was not already my fetish

It depends. If they use late part 6 style, hell no.

Versacce > Giorno

Literally what kind of fucking goblin did DIO fuck to produce this?

that was great, I actually bought the voice actors into other personalities
quality work familia

MisTrishCHADS rise up

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Just Dario Brando genes showing up.

He hasn't realized his full potential yet.



mista in trishs body trying to piss and he just takes off his skirt and uses the urinal

You are not welcome here hetcuck


>Why would he need to outright state it?
Because he hasn't been able to feel anything for a few days now. He should be surprised that he's able to now that he's in a new body.
>Bruno's spirit is attached to a healthy body therefore he's fine.
We can't know what sort of long term effect Bruno's dead soul can have on Diavolo's body since he doesn't stay for long.
Don't misconstrue my argument.

He looked pretty ugly in the beginning

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wow source

that's just araki's art being awfully inconsistent as usual

A Florida woman

How did Giorno get out of the turtle if their stands are switched along with the souls?

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the stands aren't switched speedwatcher-kun


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JoJo's bizarre adventure part 5 - Golden Wind

I’m just saying that it’s completely dumb.

Then how do you explain Giorno in Narancias body using Gold Experience or Trish using Sex Pistols?

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Why would he sell the things that give people powers? wouldn't he want to have a monopoly on powers?

By that logic Polnareff can't persist as Coco Jumbo for long either, and he seems fine too.

I don't remeber that scene, please tell me if it's a your work or something because it's very

And he didn't.
Yeah your strawman was pretty dumb.

I didn't create the edit

The turtle's soul stayed in the key, like Polnareff's later in the arc.

Fundings for starting his own drug trade probably.

>me going to check out the core when its quite clearly just 3.6 roentgen

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The reason why I started reading JoJo in the first place was because I happened upon this chapter

What strawman? I’m just telling you that something is stupid.

So much so that Giorno gave zero fucks as everything in a mile radius around him got returned to zero. The only son of DIO that matters is the one that's a love child of him and his one true love

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I was so glad the characters kept their voices, I hate when they do the body switch and they keep their voices.


final fight with body swapping would have been better if it wasn't the final fight

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I really love how expressive they've made King Crimson.

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>the sweatdrop on epitaph

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straight ships are the only ones worth thinking about

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>Over 100 expresions
>All of them represent differents levels of angery

Seriously tho diavolo better step it up cause he's not scary anymore he's esidisi level at best right now

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>kills Abbacchio
>kills Bruno
>kills Polnareff

After all this time I still don't know what the fuck those things in his hair are? One of the only few things to majorly bug me in JoJo for years.

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Diavolo must be pretty angery inside

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Am i the only one here who think that the OP song should be much more menacing than it is right now? It sounds really generic even though it kinda fit somehow with the theme, i was expecting something like stand proud or end of the world.

Necrosis bro

Cause it's a wonderful woooooooooooorld!

The absolute worst climax to a fight in JoJo

>He wouldn't be selling to kids if they weren't buying it
Lawful evil

Mista Trish is way hotter than real Trish.

Araki is directing, im pretty sure


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What part of him surviving in the end as the turtle did you not get?

Ok Hangman and Enyaba together

>as the turtle
You mean inside of the turtle’s stand?

Why are all of Dio's kids ugly and mentally ill?

You just don't understand just how much he pissed him off

why did i google this.

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Their mothers drank while pregnant.

They all grew up in ugly lives, only difference is Giorno found a positive influence

Post your best screenshot in the anime. I will try to edit some and make it more aesthetically pleasing

The guy singing in Italian ios 100% italian, his prnounciation is way too perfect - even too much perfect since Diavolo is supposed to have a Sardinian accent, which is very peculiar and would've given him away immediately in Naples - it's like a scotsman being undercover in London.

Giorno is one of the most beautiful jojo characters

Versace is even more handsome than Giorno.
and Rikiel isn't ugly just that he dresses like a fucking cow

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Rykiel Versace and Giorno are pretty good looking, Ungalo though..

