> Finally decided to watch Made in Abyss
> Nobody warned me about this semen demon out of nowhere
All I've seen was meme pictures of mashed potatoes, holy fuck Ozen is hot.
Finally decided to watch Made in Abyss
Other urls found in this thread:
How hard would it be to convince oxen to have sex with you?
Are you Lyza?
Well, I've got bad news for you, user.
She obviously cares about her looks, so some rare artefact which can heal scars on her head combined with the liberal amount of beverages looks like a good place to start.
>Nobody warned me about this semen demon
bullshit of the highest order
But that's true. I've seen a lot of yellow-headed girl and a cute robot, but she was barely, if ever, mentioned.
Considering the overall vibe which the series are giving me so far, she is going to die horribly, isn't she?
>semen demon
You need to go back >>>/y6/
Damn, she is classy. And most of the fanart is surprisingly decent.
Make me, faggot.
She's hot indeed. I like her voice and name a lot.
But she's a perverted shotacon maid otaku.
Ok, back to watching and then probably reading.
Ozen needs someone who can break down her stoicism and tend to her needs in her most vulnerable state.
Scarred girls are truly the best. On a related note, my adoration for Veko borders on otherworldly.
she has no reason to put herself in danger at all
if potato does find Lyza at the bottom it would change everything though
She is old and busted.
some of the sweetest things are
Experienced and shapely.
I see no visible signs of the old age aside from the grey hair, which looks more like a fashion choice.
That's right, I'm Fluffzen.
She has the tight body and face of a 20 year old
but it's a good thing.
Should I watch the anime or just read the manga?
Watch then read.
I haven't checked back in these threads in a long time. Has our boy posted any updates recently?
>Finally decided to watch Made in Abyss
>It's so fucking dull
the manga is better
I'm about to finish and I like it.
I love my wife Nanachi!
you're late old man
at least you brought the trips, a worthy placation.
Thanks for the check
I am fashionably late.
I love my wife Moogie
moth doesn't
watch out sosu
>she is going to die horribly, isn't she?
she's a white whistle user, the only things that can kill her are in the 6th layer and below or VERY shitty luck
is this official artwork ?
she makes me very horny
Delete ozenfags
Finished watching it. It was really decent anime.
No idea. According to the source field, it was grabbed from the safebooru.
I wonder if the white stuff is actually hair.
You're welcome.
I have a habit of scraping most popular borus when I like the character, but I didn't have the bottom one.
Other two are already in my favs.
White whistles are bullshit
All you need is someone who loves you to die for you or whatever, then boom, you're a top ranked diver
could be horns, could be actual skull, or worse her head...
it is the loss of color is probably related to the head scarring
What chapter does the anime end on
Just saw MiA in netflix.
Would you recommend it to your family?
Go back to the beginning.
are you sure?
Probably not. I love MiA, and I think the show's art, animation, and story are lovely and would go over well even with people who don't watch anime. It would be such a great anime to show to normies if it didn't have the random moments of pedoshit. It's not even that weird by anime standards, but its enough to turn normies off, and there's no way I'm going to risk tainting my personal reputation by recommending them something that they might find extremely weird like that.
Absolutely. Contrast between the crooked black-eyed Baba Yaga-like form and the upright-standing Bayonetta-like one is the part of the charm.
Yes. But I will add that it has an actual M rating.
was it dubbed? How is the dub
>All you need
you forgot that the only way to do these shits are in idofront or ancap village
Netflix only has dubbed shows?
I don't think its healthy to have sex with oxen user
Her face when you take out your peeper.
Only watched the first episode. Acceptable?
Well Wandering Earth only had the chinese original and English dub nothing else here(German netflix).
Why is Ozen so tall?
>watching this show with gf
>Ozen comes onscreen
>She turns to me and says "welp, guess we know who your favorite character is"
>"Ever heard about /ss/, kiddo ?"
wyd ?
at least she knows you have good taste
Yep. She pretty much heckles me any time a Christmas cake, MILF, low-voiced woman comes onscreen
but is your gf a Christmas cake, MILF, low-voiced woman ?
Unfortunately I'm not in your strike...
> she is 100+ years old
> might as well be /ss/ to her
> well, shit
can you teach me, ma'am?
She is over 25 and has a low voice, but we probably don't want kids
>> she is 100+ years
didn't Riko's uncle say that she was a white whistle 50 years ago ?
If she got her white whistle when she was young she could be like 70
>If she got her white whistle when she was young
It's pretty hard to believe, but I see your point.
