
Friendly reminder that this is endgame

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop making threads if there's nothing to talk about. Also Uruka was a mistake.

ToC graph user here.

Best female character after Anime Trending charts.

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Uruka, Mafuyu and Rizu are the top 3 best girls

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And best wife for Nariyuki.

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When I thought these threads couldn't get more autistic now we made graphs of Facebook pages.

Let's talk about this

Fumino, Rizu, and Asumi are the top 3 girls.

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About what? Mafuyu is the most popular? What a shocker! Rizu's arc is either 3-4 chapters, so poll results soon.

I love Rizu

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Uruka a shit A SHIT

I've been with Mafuyu since the start, fuck off anime bandwagoners.

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>Amime Trending charts
You mean Facebook charts, right?

Rizu > Sensei > Uruka > Fumino > Senpai

I like you user, don't be like a certain other fan who keeps changing his second and third favorites as it is convenient for him

Exactly. You can't demand for a loyal wife if you aren't loyal in the first place.


Why is Uruka going to Australia in the first place? Japan is bigger and probably has more opportunities in swimming. Does she just want to travel?

She needs a reason not to confess to Nariyuki that isn't cowardace

Some characters in Free went to Australia as well.
Guess they have a strong swimming program there.

That's perfectly fine, tomboys should win more often.

Uruka is a miracle

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To take cocks then come home to her man for marriage.
It's a trope now in anime romance, uruka will win.


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it's a miracle bokuben wasn't axed early on when she was introduced

Uruka is too high.

I would put Sawako on A too.

This is the ideal female body. You may not like, but this is what peak Fumino is like.

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I would swap Rizu and Mafuyu's placement.


But I already love it.

Swap Uruka and Fumino and it'll be 100% accurate

>maid chapter gets animated on Saturday
When Mafuyu's popularity numbers hit 88%, you're gonna see some serious shit.

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This is what peak Fumino is like.


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look at those crocodile tears
she knew what she was doing
Ikeda is the final boss

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That's a shoop or parody from another manga, right?


Then it's a doujin??


She's a whore and wants more kangaroo dick.

Wrong Rizu will win the Nbowl and EAT it.

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Oh, the side story thing. The art looked too different to be the manga's.

I hate rizu

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There was some dark muck on your waifus skin, user. Thankfully I managed to scrub it off. No need to thank me!

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give her abs

I'm still upset that they changed the hair color.

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>rizu and fummy sharing a bowl
oh my how lewd

This is what perfection looks like

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Not quite. She needs a wedding ring.

I love Mafuyu

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We know, Tsutsui and Nariyuki

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Oh fuck now she is best girl

Did you forget who is writing this manga?


New poll when?


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Moeman dies in Endgame.

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sensei has the most fuckable tummy

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Even Fumino has a bigger chance of winning than her: if anything, Fumino has the highest chance of winning among any of the girls

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Yea Forums pls go


I totally would

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We know.

The next Sensei chapter. Gotta reserve the moment for the number one girl

Uruka a best

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So when is Bokuben going to meet the long overdue axe

No axe. The series is approaching its logical end point, so it'll wrap things up rather than get chopped down.

when is pp going to meet the long overdue sensei's ass

I hope F-san doesn't try his thing again

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Official tier list


Fumino, Mizuki, & Miharu

Sawako & Uruka



Mizuki should win

>Asumi and Mizuki above anyone

Swap Fumino and Rizu

nariran vs ikuyuki

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Same I liked both her and Asumi from the start. Mafuyuu got even better but Asumi unfortunately got worse

Korean scans when

Who's F-san and which girl is he supporting?


According to some nips he's supporting Fumino, but don't know for sure.
Fumino haters will tell you it's Fumino for sure, while Uruka haters will tell you it's Uruka because someone gave her 100 votes.

Delete this

fuckinfg siht list that weaiss

Agree with this list, except I would put Uruka down to B-tier personally.

Sawako and Miharu are really good for just "side" girls. Really hope they have more focus chapters in the future.

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Well I mean all waifu wars aside if Fumino does win, it'll most likely be because of him as Senpai's arc made her really popular both here and in japan. I see no way that she's not 1st without shenanigans and I think F-san or not Fumino's got a pretty comfortable reign on 2nd place. What I'm really curious to see is what 3-5 look like

>Senpai's arc made her really popular both here and in japan.

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Swap Rizu and Uruka at least.

>that pic
what chapter?

Y-san will support Uruka.

Nothing of what you wrote makes sense.

It was either 73 or 74, since it was a little bit after the culture festival if I recall correctly.

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Oh yeah? Who will K-san support?

Clearly Senpai.



thanks Miharubro

sensei's support goes beyond popularity poll votes and has a hand in the editorial department, he goes by A-san

Who will Japan support?

Well, God bless him.

Attached: best girl best cover sensei.jpg (763x1200, 337K)

Fuck me, meant Sensei. I'll just call her Mafuyuu from now on so that I don't make that mistake

I want to support sensei

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No prob user, always happy to share Miharu stuff since it's pretty rare to begin with.

Well Sensei was pretty damn popular before that arc. But it does cement it more since that was when she veered into the clearly romantic vibe rather than just "funny circumstances with Sensei" stuff prior.

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It's Mafuyu user. Plus she was already the most popular before her arc. Her arc was icing on the cake.

I want to give my icing to this Kirisu-mas keiki.

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>icing on the cake
I see what you did there

Same, I loved Miharu and her zero immunity to men thing is super cute. Makes me wish she was part of the harem just so that we'd get to see her more

>Makes me wish she was part of the harem just so that we'd get to see her more
She tried in her very first appearance to pull Nariyuki away from Mafuyu but failed utterly. I like her better as a sister (/-in-law) character.


I'd like to see that happen too. She has a pretty fun dynamic with Moeyuki, and I can easily see her "trying to seduce him away from her older sister" turn from a misunderstanding to the real thing later on.

But at the moment, at best I think the author will just use her the same way they did in the chapter pic related is from. To make Fumino jealous, or cause more Sensei hi-jinks.

If she doesn't at least meet Mizuki once I'll fucking kill myself

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I want to FUCK sensei

Only after graduation Nariyuki

Tsutsui please you already have your wife

where is this from?

>either way, I just like drawing asses

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A Mafuyu doujin

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>Side girl Sawaka in the A-tier
>Main girl Rizu in the C-tier
It's honestly just sad that I completely agree with this assessment. At this point I legit think it would be more interesting for the series if Sawako was elevated to main girl status. Since the only reason I read Rizu chapters to begin with is because they have a chance of having her appear.

I don't even really dislike Rizu all that much, I just like Sawako a lot more from a personality and design view.

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Sawako is absolutely perfect. She has a great personality, chemistry, design and she is super fun to watch.
I don't dislike Rizu but out of all the main girls her design is the one I like the least and I don't enjoy the autistic girl trope much.

Same. Glasses are a turn off to me.