Was his identity that important?
The only thing that makes him powerful is his stand, and it's power is stated the moment it shows up.
His human design however is cool but aside from that, it doesn't change anything in the story.
He could have been revealed along his stand in his fight with Bruno and nothing would have changed.

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This was genuinely kino

Crazy diamonds.

Based and Goldpilled

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Experiencing this with voice actors is so much better than reading it via a shitty fan translation on ass-quality black and white scans. I've already got a new appreciation for the end of Part 5. You anime onlys don't know how good you have it here

What kind of panty i lack imagination and i must know!

Epitaph isn't active 24/7, so an assassination is very likely to succeed.

This part had more exposition than I remembered. I was hoping Narancia would bite the big one this episode.

>The massive criminal organization that spans most if not all of Italy ONLY sells drugs
>The ELITE TEAM OF PAID MURDERERS also doesn't count, I guess

>bodyswitched mista/trish scene
I audibly grinned

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Still less evil than someone who wants to subjugated the world and make them is vampiric thrall but only until he can stop the time forever

Araki said Diavolo dyed spots into his hair because he's punk.

But he never shows himself in public.

Araki said it's meant to be leopard print and it's meant to add to Diavolo having a punk aesthetic.

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Is something wrong with Arakis brain that he just regularly forgets shit about his own narrative?

Why is it a fan can recall things better than its creator? If i wrote a story for years as big as jojo i would atleast remmember shit.

I wonder if these authors just dont give a fuck and are just doing it for a paycheck its sickening.

You never hear GRRM forgetting his plotpoints in got.

>long bright pink hair with weird ugly banana splotches
It's literally like objectively the gayest and ugliest design possible yet Diavolo is so fucking based he somehow pulls it off

>see himself dead
>erases the time stop without knowing so he doesn't die
>one-shot dio

>one shot dio
bitch he's a vampire

Tell that to Polnareff

>tfw Doppio dies next episode
I can't take it bros

>Reddit spacing
Still, what did he forget this time? At least elaborate.

How do people still not understand King Crimson? It basically just "locks" everyone but Diavolo into their fate for a few seconds so it looks like time has skipped/been erased.
It also punches really hard.

I don't get why people like Doppio so much.

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>what is decapitation
Dio can still be killed and with King Crimson's insane strength im sure it'll be no problem.

>cute innocent boi uwu

>It also punches really hard
enough to break stone, it's ridiculous

when has diavolo gone for decapitation. It's all donuts which Dio can survive. It's not Diavolo know that Dio is a vampire and that he need to go for the head

He cute

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>i need every detail spoonfed to me

He goes turururururu and answers the phone.

He's cute that's it. Bonus points if they dislike Diavolo too

He's a very angery punch ghost.

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Im speaking in general, Araki forgetting shit is a literal meme at this point. There are videos online literally titled 44 Araki forgot moments and its a trilogy my god.

Off the top of my head just last week, the whole thing about Jotaros arrow hunt in part 3 despite him not knowing about them until mid part 4.

Yeah my best friend and me searched entire continents and then he went missing oh i forgot

That was an anime only scene.

That opening almost moved me to tears with how good it was

Golden Experience Requiem

>There are videos online literally titled 44 Araki forgot moments and its a trilogy my god.
You automatically lose this argument for mentioning those videos.

Dio getting donut would still cause some server damage even with his vampirism. Enough time for Diavolo to figure out exactly what Dio is and finish the job. Look what Jotaro did to Dio in their battle, he punched his head so hard his skulled shattered, couldnt get up and felt nauseous.

He attacks Polnareff in public in the manga.

No he doesn’t.

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Which is why i was hesitant to even mention it because I knew some internet clown would comment hurrr hurr videos hurr durr youtube.

Go watch the videos, they are valid examples.

Some of the facts, like the one you listed, are retcons instead of simply "forgetting", but the others are mostly exaggerations. i.e. DIO's coffin had two compartments, which you could say was for Wang Chan.

I have watched them and they contain numerous invalid examples.

Fucking elitist faggot those videos are filled with actual evidence we all know Araki is known for inconsistancies.

