ITT post the scene you're most looking forwards to seeing in season 4!
Boku No Hero Academia
Mob psycho > hero aca
not this one thats for sure
this is cursed to a moderately high degree
S4 will be OPM S2 all over again. You can't deny this.
>plot takes a nosedive
>studio loses touch after a year
>some filler bullshit happens for no reason
>Not posting the spoilers in the OP
huescans soon brother
S4 will be animated by toei
But the story was shit since chapter one of the manga.
Unlike based Mob psycho
>S4 will be OPM S2 all over again.
It already was in season 2. Hero aca got boring unlike based Mob psycho
All Might's suffering.
What I really want to see is the reaction when o my 7 quirks happen but I still have to wait.
Overhaul killing the tranny
>yfw bones deliver and they make her tits bigger
The cutest and canonest moment.
yes yes user, well done
the scene where Mirio reveals himself as an incompetent retard who doesn't deserve OFA by abandoning a child in need while his kouhai begs him to help her
Except Izuku would have fucking died if he had tried anything against Overhaul.
And it's supposed to be emotional when this guy dies
Garbage series is garbage.
Well played
I must say that I am excited to see Nemoto animated. I can finally add some more images to my collection.
I'm hoping they distort the screen ever so slightly every time he speaks, to show that he's using his quirk. That'd be pretty cool
Is this. Also the scene where Toga and Deku reunite.
And you can’t be a hero as a splat against the wall.
he'd still be more heroic that Mirio
boku no hero academia has the legit best hentai
Mirio acknowledges his error and is making up for it. You've gotta give him a break, it isn't like he ever wanted OFA.
I don't know what you're aiming to achieve, but stop making these fucking OP's.
We get it, you're looking forward to S4; we don't need to be reminded 7 times in under 10 days - since you make your OP 15 posts before bump limit minimum, then necro them to ensure it's the next one guaranteed.
It's annoying, stop or just think of another subject.
You know this is some NTRfag's shitty fanart since my wife is pure and she's at least another cup size minimum
I'd like you to remain inside /opm/ since your manga doesn't even have active threads anymore
Mob Psycho barely had active threads in the first place. They were even more fujo infested than the average MHA thread
From last thread, he says he's working on something too.
i'm sorry, but that award goes to fgo
>metal gear reference
At least mob has no pedos
This is the funniest fucking think I've read today. Holy shit, thank you for making my day.
every Mob fujo is a pedo because there's only one character that they give a fuck about that isn't in middle school
Do you think Hawks has fallen or is it just a cover? Regardless he's on a very slippery slope right now.
>also a Yea Forumseddit sereiswarfag
I'm pretty sure BJ is either still alive, or he's so based that he was willing to let Hawks kill him for the sake of the mission. I just can't see Hawks winning a fight against him, even with a missing lung and being 6 months out of practice
Not Yea Forums at all. I hate anything Yea Forums related as it doesn't belong here.
Does anyone else like to guess what fetish the author has like me?
He's dead
Hawk's feathers are telekinetic; he doesn't need to get physical with Jeanist, which was Jeanists specialty. He's dead.
At least mob doesn’t have under aged girls who are sexualized
This arc is literally kino so I am looking foward every episode.
You mean the manga or the fanbase? Because 99% of shippers like mob x reigen, who's been his mentor since he was like 9. And they have doujins of shota mob as well.
Of course not. Mob is for fujos and homosexuals. Did you really watch it?
with all the fabric in the room I doubt that BJ couldn't defend himself. Hell even Hawks own clothes could be turned on him just as fast as he could attack, and there were two couches in the room for BJ to get more ammo from
G a p
the better question is what fetishes DOESN'T Hori have
only thing im looking towards is suneater doing his thing, ryukyu dragon transformation and camie gracing my screen
Yes, and Jeanist is aiming to restrain whereas Hawks is aiming to kill, Jeanist has no way to deal with 100+ telekinetic, steel-tier, sharpened feathers moving faster than cars; plus Hawks has the element of surprise.
What was it? Archives haven't updated yet
I'm glad someone pointed this out, it was bugging me
brazilbrother, i summon you!
What makes you think mirio is a pedo?
Crazy thing is that Nips were genuinely upset when that scumbag shallowshit excuse of a character died. What the fuck is wrong with Japs?
i love everyone in this thread!
>Nighteye poses and says that thinking he looks cool
>As I suspected, my creation speed is much better for my copies than any other thing.
>Multiply yourself, Twice!
>After all, nobody knows me better than myself.
>Every one ally now turns into two...
>I'll make you piss and beg for my mercy, baldy!
>I thought we had plenty of soldiers down below... it's how Skeptic said, your ability is really incredible.
Finally, thank god
>darkseid stance with both arms behind his back
Thank you
>piss and beg for my mercy
Suicidal, not heroic.
Holy shit he can clone himself fast
Reminder that if his clone time is roughly a second, he could outnumber the world population in 33 seconds
>Because of that, you will not die even if you're killed! Relax, I will make graves for each of you!
>Don't copy your leader just to kill him afterwards.
>Repeat after me: "Even if I die, I won't die"! That should give you some relief.
>I'll make you relax!
>The alliance of copies meets!!!
>Chapter 232: Special Abilities and "Quirks"
>That guy is the leader of the Special Abilities Liberation Army!
>There?! Since when become capable of multiplying yourself?
>Oh yeah, I didn't see you or Dabi on the way here! I overcame my trauma.
>What?! So you're also a copy?!
>Are you deaf? I said I'm the real one.
>How is it? I'm the real one.
>Shut your mouth it doesn't matter who's who right now.
>What matters is that we all want to save our friends right now!
Brutal, he went straight for the head
but when will he ctrl c and ctrl v Giga
When he gets enough measuring tape from Giran
Math behind that?