Tell me Bokufags, who is actually going to win?


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Sadly, Fumino.

More Yuiga Mafuyu when?
In terms of generic ending? Fumino
In terms of ok ending? Uruka
In terms of surprise ending? Rizu
In terms of asspull ending? Asumi (sorry)
In terms of BEST AND ABSOLUTELY LEGENDARY ending? Mafuyu

Fumino or Rizu, the other three girls are fluff.

If you ignore meta, Mafuyu-sensei is in the lead right now.

Fumino, Rizu or open end.

I don't HATE Rizu, she's in C-tier after all, but yeah she's pretty meh overall and from how this arc is I doubt it's going to change that

Sawako, on the other hand, is based as fuck. I really like her relationship with Nariyuki even if it isn't romantic. She's right next to Miharu of characters I want to see more

>slightly increased sales
>most likes within last month
At least animefags give Senpai the appreciation she deserves.

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Hopefully Fumino.

The butthurt from Fuminoshitters would be absolutely legendary too though.

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Right now: 60% Fumino, 40 % Rizu

Fumino for the main girl end

Rizu for the twist end

Mafuyu for the most thematic end

Fuminoshitters would be butthurt no matter who wins if it's not Fumino.

Asumi is pretty popular with SEAnigs so no surprise here

>logical and makes sense

If Mafuyu wins that one faggot is going to kill himself.

One of these two. The other girls are irrelevant.

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All the endings would make sense and be logical if Tsutsui wanted to.
The only reason people expect Fumino to win is because it's the generic choice.

>girls I don't like = bad/boring/meh
>girls I like = good/best/legendary

>a girl is only relevant if she wins

>one of the main girls winning

>Fumino hasn't won yet, but there are people who are butthurt and mad

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Yes? This is a romcom. Only those that are serious contenders in terms of winning are relevant aka solely Fuming and Rizu. The others are just fluff.

That faggot better live stream it or else he'll also be a pussy

A "fluff" character completely overshadowed the 2 main girls.

The only girl that's fluff is Asumi. The others have their own roles that have nothing to do with winning.

Literally this

According to Fuminofags Fumino is the true main girl and Rizu a pet without any internalized conflict and serious development

>any internalized conflict and serious development
those doesn't exist in the harem romcoms m8

I'm a Fuminofag and I keep saying both of them are main girls.

So? It's not the first time a main character has been overshadowed by a side character.

Sure, but the most important thing in a romcom-well to readers-is that their preferred girl wins.

was this posted already?

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Speaking as a Fuminobro, I will be fine with Rizu or Senpai. As for Sensei, or would feel like an asspull if she won to me. In such an event, I would criticize the writing rather than hate. Uruka is a lost cause right now because Urukafags have helped made sure there could be no peace. Only hostility to each other so both sides will get mad at the other girl's victory.

The most important thing, maybe, but not the only important thing.

I don't care who wins, I just want cute comfy chapters of my favorite girls.

The fuck? Mafuyu makes much more sense than fucking Asumi

Even if Rizu had a lack of serious internalized drama, she's still the other main girl in a dual heroine system. I at least don't recall anybody denying her of that.

>Sensei would be an asspull when she has the most development so far
>but Senpai is fine despite being the most irrelevant out of the five
I'll never understand Fuminofags.

more than 3 different people have confused them for a couple, including a ghost

>tfw not enought animated Sawako
>tfw no animated Miharu

>I would criticize the writing when someone other than my top 3 wins

Doesn't matter how you feel about Sensei. Whether you like her or not. She's the token older woman and therefore a designated loser.

>I at least don't recall anybody denying her of that.
Have fun reading, starting from this post

The only really shitty end would be an Uruka end imo.


And why is that?

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I take it you haven't read the manga.

I'd honestly prefer her over Rizu. Wouldn't go as far as to call her a pet but she's just so irrelevant. Like if she wasn't introduced at the beginning nobody would even care about her

I honestly agree. Mafuyu is a Christmas cake. Shounen romcom often teases romance with a sensei, but avoided like a pitiful when it comes to picking a winner. They make good partners or mentors, not ideal heroine for young boys because they are physically and mentally older. Over 110 chapters in and so far 22i does not seem like an author who runs against cliches and tropes. A thrown curve ball just when the manga is nearing the end would feel awkward, even possibly pressured into picking her due to popularity.

She shoots herself on the foot and it's a coward.

I read it. She's the token older woman who has no chance of winning.

remember not to accidentally fuck your students

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Not saying she's not going to lose, but remind me again how many times an older woman was actually part of a harem, and I mean a relevant haremette and not just a minor character included for teasing purposes

As opposed to Fumino?

An Uruka end would feel like a Marika end. It wouldn't work with the theme and premise of the story.

>curve ball just when the manga is ending
Her heroine arc started early enough that the first two incidents are already in the anime.

>but Fumino

I'm thinking about picking up this series,what am I in for?

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Not him, but how is that comparable? Fumino lacks awareness.

>it's the theme fag again
The theme is working hard to achieve your goals, and Uruka fits the theme really well.

>but remind me again how many times an older woman was actually part of a harem
Not entirely sure, but it doesn't even matter. The only way she would of had a real shoot if she was a main girl, which she isn't. She's just fluff like Uraka.

Right, make sure it's not accidental.

Shinmai Maou and DxD did them right.

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Oh, it's you again.

Oh please, she definitely knows what her feelings mean, but keeps shooting herself in the foot with muh Rizu and Uruka.


The way the manga is written doesn't really allow for an Uruka end to be satisfactory. The central theme in the story is never giving up on your dreams and the sacrifices that go along with it. The other girls are sacrificing their talents in other areas. Asumi is sacrificing a year of her life as a ronin, and Sensei sacrificed her skating career and for a time her relationship with her parents. Uruka's sacrifice is her love for Nariyuki.

There's only three ways that she would end up with Nariyuki at the end of the manga. Either she fails at her dream but gets the guy (not at all satisfactory and makes the whole studying premise pointless). Gives up her dream for love (Goes against the entire premise of the manga and ruins all character development she's experienced thus far). Or the shitty "have your cake and eat it too" ending (ruins the central conflict of her character and makes all her drama completely meaningless)

It just doesn't work imo.

a soft read with cute shenanigans and a precious cake, don't know how a series so harmless as this one got a fanbase this cancerous

>only hates it if Uruka wins
I mean, it makes sense to even if we don't consider waifufag war. Uruka has always been out of place since early chapters. It was one of the main criticisms at the time. Very little has changed since then, so...

>Asumi is sacrificing a year of her life as a ronin
why is she doing that?

wow dude

Uruka's main conflict right now is to decide which is more important for her right now, thus her giving up the swimming for love isn't that far fetched, and fits with the theme if she decides that her love is her true goal.

>my first love is my only love
Come on, this is not 5toubun shit tier.

