What did Aqua mean by this?
What did Aqua mean by this?
the one kid I met in real life who had aqua as his waifu always had dry skin flakes on his keyboard, fuck aqua fans
Aqua’s ass is as flat as Megumin’s chest
Fuck Aqua.
I saw this GIF days before settling down to watch Konosuba and I seriously need the context as to what the fuck is she doing
In Konosuba Aqua is a drunken buffoon who still has a tight friendship with Kazuma. She is embarking on a hijinks to spring him from prison(he is in prison partly due to her hijinks)
She also has a nice ass.
She just means he jerks off next to her at night; which is a totally reasonable thing for anyone to do.
Yeah yeah I know that, I'm at episode 4 right now but I was seriously confused while watching that gif
absolutely based and axis pilled
this is just one key bruh
In this scene Aqua is in debt, she is shaking her buttox like that because she is making a sexual proposition to Kazuma if he pays her debt.He in turn gets flustered and pays her debt without any sexual reciprocation.
>Kazuma never takes advantage of Aqua, even when she's date rape drunk
>Aqua never gets bothered by Kazuma jacking off beside her.
That's fucking friendship. All that's missing is the morning brojob from a useless goddess.
What the actual fuck. I will never understand people who don't even bother to at least use baby wipes on their keyboards or something like that.
Come at me
Kazuma is a beta virgin who pays to have wet dreams despite having a prime girlfriend who's offered to jack him off and wants to bear his children (after marriage, of course).
Why has kazuma not tried to cum on or in aqua at this point is beyond me
She was bluffing. In a later episode she said that while she saw Kazuma moving around at night, it was too dark for her to see anything.
mind sharing the source user?
That resembles a smoker's keyboard, that or something much more malevolent
Hey im not that unhealthy. Its just some dead skin/old food scraps/dust. As you can see the park of the keyboard you use for gaming "WASD" left section is actually quite clean.
>not living like a pig
where do you think you are
I hate membrane keyboards because taking the keys off are way harder than a mechanical keyboard but you can probably just swipe a napkin across it and remove a buncha shit. Not even that, you can literally just shake it and remove 90% of all the crap in there.
I can't, the ketchup made it glue to the keyboard
What's to be confused about? Aqua has pride as a goddess in her body and is lewd. She is, fittingly enough, the one person Kazuma doesn't have any sexual interest in
mechanical keyboards will break faster than you can click clack with this much shit, dust and crap all over the place. One key, after the other.
>choosing Megumin when you could have Yunyun
And then we learn she can see as well in the dark as she can in the day.
>I can't, the ketchup made it glue to the keyboard
Are you the seething iToddler poster from the IQuartet thread that thinks people dont like Kazumin? KEK
Confused as in the only context I had was that some blue bitch was shaking her ass around with no extra explanation, but I get it now, seems like something she would do
Shes peering over a wall.
Did you read my mind?
>another konosuba thread just to bait, shitpost or force waifu wars.
It's ok when you reach 500 post but these threads are just spam.