Why did Nichijou flop?
Why did Nichijou flop?
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Kyoani's incompetence.
It's a comedy with only one joke, repeated for 26 episodes.
Because it's anime.
It didn't though?
Most that happened was bad selling blu-rays because of how expensive they were.
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea anyways?
It didn't "flop", but it sucked ass because it wasn't funny.
Yea Forums used to like nichijou
Yea Forums used to hate Watamote too
For the same reason Yuru Yuri didn't flop.
it still does.
Earthquake, not as advertised as it should have, weird scheduling, BD too pricey
Pick one or all the above
If you think the replies in a bait thread are representative of Yea Forums as a whole I dunno what to tell you user.
Nichijou was amazing and I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise
That was before r3ddit came over.
It seems that reddit loves Nichijou
> Imagine caring if reddit likes a show
Who cares what show another community you never interact with watches?
What joke?
It was too good. Everything that is too good flops.
It broke new ground
as far as i'm concerned, it didn't
the second op wasn't as good as the first
Reddit fucking love this show, have you ever been to Reddit or you are just "rebbit bad"
BD Price was absurd.
nips have shit taste.
Weren't the blurays like 70 bucks or something untenable?
I really how this show hands draw really like well, probablility best hands in show are anime really look alike human person.