That's a loose interpretation of shooting on the foot but even so Uruka has changed her reasons for not confessing.
It's not comparable.

To begin with, shounen romcoms never have a teacher as a part of their harem/romance, much less as their most popular character. Mafuyu is already an oddity, and she's been getting focus since the early stages of the manga. The author even has the MC's mom telling her son that it's fine for him to marry his teacher after graduation after witnessing how close they are. There's nothing awkward about her winning.

Read the manga, it's infinitely better than the anime. Do that and you'll be fine. Also don't expect amazing writing, it's just a cute little harem manga and it knows that. There is only one actually well written arc but you might still like the arc of the girl your partial to regardless

>this is not 5toubun shit tier
Yeah, it's worse.

kek, you wish this shit was half as good as 5toubun is

Not really. Her heart may race some, but her brain doesn't register it. There have been seldom moments where she obtains a moment of clarity and is on the verge of probing the whys and hows, but she is typically interrupted by hijinks or has to help other characters with a situation.

>Shinmai Maou and DxD did them right.
But those are borderline porn though

How the fuck would an Asumi end work?

Asumi doesn't trigger him like Uruka does so he'll say whatever justifies his hate

What are you doing here?
Get out of here.

Shut up

You have to be fucking delusional if you think Fumino doesn't know that she wants his dick

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I'm not allowed to like both series?

Looks like you are not enjoying this.

Just because I said it's worse doesn't mean I'm not.

>implying she does

Normally I like tomboys, but Uruka isn't really my favorite in this. Her stories are always the least interesting to boot.

Furuhashi's the most fun because she has the most entertaining reactions to things. I also like Sensei because her stories are always the dumbest and thus usually pretty fun. I've taken a liking to Senpai too, though the whole "fake lovers" thing is a little boring.

At the start, Sensei has always felt like a major character who helped students with their stuff than a traditional heroine who was created at the conceptual stages to be a real love interest heroine in mind. She recently went through an arc that has pushed her more towards heroine now, but it feels like she's late to the game. Sometimes authors take popularity into consider and alter his or her story accordingly to please fans, so who knows.

Maybe it's not common, but it exists. Maken-ki has a sensei character in the harem. She definitely has no chance and isn't most popular. There's also Yahari, though I think that's seinen. Loli senseis are more common and tend to be in the harem, but they tend to suffer the same fate.
>MC's mom telling her son it's fine for him to marry his teacher
That happened after her arc, which doesn't surprise me. She's included in the harem now as seen by his mom's vision. But still, for the greater majority of the manga, she didn't feel like a love interest and being that she is a sensei character, it would feel odd in a trope-defying and unexpected turnabout if she wins.

That's just a sensitive and easy to fluster pure girl. No "I want the dick awareness" can be seen.


Urucute a best

>Sometimes authors take popularity into consider and alter his or her story accordingly to please fans, so who knows.
Sensei was already taking a more prominent role in the story before the poll results were revealed though

This. They set her up to fail right from the start.

how many chapters before nariyuki trips and falls dick-first into sensei

Nariyuki is not clumsy or Rito.

Literally two pages prior

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He's always clumsy when it involves girls/romance.

A major character should naturally have prominence. It's not about that, but love heroine role that came late and the whole sensei characters always lose, so it has become a normal feeling that I can't shake off.

She is just telling her mother that she will be fine, she didn't look at Nariyuki.

She's the one who'll fall on top of his dick

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She literally said yes to confirm what her mother said.

So it's all your opinion, alright

She's always been a heroine and had cute chapters with Nariyuki just like the rest of the girls and has been advertised with them. She was his teacher so obviously she wasn't the same as the others (which was a good thing it made things more interesting) but she's had the same treatment as the others ever since the early stages of the manga

She said yes. Don't worry, not I already met him mom.

Her response there is akin to telling your mom not to worry and that things will be fine. To us readers, we can apply meta because it's obvious to us who that person will be and he is sitting right next to her. But Fumino isn't aware yet. Deep down, she's in denial.

Are you the same faggot from the spoilers thread who kept asking why Rizu hates herself and where did she exactly say that she was jealous?

>Uruka's sacrifice is her love for Nariyuki.
Pretty much, she needs to move on and probably her arc will be just about that.
She confesses her feelings for Nariyuki without taking it back or running away and tells she doesn't want any answer since she won't be pursuing those feelings, because she chooses to focus on her career. This funny four eyes will always be her number 1 fan.

How does she getting both make anything pointless? If she goes away she's already made a sacrifice. Coming back and winning is a prize. Not that it's likely but it's your hate goggles speaking. About it being the only shit ending, Fumino end is shitty since it's boring and unoriginal and Asumi end is just outright asspull.
>Urukafags have helped made sure there could be no peace
Because you did.
Based Urukabros.

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I leave for two days and now thread is filled with fuminofag and urukafag. I miss time when they're asleep


It's a common misconception, but the term heroine is proper for main love interest of a story. A main character can be female but not a heroine if she isn't a love heroine. With Fumino, Rizu, and Uruka, I think it's obvious that they were built up for romantic development. The pacing crawled as slow as a snail, but the cliches and tropes were there. With Sensei, she's a teacher with hefty amount of fanservice and a different kind of interaction of the strict and no nonsense type. It's a little different now after her arc, but as I've said....

>that dumb CAPS Urukafag is here.
You forgot your caps.

This. Also poll results confirm that their discussion is pointless and nobody cares so they should stop.

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He uses a whole different vocabulary and attacks you faggots way more vehemently. Also rent free.

Urubros are fine

Your mass multi-vote that is reminiscent could have fooled me.

posting about liking uruka or asumi is great because it makes it easy to know your post can be ignored

Each of the five Bokuben girls is helpless in their own way, and Naruyuki helps them.

Fumino: She can't learn math!
>Naruyuki helps her learn math.
>Rizu: She can't learn literature!
>Naruyuki helps her learn literature.
>Uruka: She can't learn English!
>Naruyuki helps her learn English.
>Asumi: She can't learn physics!
>Naruyuki helps her learn physics.
>Mafuyu: She can't live alone!
>Naruyuki spends so much time with her Miharu thinks they're all but married.

Only one of these paths really requires Naruyuki after exams and graduation, and it's not Fumino.

She doesn't need to love the protagonist to be a a heroine, she just needs to be a love interest, which Mafuyu absolutely is. There are plenty of heroines who don't start off liking the MC. And Mafuyu isn't just a no nonsense type who exists for fanservice and that alone, she has plenty of cute/romantic moments like the other girls and had undergone the most development. Stop trying to push your headcanon


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Fuminofags and Urukafags are autistic shitposters.

fuminofags got too cocky because she was set up with all the checkboxes for winning from the start but then got a shitty arc and trash development and now they're taking it out on the thread
urukafags are just esl retards rooting for the underdog because of their third world inferiority complex, same with asumifags

>she didn't feel like a love interest
Yeah, and that's what made her so interesting in the first place. You would have never expected that she would develop a relationship with Nariyuki and become the closest female to him when she was introduced. They have a natural progression that is advanced enough to make those marriage jokes a bit more powerful. If she wins, it may be breaking every trope and cliche you could find in a romcom, but it would make sense for the story the author wrote.

