>With my heart full of gratitude for everything good in the world, I'll put down my pen.
>Now excuse me, I have to go.
>With my heart full of gratitude for everything good in the world, I'll put down my pen.
>Now excuse me, I have to go.
Should have gone before making Paprika, honestly.
You could just say "I got cancer and its catatonic"
>dreaming machine is cancelled
it's over
>I'll put down my pen
lmao implying he himself is drawing when he obviously has a team that does it for him
what a fucking faggot
Yer all a bunch of cunts
At least I'm not a pretentious cunt who sugar coats whatever it's happening to him to gain more followers
The man lived a good life. He got to make some allright cartoons and then he got to die on his own terms. It's a life lived better than us lot reading about him'll probably have.
>Yea Forums shits on Satoshi Kon
This is some high level contrarian nonsense
I've never heard of the guy until this thread.
worst take ever conceived in human history
>he liked Paprika
Well that sucks. RIP person I've never heard of.
no, you're a pretentious cunt for no good reason. way o go!
What a hack
Miyazaki is a better hack.
gtfo of Yea Forums until you watch some of his stuff.
This nu Yea Forums is garbage. Fuck this board
Dumb newfag lurk more retard
His final movie was never produced.