Why do fags like her?
Why do fags like her?
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Because she hates faggots, and everyone knows that faggots hate themselves.
Fags have style.
>File name
Why do fags dislike her?
Loud, obnoxious, ruins social gatherings, can't interact with people in a meaningful way.
Sounds like a standard shitposter on Yea Forums.
Looks like a jojo villain
She's basically a boy but with tits
Fags use applel so not an argument
Is that an iPhone filename I see?
>iToddler filename
Paging Satania-Sama. We have a Code i. Repeat. We have a Code i. Requesting a BTFO package ASAP.
Because she is the most unrealistic female possible. Wife material in pure state.
itoddlers getting uppity
She's a goofy chuuni with a heart of gold. Raphi and Gabriel are downright unpleasant(such is the joke of the show), and Vigne, while perfect, is a bit too perfect.
Though I'd love to play Vanilla WoW with Gabriel as my healer.
I wonder if he can get back up.
iToddlers BTFO
faggots are mentally ill and should kill themselves.
Her fat devilish tits.
Wouldnt a devil loves sinners?
I literally can't lewd Satania. How do people do it?
Can somebody explain why I see Satania in every Apple thread on >>/g/?
Pretty easily, upside-down Satan
She has a cute wife
She's used to make fun of people who purchase apple products
Some user spammed Satania while shitting on apple. It just went off from their.
>about 10cm tall
>weighs 200g
i want to drown her in semen
Satania along with Sagiri are often attached to extremely retarded posts
What did she mean by this?
The things i would do to that devil.
I'm getting myself an iPhone Xr. Does it mean Satania's gonna show up and laugh at me mercilessly everytime I whip it out? Worth it.
My wife vigne is so menacing!
>imagine not liking Satania
>she sees your imac
slutania has more respect for huawei spyware products than apple's overpriced toddler distraction units
I don't even know what fucking anime she's from, or who she is, but every time someone makes a post and includes her as a reaction image, the post, in every single case, is retarded.
Why are Sataniafags so poor? Did you get a Thinkpad that matches the color of your food stamps?
is this a tiny veiled /g/ thread?
only poor people care about brands
rich people pay others to build things from the ground up
Is the only character that provides some interesting action in a show where everyone else lacks motivations and likes to watch paint dry
I want to be her
>Why don't fags like her?
OP here, I misspelled a word.
same reason why Ralphi likes her
she's stupid and easy to take advantage of
What I don't like is how they're spread out. I'd just lump them in Vigne's apartment.
>Vigne stops cleaning Gabu's mess.
>Gabu moves in with Vigne to escape the piles of junk, sleeps in Vigne's bed.
>Satania gets kicked out of her apartment because Raphiel trashes it.
>Satania moves in with Vigne, sleeps on a futon.
>Both of them pay one half each of Vigne's rent and are just about bearable that way.
>Raphiel is a freeloader, in the futon.
Imagine marrying Satania and chuuniying with her, children and parents-in-law. Chat with brother when overchuuniyed.
marry: tapris
fuck: vigne
kill: the other one