>THK and TLK*
Fixed. There would be none of this shit if they never found this series and infected the fanbase with their poison and decade long feud.

Uruka is better off with an Australian Chad anyway. Nariyuki can't compete against that

Eh, 9 people voted for the shitpost in the poll.

for me, it's ikeda's soft and pliable body

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In the lewd spinoff. He will probably be a loser from his own Romcom.

Well, nothing new needs to be added in your response. It comes down to opinions. You don't have to agree with my mine, and I also don't have to conform to yours, mate. Agree to disagree.

I doubt it. People seem to genuinely hate Fuminofags

Unsurprisingly. Infecting a fanbase is a natural occurrence and consequence as a result of their autism.

I wonder who's behind this post.


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Yea Forums is not one person, even less a minority.

>>she didn't feel like a love interest
>Yeah, and that's what made her so interesting in the first place. You would have never expected that she would develop a relationship with Nariyuki and become the closest female to him when she was introduced. They have a natural progression that is advanced enough to make those marriage jokes a bit more powerful. If she wins, it may be breaking every trope and cliche you could find in a romcom, but it would make sense for the story the author wrote.
That last sentence is the source of conflict in these threads - people who believe 22i will buck tradition and follow the flow of the plot as written versus people who think he'll mangle the ending to justify Fumino winning.

The same could be said about Urukafags. Why leave them out? Very suspicious.

Most people hate both. Whatever they feel about the girls, but everybody hates the fags.

Maidfuyu has S+ rank zr/skindentation/thighs and it's all canon.

Well no shit yeah but the whole point of a discussion board is to share opinions and the reasons behind them. You made a statement and I explained why I thought it was wrong. Nobody is forcing you to conform to anything, it's how arguments have gone down since the beginning of time

Attached: muh fuyu.jpg (474x285, 41K)

imagine if the retards who read bokuben ever realize they don't have to get the last word in every single reply chain
it would become a utopia

THK and TLK are real and I've seen them around too. The simple truth is more likely. Up until 9-10 months ago, Fuminofags were the majority and those were the days when we had mostly comfy threads. But then a certain poster came around between early Fall and late summer, along with another poster who followed him. I don't think the gigantic influx of shitpost and autism which followed suit is a mere coincidence.

That wasn't really a conflict until the last two threads.

>Fuminofags were the majority and those were the days when we had mostly comfy threads
When you could circlejerk endlessly and shit on other girls without end? Yeah, no.

Based Fumino and Fuminochads triggering autists every single thread

>Up until 9-10 months
That's post Festival/Urukaustralia rotation. What happened?

That was very comfy

>p-people hate Urukafags too
And yet every shitstorm has a bunch of people ganging up on one or two Fuminofags. Totally the same thing yep. The retard still pushing his two autists tale is not worth acknowledging

Yeah it's almost like talking shit doesn't bring shitpost. Genuinely hate when they act like this.

The only girl that got shat on was Uruka.

Rizu and Sensei got shat on a lot as well.

It's the other way around though

What would happen if one of the more violent shitposters not me stopped posting?

Attached: 1559113860724.png (3200x2264, 3.63M)

The other side will think that they've won, which would piss off the guy that stopped posting and would come back even worse.
There's no winning this until the series ends and get forgotten.

>where everyone did their own thing, circlejerk at their leisure, enabled funposting banter over in-your-face shitposting, and there was little to no fanbase wars in most threads
That is comfy. Yes, Yea Forums was deemed worst girl and got the short end of the stick, but there was still generally peace and comfy.

That Sensei thread before it went to shit one month ago or the Korean scan thread last week are good examples of what would happen.

>THK and TLK
Ain't rocket science, bro.


wish tsutsui would start culling the losers already

They didn't. Don't make up shit.

based urukabro

Attached: 26.jpg (1280x1860, 383K)

I'll falseflag as an Asumifag for 2 weeks starting now. Let's check it out.

If that helps you sleep at night, but don't play the victim when the collective hatred against Fuminofags becomes apparent again.

Polls don't lie. You and 9 people who engage in shitposting at each other aren't people. These threads wouod be so much better without you fags.

You aren't fooling anyone.

the world would be better without fags in general

Fuminofags are fine and can be bros when Urukashitters don't provoke them and vice versa. Who's the real problem here, I wonder.

>gooks aren't even out and the thread is already more than halfway done
>mostly thread meta shitposting
I don't know if this is better or worse than the desert wastelands of what was Asumi's arc threads

These last threads sure did wonders to support your stance, oh wait

Imagine using the term collective people seriously on an anonymous imageboard because less than a dozen autists wage a cancer war that ruins it for everybody else in the fanbase.

I clearly remember Rizu getting called boring, ugly and a pet that has shit chapters most of the time, and people were threatened by Sensei's popularity so they started shitting on her too.

This has never been close to happening.

fumino will be nariyuki's bro when reiji marries hanae

Last thread where you sperg non-stop and falseflag to get help to fight your battles? All 3 of them. Really convincing.

Fuminofags were the original bros before you came, THK ;)

fuminofags are always the obnoxious ones

No, the last threads where Fuminofags successfully managed to drag Senseifags and Rizufags into their autistic war.

Hey look, THK and TLK are at it again in here. History in the making, guys.

>replying to a Fuminofag defending "his bros"
Don't bother.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>g-g-guys it's THK vs TLK again
>I swear it's only 2 people

It's better because Asumi is shit anyway

He didn't even adress Asumi's fake boyfriend thing in her arc
It'll be a while before actual progress happens

Noticed how THK only ever defends his Urukabros and pretends to be the collective sounding voice for everyone except the group he is in a crusade with.

Notice how both sides do that?

senseifags are the best because they know she's the cutest with some of the best chapters and development and can enjoy her character while making peace with the fact a sensei end is unlikely
meanwhile everyone else is just an insecure faggot

You sound obsessed

And TLK does the opposite of THK.

/fa/ Mafuyu is the cutest Mafuyu

Attached: 1554501618857.png (513x1238, 416K)

Urukafags killed my dog

Urukafags died down when it was obvious she wouldn't win. Fuminofags became more obnoxious when her arc is btfo by sensei. They're worse than Urukafags

TLK is a bit better in my experience. At least he doesn't go muh universal opinion is fact for everybody.


I would ask to Urukafags and Fuminofags to not write anything about the other girl. For like, a week. Are threads gonna be that dead?

Fuminofags killed my entire family, all my friends, and ate my cat.
t. ________

Yes, he does.
Both of them do.


They all decided to gang up on Sensei and her fans as soon as she won the popularity poll out of insecurity and that was when everything got really cancerous

I'm sure your favored girl being the same as TLK doesn't have anything to do with this.