Good night, Yea Forums
spoiler that shit this is a blue board
has the boy revealed anything new about the abyss like creatures or places
I love Regu!
Just don't live under a rock.
How do you drink 12 litres of liquid, especially beer as Ozen? Where does it all go?
How much does she piss out?
Congrats on winning the NBA championship yesterday, Ozen.
Read the fucking book.
>str of 120,000 men
>average human punch has 250-325 pounds of pressure behind it, we'll assume 250
>30,000,000 pounds of pressure per punch
For some perspective here, the average hydraulic press can produce 40,000 pounds of pressure. Ozen can produce several dozen times that force, while moving. She could punch the air yards away from Regu and kill him with the air pressure alone. In fact even considering that, the force she can exert is strong enough to level a reinforced building designed for earthquakes, from the top floor. Hitting the ground Reg stood on would kill him from seismic force alone.
Even not knowing what Regu's cannon is made of particle wise im willing to argue with you assholes that the force Ozen can exert would bend the beam. Especially because the beam produces light, which is effected by air pressure. Even if it was a chemical reaction of some kind the amount of force Ozen can emit would create a vacuum in the air, which im assuming the cannon needs to fire.
Assuming the cannon can fire in a vacuum, its charge time would also give Ozen time to leave whatever level of the abyss theyre on, if she wanted. And yes I do mean level, if her fists can exert that pressure then so can her legs, a jump from Ozen would send her miles away from her starting point, with little effort. Reg cant do that.
If her first punch from yards away misses she could kick and give the same kind of force.
The only way Reg wins is a preemptive firing of the cannon that kills her before she drops. This assumes perfect environment to activate the canon. As well as time to set up, charge and fire the cannon on an Ozen that is so distracted she doesnt notice him, which would suggest she is already injured or acting out of character.
Interested in your thoughts though. Ozen would win canonically.
She did a lot of stretches as a young girl.
That's right. I'm Catzen.
She's almost 7 ft tall user. An average stomach maxes out at 2-4 litres, but if she's 40% taller than average then her stomach will be about 270% of average size. 12L is a lot but some gets absorbed or passed on to the intestine while partying, that's kind of the point. She could totally do it.
*over 7ft
Best of all, she’s voiced by Beato
most of her strength is the slow kind she doesnt generate much explosive force otherwise her throwing reg would have destroyed the tree house
the real question is how did lyza out drink her
Or she held back, to ya know, not destroy her home.
What if the beam is made out of graphene? It has a tensile strength of 130 gpa, which mean it needs > 10 million pounds per square inch. Assuming this is an advanced future, it could be feasible he could be made of that or some variant of it. Theoretical results push that number up to 0.5 to 1 tpa.
Also, couldn't he pre charge the beam and hold it?
she said she got carried away and was unable to break him no matter how hard she tried after he passed out
Possible sure, but it works on evaporation, it produces heat. Heat doesn't do so well in a vacuum so its a big assumption to make.
>hold it
If he could hold it he would have done so to prevent killing Riko instead of kicking his arm upward out of desperation.
She said she got carried away and broke the floor. Not unreasonable to assume this means once she started breaking her home she stopped. She is old enough to be reasonable.
with that kind of strength she could manhandle Superman and Doomsday, I really don't think it's accurate, just hyperbole.
>manhandle superman
Not even close knowing what golden age supes was capable of, he was beyond strength.
Maybe? Doomsday is a plot device not really a character, his strength was dependent on what the writers needed of him.
injustice superman, who is still ridiculous.
There are several versions of superman that are very weak, several who are comically strong. Saying she can beat the weaker ones doesn't mean much really. Even within his own canon there are human characters that can beat him, and Ozen is inhuman in hers.
its unreasonable to assume a relic that gives you strength would also grant enough speed to create compression blasts capable of leveling buildings
this isn't really one of them though unless you only compare it to the stupid ones
120,000 is just ridiculous, and nothing backs it up feat-wise, not even close. Autists can't understand hyperbole
I understand your point, but the amount of pressure she can produce wouldn't need speed. Which was anons point when he mentioned Hydraulic presses. Those machines are very slow. and yet they crush bearing balls like eggs. You don't need speed to produces vacuums when your strength can output 30m pounds of pressure.
You can make the presentation argument sure, its a fine way to see the strength of a character but what we are told also exists. Both are valid.
but it's only 'said' that they are able to do that. It's not phrased as matter of fact, nor is it stated that they stack linearly. In both cases, it's shown otherwise
In order to create a compression blast you would need to move incredibly quickly in order to transfer the forces. No matter how strong she is the air would simply move around her fist fluids only act like solids when explosive forces are involved.
