Who is the best girl in Clannad? I like Nagisa

Who is the best girl in Clannad? I like Nagisa

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I mean... Jail is just a place after all.

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Her mom but i like nagisa too

This one

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Disappointed that I had to scroll this far down for the correct answer.

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Agreed friend.

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What the fuck happened in the end?

>show is about family
>MC hates the town
>"the town is just another family, just too big LMAO (dango daikazoku)"
>town saves Nagisa because MC saves town multiple times

Nagisa is best.

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Youhei is best boy and character

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Hot but a Yandere

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Best boy coming through

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Ha, gay negro... unless...

post tits or GTFO

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TFW watched Clannad but no thread ever lasts longer than a couple replies.

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Tomoybro, I can appreciate your commitment to a great character, but Kyou is far from a yandere. She barely qualifies as a tsundere, but you clearly have your deres confused.

Well maybe she's not a Yandere but she is crazy. I must remind you her sister talked to her about her interest with tomoya. So what she fucking does is try and use her sister as a proxy to get close to Tomoya without risking losing him. You notice she bothers every person who Tomoya is with and basically sets up every first date Tomoya has. Kotomi was with the group but Kyou is really the controling figure of the Drama club. She also flat out molested Kotomi. The thing is she want's to be close to him but doesn't want to be too close in fear she may loose him. She taunts any girl who get's close to him.

Look user, I might of used the wrong term I'll give you that but she's FAR from fucking sane. I think the Kyou route is odd because Kyou's personality changes completely half way through.

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Your grammar is abhorrent, but your acknowledgment that you used the wrong term is admirable. Kyou is nowhere near yandere. See: Gasai Yuno. Kyou is just a manipulative bitch, aka a normal girl.

Key golden age is over bro, now Kyoani is in moe hell.

It's like 50 years old by now, only granddads remember it, and granddads are mostly fucked off Yea Forums by now.

I've been up for 50 or so hours studying for a test, gotta give me a little break.

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My waifu Tomoyo.

Excellent taste

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Have I inadvertently started a Tomoyo rennaisance on Yea Forums?

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My biggest regret of my life probably is the first time i played the Clannad vn i did it without sound.
How could the young me be so dumb i dont understand.

I enjoyed her OVA. Was a nice change of pace after the last few episodes and them being sad af.

I'm still pissed that Tomoyo barely showed up in After Story and pretty much disappeared after everyone graduated. Even Kyou and Kotomi showed up later, why not Tomoyo?

She has her own sequel VN so it's okay.

Also the actual reason is that in the VN, there is no "friend group" that forms. The closest thing is in Kotomi's route, where Tomoya finds friends for her, and she becomes friends with Nagisa, Kyou, and Ryou. In Nagisa's route, she can become acquaintances with Tomoyo (optionally), but that's about it. E.g. at her birthday party in the show, lots of people come to it; in the game it's just Tomoya and her parents in her room because she's bedridden. When her friends come to visit her and Tomoya while she's pregnant in the show, in the game it's just Sunohara because she isn't friends with any of those people. So they had to shoehorn them into the adaptation of After Story as they don't really have any place there, other than Kyou being Ushio's kindergarten teacher, which is in the game.

Eh we have the VN, it's alright user

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Why they all have big buggy eyes?

We've always been here, lurking.

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Even if Nagisa isn't best her design is pretty and predates the VN

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