Well when Dio got donutted by Jotaro he needed to suck some blood so maybe. But it think it's more plausible that he'd just stop time after getting donutted like he did when polnareffed skullfcuked him with silver chariot

>we all know Araki is known for inconsistancies.
Of course he is, but those videos are cancer.

King crimson vs the warudo most accurate representation


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They really, REALLY aren't though. There are a few valid ones in there, but Y DEO NOT USE SPACE RIPPER STINGY EYES IN PART 3?!?! is not an example of "Araki forgot."

This is plain view.

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I would say at least 75% of "Araki forgot" moments are just speedreaders misinterpreting or misunderstanding things. Araki is inconsistent at times but just because he's inconsistent doesn't mean he forgot things. Many times he's "forgotten" things are better explained by him changing his mind about how to approach things and doing it purposefully but not giving a shit if it's inconsistent.

>Kakyoin hurting people with paintings
Except it was emerald splash. Araki just wanted a mysterious introduction.

Regardless its an inconsistency, made worse in that its barely a 100 chapter difference between Jotaro discovering the arrows and that bullshit in part 5

I honestly doubt it, name 3 invalid examples, unless your implying ALL of them are in which case you are an idiot in denial.

The majority are valid concerns and thats baffling. Hell even 5

I don’t see any people around.

Nigger... that's the point

It could be an isolated villa that belongs to the boss

Based and kino.


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>Nekomusume at 3

Good shit
good shit

>Remember when Dio could create animal hybrids?
>Remember when Dio didn’t use him vampiric abilities in Part 3?
>Remember when Dio didn’t know what automobiles were despite traveling around the world?
These are the second, third, and fourth “araki forgots” in the video.

He didn't want Dio to use his vampire powers because he thought new readers would think they're part of his stand abilities.

>Narancia above Abbacchio

DIO's coffin, kakyoin's painting, Josuke saving himself, Rohan still had to draw Heaven's door, Sandman isn't a retcon, nor did Araki forgot, as it's actually a setup for D4C.
I don't really want to continue.

What does this prove exactly? There are many points in this video with valid claims. You cherry picking doesnt change that.

Also yes it doesnt make fucking sense that dio traveled the world and never saw a car. But clearly it was due to a retcon and pucci not existing when part 3 was written.

Sandman was a retcon and you fucking know it. Same thing with Heavens door.

Yes because you lost.

>DIO hardly knows what automobiles are despite traveling the world and having several kids
That's an example of "Araki didn't plan ahead," unless you're going to try to tell me he's got precognition.
>Why does he hire a guy who's LITERALLY GOT THE SUN as a stand when vampires are weak to sunlight?
That's making a (baseless) assumption that The Sun works like the real sun.
>Josuke saving himself as a kid
Aborted story arc, not "Araki forgot."
>Remember Fugo?
Are you legitimately fucking retarded?
KC's power being admittedly poorly explained in the original manga isn't "Araki forgot."
Shall I continue?

>What does this prove exactly?
You told me to list 3 invalid examples, and I showed that 3 of the first 4 examples are completely invalid.
>Also yes it doesnt make fucking sense that dio traveled the world and never saw a car.
But he didn’t say that he had never seen a car.

Nowhere does Dio say he didn't know what a car was. He was talking about how when he was originally alive they didn't exist. He even knows to call them "automobiles".

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plowing me from behind

The evolution of Heaven’s Door was explained clearly in the manga.

Josuke doesn't save himself and it's not an aborted story arc. It's a backstory.

Getting plowed by Giorno

>Jotaro and pol go looking for arrows.
>Pol goes missing for 15 years.
>Lol fuck that french faggot im gonna go study dolphin anuses
>OMG josuke i just found out there are arrows!

What the fuck araki

>Main villain can bring things from another dimension by sandwiching objects
>Soundman appears from between two objects
>Diego states that he wasn't there before
>Sandman was seen using sand powers throughout the story
>Soundman uses sound powers.
Gee user, I wonder...

You are a madman if you think Araki had planned dio traveling the world and meeting pucci when this was drawn.

The implication here is clear and you are in denial.