>See?! He was a copy!
>You are very fragile, aren't you?
>By the way, do you want to understand the meaning of making someone a hostage?
>Did you see what he just did?
>Don't ask me.
>As he technically isn't a member, I never pretended to kill Giran. Nevertheless, if you try to multiply again, I won't hesitate to kill him.
i still think a million man army of Twice could pwn All Might.
Twice clone equations is (2^n)-1, with n being the amount of duplications
Each duplication = 1 second
(2^33)-1 > world population
Assumes a clone could make 2 clones maximum, then the number of clones after n multiplication is 2^n. If Twice could make 2 clones every 1 second then the number of clones after 33 seconds is around 8.59*10^9, which is larger than current world population.
>Everything's good, Twice. With the copies you already made...
>It's now 1 vs. ... a lot.
>The advantage is ours!!!
>I just need to get him back, right?
He definitely could. Twice has the best quirk so far.
Apocrypha blasted away 90% of twice's clones in half a second without breaking a sweat, so no.
Hori killing it with the 2 page spreads.
>that Giran
they should add a scene where ticklechad takes her boots and socks off and goes to town tickling her bare feetsies
>mogged the copy with his finger alone
>You give me pity.
>It's ridiculous to think you're on my level.
What a welcoming handshake.
Is every villian going to get a hand panel now?
fuck off
I guess we know why Geten submits to Redestro now, this guy is intimidating as fuck
>Eri-chan are you sure you want me all the way in?
Geten is amazing tho. Thats why she'll make Dabi her husband
Imagine if Twice made a million prime All Might clones
Surely there's more going on here than a simple gigantification quirk. We've seen several of them before and they generally haven't been that big of a deal. Though I'm sure we'll get a kaiju battle between him and Gigantomachia.
I never even read Fairy Tale but I know for certain that the dude was into tickling.
>Advocating incest
Cringe and autismpilled.
>"Chosen One"!
>"I'm coming!"
Now I see why Geten considered Redestro as his superior
>Your fingers... were even cut... ah, shit! Damn it... and your right hand. Why the right?
>That's the hand you always used to use when you smoked your American Spirits.
>Note: Natural American Spirit is a cigarette brand.
>Hey, man. Forgive me... I finished leaking information about you to him.
>I'm a failure as a broker.
>You're just playing pretend, right?
>The objectives of the organization should a worry only by its members. Any other thing beside that is unnecessary.
>It would be better if he had discarded his own ambition.
Sounds like his fast. There were at least 8 clones in that room and none of them saw how he killed the first Twice clone
Not incest just Geten, who's unrelated to Dabi, overpowering him and turning him into her loyal husband to have superior children with (he'll raise them while she works of course).
Why do he wear the mask?
why is twice such a nice guy aaaaa
He might have a hybrid quirk. Since the first clone got popped without anyone seeing what happened, he might have some sort of speed boosting quirk combined with his size quirk.
They managed to crack him.
fujos shipping Twice and Giran in 3... 2...
Yes, incest. We all know Geten is 95% guaranteed to be Fuyumi.
It is shameful how Hori has been publishing 15 pages each chapter.
>calls other people villains
Mirin' the core strength of this lad.
>>The objectives of the organization should a worry only by its members. Any other thing beside that is unnecessary.
>>It would be better if he had discarded his own ambition
Fucking hell, Re-destro is a brainlet
Shit that makes it even better then. 1st Gen incest isn't all that dangerous and together Fuyumi and Touya can prove they're better parents than Enji.
hand fetish is for ascended brains only
Fuck, he should have put everyone's face panels between the fingers. This shit is aways kino.
What's weird is when the author makes their fetish super damn obvious but no one wants to believe you when you point it out.
I still see people defend Made in Abyss as a thoughtful and objective depiction of the innocence of childhood sexuality in a harsh environment, and not something that the author's blatantly spanking it too.
>It seems that you like to "travel" yourself.
>What does it mean "to live"?!
>Lofty dreams, huh... hehe... what a perfect opportunity! Allow me to measure you!
>Once upon a time, a woman who gave birth to a child with special abilities.
>In that time, the world was still in chaos, full of preconceived ideas against special abilities... Flooded with evil and overflowing discrimination. A world where people threw stones at her beloved child every day.
Probably some tl issues. Dialogue is stilted in these BrazilScans anyhow.
>Fuyumi doesn't recognize Dabi
>Dabi doesn't recognize Fuyumi, because of the Parka
>Accidental hot, steamy incest
>kaijuu overhaul all over again
Give us something new Hori. FUCK
That is so retarded and the behavior of a stupid fanboy who think authors can do no wrong and if they're into shit that might be deemed as fucked up it is for a noble artistic reason. It is so damn cringy.
what the english
>What does it mean "to live"?!
>Dodged Shiggy's neet speed
Wait what the fuck. How fucking fast is this guy
>It seems that you like to "travel" yourself
Actual hue here, "travel" in this context means crazy talk.
Good Morning!
Is ReDestro name Nigel?
what did he mean by this?
All Might simply moving would cause an explosion that blows the Twice army to salsa.
I think the dude is typesetting as he posts.
>Shiggy ruins the surprise attack by talking
he's talking to a clone
Hori is a hack
Somebody who fucking glows would be extremely annoying. Don’t blame em for throwing rocks at the kid.
it means that you should die, die for destro
I think this is going to be the original Destro's back story
>fuck-off, you glowing fuck
Hands behind the back whilst fighting will never not be awesome
>In a tiny whisper, the woman proclaimed to the world:
>"This is the quirk of my child."
>"All I want is a world where he can live freely!" However, her voice was suffocated in middle of the mocking of the world!