The issue is its not stated they don't stack. My point is you can make the argument she can and there is nothing to say she can't because of what is said. What is shown can be explained as her holding back. So taking the lore at face value she has that strength.
She isn't lacking in speed, how fast she can move isn't known but is it not reasonable to assume that with the strength of 120,000 men she isn't also fast?
sex with Ozen
They're pins of strength, not pins of speed. Id assume she moves as fast as a quick but normal-ish human, it's just that it's literally impossible to get in her way. She could probably walk though a concrete wall like it wasn't even there.
>pins of strength
She says that is how she has her vigor. She doesn't look 30 as a 90 year old because she eats a lot. They do more than give her strength.
Superman can sneeze and wipe out half the universe.
Bondrewd does it for me. It's the voice and tail of course
Nah pretty sure he is asleep.
Which one?
Lying little shit.
Holy shit I want to marry her.
The one that didn't respond to you, are you being willfully dense?
Hello mothfucker.
i want to feed Ozen
Oh hey dumdum, been a few days.
Fucking die already you colossal fuck-up.
That part isn't what makes me mad. Motherfucker You Slimy Motherfucker You Stole My 666 You Son Of A Bitch.
No lying here
We both know you don't care for 666.
All those letters and you still spelled it wrong
Meh well yeah, so how ya doing bitch-face?
That is just how it sounded when I said it out loud like an autistic retard. Faggot.
Terribly busy lately darling, those rabbits will have to wait. Pains me to say. I'll be in your area tomorrow though, hope I don't sour the weather.
Kek okay mody booboo.
She reminds me more of Uboa.
Well don't be a stranger, how you doing mama mia?
hahahaaa The garden is doing fine and it's cooler than usual so I'm Aight.
Good to hear, my cherry tree died. Pretty sure its the stray cat eating all my birds that did it. Wonder what Riko would do.
hot as fuck
Trap the cat and take it to some pound near by maybe it will get put down. Heh Riko would just eat it.
Well, when I get back maybe.
Maybe you will eat it?
My Dad’s been asking me for anime recommendations lately, and I’m split on telling him about MiA. On one hand, it’s one of my favorite shows. On the other hand, I don’t want my father to think I’m a pedophile.
It has kits so, decent amount of meat there. I wouldn't want to be cruel.
I love ozen so damn much
HahaHAAAAAAAA -Chokes on spit- uggg
Aww maybe let the little ones have a chance doe they can be tamed and kept. Eat the mom though they can live without her. They don't need to know shit about how tasty the mum is.
Do you think it’s a good idea to show MiA to my gf if she hasn’t watched anime before besides Spirited Away?
>hot interesting character
>furry pedos cling on to the kid that wants to die
>completely ruin the already pedo franchise
God I hate you fags.
Is she a normalfag like you? If so no.
Hello this is MiA General please leave while you still can for the love of god GET OUT WHIL-
>ah bloo bloo muh dah-deeeee
Rec him Atla and don't be a retard.
Kitten wings sounding pretty good when I get back. I got a great rub for wings. Your approach just won't do, but we've been over this. I saw those deers mother yesterday, guess they'll be ok for a while longer. Guess you prayed well?
Real best girl
Oh yeah?
He already thinks you are a pedo user.
Well get them quick with a pillow case at least then they will be nice and tender.
>Guess you prayed well?
Begging Cerny wont save no ones ass. You get what you get and you thank him. Hope the little bugger doges cars though.
We got an infestation here.
>my god does nothing for me
Really are Irish aren't you?
Oh no not you
>hes blind and dumb
Well I reckon yeah kek.
Holy shit even I knew who it was right off the bat...you are even more retarded than a goat.
>I reckon
Not saying much.
>even I
Really not saying anything at all bud.
I saw the 100 posts of stupidity and just skipped to the bottom. My bad
>My bad
On your hands and knees. Beg me for forgiveness.
Eh bugger off you dusty flying bitch. haha
You put the REEEEEEEEE into retarded.
All we need is Fred and this party is complete.
>your 777 to my 666
Where is your tasty god now dumdum?
Well my gf really likes macabre stuff, so she loved Made in Abyss. I'd say it more depends on your gf's tastes, but if you know she's not into horrific stuff I'd sad MiA isn't a very good starter anime. Is Spirited Away all she's seen?