The implication that he didn’t know what a car was?

I didn't know Diavolo was this lewd

Attached: 1553868613290.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

I don't think he planned it but you're saying Araki forgot shit when not even knowing what was said in the manga. Dio was awake for a couple of years before part 3 started too so the stuff with Pucci doesn't even need to have happened for it to make sense that Dio knows what a car is. He even calls it by a correct name.

You don't even seem to be arguing about the same thing anymore. This is the post I was responding to:

>Also yes it doesnt make fucking sense that dio traveled the world and never saw a car
Dio clearly knows what a car is as he even calls it by a correct name. And Dio traveling the world fits in with what we know about him from part 3. It's never explicitly stated but he had a couple of years to do whatever before part 3 started.

Giorno is the lewd one.

Attached: lewd.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

that's a weird way to spell Anasui

That’s a strange fetish Giogio

Attached: B4700BD5-32D2-40CB-BDC1-43685F5A04FA.jpg (1920x1076, 202K)

Four years, actually, but yeah, DIO clearly knew what it was.

Attached: four.jpg (702x595, 224K)

Maybe they're both lewd

Attached: 1559939573416.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Giorno’s theme is still fucking hype

GER better have special sound effects for its punches.

Attached: 1544226722998.png (254x369, 143K)

I want to suck Diavolo's dick and give him a foot massage

It would have been funny if Bruno ran a ring around the Colosseum after the body swap and screamed "I'm the boss!" before charging into SCR

I want to tickle his pits

Attached: 3B7ED3C5-317D-4F98-8748-DD1C306073FB.gif (540x304, 1.94M)

You mean this?

It's nice, but as Italian that voice not feel so impressive

>Remember how Joseph could have used Hermit Purple to help find Kira?
A) He's fucking senile and B) wasn't there mention about the large number of stand users in the vicinity causing interference or some shit?
>Jotaro's time-stop duration increased
ZA WARUDO's duration increased over the span of their fight too, what's your fucking point?
>Sandman is "Soundman"
You know that Valentine can bring in people from other dimensions that aren't exactly the same as their "prime" world counterparts, right? (Diego from Another World having The World instead of Scary Monsters, for example) There's literally nothing preventing an Alt-Sandman named "Soundman" from existing.

What about it?

Attached: LXVSlmuq.jpg (400x400, 23K)

What a sexy beat

Attached: 0FB1F663-C682-4CD8-8718-7CF517F3667D.jpg (918x513, 108K)

Anyone have the transcript of that part in Italian?

I just got the part ''por cantare una canzone di tristezza''
It just sounds so badass.

Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino scelto.
Rimane solo il risultato che voi sarete distrutti. L'eterna cima esiste solo per me.
Puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza tempo.



Just don't stick your dick in crazy.

Have the fujos done any art of this yet? I want it.

Is it a Jap speaking Italian

Doesn't seem like it. I'm sure if it was a Japanese person it would sound really off.

What is your native language? I feel like if you don't speak latin based languages, you won't understand how cool it sounds.

It's Diavolo's VA speaking.

>L'eterna cima esiste solo per me
CR translates that as "Eternal greatness exists only within myself", but isn't it "The eternal climax is mine alone"?

Well it doesn't sound like Diavolo and it sounds too good for it to be a Japanese person speaking Italian unless Diavolo's VA is also fluent in Italian and has been speaking it for a while.

You sure? It doesn't really sound like him to me.

I'm going off what was actually spoken, rather than the subs

Araki makes JoJo fun.

Attached: Jojonockoff.jpg (240x240, 18K)

I have a strong feeling CR just translated the jap text, which could be a questionable translation in itself. I only have a high school level of Italian understanding but "puoi" means "you can" and that seems left out of the english sentence entirely.

lol at that point it would be easier for Diavolo to finish Dio.

You really can't, no one else has done it. Decenly written means nothing in that context

god I wish we got some kind of long running Americanized version of Jojo, that shit would be awful in a good way

CR has been avoiding using the word "climax" since Diavolo was introduced. And like the other user said, they probably just translated the Japanese subs.