>That woman never had her voice heard a second time. Do you know why?!
>Because she was assassinated by those that were against special abilities.
>"The Mother of Quirks"? Are you joking?
>Forgive me! I forgot you never attended school.
>And there came the heroes... with the rise of vigilantes, the government tamed the chaos. And as part of it's policy, they revived her words.
>And classified special abilities as "quirks"! Diversity! A complete turnaround! However!
this animal is spitting his monologue against fucking clones. what a fucking waste of time.
>glowniggers are real
Of course they would throw stones
Poor dumb NEET.
large hams need to vent or they'll die of overexposure
Giran is still there
>A complete turnaround! However!
I can't fucking believe Shiggy (clone) is fighting Destro in the tower like all the memes said they would.
Was I speed reading? Because I am under the impression that the clones somehow return data to the original after being destroyed. How did Dabi know his clone had melted after encountering Eraserhead at the training camp, otherwise?
>>Forgive me! I forgot you never attended school.
Don't make fun of my dumb husband
>Well done, Hero Society, well done...
That shiggy is the real one. The clone was cut off by the giant arm. We didn't see Twice cloning any more Shigarakis so...
what do the repeating numbers mean
Its more like Destro is letting him live for his monologue.
>with the rise of vigilantes
Twice told him.
will the next villain have a big hand too
next villain will be an amalgamation of sentient hands like an obscure D&D god from the far lands
At this point, that's a given.
The Chad Redestro and the Virgin All for One
I'll rise into popstep's butt
Is that the real Shigg-Ah-rakih? He just lost an ear wtf
Also does anyone else notice Re-Destro's suit doesn't break?
could be good
Hori's hand fetish is really the drive behind this manga
>This new reality with the new adopted policies was nothing more than even more oppression!
>There was no change with a mere name alteration.
>This whole time, they never dealt with the suppression of the use of abilities! And if people could not freely use their abilities, then how can we truly be free?!
>"This is not the future my mother wished for"!
>She longed for a world where special abilities are truly "quirks" in the truest sense of the word!
>That was the true inconvenience! Do you understand now why we sell the last scriptures of Destro?!
>National revolution! Liberty of truth! I transformed the ambitions of Destro into my own! As the heir of Destro, I inherited his will and swore to make it real! I am Re-Destro!
Not if I get there first, dork
ReDestro is right tho, like unironically.
>ReDestro is a Reality fag too
when is Hori going to introduce multiverses
he's going crazy
holy shit
>Liberty of truth!
Actual hue here again, this one would be better translated as "actual freedom!" or "real freedom!"
This, I completely understand their ideology
Neets btfo
>By chance your group of bums who has nothing but the will to destroy...
>really think that your ambitions can reign over ours?
>Twice, if you want to protect Giran, make a cushion.
>At your first attack, I flew out the window and happened to see him down there.
>It's coming,
>He will certainly touch the tower.
every villian so far save for OfA has exposed the flaws of current hero society im sure the series wont end by simply defeating the villians but also taking their points into consideration.
Shiggy's clone better not decay Destro now and end the arc here, man that would blow.
SWOLE and INTELLIGENT realpoliticker CRUSHES filthy NEET with LOGIC and BIG ARMS
>That's what I would do.
what the fUCK
Is shiggy going to crash this tower?
With no survivors
Good team work.
Shiggy clone wasn't killed thanks to his neet speed.
ReDestro is living in a Harrison Bergeron world and he is trying to change it. He might be a dick, but he is trying to free people.
>Govenener Detro inc
>twice protecting giran with a literal body pillow
>After losing an ear, Shiggy now realises that while in Destros grasp; the big arm isn't disintegrating
>>That face of ''I have made a terrible mistake''
>Human body cushion
Oh fuck, Hori, put the themes back down; and the kino too, it's too much.
Oh fuuuuuck
>You know, people generally die when they fall from tall places... do you happen to be the big boss? Hmm?
>What? You're... the guy who was in the Detnerat commercial, aren't you?!
>It looks like...
>I won't have the opportunity to hear your answer.
>The final clash!!!
Why didn't he go for the feet?
Shiggy kills Destro.
There, I saved you time for next week's chapter.
God I hope Shiggy dies
Fuck off meme spewing little cunt
>Shiggy puts himself right below a collapsing building
>Fucking dies
Look at the size of the fucker l. He straight up turned into the hulk
Do you happen to be
Sorry he'll stay to tarnish this manga till the very last chapter.
Guys. Where is Destro's shoulders in that pic.
>do you happen to be the big boss?
Is destro going to hulk up like that absolute shit roided Joker final boss from that Batman game?
Shiggy gets his ass whooped by ReDestro until Giga comes and saves him*
he's a big guy now.
Look bottom left His entire body is massive now
over his head
I want Re-Destro to win and the VA to have to run away.
I like the MLA, they should stick around as a third faction. The effect they could have on society at large opens up a whole book of plotlines.
We still have Giga to come, plus Skeptic, Hanabata and Geten are still on the loose
wait so his quirk is just giantification and super strength?
that doesn't seem like enough to get getten in line
we dont actually know what he can do
I don't get it. What's his quirk, some growth shit like Mt Lady? Someone explain to a brainlet like me.
Those aren't even that big
Bravo, Hori.
no one knows, its a mystery
Don't know yet, but we know he at least has some sort of Gigantification
Redestro needs your wishing energy anons, give him your L's
>this many Anons speedreading
Reminder that Spinner has already told us who loses this arc.
All Might's quirk was punching really hard and after 5 years of coming up with the ultimate Quirk combination, AFO decided that the best possible move was to use a giant arm with spikes.
So I think Re-Destro is SSS+ tier so far, you don't need any fancy status move when you can whip your arm and kill people before they even react, similarly to High-End wrecking Endeavor.
