They are whoring out the Oregairus again

They are whoring out the Oregairus again

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(and that's a good thing)

Good. That's their only value.

Why is Irohoe trying to act modest here?

>tfw no yui gf

Why no Saika?

in that order

Extra conjugal shameful affair with Saika

shit taste as fuck r/anime

ew disgusting irohafag

8man will take responsibility for sensei since they're ignoring her

Iroha is cute!

sensei is going away. also sensei is shit.

They all sleep with faceless fat old men

Just Iroha and Haruno

This series is so fucking trash, why do you autistic fucks care about literal autistic anime characters.

>asking why autists are so autistic

you got me there, buckaroo.

This is a post

gap moe

nothing moe about that whore

Why would anyone marry Yukino? She would be the worst mother out of all three.

>yuckyfags don't even know what gap moe means
gap moe =/= moe you idiotic newfag.

Wrong. Iroha is a STD infested whore. Yui is a braindead bimbo. Yukino on the other hand is a refined lady who has experienced harshness from her own mom, so she would never do that to her own kids.

nothing gap moe about her either iroautist

Out of the 3 main girls, she's the one described by 8man as the most motherly. Might just be the waifugoggles talking though.

>Why is Irohoe trying to act modest
>b-b-b but that's not a gap moe
you do realize by saying that's not a gap moe you're actually defending iroha right?
you're right that's not a gap moe since she's a modest girl 24/7.

Do all Irohafags suffer from some kind of brain problems? I called her a whore.

that's why it's a gap moe you gigantic moron.
she's usually a whore but you said she's trying to act modest.
a whore trying to act modest is a gap moe, and vice versa.

my face inside yukinos ass

>implying that whores don't usually act like massive cockteases

nice headcanon

it's true though

For how much?

Imagine thinking Yui isn’t best girl

Why even live

Actually more common than you think

You'll get your chance soon, Hachiman.

Meguri is best girl.