oink oink
Oink oink
Who's this piggy?
if you would not fuck this healthy girl then your penis is broken.
Come on, at least post an actual pig.
>Obese, greedy landwhale
>Only wants to be a hero for the money
>Eats nothing but fast food
>Hori himself confirms she's a bloated sack of lard
What a shit character
Ochako has meat in the right places
The stomach sure isn't one of the "right places"
Well, at least Deku will make sure his obese wife never goes hungry, but she should really lose weight
>but she should really lose weight
More like Ochunko amirite?
this pig is lacking in meat
Shall we fix that?
I'd marry and cook daily for this sweet piggy.
>TL note: just fucking google it
i am busy fucking!
i am fucking busy!
looks healthy to me.
Can I have some thicker than usual but not obese Ochako? Why does she have to be morbidly obese? Her modest plump is charming and sexy.
I hope you're ready to prepare an all-you-can-eat buffet for every single meal. Ochunko doesn't consider a meal finished until she's gone up a pants size
>Ochunko two years after marriage
She cute
If you think whales are cute, I guess...
Cute orc
Go ahead Dekuck
Why are you doing this shit to her? new Yea Forums i swear
Why Ochako? Isn't Momo an even fatter character anyway?
anti gravity powers.
Ochako shoves her face with food every chance she gets
What quirks would the architect's army have at their disposal?
I'd pork her if you know what I mean?
Momo at least benefits from being a lardass. Ochunko is a landwhale by choice.
Holy fuck, sauce?
I want to kiss her horizontal belly button!
I want to fuck her fat rolls!
This but with Inko.
Why is this a thing?
Hori confirmed she's a landwhale, user
Grabbing a soft belly will change your entire life. Maybe not to the extremes posted in this thread, but you will see for yourself.
Why would it not?
Based, can confirm
The fact that Hori's draws most of his girls as fit/thin/average with meat in the right places?
The fact that there's thicker girls than her both in and outside the series but they never get this treatment?
Is Deku's attraction to fat chicks a result of Oedipus Complex?
>The fact that there's thicker girls than her both in and outside the series but they never get this treatment?
Such as? Hori only specifically mentioned Ochako when taking about thicker women.
Bump for CHUNK
>rewatch the series with a friend who I introduced it to
>he gets upset at Inko
>"Damn, why did they have to ruin her perfect body? She looks horrible now."
>y-yeah that sucks... haha...
You should have called your friend out on being a faggot right then and there, user
When are her and Deku going on a date?
Ochunko is going out with anyone unless they can buy out an entire restaurant
Fatposters should be crushed.
What is this heresy.
Oh, I WISH I could be crushed under a hambeast like Ochunko!
mirumiru diet, reverse image search next time
Thanks user.
>loses weight immediately after this page
Hory shit. Thats hot.
I suppose you have the same taste as Deku, then
This is the quality of bnha threads
Blame Hori
This Ochako is super healthy, literally begs to breed healthy children with her
Hori never said she was obese wtf
She's an obese blob
But she's literally not fatfag shitposter
Poor gluttonous pig will be over 700 lbs by age 18
Honestly I consider this a step up from the usual MHA threads. At least there's no shitflinging by actual retards that clearly haven't even read the series and tribalist faggots.
I would love to fuck that piggy
You just know she's just going to mooch off of Deku once he inevitably makes it big.
Oh yeah. And Deku's such a doormat, he probably will be scared to say anything when she spends most of his money on huge and/or expensive dinners for herself and becomes even more of a fat fuck
Is Yea Forums trying to give me a bbw fetish?
Of course not, why would Yea Forums ever try to do that?
It's working. Post more.
I hope they let him make a bigger girl. He clearly wants to.
>tfw blob fetishes are becoming more popular.
God willing.
Who draws all these fat Ochako fan arts? The artist must hate her a lot
So what do you guys prefer, todochako or bakuchako?
Pierce no!
We can go bigger, lad.
As sexy and cute as she is, she is not a super hero.
On the contrary they love her so much they gave her bigger boobs, thighs, and butt.
I come here for the chubby, fat is acceptable to me as long as it's on a believable level.
Momo can just continuously shit gold until she slims back down.
She would get arrested immediately or worse if she tried that.
This thread is hell.
Does anyone have that manga vs. anime comparison of Ochako in her cheerleader outfit? She's noticeably thicker in the manga.
Post cute normal Ochako
>prosthetic arm
That is very far from normal
Ochako is really cute.
Goddamn what a fatass. How are people attracted to her?
Body type I mean
IDK why she's called ochako, she looks like she's never seen a green tea leaf in her life. Butako might be more appropriate
I got you. I guess the animators weren't confident that they could market a landwhale.
I see what you did there, mate.
I like Ochako’s plumpness. It makes her unique.
Has that beta Deku made any move her way yet?
>that pudgy horizontal belly button
>that wide waist
>those thick, meaty thighs
They're all gone. Fuck it.
Nope, he's still gargling Bakugou's cock
I would give anything for a time skip during which Ochako gets full-on fat. And Deku’s Mom becomes a blob
Give your prayers to Lord Brosnan, and He may deliver!
What if she shits food instead?
Eat something, then get rid of the fat by immediately recreating it.
Based anime staff saving us from degenerate fetishes.
Cringe and blue-pilled. The artist's own artistic vision was a fat chick, and the cuck low-test anime staff disrespected that
Momo can turn body fat into objects and she takes monster shits, so she won't get porky
>this pic
literally perfect
>the rest of this thread
literally puke
But then she'd just be tempted to eat that food as well.
I'd be down for that.
I'd make her squeal like a pig.