Ywn be ruled by a cute and funny 9 year old communist dictator

>ywn be ruled by a cute and funny 9 year old communist dictator

Why live?

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She looks like Bocchi. I want to fuck Bocchi. I want to fuck her too

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Would gladly live in a communist society if Myao-chan is the supreme leader

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May the great comrade Myao be cute and funny forever

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I prefer the authors other work Slayer Volte

I'll follow her to the ends of Earth

>communist dictator
As an actual communist, I am offended by your use of oxymorons.

why are you not in the gulags? who let you out

actually fuck off commie.

>state ownership
Cute read though

What a fucking bitch. Being a cute loli doesn't excuse you from this shit

comrades, purge this man. one week of toilet duty

>c*mmunist country is actually a corrupt mess of a hellhole dictatorship filled with brainwashed cattle governed by an unqualified asshole who got there thanks to nepotism
too real

>3 chapters
Dude last time I bookmarked this manga it only had 2 chapters translated, what's with the slow pace?

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Where's that wide from?

That's not how it works. Power is transfered from one charismatic leader to another. Charisma is contagious and a leader's children are affected by it too, however they don't necessarily have to, see USSR.

Communist lolis are for tender hugging only! The police is already on their way.

If this is what 21st century commie propaganda looks like, I'm in

Off to the gulag trotskyite scum.

You must be at least 18 to post here.

Don't be so wide about it.

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My sweet communist daughter

Is this banned in China?

somebody please stops Japan

Reddit is that way pal

Communism is neither cute nor funny.

>not cute
>not funny

It's funny when you are looking at other countries trying communism

pantsu when?

Is this why she is so far?

>what if Stalin is a loli
it's only a matter of time before retelling WW2 with lolis

Assassination chapter when?

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But it's obviously Kim Jong-un lolified, but swapping out the Juche meme for Brezhnev stagnation.

nice to see my edit floating around being used

shimeji simulation

thanks for the dump comrade

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Why is she so fucking fat?

she isnt fat, its just how kid look like

>why is loli Kim pudgy?

More, I need more!

That Loli Fang is so damn cute

Is this a gag manga or comedy manga?

Is this Belka?

Isn't that just the uniform?

What is the story of this? Is it good?

Cute and Funny dictator running a communist country cutely

I'm starving but cutely

Bocchi is better

And funnily?

If this were more real, the guy either would be killed in the spot or send to the gulag equivalent

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That's just part of being a Loli Bitch.
