The journey of going to Egypt to find Dio is too straightforward for such a long story arc...

The journey of going to Egypt to find Dio is too straightforward for such a long story arc. There are no twists or turns, just 40 something episodes of them going to Egypt while a parade of Dio's minions act as speed bumps one by one.

Is the next season better?

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It is definitely a lot less straightforward.

Part 3 was the best arc.

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It downsize in scale but expands the idea of stands. It's different.

>watching the anime
your mistake, retard

>Mangatards again...

based hairposter
The length made the journey feel like hell, was entertaining for the viewer, and allowed the characters to build relationships.

Describe Jotaro's relationship with everyone

they can afford detours if they didn't have a time limit

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Jotaro's mom is about to fucking die and DIO has an army of stand users everywhere, only a few parts had a single goal during the whole series, having more arcs usually ends up as a fucking mess, just look at part 6.

Yea Forums always tells me how shit stardust crusaderd is yet its still the most enjoyable part ive read

pretty much the only reason why they couldn't go straight (or at least two flights) to Egypt was Dio's goons don't care about casualties so public transportation is mostly out.

Is the most popular, so they gotta be contrarian about it.


part 3 anime has bad pacing the manga is better

>just look at part 6
But that's my favourite part, user.

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And the tension of that fades after 30 episodes of sightseeing with stand of the week battles during which Jotaro's mom is not mentioned a single time and Dio sits around in the dark doing absolutely nothing. Every single other part, just like most stories in general, keep the tension up by having the antagonist interact with the protagonist in some way besides siccing more goons on them from afar. The story for Stardust Crusaders would work much better if it were either much shorter or Dio were a more present threat. This is why literally everybody's favorite part of it is the very end.

OVA then?

pacing in anime is worse. idk why people act like part 3 is the only part with this problem. part 5 is set up the same as a road trip to end up fighting the final boss, and we just have a bunch of cool moments and characters becoming friends along the way

The manga is unironically much much better. Especially for part 3

Part 6 makes much more sense if you take it as the story of a gay priest trying to fuck the joestar bloodline

Yes and diavolo is a way more present character during the whole story than dio is in part 3.

>no twists or turns
They were going to fly straight to Egypt and crash-landed and decided to walk the rest of the way.

I'd call that a significant twist.

youre right but i much prefer dio. i like seeing his pretentious ass being beat up after all the shit the characters went through. the final sequence in part 5 was cool, but i dont like diavolo as much as a character or antagonist desu

>grandpa, his family and mentor in the mystic battle stuff
>kakyojin, only guy his age on the team, he can relate to him as a young man on a suicide mission, both are smart people
>polnareff is the older but cool guy, its funny and kinda weird but jotaro still likes him for that reason, has a good reason to be on a vengeance quest
>Avdol, the expert in mystic arts, intel guy since he knows most of Dio's minions, egypt, etc so Jotaro considers him a wise team mate

there, i can see why most if these things aren't obvious or easy to perceive but i can ensure you they exist

diavolo has a much more personal stake in his part. dio couldn't care less about the joestars if they weren't after him. diavolo wants to deal with people linked to his identity ASAP while dio needs time to fully fuse with jonathan's body.

dont forget joseph and avdol are bros


he's a dick but everyone can see through his facade

You'd think they'd realize Polnareff isn't "just late" and is under attack of an enemy stand after like the twentieth time.

I think that only happens once, against ebony devil. The next time it happens, against Enya, Jotaro goes to look for him.

Its just Araki still not being fully accustomed to stands