But he's stupidly similar to Muscular, I hope he has another trick. He just enlarges his arm and apparently used that black mass to protect himself.. just like Muscular.
>Dabi and Geten(female) fight will happen off screen
Why did Geten refuse to do the salute?
She is just in for the benefits
>shiggy vs boss already
>giga is coming with everyone already fucked up
Can't tell where this is going.
so kendo is the traitor right? same quirk same hair color
They're pretty good benefits, first pick on any guy she wants - not bad.
afo was fucking around
GODestro will take out gigacuck in one hit
Yeah, just like Momo was related to Overhaul
>We still got Spinner and Hanabata
>We still got Dabi and Geten
>We still have "next phase" Skeptic
>We still have possible Compress
>We still have Gigantomachia
>We still have Hawks/Slide n' Go and other Pro-Heroes possible involvement.
You to user.
Are you ReDestro's love child or something?
his beliefs don't really align with what redestro talks about. maybe he just joined to get stronger/be trained. unless those weren't actually his beliefs and he's putting up an act, in which case he's just an edgy rebel
So, what do you guys think? Will the Yakuza arc be a lot more digestible in anime form? I liked the arc, but the main complaint that most people have about it is the pacing. Will the anime improve on it?
He starts out with one Twice, or 2^0.
He can make two clones, so in addition to himself, that's 2^0+2^1, or 3 Twices.
Each of those two clones can make two clones, so that's 2^0+2^1+2^2, or 7 Twices.
After 32 cycles, that's 2^0+2^1+2^2+2^3+2^4+2^5+2^6+2^7+2^8+2^9+2^10+2^11+2^12+2^13+2^14+2^15+2^16+2^17+2^18+2^19+2^20+2^21+2^22+2^23+2^24+2^25+2^26+2^27+2^28+2^29+2^30+2^31+2^32, which would be 8,589,934,591. Since there's only around 7,000,000 humans, there'd be more Twices than humans at that point.
>Tell me about Shigaraki, why does he wears the glove? Lot of loyalty for a clone!
>Perhaps he is wondering, why'd you kill a clone before throwing him out of a skyscrapper
>Wise guy, huh? At least you can talk. Who are you?
>No one cared who I was until I put on the glove... It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
>If I pull that off, will you die?
>It would be extremely painful
>You're an autistic guy
>For you
>Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Of course!
>Well, congratulations! You got yourselves caught! What's the next step in your master plan?
>Crashing this building... WITH NO SURVIVORS!
>Ice vs Fire
>Loyalty vs Manipulation
>Clones vs Puppets
>Pro Hero vs Leader Villain
>Giant vs Giant
>All at the same time
It's another Rappa situation.
This really is a rehash of the Yakuza arc.
no because Bones will drop it. them pushing it back so many times is evidence for redflags.
This is villain kino. A hand reaching out for you is exactly the same as heroes saving others.
Of course it will, the BNHA anime is one of the best ones out there at least up to AM vs AFO (the school battle shit made me stop watching it).
I don't even remember anything wrong with the pacing tbqhwy, except for a chapter with everyone running and some angry mafia guy using Trigger to strenghten his Quirk and create more walls trying to stop them from reaching Overhaul. That was kinda filler, but everything else is necessary
>MLA main base and symbol of their power and identity shatter to dust in front of their eyes.
poor suckers of the liberation army, this day will be forever engraved in their heart.
The fact that they had no problem pushing back bnha out of the hot summer block buster season for a literal who baseball anime is really concerning.
What new manga series is Bones planning on adapting?
You have no idea what you're talking about, do you
The entire arc was filler.
He doesn't.
How the fuck is Deku supposed to fight someone who's power is straight up rapid decay upwards to hundreds of meters?
with 7 quirks and bakugo as a meatshield
punch the air so hard that air pressure will splatter shigaraki
black whip and play keep away.
>same quirk
Wait what the fuck. I thought his quirk looked familiar, it's because Kendo has that quirk too.
I love Eri so much
The strongest student from UA getting dequirked and fighting villains to death for 5 minutes is the best thing besides AFO vs OFA and Endeavor vs High End.
Of course it'd have been better if Mirio died, but it's a nice last stand.
Except Kendou can only do it to her hands
>Momo is related and has ties to the Yakuza/Overhaul
>Kendo is related and has ties to MLA/ReDestro
holy shit bros.
Air bullets, or throw a rock at his head
God damn!
Guesses on his quirk? Looks like a rich man's Kendou
I hope next arc is about her. I'm sick of this villain shit.
Looks like a mix between Kendo, Dark Shadow and Muscular's quirks all in one.
If only he was into big feet.
Read a different manga if you just want stupid loli shenanigans
Gigantification seems like an uncommon, but not necessarily rare, quirk. Mt Lady and Kendou both has a variant of it.
AfO also used one for his arm on top of 4x stack of kinetic enhancers and 3x stack of strength boosters
>The strongest student from UA
A character introduced in that arc and doesn't matter outside of it
>being threatened by Eri
kek you're pathetic
What are the chances that the black ink on Redestro's body act like a sort of shield? Can they block against Shiggy's disintegration?
AfO's was less gigantification and more stacking limbs on top of each other.
It's clear what Hori's fetish is
This should be animated well in S5
Bored and annoyed. She is a characterless plot device.
>yfw it's actually a power stockpiling quirk used right
>the downside is that it makes you larger proportionate to the power stored
OfA is this quirk without the quirk and therefore allows it to be compressed into a regular body that can handle it. This is how this guy comes into play for Deku.
>Can they block against Shiggy's disintegration?
now i'm wondering how giga can block it
They made a movie. I think Bones is in it for the long haul.
allow me
Mina's body is perfection
Why does Hori keeps shilling Mina if he's not going to expand on her character or role in the story?