Oy I don't think Deer/Man tastes that good. Conflicting tastes mate at least from what I hear people taste like pork and I doubt that mixes with venison that well.
You know it to be true.
you know she's like 70 or someesuch, right?
Lies. why would you lie on the internet? people go on the internet and lie? that can't be true!
>from what I hear
No, it does not taste like pork. And deer does not taste like people.
Man deer do though. Wait! how do you know what peeps taste liek?
lying is illegal. I'd never do it
How strong does that make her pussy?
>man deer
Not a real thing
>how do you know
I havn't lived in the first world my entire life.
That only serves to make my penis harder
Cernunnos is a man deer mate well a horned man but Wait...Hahaha You are a third worlder? Oy go back then hahahaaaaa -chokes on drink- Hah ha oh lord...
Me and that horse thing man like its my spirite animal man
she'll make it to the scene where they show 12 year old Riko tied up naked BDSM style then dump you and call the police.
Love zen? Ai-zen
No, I have lived on every continent for a few years. I was not born in the 3rd world.Though an Irish child mocking anyone based on their heritage does give me a chuckle. Given the conversation, a different timeline might have had me eating you as a baby, no?
Well acording to what shit eating christ cucks I would battle you to the death before one of us canabaliz the other so eh fuck it hold the phone now I ain't no child, old man! I'll build a wall and tyyou have to pat for it.
We've already watched the whole first season. Neither of us were a fan of that scene though
>I ain't no child
Don't make me be mean. My point stands. And I assure you if "cern" was on a menu somewhere I would have tried it. But it is not. Because it is not a real meat.
Eh fuck you, Cernunnos would put you on the menu call you bug soup ha!
Imagine the hugs
What menu?
Ozen’s strength is a meme. Fucking Faputa is stronger than her
One with moth soup.
Got a panel to prove that?
i REALLY REALLY want to see Veko like this.
I remember that thread. He got banned and like 150+ posts were removed
I wouldn’t say she’s into “macabre”, but she is into horror; but mostly in the form of scary stories. I think Spirited Away is pretty much all she’s seen. I’m not sure if it’s wrong to hide away one of my favorite series, or if I should start with something more normalfag. She’s also said one reason she never got into anime was cause she found “high-pitched voices” annoying.
Here you go
Autism levels that are off the chart.
no way, those are way too fresh to touch. I meant current Veko where it's thick scar tissue.
Hmm, maybe check out some of the horror titles in this recommendations flowchart? imgur.com
It's got horror and tons of other ones. Maybe dubs will be easier on her ears? I dunno. Or just show her MiA, tell her it's a bit of a "deep end" anime, and if she doesn't like it, try something else. Me and my girlfriend like plenty of things that the other isn't interested in. Kill la Kill turned her stomach
Cum rag.
Well, it was a nice thread before the regular shiters found it. Have fun finishing MiA, OP.
Much obliged for the advice user
it was just unremitting ozen /c/ tier image dumping until the real fans showed up
no prob! be good to each other
My wife Veko has been blessed, and isn't just a bun clone!
I finished an anime and I'm starting the manga. The art looks nice.
What is the best scanlation?
Wtf I've woken up and the thread is still here.
Yea Forumsbyss, then Narehate when there's no more.
Tying Veko to a lit charcoal grill!
mitty had it coming
Feeding Veko to rabid chimps.
butterfly kisses with Veko
Throwing Veko into a trash compactor!
Im starting to think this here author of made in abyss might like kids just a bit too much...
you forgot to turn it on so I just pulled her out and thoroughly checked her for injuries.
better luck next time, lunatic-user.
Using Veko's skull as a flower pot.
r u work tsuk
thats not a very big competition
Read the official translation. Buy it.
ozen best mom
bonedad best dad
lyza is objectivity a shit mother
White _____ fuck ____.
Moff looking like the behemoth from The Mist
We don't know the circumstances that made her leave, though. She's killed a ton of people and she might have an international bounty on her like Bondrewd, which exacerbated her final dive. But Lyza seems like such a wild fuck. I get so hard thinking about her.
>The Mist
The Mist, despite being pretty mediocre otherwise, had one of the best endings of any movie
Kindle version is more expensive than the paperback. Huh.
Aren't you reading it backwards?
Kindle version is $8.48, paperback is $9.79. The Japanese version is the same as well, digital copy is cheaper. I prefer paperback since I like to hold and smell the pages while reading.
i thought it was one of the worst
Probably some regional thing.
Faputa's mouth looks like a cervix from that doujin artist that loves drawing prolapsed uteruses and stuff like that.
