Guess what got translated?

Guess what got translated?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This dude shoots nothing but blanks


I give up, what got translated?

Chapter 2 gime


where is posted?


>Can you do asa-chun with me for saving the world?


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>that official engrish title

that doesnt look translated to me

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It's 33131

Mangadex kek

>MC is a beta, sexless harem protagonist as always
>Angel girl rapes him in his sleep (all night long)

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How can an Angel rape?


Why does she has a toilet seat for a hat?

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>people in mangadex comments: rape is disgusting wtf
Normalfags getting into animanga is a mistake.

Just wait for the second chapter

Fucking hell, Abe. What the shit was that?

The begining of a New adventure



All these mangadex comments are horrific.

Comments and Forums are a mistake.

>Fucking hell, Abe. What the shit was that?
Kek this is Just The begining

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MC is gonna get drained so badly.

I don't think he will be capable of falling asleep through some of these females.

I can do one I guess. Give me a min to start.

They say that as Constantinople fell, the philosophers were still debating: "How many angels can fit on the end of my dick?"

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Prophetic digits.

>Whole body erection
Of course.

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>his seed is eligible for both hero candidate and maou candidate
Ayy lamo

>Titty monster

Attached: titty monster.webm (1280x720, 804K)

I can't upload 7 because it's already up

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halos are literally just glowing discs of light, this is absurd

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I am looking forward to vol 2.

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Just change the image size

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Sounds like a difficult job, but I'll take one for the team.

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It's my first time dumping so sorry about the image size thing.

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I wouldn't mind being isekai'd into this world.

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I'm literally shaking right now.

>no way fag

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Which is also her response to him.

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That's barely SFW, user.

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>Make a manga where the male protagonist gets raped every chapter

no dude it was rape

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where did she put his pants?

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was it rape?

Why is she eating yogurt in bed? Wouldn't it be easier to clean it with paper towels?

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looking at this page he doesn't remember anything, so nope, it wasn't.

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thank you Yea Forumsnon's for letting me reach a new level of degeneracy bookmarked this.

What did Anonymous poster mean by this?

wtf those thighs

>one of them wearing PLOT armor

If his eyes were closed, you can't see if he said no.

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How could it be rape as long as victim doesn't even know about it?

did he just "eh nadette?" his own rape

This manga is pretty lewd, but it's a bit annoying that you never get to see the actual sex scenes. Each chapter pretty much ends like this:

That's the same problem Peter Grill has.

Silly question user.

Women can't rape men.

>panties still on

>this is a new level of degeneracy
In a year or two you're going to be enthusiastically posting about drinking loli piss, just wait.

Let me provide a bit of context for everyone regarding the "asa-chun" the title of the manga is referring to.
'asa' meanings morning and 'chun' is the sound of sparrows chirping in the morning.

The title is a euphemism for the morning after sex when you wake up with a girl in your bed, the sun is shining through your windows, the birds are singing. That sort of picturesque scene. So basically,
That's the premise of the manga, you won't see the sex because the comedy of the premise revolves around waking up the morning with a girl in his bed who goes, "oh man, you were amazing last night"

Damn. I want to see that sex.

>That's the premise of the manga, you won't see the sex because the comedy of the premise revolves around waking up the morning with a girl in his bed who goes, "oh man, you were amazing last night"
The only funny thing about this is that it will never happen to me.

Thigh jobs are the things of legends

I still can't find the source for this image and it's annoying me greatly because grabbing horns during sex is the best thing.

It's still blueballing as hell. Peter Grill at least has the advantage of being pretty funny, the fanservice being a secondary thing instead of the main focus.

Isn't that the himekishi manga?

So what? Ecchi manga gives you a boner, then you go jerk off to porn. It's the circle of life. Not every softcore can be as fappable as TLR.

Oh I think it is.

Well that's disappointing. Kind of just wish it was straight up porn.

Love that trashy isekai. Will the WN ever come back from hiatus?

"You were caught trying to cross the border. Walked right into that Imperial ambush..."

>maou is a nigger

I love pies.

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how good are the lewds or is it just another blueball cocktease:the manga?

See the raws posted, they are all like that.

There's something for everybody.

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Where the fuck is my flamethrower?

Holy shit
This is what every fag harem mc that refuses to fuck deserves

But it's a monster girls manga, so it's okay.


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this guy is fucking retarded
>this girl wants to have creampie sex with me
>oh no i touched her hand, she's going to get mad at me!!

*western male furries can't be allowed to live
fixed it for you

So pretty much the opposite of Oretama? Looks like shit.