Mina is his legit waifu
He probably regenerates faster than Shiggy decays him. That, and he wouldn't let Shiggy to hold on long enough to do more damage.
She's one of his favorite characters in an interview. This was back in mid 2018 btw, so I hope that Shouji arc comes soon.
>Shiggy and Deku's battle will be a battle of who can touch the other person first
Get ready for some high speed action.
He needs to find a way to put this in the actual manga. He loves drawing her it seems.
So that I can expand my story into her character.
>so I hope that Shouji arc comes soon.
After how the Shinsou arc played I hope not
>Sero is literally the Spiderman of BnHA
>that role is now given to Deku and not even Kamui
>If it's the boys, then I would choose Sero, the guy who has Spiderman-like abilities that could have great action sequences.
H-Hori you bastard.
I went back and checked and it said hypertrophy so you could get well be right
Dabi burning off Geten's parka just to reveal she is girl with massive milkers WHEN
More like Geten pinning Dabi to the ground with her superior strength and taking advantage of him.
>tfw Twice will get to Dabi and multiply him into an Army that just blasts a giant wave of flames
There's no other way I can see Dabi winning.
No more than me
Does Twice need a girl's three sizes in order to duplicate her?
Deku won't be the one to fight him. There's someone else better equipped for the job.
Did Hori draw this?
Why does this exist, I must know
With 7 quirks
>artist became famous among the English speaking side too quickly and deleted her Twitter a month after she made it
Why is this fanbase so cursed?
>Thread fucking dies 10 minutes after the last page is translated
There goes your hype chapter
Mostly just waiting for actual translations. Brazil Scans are useless for telling what is actually being said.
Well, anyone who says this arc is good is a contrarian fag. Nobody cares about these characters.
Wew, great way to appreciate our early release and live translation you dumbfuck.
When was the last time we saw All Might on screen?
They're good for live reactions to the art and paneling, but for telling what is going on, going from Jap>Hue>Eng isn't conducive to effective communication.
The guy dumping them is a bro tho.
I hate how filled with normalfaggots these threads are.
Literally the beginning of this arc. He saved a dumb bystander when the Carbonation Villain attacked Bakugo and Todoroki.
Next chapter hopefully
you seriously think this arc isn't being well received elsewhere
Too many gaijins that don't know nip twitter etiquette
That feels like forever ago
Not even here it is well received. Discussion dies right away, the only thing keeping these threads alive are the shitposters.
Now knowing what kind of Quirk he has I feel even more bad for Miyashita.
>three months is forever ago
>ywn get molested by an aggressive tomboy ice queen
>Shiggy and redestro already met
So rumors are true
>Not even here it is well received
Oh user, you're so silly
Hori is rushing the fuck out of this arc now that he realized nobody cares.
This is a worthless post since people who actually like the manga don't bother discussing it here. This has bern true for years since the threads became too unbearable.
Thank you. I try my best with these, but my skills are still rather mediocre. Even if I mess up the translations, the artwork is unaffected. I'm glad the English version comes out soon after to correct my mistakes.
the chapter is solid and doesn't leave loose ends, what the fuck do you want to discuss?
What rumors?
The average runtime for his arcs is 20 chapters.
No hate from me bby. Thanks for the dumps my guy.
While every single chapter is good, the arc as a whole is boring.
There's no point in having villains show off if it's not against heroes.
>me and my fellow metalgearfags are completely enjoying this arc
Disgusting. If this arc was worth a shit, discussion would be abundant but it is always just shipping shit and shitposts and without that you'd get archived in less than an hour.
Then it isn't well received.
What will happen to gigantomachia?
What is spinners quirk?
What is FGI planning?
How will the LOV lose since we know by Spinner that they won't be victorious?
What will be the consequences of this development?
What happened to beast jeanist?
What will be hawks endgame?
Why aren't heroes from nearby districts and cities showing up?
There's a lot of shit to talk about, but no, I only get retarded edits and cringy as fuck memes.
>every single chapter is good
>the arc as a whole is boring.
It's not my fault you can't understand simple concepts.
Do I need to make a food analogy for you to understand?
>that reaction image
Yes, I truly do hate how these threads are so filled with complete normalfaggots.
Those are loose ends but they aren't touched on in this chapter, theres nothing to discuss for those topics that wasn't said already.
Anyone worth a shit already left. Best you do the same.
>People who like the manga don't discuss the manga here anymore
>the arc isn't well recieved.
Even if there was an arc you thought was "good" I guarantee you the shitposting and shipping would be just as prevalent
This arc is good though
So good it proves the manga overall is shit because this arc is a complete diversion
How many penis related injuries do you think Recovery Girl had to heal in her life?
bnha attracts the worst of Yea Forums normalfags unfortunately
Seems like where ever Redestro dark shit goes, that body part gets stronger
Where are you discussing this? Reddit? Why don't you go back?
You can tell how good this arc is when people are struggling to shit on it.
I fucking know. I can't stand that retard who posts that guy from Yea Forums who he thinks looks like redestro. It hurts to see that shit.
Its not though. Nice try.
>If I keep saying this arc is bad, it will eventually be true!
Retarded logic by a retarded poster.
Please stop pretending. Its embrassing.
>this arc is so good discussion dies 10 minutes after chapter finished dropping.
Redestrofags are insufferable. The only good thing about this arc is that Shiggy will more than likely destroy his shit and we won't have to see him again.
It's just Dekufags unused to such positivity during an arc.
Thanks for proving my point.
Chapter is out yet dumbass.
>that spacing
Yup, seems you like you need to go back.
Redestrofags are Yea Forumsermins who moved on from Rappa spamming. The cycle of braindead meme spam with the new flavor of the month character will never end unfortunately.
