

Attached: D8_e_akUEAAiJLR.jpg (640x1048, 148K)

How dare you make your daughter cry, Gorou!

Attached: she's actually pretty beautiful here.jpg (567x210, 36K)

Yeah, suffer asshole.

>I hate you, Dad!
That's not a good thing to say right before Father's day. Oh the edits that could be made with that third panel.

is she going somewhere?

First Golden State, now this?
Feels bad man.


Reminder Garou is the reason Tomo and Jun didnt go all the way. We should all hate him

goddamn, he's jumping series?

This is not the OPM thread.

He deserved it though.

what a monster

I don't get it, what does superheroes and villains have to do with tomboy love?

Just Garou things


Attached: [#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 915.png (640x958, 257K)








I want to fuck Misuzu

There's deep lore behind the Tomo-chan universe. Are you sure you're prepared to learn it?

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Attached: tomohatesyou.png (640x272, 214K)

Tomo is all dressed up, cute.




That's a beautiful Tomo. Also, RIP Gorou.

user, please delete this. A weaker man than myself would kill himself on the spot. Don't do this. Not in a tomboy thread.

It hurts, user. Don't do this to me.

Tomo is so beautiful when she's feeling betrayed.

Jesus fucking christ Misuzu


Please delete

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You were the one who shat the bed Gorou, now suffer.

post rare Tomos

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Every daughter says this to their parents at least once or a hundred times in their life, he should be happy

Akemi is so precious.

*hits pipe*

>Gorou let's Akemi touch him only when he's depressed or in rape mode

The human really turned into a monster huh?

I have to get all the dropouts out now, or I'll regret it.

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>Jun, I have the perfect plan to get revenge on my dad
>cum inside me, quick!

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Back to absolutely nothing happening, the true Tomo chan experience

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I also want to fuck

I want to fuck, Misuzu.

That's how daddy issues tend to play out, yes.

Well now I understand how her dad's feeling.

>There is probably at least one user in this thread who made his tomboy friend hate him
Show yourself.

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What about Rodger?

Now let's get to Jun training to defeat Gorou.

Tomo training Jun to defeat Gorou, with gratuitous sexual tension

Now edit to Fumita

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Will their training include sex ed?

>gorou loses the heart to go 100% against his pupil
>Jun wins the right to fuck Tomo easily
>Wait, this match wasn't right, you were holding back, right?

Tomo's back, I feel nothing.

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wow it's fucking nothing

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It's nothing. Hackmita strikes again

When's the next hiatus? July?

i literally already forgot about him

miso soup

Next week.



Attached: Carol oppai.jpg (766x870, 380K)

Bad shoop but good concept. This is about the size she should be at anyway.

How many more pages till it goes into another month's long hiatus?

Goro is a piece of shit
Jun needs to snap his neck and take both Akemi and Tomo

i used to be a dedicated tomo-tard, but the haituses have taken a toll on me bros.

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I miss color bro

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Same. Normal hiatuses I can take, but months of hiatus followed with like 30 pages and another few months of nothing really made me stop caring.

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I used to wake up excited to read a new chapter every day. What the fuck happened to him? Why cant he just finish his fucking story?

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Looks bad though.

some of his work is good

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He's truly become a monster

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Pretty nice but >shading with black

You just want it to end at this point
3 months with no news hiatus + "not dating" 2 months hiatus after makes you mad

he does his best, and I appreciate it.

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That's the work of two different anons.

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One is not even a coloring job but an edit job, there was an user that was really god at those.

whoever it was, I miss him. He would colour just about every panel.

Attached: 1529688282219.png (640x958, 746K)

Oh right Misuzu exists.

You've saved them all?

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not all of em, but i wish I did

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thanks bud

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Gorou has some nerve, calling others wimps.

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all i got bros. see ya next episode, on tomo ball Z

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why aren't her tits bigger
she's treated like she's got big tits
they aren't even half the size of her head

Our girl has become so pretty.

they are pretty big

Attached: 1527308728326.png (735x647, 334K)

not even half the size of her head though
you can barely get a good paizuri out of those
they need to be bigger

No, burger. I never said this.


Bigger than Akemi's even.

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Akemi isn't that big either.
In fact, she's even smaller than tomo
they both need to be much bigger

Both Akemi and Gorou are absolute nutters.


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wish they would expand on their story line

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Imagine having Akemi as your wife and not fucking her four times daily.

Is this the tomboy Nisekoi?

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It's unbelievable that Tomo doesn't have tons of tomboy loli and cute shota siblings.

no, there is an ending they are working towards. Never mention that manga again.

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OH boy I need to read the omakes