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But トイレ籠 is a much better artist.

fucking japanese beta males are getting worse every manga. Now they're so pitiful that even if they cum inside they're incapable of reproducing.......
Two nukes wasn't enough.



I love cum stains

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the story happens in the future when the SJWs took over, men are terrified of touching women

then cum on your clothes and then jack off to it

Fuck. Does this artist do porn?

That would be boring

fish himecut girl is the best

NTR stuff.

T-translations when guys??

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>the story happens in the future when the SJWs took over, men are terrified of touching women
so it happens in the real world?

>Dude a million girls wants to fuck MC but he won't because reasons!

Truly amazing series.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2018.09.01_03.03.31].png (1280x720, 1.41M)

>impliying translator won't drop it there

I hope they reach up to the assjob chapter

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>but he won't because reasons!
These seem like valid reasons

That'd work is the guy wasn't universally pussyphobic rather than just avoiding the murderfuck monsters.

shes big

She did not even took a bath.

How rude

>the glowing light behind her is an egg being impregnated

>go through raws
>chapters 2-9 are pretty boring
>suddenly demons

Eh, I guess I won't drop it yet.

What is this!?

the red outline on ops pic made me think i already posted in this thread lol

>search on the panda

Attached: why04.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

New chapter when!?

Yeah but it's pretty damn good

It's kemono, there's a clear difference.

>animal nose, mouth and 3 fingers
it's furry

Don't mind me, just posting some anime.

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come on, there are at least two fuckable monsters in this image

not an argument

So anything more like this? where the MC gets laid even against his will?

I got that immediately, doujins have corrupted me

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>Rape while unconcious

This is not alright man

Yes Yes it is

>has no fur

But she does. Below.

My dick says it is

I really want to read this with user it would be cool

Another average romance manga

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ichika best girl

The shortstack? I can't read moon runes yet. Honestly this series has so many god tiers girls.
[/spoiler]At least notHanekawa won the mcbowl

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Halos literally aren’t real so you can’t debate their properties

His other serie never got translated to completion

>Alternate universe where Ilias finds the hero first

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>There's something for everybody.
Any loli?

>Demon Lord
really? really? can't they come up with anything else?

But it works

>spic translations
>nobody cares
>english translation

>>spic translations
>>nobody cares
>>english translation

Best girl
There's this one manga he made that was completed afaik, it was called AKB48 Satsujin Jiken
But yeah his other work's last chatper was 11 months ago

I guess Gotou Masaki is just a literal who, a shame really. Despite being another romance I'm quite fond of seeing Mone san getting a translation

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Holy shit, source!?

>3 fingers
thanks for ruining my boner

Maybe the nukes are the problem?

Do you even read!?


Who ever here hasn't read the Hentai manga "Love comedy style" should do so the extra chapters at the end are relevant.

Pedophiles don't count

>end up with the main heroine
>series still continues on into the harem end

Last two pages of the last chapter, no idea what it says but it doesn't seem like it'll end up in harem
If anything the author is going to stretch it more

Attached: Mone-san.png (1366x768, 879K)


Really? Because the fact that he still ended up in an erotic accident with another girl after getting together with the main heroine seems like a good sign to me.

This is Japan.

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This chapter, main girl finds out everyone likes MC and MC also finds out everybody likes him.

But it seems main girl doesn't want the group to break apart, so harem ending may or may not happen.

>Main girl supports the harem end
Based notHanekawa.

Wonder how notHanekawa would react if she finds out her friend stalked her boyfriend, if she hasn't already

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Looking at the author's twitter, he started drawing Hanekawa fanart before making this series. Unsure if he ever released a Hanekawa doujin before.

Surprised this hasn't gotten a translation when ecchi manga are still being translated. Everybody too focused on isekai manga?

Althought if a scanlator does show up, might be nice if they used tank raws instead of these korean scans like some scanlators end up doing because tank raws are usually higher quality and uncensored compared to magazine scans and may include bonus content like extra chapters.

Eh, you're right, as for the doujin part I wish.
The guy seems to focus on the butts to which is plus for me.

Attached: __hanekawa_tsubasa_and_yozakura_momone_mone_san_no_majime_sugiru_tsukiaikata_and_etc_drawn_by_gotou_ (850x1202, 234K)

No idea why the raws stopped at chapter 20, there are pages here and there where you can find parts of more chapters, usually the colored/lewd pages

As for translations, who knows. There are other romcoms in which the couples don't even hold hands after like 50 chapters, in this case the main mc's have been a couple and even kissed since chap 30 I think.
I don't mind some user translating at least one chapter of this series but then again, I might never happen.