>current disccusion isn't related to the chapter and instead is anons fighting each other and metaposting
Bravo, what a good story
Nice edit
Did Hori skip the end of Dabi's fight? How did he get there so quickly?
They seem distinct enough.
Sero has the dispensary and permanence aspect to his quirk, and can increase the length he has to worth with.
Black whip seems limited in length, but is more like extendo-arms which reel back in.
tl;dr, Sero is stil Spiderman but Deku is Doc Oc (?) or the arms-y guy in the Fantastic 4
>This is a worthless post since people who actually like the manga don't bother discussing it here
[TN: I want to say that leddit/shitcord is better, but am being ambiguous enough that everyone won't call me out for being a flaming normalfag and won't point out that they're worse]
Indeed, it is so annoying.
Oh fucking hell, those rappafuckers forcing they stupid memeshit. Giga poster is responsible for everything, he's the one idiot that makes endless shitty edits to hype these drooling retards.
Hope that idiot dies of liver failure.
>It's just Dekufags
This this this
This arc is great and every fucking arc where deku appears is dogshit. So it hurts to see the final proof the manga overall will always be dogshit with Deku. This arc.
benig :DDDD
There's no steaks this arc. Why should I care which villainous retard kills the other when this has no effect on deku's story
Reading at the speed of light
I don't know who's worse Gigacunt or those cock sucking anons feeding his ego and begging his ass for more of his daily life blog posts or shit meme edits.
Thank fuck that attention whore avatarfag fucked off.
>Stop enjoying thiiiiings!
I have no idea. If we go back to students shenanigans and sol shit after this arc where the promise to change society is present then I wouldn't know what to think.
holy shit, delusional
Don't forget the thread derailing Kendoufag and her internet defense force. Threads have improved since she was bullied away from here.
>being a clone who’s meant to die quickly and seeing the real you
must feel creepy
bless whoever bullied that kendou avatarfag with the absolute shit quality art away.
Hahaha pal, Kendoufag was back here taking requests like two days ago. I suggest you lighten up
Fucking thank you for saying it, he annoys me to no end. I shouldn't know that he lives in Finland and he is an alcoholic bastard, but his blog posting ass couldn't resist to reveal useless shit about himself.
The only positive thing that comes with shitposters is that makes attentionwhores like him fuck off for most of the time.
Interesting. Slight differences from this thread in tl. I really hope Re-Destro doesn't exist solely to power up Shiggy.
All that's left are the other paintfags and editfags really. One even hates the manga now and makes anti-bnha oc. It's pretty lit.
Uh, what?
Hahaha, keep sucking that tranny dick for those shitty OC.
>he doesn't know
Kendoufag was an avatarfag originally using Kendou before he got his ass banned for Avatarfagging. Then he stopped using Kendou and continued his attentionwhoring by derailing the threads with art requests and blog posting.
>me not liking gigafag's awful shit means I want him to do shit for me
What kind of retarded logic is that?
I like BNHA, just not this arc.
I also dislike attentionwhores and thread personalities.
Taking colour/edit requests
Good here's my criticism.
The arc is pointless. The quirk jobbers army is just a plot device.
The only thing this arc will ever accomplish is introducing giga as another member of the VA. This would otherwise have taken half a panel.
The arc is entirely masturbatory and doesn't advance the story in any way.
I do like pretty pictures and that's at least half the reason why I read BNHA, but it's not enough to keep me interested. The jobbers army is not interesting, it's worse than the Yakuza arc.
You gotta love it, don't you? When shitposters can't find anything to complain about so they lash out at content creators, to absolutely no effect at all
Fuck off and stop derailing this thread!
Redestrofags, like rappafags, are circle jerking cancer. And people like gigafag validates cancer like you.
You all need to fuck off.
How do you feel about this arc compared to Yakuza, then
>Multiple new High-End nomu
>Bakugo and Shouto have their Hero licenses
>Doctor is in
>Giga is in
>Twice stronk
>Backstories galore
>Hawks development
>Arc hasn't even finished yet, potential societal divide post city-destruction
>>Huuurrrrrr this arc hasn't done ANYTHING
>Making content for the thread = derailing the thread
What bizarre shitposting attempt have I wandered into this time?
>thread personalities.
you should hate miroerifag and grapefag too then
>absolutely no one:
Main character is so shit the manga is fine completely ignoring him for a year
Yakuza is great. It had development, and while new characters were introduced tehy were shown along with beloved old characters so you were actually invested in the story, wishing energy was sort of the only negative thing I see with it. But other than that? Quite enjoyable.
This shit, however, is nothing but a snorefest.
>please come be a drawfag for my series that no one follows!!!
every time, never gets old
I know absolutely nothing about them. They have never posted where they live or what they do in their free time, or what sort of vacations they went to or why they won't be able to post for an entire weekend.
Dont get me wrong, I despise them but I despise blog posting faggots more.
>Hyping up a jobber
Lmao. ReDestro is going to get fodderized.
>attentionwhoring for digits and gets
>not derailing the threads
That's blatantly breaking the rules dumbfuck normalfag.
Go back to whatever shithole site you came from.
I suppose Re-destro is somewhat afraid of Twice´s quirk even though he calls the copies "quite fragile"
>making content for a forced meme
That is what it is.
user he's trying to say we can't have people making art, that we can't have people making memes
all threads must be complaining about the series, all threads must be about how shit this series is because our lives must also be shit by proxy
girl fetishists are the worst
If the MHA fandom were a school I'd swear this general would be the Special Ed Class
>introduce the idea that Deku can asspull his way out of 5 random scenarios for free
>don't even try to explain how it will be handled or reassure the audience it won't be shit
>focus on secondary characters for months so shitposting can ruin peoples investment in the main character
>For digits and GETS
Uhh user, you know that our drawfags (especially Kendoufag) only make a single post with a third-party link for requests specifically to not shit up the thread
>no overhaul user to hang with
feels bad
>black ink
That isn't ink, son.