You first, TLK

Yes he also argues that threads became "comfy" after that because peace was made but he can't really prove it despite the archive being so easy to use.

This liar. Senseifags opened that can of worms by themselves. Arrogance begeted hostility which erupted into Bokuben's first real shitstorm.

Yeah, said comfyness has always resided in the side of who was shat on to be sparce on numbers. Befitting that the forst great war was between Senseifags and Fuminofags, the two most popular fanbases. Then Urukafags became a thing too and they joined the fray. It's only natural. Polls say Rizufags and Asumifags are still very sparce in comparison of these 3 fanbases.

>Arrogance begeted hostility
So Fuminofags ever since chapter 39?

Nope. Nobody cares about your hurt feelings, Yea Forumsfag.

And people should care about yours because?

Fuminofags are inherently the worst because shipping is the only thing they care about. They are also the only proven speedreaders and chapter-skippers if they don't involve their girl. Tsutsui is pretty meta about her cancerous fanbase.

Attached: fuminofags.png (1852x153, 42K)

Statistically 79% of these threads doesn't care about either of you shitters

>THK agrees with himself


Fumino > Sensei > Mafuyu > Uruka

change my mind

Sensei and Mafuyu are the same person.

Your hurt feelings over a past in which you clearly weren't around for doesn't matter. Get over it.

Nigga, he made up a bullshit lie and I'm correcting him.

Sensei end and Mafuyu end are different

>I-if it's against my shitty argument then it's a lie!

They were happy that their girl won the popularity poll. That's fucking it, people act the same whenever their girl gets a chapter, especially the fucking Fuminofags

You know what they didn't do? They didn't autistically call all of the other girls irrelevant cause Fumino was going to win and shit on them across multiple threads for a week and got blown the fuck out every single time. That job was up to the Fuminofags

Ah, like clockwork

Personally, I'm more interested in the comedic aspects of the series as opposed to the romantic parts. That's largely why I don't like Uruka much, because her crush on Yuiga is almost always the primary focus of her stories. She has swimming, but that also is often used as a vehicle for portraying her crush.

A lot of her non-serious chapters are mostly comedy focused though.

>3rd and 4th week of July to 1st week of August
Quit lying.
>call all of the other girls irrelevant cause Fumino was going to win and shit on them across multiple threads for a week and got blown the fuck out every single time.
Post the link or you are full of shit.

>not ideal heroine for young boys

Polls disagree.

Attached: gumino.png (732x265, 43K)

>historical revision that agrees with each other's distinctive skewed narrative against Fuminofags
Hmmm. I wonder who's behind this.

Bokuben's Hell Week is sorta common knowledge by now and a certain group of Senseifags started it out of the blue in a Fumino chapter thread. That's just historical facts.

A three letter acronym that starts with a T, I bet.

How the fuck does Furuhashi's dad afford that gigantic house on a teacher's salary?

Actual professors can easily get 6 figure salaries. By that I mean people who actually got their PhD and do research and not just instructors. Tenure is a hell of a drug.

FUCc i mean't rizu not mafuyu

Fumino is life.

Attached: 1535033289300.jpg (542x767, 96K)

Imagine sensei's strong vagina muscles choking your dick

Holy shit it's literally the same posts by Fuminofags but for every Urukafag mention there's a Senseifag instead. That's interesting.

We never learn.

Gotta admit, she ain't my favorite, but I feel bad for Uruka. She was introduced in the fourth chapter and started out with a crush on Yuiga from the beginning. I've never seen such a painfully obvious death flag. I could feel my brain cringe when she was introduced. Why the fuck would anyone do that? That's horrible.

Who cares as long as you enjoy her cute chapters.

>Senseifags started, but it's still the same
I'll thank your concession. Thanks.

It's fucking cruel 'cause you know all that awaits at the end goal is heartbreak. Like imagine you're a tomboyfag and then you see her for the first time and instantly fall in love. Then you suddenly realize that this is chapter 4. Also she's a childhood friend. Also she has a crush on the protagonist from the get-go. That feeling of dread sets in. But by then, it's already too late. Your heart has already deemed her the best girl. You're trapped. It's over. The author put a noose over your heart's neck and there's nothing you can do about it.

Except they fucking didn't

Uruka is your girl
Uruka Haters are the worst failure of the humanity

>brings up hell week when that wasn't even the subject
They were talking about after the polls came out, when Fuminofags got pissed at Sensei getting more attention and chapters after she got first place.

Nah. Chapters that received most of the flak were directed towards Uruka because of the stealing chapters feeling that went around at the time.
>boring, ugly,, pet
And Fumino had a few copypasta and stock shitposts telling people how shitty she is and why she would make a terrible wife, among other things. It's called banter. Although not perfect as there will always be a few outliners who react seriously, we still managed to have mainly comfy threads. That part is definitely true.
Since you clearly don't know what you're talking about, I'll explain. That wasn't a thing. Sensei at first and Fumino at second was acceptable in Yea Forums's eyes. There was no mad or hard feelings because to most they were the top 2 girls. I know these days old Bokuben threads seem like they are another planet, but let me remind you how they were when there were none of the shitpost and fanbase conspiracy wars that we have today. To start, when poll first dropped .

As for 's point, that is something else entirely. Around week surrounding chapter 63, Fumino received shitposts with no banter attached to them. At first it was random, but then apparently some Senseifags were behind them. It snowballed from there and caused nearly a handful of bad threads where Senseifags and Fuminofags got pulled into a shitfling with zero banter. It took some time before the dust settled and things to gradually return to normal a few weeks later.

Fumino's probably my favorite, but Sensei's chapters were great. Possibly some of the best chapters in the series.

Prove it

pet > pettanko

See These lies that you are trying to push to slander Fuminofags and manipulate Senseifags. I'm starting to suspect something here.

>It's fucking cruel
She's the one who decided not to make any move after so many years, so it's on her at the end of the day.

You know she's a fictional character and he was calling the author cruel, right?

He's obviously an Urukafag. Instigating in-fighting for ulterior motives is what he does best.

>It's called banter
If I waste Fumino's whole character with actual arguments highlighting how poorly written she is, does it still count as banter?

22i made it so that the responsibility fell on her end.

Well there's good lewds at least. If only Bokuben was a bit more popular we could even have a lewd spinoff.

Attached: 1535308347387.png (571x355, 200K)

You mean you successfully dragged them into your autistic war with Fuminofags. Regardless off the number of times you repeat it, you and the same handful of "bros" who always start shit and vice versa with the same few Fuminofags will never get to dictate terms to fit into your narrative. Most of the fanbase here don't have that distinction, much less the desire to be autistic shitposters as you want them to be so you can call up on them at a moment's notice. All you can do is keep telling yourself that night. This tactics of yours dates back the same shit you tried to pull with Mikotofags in Raildex. Didn't work then and then, and you have had eight years to refine yourself. It's time to rethink your whole life, THK.