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Saw the raws.
Eh, quite boring. The girls are cute, and I like the post-sex pages. But it's way too tame.
My Balls did it WAY better years ago, it's still one of the most bonerific non-hentai works I've ever read.

My ball ended, this is still ongoing

My Balls got progressively better as it went on.
I can't see it getting much better.
Although the water park chapter had a lot of nipples.

>I like the post-sex pages
Same, and for those who say this won't end in harem...

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And this is why we can't have Nice things

Yeah, My Balls was better.

Blade Play manga is better for monster girl sex but the story turned pretty weird.

The fate of the world rests on one man's shoulders. Or, to put it more exactly, it rests on his balls. In a freak sealing accident the Queen of Terror is sealed into Satou Kohta's balls, thus preventing her from reigning destruction on the world. However, a lesser devil, Elyse, has been sent up to Earth to release the Queen at all costs. The only way to do so is to make Kohta ejaculate, and Elyse only has 30 days to do it. The battle for mankind has begun, in Kohta's pants.

Picked up I guess, this seems like it's going to be fun

It has way shittier art which is all I care about so it can’t be better though.

Last time I read Blade Play I felt like I was skipping chapters. Kind of a mess.

The last volume, Volume 15, was released on April 9, 2019.

Think author got bored of it and then started doing weird things with the story.

People just wanted to see MC dick monster girls not some meta commentary on the genre.

Sadly, it seems no other current artist wants to try to top Parallel Paradie in lewdness right now.

We're just going to have to wait until somebody steps up to the plate.

Although there is potential like that Black Gyaru Highschool Manga but translators want to wait for the tanks since the magazine raws are all censored.

dark skin is disgusting so that’s another nope for me

But the best part is when authors go crazy


For me it stopped making sense when the island of demon girls happened and the translators forgot to translate huge chunks of those chapters, leaving me hopelessly confused (though what helped it in my mind was the fact that the MC was also totally lost).

Blame my dick user it doesn’t like poop colored skin

Poop color skin!? What that fuck do you eat!?

Sounds like he eats pretty healthily.

This isn't healthy. Go outside and have sex with a real girl.

Japanese "males" lmao

make me

Ooh I remember that one. Did it ever finish?

It felt weird the author killed off the Demon Queen who fell in love with the MC and sadly I am not sure if the death was genuine or not and Demon Queen is just a temporary ghost or not since the translators stopped translating.

It was nice the MC started learning how to seduce even the most dangerous and violent monster girls but at some point, the author stopped putting effort in drawing and chapters felt like a rambling mess.

Just took a look at the Volume 15 cover which is the final volume and the cover shows a happy group illustration so until we find raws of the last volume, I assume MC might have married everyone in the end or just gets use as a Bull by everyone.

Island of Demon Girls is when the author started going meta with the writing, kinda felt like the author was ranting about his personal issues when people just wanted to see MC use his dick to fight back against the demons.

Real women endanger your life, especially if they are from Florida.

>Florida woman Katie Lee Pitchford, 21, was arrested on June 4 after she squeezed her boyfriend's genitals so hard they bled during an argument

>Pitchford, a hairstylist and colorist, was arrested for battery and accused of violating her probation. She allegedly became so enraged during an argument with her boyfriend, who she lived with, she hit him, scratched his face, and choked him until he couldn't breathe

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-14 Florida woman, 21, 'squeezed her boyfriend's genitals until they ble (650x835, 959K)

Last chapter better involve an orgy Omamori Himari/Yomeiro Choice-style OR I SWEAR

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If you are not a normalfag yourself why are you reading the comments section?

>Yomeiro Choice
Wew, I actually checked what's tenkla been up to and it appears he became ill a year or two ago and hasn't updated anything after that. I hope he wasn't victim of the dreadful japanese cold.

Tenkla is a woman, actually.

>she will never pop out of your tv

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No nipples so no ban right mods?

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Goddamn, why are the girls in that manga so good? Why the FUCK has no one translated it yet!?


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Pretty sure that user was talking about the OP's manga, Sekai wo Sukuu tame ni Aijin to Asa-chun Dekimasu ka.

Oh right the thread was about Sekai whatever.

Pretty shitty of her friends to be honest to still pursue him despite knowing she's dating him.

Wish she'd have the balls to tell them to fuck off.

I think sports girl (don't know her name) is the only one who didn't know such a thing.
The rest yeah was ok with cucking notHanekawa