Who deserves Senpai more?
Who deserves Senpai more?
One is a nigger and the other looks crazy
the dumb girl that wants the fluff
>implying any of those thots are worthy of Senpai
Both of them are to good for the spineless cuck
the sleepy girl
Giant titties
the rinnegan bitch is hotter, but it's a stupid MC Name = Manga Name anime
Why not both?
"both" or "harem ending" is the opinion of tasteless fucks that dont want to fight.
Choose a fucking side faggot, if you lose you lose, accept it.
Considering it's looking like the pres isnt gonna be a romantic interest, Nagatoro. The pres just feels like shes gonna be the hard faced, well, pres character. I know we haven't seen much of her but it feels like that's what shes gonna be.
Most times I support harem endings, but not this time.
Pres is the girl senpai was drawing in his self-insert manga. We haven't seen the full depth of their relationship yet
Based DMC poster
Friend B
>Who deserves Senpai more?
The one who actually supports him in his artistic endeavours and respects him and his artstyle. The one who defends him instead of wanting to shut his club down. The one who keeps him entertained and cares for him on a personal level.
Hint: It's also the one with the better body and personality. In other words: Nagatoro.
Unless the harem includes everyone but that retard sleepy, I would rather senpai try to gigachad lose and go MGTOW than getting with either Nagatoro or El Presidente
Why would you let someone lose when everyone can win?
Fucking weakass you are. Learn to lose faggot.
Sleepy did nothing wrong.
Damn dude, you only got two int.
Yes, and?
Cherry Blossom
I really cannot stand this dumb bitch.
Why even take the time to draw such a pointless character?
Like us she is just in it for Gamo.
Random generic girl from class who aint crazy
>she has fluffy hair like Senpai too and loves art and is inspired by Senpai
Next year for REAL RIVAL soon.
It's not fair, why did the fluffy person have to be a guy.
>why did the fluffy person have to be a guy.
Because Yoshi is not a lesbian.
But her profile in the new volume says she loves Gamo aka she a gay bitch.
>Gamo's a real bully
>Yoshi just likes Gamo
>Sakura is a secret bully
Niggertoro is a fucking nigger and all that the spineless betafag cuck protagonist deserves
Good job user, you figured out the English language, I think. Would you like a gold star for that or?
a complete random coming out of nowhere and instantly having chemistry with senpai
Neither. They are both terrible people who manipulate him for their own gain
That's not "chemistry". It's abusing a position of power over him.
no i mean a real random, neither nagatoro or the other one but just completely new and never seen before
>yfw she is literally from the chemistry club
Nagatoro is a timelord.
Nagatoro is only one who can satisfy Senpai's sadistic cravings.
>just completely new and never seen before
But that'd be boring. And if you want "immediate chemistry", we've had that for Nagatoro in the very first chapter.
>But that'd be boring
never seen it happen in any other manga, can be a chance to innovate
Senpai needs to learn to undress and molest them by glaring intensely while drawing them.
We talking about Buchou. She's got the stare of a damn cobra honestly.
She has no ass
She clearly does
>pole hips
>She has no ass
But if she has no ass, where does all the shit come out? It does come out, right? Then again, last chapter she was full of shit ...
That's called an hourglass figure kiddie
No, it’s more like inverted triangle. Tits is all that she has. Pear shaped Nagatoro is clearly superior. Better no tits nice ass than nice tits no ass
>no tits
You fucking blind?
>You fucking blind?
Are you? Or just illiterate? Because that's not what he wrote.
>paisen's nipples censored too