Are you going to pretend that all shit talking sensei got after the results came out didn't happen? Sure there wasn't anything that happened in the thread with the results announcement, but as soon as she started getting more focus, she started getting shat on more and more.

>the 2 autistic shitposter fag is just another way of Fuminofags to cry "muh Urukafags"
How about stop preaching or being a little more coherent?

Hey looking at those threads Urukafags were suprisingly tame even getting some banter.

Are you pulling this out of your ass? Fuminofags hating on Uruka and vice versa has been happening for a long fucking time and I certainty don't remember any shitposts towards her from the Senseifags of all people. Sure were some moments but they were relatively quite except during their chapters and only started to become vocal after chapter 100 dropped and the triggered Fuminofags tried to shit on her for like a week straight which started a fanbase war. The reaction to the popularity poll wasn't as bad as some people are saying, sure you had some smug Senseifags and salty Fuminofags but nothing really crazy from either side, it didn't really start any kind of fanbase war

The chapter 100 was the second big war, first war between Senseifags and Fuminofags happened after a ranking for one of the chapters of the festival arc came out.
Him saying Fuminofags did nothing wrong is BS though.

Urukafags got sick of getting used as boogymen, and started retaliating.

It's all in the numbers. People think that some fanbases are inherently pure or won't shitpost for some weird reason. Truth is that there's a thing called confirmation bias. When a lot of people start to agree with you, you think you are in the right and entitled to force your opinion onto others. That's how most of the Fuminofag and Senseifag shitpost generates. Urukafags being there in some sparce numbers after the bulk of them dropping the series altogether as of 26 brought them to a state of calm, not unlike Rizufags today. After the poll there was a slow burn resurgence of Urukafags and someone took the word and joined the shitpost, Urukafags seem to have sorta increased although not by much but enough to generate enough back up to start shitposting. The seemingly quiet Rizufags and Asumifags that are largely outnumbered in these threads cannot afford any form of hostility and if they try, it's in the form of a Sensei or Fumino allegiance (respectively, mostly). But rest assured that vicious shitpost would come at their hands had they grown in numbers or grow in numbers in the near future.

Remember kids, if you win the popularity poll, it's not allowed to be smug about it unless fumino won

>When a lot of people start to agree with you, you think you are in the right and entitled to force your opinion onto others
That's what scuminofags have been trying to achieve since the beginning and still do. After chapter 24 they tried to drive every other fanbase away, hoping that bokuben threads would become a huge fumino circlejerk. Anons actually let things escalate for months, until they got fed up and start pushing back. In the end, scuminofags managed to reach the exact opposite of what they wanted.

I'd still hardly call the first one a war. Sure there was shitposting on both sides but it wasn't that crazy. The chapter 100 "controversy" (it's so stupid that something so stupid was a controversy but I guess that's what happens when you think only the main girl matters) is where shit really started to get cancerous and it's still in effect to this day

I honestly wonder what things will be like when the next popularity poll drops

What's the best Popularity Poll outcome that will avoid the most shitpost?

Attached: The Cast.png (767x789, 821K)

The exact same results, except Sawako gets 5th or 6th place.

The other user here. How is he wrong? Uruka wasn't the subject and Uruka got hate from everybody. It wasn't only Fuminofags. Uruka was basically Houki of Bokuben where she was naturally hated and it didn't cause a problem. Most people didn't mind because to them she was the worst girl. In part, that helped keep the peace. We're talking about things that happened back then that was different. Recent threads is a whole different beast that has been tainted by waifu wars that has gone on for far too long.
>I certainly don't remember any shitposts towards her from Senseifags of all people
Less frequent doesn't mean they never did. Look harder:


To all Urukafags, why not concentrate on the present when we can enjoy our Uruka and ignore the seething haters living in protoBokuben?

Attached: 1558628891747.jpg (1366x768, 137K)

It may be because they were the biggest in frequency but Fuminofags always seemed to bully the Urukafags the most

>That link
I-is that...? Is that really it? That's the most tame thing I've ever seen

Random post from a random thread in a non Uruka-related chapter. Why would you recall that. Is that (You)?

Most hate posts were tame for GOOD reasons back then. Including Uruka's that did have its share of banter. Most Fuminofags and Senseifags pretty much agreed that Uruka was worst girl, so it's not hard to see most of the hate she got was from them since they were the largest fanbase combined.

Power gap ranks is an search and that stuck out. Post an Uruka-related chapter then.

>All of the Sawako flat jokes
Quality banter

>Uruka is a shit. But, Fumino is best girl. Fumino threads reach bump limits very fastly. Sensei threads reach bump limit so fast only because of the fapbait in it.
>Sensei doesn't add anything of value to the overall storyline. Her threads are bumped so fast just because horny guys lust over her tits and ass. Her value addition to the plot is nil.
>The same doesn't hold true for Fumino. Her threads are bumped quickly because her chapters actually provide value addition and progress the overall plot and her backstory is fucking awesome. Her interactions with nariyuki seem more organic and real as compared to any of the other girls least of all sensei and senpai. Fumino shows actual character building and progress which makes her the most interesting and fan favourite character (as evidenced by the Twitter poll ). She may at times come across as denying her feelings but that's only because she cares for rizu and uruka.
>Judging from all the chapters dedicated to her I can say with a 100% guarantee that Fumino will win the yuigabowl. She has so many defining characteristics as compared to the other girls. She's humble despite being rich, she can cook to a certain extent and she's willing to try, her ambition is heartwarming and she has her friends best interest at heart. She may not have a big chest or bum, but she's a fantastic character. Just compare her ambition with uruka and rizu, both of theirs seem childish in comparison. Fuck the haters. Fumino ftw

Kek you can't make this shit up.

nariyuki wife is cute

Attached: 040030734032-4p.jpg (800x1130, 632K)

>Assuming a proper winner I think Fumino has the best chance mostly because her own personal goal is a lot vaguer compared to the other girls with all the foreshadowing regarding her dad it feels like it's setup for an endgame arc or a big development arc.
>Her solo chapters are also a lot rarer and a lot of them seem to make actual progress rather than just be cute shenanigans like Rizu or Uruka.

Depends on how you deliver your highlighting and in what matter. Why do you ask?

>chapter 73*

400 hours digging this up just for you. Where exactly? See for yourself. Things were fine, good still even. The few outliners are irrelevant and hardly anybody paid attention to them. It wasn't until around chapter 71 things started to take a sudden turn. It was at that point the discord between Fuminofags and Senseifags had begun to turn, but not to the point of messing up threads. Before you ask who was the cause of that, I'll put it bluntly: Fuminofags had good reason to feel threatened because they were the majority still, as those threads will show you. So process of elimination eventually pointed to Senseifags. Anyhow, things escalated to a point of no return in chapter 73 threads, and you can refer to the previous post regarding that situation.