All things that don't matter.
Hawks is filler.
Nomu is filler.
Giga is irrelevant until he fights heroes.
Bakugou and Shoto will always be overshadowed by 7 quirk Dekuchad.
Get this straight punk, NOTHING matters if it's not connected to Deku.
I'm also really happy that people are shitting on gigafag, giga is shit and he's shit. Muscular > shit > Rappa/Giga.
they don't use dubs/gets because we have script abusers in these very threads
blessed story arc.
It is funny, when that fujo made art back then you all obliterated her ass with hate. Same is happening here, some anons like me are tired of your personality shit.
And I swear you'd be the class president.
How new are you that you don't know he was forced to do that after the many times mods banned his ass?
But then again you're such a stupid newfag that you didn't even know how Kendoufag got his name in the first place.
Lurk before you spew garbage.
Why doesn't Shiggy just disintegrate the earth and kill Redestro that way?
Bitch we're the kind of tards that aren't even allowed out of the house, special ed is too difficult for us.
Go to bed grapes, it's pass your bed time.
>In the manga
Gets me every time
Just when you think these threads can't get any worse they reach a totally new kind of low, it's amazing on itself
the deku fan's got bite
thoughts on what he'll try next?
>Stops avatarfagging
>Stops making posts using GETs
>This continues for quite some time
This reads like that one guy who gloats about how glad he is when people shit on Deku and how he duped everyone into shitting on Deku and how he swayed whole threads and stuff and even the paintfags.
Overhaulfag BTFO
I hate/love Twice
You ever see Holes, well imagine that everyone was digging in the same spot. Thats what these threads are like.
you leave best user alone
Gigafag is more insufferable to be honest, though kendofag is pretty bad.
Do we still only have to dig a shovel's length sized hole? Sounds like it would be easier with everyone digging together
>Everyone's fighting for no reason
I didn't know grapefag still posted here, still here's a picture to confuse you even further as to my identity.
Why don't you tell that thread personally you hate you hate them when they show up and tell them to go away and stay away?
Just stop giving him attention, there's a guy that always spergs out when someone drawfags in these threads because he's salty no one will draw for his obscure series instead.
Fitting for a dekufag
A dekufag? As if your post didn't already pointed that out.
>W-why aren't these people making OC for MY thread... It's not fair!
People really do seethe over us having fun, don't they
Nah, they're fine, making OC and edits is better than stirring up shit like the likes of (You).
Hey I take pride as class president. It's just that some days I wish you guys were just socially challenged rather than mentally.
Say that again in English please with proper grammar.
This thread is so shit. I only come here for the post chapter discussion and there's none
Nice chapter. Don't know about that tower crumbling to pieces in a single panel, though. Seems like a big jump in power.
Doesn't help that the last time Kendoufag did a request thing one guy admitted to loading the votes and was pissed that either of his 3 requests didn't make it.
I always do, I tell them how awful their shit memes are.
rent free i see.
>snapped neck
>trough the sheer pressure of the bicep and forearm expanding
Jesus fuck.
We literally can't stop fucking winning.
Anything would be better than that, it doesn't make it good though. Gigafag is an attentionwhoring rat.
Wasn't the crumbling speed always this fast ever since Stain?
When were the threads not shit?
Exactly before Kirishima's flashback.
Something triggered in those flashback chapters that these threads never recovered from.
Then fuck off to the shithole you crawled from and never "grace" us with your presence again you condescending fuck.
Fuck off avatarfag. You don't even shit OC out.
Before the anime.
based, best edit and drawfags around
I'd give it an hour or so for the shitposters to die down, but there's not a huge lot to discuss at the moment. It was a simple chapter, the only thing really left up in the air is the wherabouts of the LoV and MLA members besides Redestro and Shiggy
Looks like he crumbled the base and the rest happened naturally. There's still a pretty sizeable amount of debris left over
Now now user remember to take your meds! You know you get cranky when you don't take them.
I suppose we never really saw Shigaraki ply his stuff on a big scale. Is this the first time?
>OCfag so bad his shit never gets reposted unless he posts it himself
KEK I enjoy seeing your shit because it is so pathetically sad it becomes hilarious
Yakuza arc is where it went down hill. The hiatuses crippled this place.
>Something triggered in those flashback chapters
What? the fujos getting triggered is what set these threads off?
Dumb avatarfag
Oh but I have. I'm responsible for Peter Griffin Slide n' Go and Burns Destro
Ok, now that's pretty based
The complaints were about how underwhelming the flashback was and anons didn't like how Deku-like and pussy Kirishima was.
>tfw Kaiju Re-Destro spears Gigantomachia through his head with his gigantic blade of a nose
Yea Forums is down the hall you cum riddled shit eater.
that's a really fucking good quirk
I need to start making new edits now that we know the Kaiju LA member is Redestro himself.
based and Louisepilled
WOW user you're so amazing I really need to know who made the shittiest OC to date! Your seek of validation in this anonymous forum is truly inspiring, that and your avatarfagging is proof of that.
please make it happen
Godspeed, you drunk bastard
>bnhafags will actually praise this shit edit
It is a clown world
>Redestro shitter is a Yea Forumsermin and Yea Forumsfag
Typical. The meme spammers are the fucking bottom of the barrel scum of this site.
all five fingers need to touch and deku will not only have super strength and super speed, but he'll also have several other quirks. honestly, it doesn't matter how much shiggy levels up right now. unless he gets extra quirks too, he's hardly final boss material.