Tsukushi Akihito?
He doesn't watch porn even though I had a dream about him watching porn recently.
>He doesn't watch porn
someone doesn't keep up with tsucc's personal twitter...
I think that's a bit different. He appreciates art and things like that. You wouldn't call marble statues of cherubs "porn".
i would call a 2 young boys sandwiched together balls to balls with one having been fucked in the ass with a cum string attached to a dick porn, though.
That's really hot, but you forgot to mention one thing: are the balls squishy?
very squishy and warm
>saves little boy after he fell in to the abyss
>lie to him about his eyes being too sensitive after being the abyss for so long
>tells him he can't leave because of it
>makes him her """"apprentice""""
>forces him to wear girly clothes
>if he makes any mistakes, he is tied up naked
How can anyone like this twisted, sick, enslaving, pedophile?
who cares, she's hot
>lie to him about his eyes being too sensitive after being the abyss for so long
it's a skin condition, and it'a real.
>makes him her """"apprentice""""
it's the only way he could have made something of his life with that kind of disadvantage
>forces him to wear girly clothes
he looks great though
>if he makes any mistakes, he is tied up naked
so does any other delver child
He's mine, though.
goodnight rabbit lover
You're damn right I love Nanachi.
Say something nice about this boy
He has great taste in little boys.
he has some good character designs
There's an option in which you can switch to the original Japanese dub with English subs.
he's the father of my waifu
who is her whistle?
Isn't it weird that he's the same age as this guy?
yea so?
I want to be Ozens shota maid
Every character in MiA is aesthetically great (especially Bondrewd) and every character is ethically horrendous (Ozen, Lyza and Nanachi to start with). Riko isn't there only because she is still a loli.
Riko has no ethics, she would gladly watch a delver slowy suffer and die if it meant studying some unknown abyssal fauna at work on them. She'd probably be really enthusiastic about it too.
That's why her teachers didn't mind much when she went down.
Homesexual santa claus.
Regu pretty much balances her out though, he's a very righteous and good boyo
I want to give Reg orgasms
he deserves them for all he's gone through for those 2 ungrateful cu**ies
I want to get his signature, bros...
Cool shirt. Would wear.
Why did Faputa steal Raygoo's goggles?
I'm more wondering why the moth is squatting like an overweight old man with plastic knees when she should be butt to ankle and with unassailable stability.
standing tentacle blow job from Moogie
standing hand job from Veko, which transitions to sitting/lying down because there's no way my hip can keep from giving out for long with the amount of pleasure she's pumping into it.
>wanting to have sex
>wanting to dilate
Not that tranny, you faggot.
>not wanting to sex the shotabot
the best part about defiling his innocence is that you can reset it afterwards
not so with those born of flesh, sadly.
But if you do that he'll forget about you as well.
What does it feel like to have sex, bros?
It really depends on the people, the type of sex, the effort going into it etc etc.
When it's good, it's like cuddling x 100, or it can be rather mundane and nice, but not "special" or it can be a boring chore
>it's like cuddling x 100
Woah... what does cuddling feel like?
Burning Veko with a scorching clothes iron!
Ozen is having back problems because of her hefty booberellos.
Veko's only sexual experiences are being raped, getting fucked like a dead fish, and molesting her mostly passive about it female friends.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder if anyone's even kissed her properly before, deeply and with a mutual passion. I feel like both with the rapists and her girlfriends, mouth-to-mouth might have happened but ended up very one sided.
She has no idea how intimate and different "real" sex can be in comparison. Despite her body being well-used, I believe my beautiful little tarnished gutterflower would be like a blushing virgin bride in my arms as she has love made to her for the first time in her life. She'd wrap her arms and legs around me tight as she opens her deprived heart and body to me fully and vice versa. Such a wholesome, meaningful union could even be enough to cleanse the perverse desires from both of our souls, but that could be stretching it a bit...
like a warm orange glow washing over you
Real talk though; costume swaps in this series are the best fucking thing.
Nanachi's hips are the best thing in the series.
Like radiation from the nuclear explosion going through you, except that it is healing.
>Yea Forums trying to explain what sex is like
is the moth chapter even typeset yet
Who does these? I like them.
Gay pedophile
like 2 weeks ago
Mimicking vlad the impaler using Veko as a victim.
Got a panel to prove that?
Newt chapter when?
its on mangadex dingus
Newt? I hope sounds fun.
It was a reference.
Kevin will deliver, i belive in him
I want to marry a bug