>There's like three major plot threads that get any sort of development:

>-The biggest and most obvious one is making sure that the girls' marks go up and they pass
>-Yuiga's goal in the end and deciding what he wants to do in the future
>-Fumino's drama with her family

>Fumino gets barely any chapters but her over arcing drama is one of the few things in the manga that resemble an actual plot.
>Note that from all the harem members only Senpai and Fumino who's ever bring out this plot. I think those two will become a huge part in Moeyuki's character development (if there's any)
Just taking a stroll through memory lane, don't mind me.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna go through any of that to show you where, is one of the many examples where it happened though.

No. Check above . I said Uruka was the only one that got shat on. You weren't arguing for her, so what are you getting at? Argument was for RIzu and Sensei, which I'm sure I've covered by now. Maybe harsh truth to you in the present time if you're her fan, but Uruka got flak by all other fans. It's easy to assume Fuminofags were most active as they were the largest aside from Senseifags at second, but the nonetheless they weren't the only ones.

Some moments and just relatively only quiet during their chapters? What are you trying to get at here? As others have pointed out, 73 was the first shitstorm aka first waifu wars. Before that, threads were generally comfy no matter if there some bait and hate because majority of the time they were either banter or drown out by fans caring about other things and ignoring it, possible since shitposts back then were on the mild side. The second shitstorm now between Fuminofags and Urukafags unfortunately happened several weeks after the first ended, and we have been living in it for almost a year. The second is far, far worse than the first . There's just so much malice, absence of banter, false flagging, conspiracies, and coordinated shitposting between the two fanbase, making it's hard to make heads or tails. Being that, some fans of other girls who are used or dragged in, or fall prey to manipulation and that perpetuates the cycle of shitposting even more.

>Argument was for RIzu and Sensei, which I'm sure I've covered by now
They existed, and calling everything "banter" doesn't make it any better.

tl;dr don't overreact at X a best Y a shit posts. In the end those don't touch you in any way as your girl of choice is still the one you like and nothing can hinder your enjoyment of her as long as you don't let it. Who or how many dislike or hate your character isn't a thing either.

Attached: That's cute.png (202x238, 67K)

These fucking threads are absolutely awful, I really don't know what's wrong with all of you.

I just scanned through the whole thread from which that copypasta was posted in. What about it, really? It's copypasta that is choked full of banter and ironic shitposting. Replies to it reflects its nature. That Uruka chapter thread had a bit over half dozen hate posts, a few of which from Fuminofags and the rest from non-associated fans. Ironically enough compared to these days, there are also a few Fuminofags who like Yea Forums, even second best. How times have change.

Yeah, they existed. And what of it? Vast majority of them, which isn't a lot at all in context, aren't associated to any particular fanbase. For actual banter, do I even need to say it?

>there are also a few Fuminofags who like Yea Forums, even second best. How times have change
Because they're basically the same character now.

I think it's time for Fuminofags and Urukafags to make up.

Attached: Stop Fighting.png (433x259, 109K)

So you all prefer to talk about meta shit instead of dumping the chapter?

Of course THK weren't in these threads and ones before it. That's why they are decent and chill threads.

What chapter?


The half of the last thread was faggots sperging about how horrible and evil fuminofags are.

>had no good reason to feel*
Correcting myself here. It should have sounded contradictory since it didn't agree with the context.

Wow it really is a Fumino chapter in disguise

Don't do it in here. Wait for chapter user to do it in a new thread.


That thought had crossed my mind because of the close-up window shot of Fumino that looks breathtaking, but overall it's still a Rizu chapter and she is the one who gets most of the development.

That won't stop that panel for being the one with the most replies and implying of this

I mean, it's understandable if that page gets ample replies, but it's still obviously a Rizu chapter since she has most focus and the PoV.

>implying of this
I think it's rather obvious he's being tongue-in-cheek sarcastic. Take it easy.

Damn, we're getting a sensei focus chapter next week?

Is this true?

We are in the middle of an arc, user.

I don't make the rules

She is going to get the color page but I doubt she is going to get a chapter. In any case it's sad for Rizu since her arc color page will go to Sensei

Wow, this chapter has a lot of Fumino. I love it.

Attached: udon.jpg (587x570, 132K)

Based Fumino saving this arc

The last panels evoke some sort of cucking narrative that it's not promising as nips usually make the cuck lose anyway.

Attached: Takigawa Magistel.jpg (406x506, 114K)

>Fumino LOVES udon
Haganai end happens and the true OTP becomes Fumino x Rizu

Fumino in the school uniform without the jersey is super cute.

Udon loves Fumino. Sawako got cucked.

Attached: Riz-u.jpg (929x1349, 491K)

I can't believe this was Fumino's harem all along.

>last page
Rizu where are you

Attached: Rizu15.png (116x106, 23K)

This is the skill of a harem MC.

Attached: p03.jpg (929x1348, 431K)


I guess her being a big focus on chapter 61 was just a coincidence

Attached: Rizu40.jpg (411x377, 70K)

is delicious brown gonna win?

Thankfully, no.

Not likely

Attached: 20190609_200309.png (240x218, 67K)

I hope not.

it aint fair bros

It's okay, delicious cake will win for us

It's never fair, best girl never wins, worst girl never loses. Things are looking grim for Rizu too although everything can change in the following chapters, but a huge wank is needed for that to happen.

Are there KR scans already?

But Uruka is worst girl.


Attached: Bikino.png (828x702, 464K)

I wish I could touch her cute tanned feet.

I wish I could touch her cute tanned everything

Attached: Urufeet.jpg (352x916, 207K)

But not all of her is tanned, user.


Attached: 1545003137199.jpg (885x1300, 191K)


Yeah that's cute. What about it?

Attached: 1558902589361.png (528x1218, 282K)

Attached: 1521616628861.png (772x252, 61K)

Attached: Understanding Uruka.png (405x209, 68K)

>Uruka considered Fumino as her ideal
>Rizu wanted to be like Fumino

Attached: It can't be helped.jpg (672x668, 235K)


>Uruka's team fears Fumino
>Rizu is jealous of Fumino

animeonly fag here
still can't decide on best girl

Protip: Best girl's name begins with A and rhymes with Kasumi, her birthday is April 9, and she is voiced by Madoka Asahina.

Whatever girl you chose don't engage in retarded shitpost with anybody else.

Attached: 20190505_152935.png (132x155, 31K)

keep dreaming, that's the whole point of harem shows

No. There was a comfy thread early this week. Also there's tiers of shitpost, and dodging the retarded variety seems a good approach.

Last for all

Attached: Bokubens.jpg (1590x1805, 1.75M)

Great taste

>As for Sensei, or would feel like an asspull if she won to me.
>A thrown curve ball just when the manga is nearing the end would feel awkward, even possibly pressured into picking her due to popularity.
>curve ball
>even possibly pressured into picking her due to popularity.
Where are you anons getting this retardation from? At the moment a sensei end is likely the most validated from all if you look in-story and disregard tropes/meta. What you're saying is blatantly false.