>Your seek of validation
>Literally 1 minute ago you didn't even know he made OC and called him out on it
Jej, the damage control is real
Also an overhaulfag.
>Geten: Alive, facing Dabi and having the upper hand for now
>Curious: Destroyed after rushing out and feeding to Toga
>Politician: Alive, facing Spinner
>Skeptic: Fucked off out of the tower
>Re-Destro: Revealed his Magnum Dong Arms and currently facing off with Shiggydiggy
Feeling like the politician will die but Geten will join the League while Skeptic survives to send his data to Feel Good Inc, leading to the pro heroes searching for the League now they know the full extent of their abilities.
Please stop. This is like that one guy who keeps forcing the meme that ReDestro looks like that Monarch guy thing.
It probably is the same guy. Few anons name their filenames, and one of the guy who does is always posting co and v shit. It is so damn annoying.
Children, why don't you take a seat.
You don't organise your files?
To be fair the Burns one was a request.
I do, but that doesn't mean I change the filenames. Nobody fucking does.
i want to fuck deku
>Geten joining the League
>Todoroki has to deal with an ice nigga(or bitch) plus Dabi for the ultimate trial
I can get down with this.
>overhaul avatarfag outed himself as a vernim and cofag circlejerker
It's been a good thread.
But then everyone would still have filenames anyway
we know.
but his body is so lewd, i want to touch him
Mirko, Pedophilia is wrong you beast.
We all know that Geten would join the league to continue forcing herself on Dabi in secret, threatening to pull off his skin if he ever revealed what she was doing
>Yea Forumsermin gets called out on his filenames
>phone posts
My sides!
The ones assigned by Yea Forums.
Fuck off phoneposting Yea Forumsfaggot.
i don't care about laws anymore, i want a teenage deku bf and i want him now
Can it get any sadder? Notice the spacing, too.
post a named filename then
I name all my files. I can't stand having things unorganised and the Yea Forums assigned tags don't help at all
Why would you even avatarfag as the guy who got his Loli taken from him and lost to a FUCKING NEET?
Then you're one of the few autist in this entire sites that does, and your posts will be easy to recognize.
Hori made them literally throw hands, I'm pretty excited to learn more about Redestro´s quirk, since normal gigantification would probably get fucked under the godly grip of Gigantomachia.
is this true? damn, i feel bad for jap artists who draw bnha shit in that case, it's probably the most popular series for westerners especially tumblr who like to obsess over it
>another violent hand grip contest
>Why is this fanbase so cursed?
Fujo sacrificed it's Pet Cat to the Old Ones.
It happens all the time not just for BnHA. I remember BC Jap fans were complaining so much about the western community that they all went underground. That's why Jap artists use secret hashtags and shit and have their own underground community on social media sites.
Japs have unique etiquette with their content. They don't throw shade, they don't comment unless extremely necessary or know each other.
Westerners will simply go to your twitter and say whatever they're feeling, it is bad form.
aw no spinner quirk tease, everything else is pretty cool though.
would rather see redestro with a more cerebral quirk but the giant arm thing is pretty uncanny valley so im fine with it
Westerners have entitlement issues
damn that's insane, must suck for them
>they don't comment unless extremely necessary or know each other
from the artists i follow on twitter i agree with this 100%, stuff can have thousands of likes rts etc with 0 comments at all
It sucks, wish they were more like japs and minded their own damn business.
It's a bit of both, to be honest
Chisakufags are cucks.
It was a bit jarring to come back to living in a Western country. I remember I heard someone complain publicly about some food and I was taken aback because that concept was so alien to me, or when people complain about their coworkers getting a raise or something. Very unafraid of confrontation
I remember when he or some other Overhaulfag were trying to say that the Parka guy was Overhaul. Pretty funny.
On the bright side you'll never have to encounter the people on these generals outside publicly.
I mean, I can’t imagine it being that bad, right?
Unless, a majority of people commenting are posting some whack ass shit instead of the usual “I love this” or “whoa so good”. That I can understand, but if not, just mute the notif’s, right?
I’m just curious as to know how to properly weave through the shit myself at this point.
No joking, anons on these generals are infinitely more civilized than your avarage bnhafan.
I doubt that
If they didn't ask for your opinion, you don't give it. Even if you love the work, a like is enough to let them know it.
No need for anything else unless you're hoping to become friends with the nip. In which case you will most likely fail miserably if you don't speak moon, they don't pay attention unless you're an artist as well, and a decent one.
Have you actually met people on here in real life?
Which is how it should be honestly, with the exception of commenting for constructive criticism. I think that could be helpful too
Constructive criticism shouldn't be given by just anyone. Everyone can be a critique, but if it comes out of the blue then it is rude.
If you don't know the person, you don't engage with the person. It is simple.
>with the exception of commenting for constructive criticism. I think that could be helpful too
There you go with that western mentality again.
If the artist doesn't ask for one (which they never do by the way) you'll stay quiet and keep it to yourself.
Huh, that’s actually a fair enough point.
Thanks for the cultural lesson, user.
I've seen tumblr compaigns to cancel content creators, and use virtue signaling to silence everyone. It is very sad. Here you'll be called a faggot, but you won't get doxxed.
HeroAca should have more cute wholesome teen romance in it.
I am a little dissapointed in Shiggy, he would have killed Giran if his clone didn´t told Twice´s clone to create the cushion.
>Yakuza is great.
Holy fucking shit you can't have taste this bad.
I loved that. The clone warning Giran and Twice shows he is concerned for them but the prime Shiggy still destroying the building without knowing exactly what is going on shows his resolve.
Yakuza hate is nothing but a meme. No wonder you repeat it like a parrot, you can't think by yourself.
Let me repeat something else then
also fuck Deku