Join your delusional Urukafag peers, dumb Senseifag.

They're not wrong in a sense though. Wel they are about the Sensei asspull as you said but Tsutsui doesnt seem like the author to break tropes and throw in a curve ball near the end. Hes gonna end it with either Rizu or Fumino. Hopefully Rizu imo.

>Join your delusional Urukafag peers, dumb Senseifag.
(you) should seek help.
>At the moment a sensei end is likely the most validated from all if you look in-story and disregard tropes/meta.
This is the truth, the only reason I don't see it happening is because of the tropes. If not for that I'd say Mafuyu has this won.

>Wel they are about the Sensei asspull as you said but Tsutsui doesnt seem like the author to break tropes and throw in a curve ball near the end
That's what I literally said
>At the moment a sensei end is likely the most validated from all if you look in-story and disregard tropes/meta
If she weren't a teacher, I'd say she has this won.
>and disregard tropes/meta
>Mafuyu winning would be an asspull?
>Mafuyu winning would feel like a curveball and a pressured ending by her popularity?
This is simply, complete utter bullshit. That's all.

Do you realize that calling out what happens in the manga as being favorable to her win is meta itself you retarded niggerfag?

make all her shoujo manga fantasies come true

does someone have a list of the extended cast?
I want more chono and lip sensei

What do you mean? Like what are their names and whatnot?

So saying that the story has enough validation to justify a winning end for one of the girls is meta? All I am saying that calling it an asspull is retarded.

yeah a list of all the characters and their names though I guess they might be on some wiki

though mostly I was fishing for a list of evreyone's top five non main cast characters
Sawako, Ikeda, Reiji, Lip-sensei & Chono

Who's Lip Sensei? Is it the PE Sensei? Her name is Takizawa.

Never knew that. Thanks.
I thought I could avoid the usual drama by focusing on tertiary or secondary characters.

You're coping hard. Fuminofags these past threads have been bullied the fuck out thanks to your obnoxious behavior. No amount of muh THK is going to change one bit your bad reputation. You were sperging out hard at Urukafags and Senseifags in the last thread, surely you meant that they were muh THK all along right? Kill yourself.

Her name was revealed by Sensei in chapter 63. More named secondaries are the maids that work at Asumi's place.

Attached: Maids.png (462x295, 73K)

I don't trust Machiko

For me it's
Mizuki, Sawako, Miharu, Kasumi, Kawase

Who was dating Kobayashi?



Sensei is best girl


Reiji, Sawako, Miharu, Kashima and unironically Oomori he is fun.

Anybody whose actually read the threads knows how badly the Fuminofags were threatened though. I get that you're obviously biased here but come on. Just cause they were the majority doesn't affect anything as they are still the vast majority but now look at them. They get enraged whenever their chances of victory go down even the slightest as evidenced by chapter 100. That "war" that you claim happened is literally nothing when compared to that as it's still going down to this day

>They get enraged whenever their chances of victory go down even the slightest as evidenced by chapter 100.
Chapters 100-102, 106, and 111 have them so mad they're hallucinating that panels don't say what they plainly do in the literal text, never mind the visuals.
>five chapters since 99 advancing Mafuyu
>zero advancing Fumino
They're right to worry, but they don't have to be shitheads about it.

Reminds me of when Mikufags were growing increasingly threatened by the rise of Nino and then we had the bike chapter and Ninoism became a religion.

Paranoid White Power Jew Inbreeding Fuminautists detected.

Attached: BestGirls_.png (1108x616, 592K)

Fumino best girl.

Are we even sure she's a girl and not a particularly flat boy?

Fuminofags stopped being the majority since her shitty arc though. Their numbers are now reduced to the main sperg who spends all day here arguing with people, a couple of ESLfags from plebbit who upvote each other's posts and the phone and proxies of the first Fuminofag
The rest were driven out of the threads given that they couldn't handle not having a Fumino safespace anymore

>vast majority
>get btfo by Yea Forums and sensei in last poll, even with traditionally pro-fumino Viz audience

Attached: RomComCouplesPoll.jpg (836x1227, 174K)

Do you have credible proof or are you the type who likes to say things and call them facts? He provided some links and reference that contradicts claim of them being responsible for causing the 1st shitstorm because they were threatened.

The shitposting we have nowadays isvam obvious result of Urukafags and Fuminofags antagonizing each other, false flagging, and desperation to exploit other fans to help fight in their wars. You can't blame Fuminofags without pointing a finger at Urukafags.

Finally the West has good taste

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And they haven't even seen sensei's maid chapter yet, let alone the ice rink arc.

No he doesn't he's just a typical Fuminautist White Power Jew.
Always playing the victim, even as he's doing exactly what he accuses his enemies of doing, just like the Rogue Nuclear Apartheid State of Israel.

Attached: Uruka00.jpg (700x626, 79K)

Not really. Some Senseifags felt empowered and smug enough to start little fights. Those fights caused Fuminofags to react accordingly, but it didn't produce a waifu war, or even fanbase war. It only Fumino got bad and reach a critical point when Fumino was getting shit on constantly in chapter 70s threads.

You and your opinions are a fucking shit

The first chapter 100 thread that anti-Fuminofags are fond of using as ammunition had only one shitposter and he who was mocking and telling people it wasn't gonna be Sensei. It's fine to think he's real and not a falseflagger, but what makes you any better to use that to attack the rest of the fanbase?

>yfw a literal newfag redditor is responsible for the 4chad war
This post is highly misunderstandable

Attached: 9df.gif (680x599, 2.51M)

>not including bestgirl

Attached: SawakoManga.jpg (1280x1586, 267K)

Blame Tsutsui. We don't have an original full-inclusive official panel of the cast.

A couple of threads back people posted a bunch of direct links to the archived threads but I recommend you just go look through them yourself. I don't feel like going through them to post them as this thread is gonna die soon anyway and even if it wasn't I don't care enough to do so. I'll just say that if you actually care about the truth go look through them yourself at your own pace and form you own opinion but if you'll honestly just look through them and say that it was all one guy or some shit and have a bias towards one side you'll just be wasting your time

Also what are you talking about regarding his evidence? Those links were meant to prove that things were relatively calm before the "war" (it was just a couple of fights really and both sides were about equally responsible). They didn't contradict them being responsible at all as that wasn't the intent

There was some shitposting, yeah, but the same can be said for both sides. In fact whenever any girl gets a chapter there are people you act smug and then people start fights with them. It wasn't a war in the slightest, it hardly affected the threads at that point

But it wasn't one guy it was clearly multiple people, don't just dismiss everything that your fanbase does as the doing of a single person

Last for Mafuyu.

Attached: 64251781_2360447817331508_259846285912178688_n.jpg (712x791, 62K)

Rizu is first and best

Fumino a shit
