Are there any anime characters that you absolutely refuse to lewd? For me, it's the keions and the campers.
Are there any anime characters that you absolutely refuse to lewd? For me, it's the keions and the campers
Everything is lewded, we are sexual creatures. Newfag normalfag
Oh and Yotsuba.
My waifu but I'm not telling you who! She is very rare so there are NO lewds in existence!
Lewd's of the dragin loli do nothing for me, same for a friend of mine and the new raccoon loli/waifu.
Can't do it.
Nana has suffered too much. She deserves happiness and headpats and as much icecream as she can put away.
Obviously Friends are not for lewding. But I can't imagine anyone would even consider it, anyway.
I would lewd Chinatsu of she wasn't so disgusting.
I agree with the campers and Yotsuba, but the keions aren't to much 'must not lewd' as 'eh, not great' i guess. Ritsu a bomb, though.
Also, the gems in Houseki no Kuni, with the exceptions of Shinsha and Antarc and (pre-mid-2018) Cringeworm because self-inserting as Phos is just too easy to accidentally do.
To me, All of them are fair game
Kotomi and Nagisa from Clannad
I attempted to lewd the campers for the first time a few days ago. Stumbled upon Aoi paizuri and thought, "Maybe I'll give it a shot..." It felt awful, and left a profoud sense of guilt and shame with me. Nothing positive came out of it. 0/10, I don't recommend. Keep them pure.
I refuse to lewd Ika Musume or Little Witch characters, though, and I don't thinka anything could ever change that. Not even Shiny Chariot
I can never lewd my king.
but i really want to do shebill missionary position with lots of kissing and hand holding under a very cozy biig blanket, thats what gets my heart dick diamonds. Is that lewding if my sexual urgers go towards procreation and the enjoyment of the act of lifecreation ?
>can't lewd the heroine of a porn game
good one
me and other anons find it hard to lewd our Sora
they spend half the series lewding each other already. They were made to be lewded
I don't want to lewd the yurus either....but man...Inuko's tits are huge.
For me it's Aria girls. The series is just too pure and heartwarming for that
>was thinking about fapping soon but not sure to what
>see this thread
Thanks for the search suggestions when I visit danbooru. Don't @me gelfags
Literally none. If they exist I will lewd them
Only Yotsuba
tu tu ru would be out of the question
Unless there's love involved
Nothing's lewder than titty clipping.
I don't know if Texh lewds even exist, honestly. I'm not posting some other characters I refuse to lewd, they're too precious and I don't want to risk someone making some to spite me.
>Dont lewd characters that are already sexualized
Why is this?
fuck you
Lewding the potatoes should be a crime punishable by death.
Nothing is unlewdable. Nothing is sacred. Fuck your waifu's. Fuck them raw!
Ok, try this
No longer canon.
no longer is the rape but that doesn't stop people
This. She's sexy and cute and I'd ram her into the wall sexually, but I also respect her and can't lewd/fap to her.
But god damn her h-scenes are great
Lewding a character from an h-game is too easy. Waifuing and abstaining from lewding one takes commitment and respect.
For me its Dororo she's cute but has been through so much I can't bring myself to lewd her.
I generally find it impossible to lewd dumb characters like Satania and Mayushii and Yui. It feels like I'm taking advantage of someone who is not smart enough to realize it.
He'd get banned for it.
I can't lewd the gems because they are rocks. Maybe if someone made a human gem AU doujin and gave them gemtits I'd be fine with it
>not lewding youre waifu
So you deny her one of the joys of being husband and wife? One of the pillars of womanhood?
she's so grown up now!!
Rakka, Yotsuba, Sakura, Akari
Isn't it kinda scary?
My daughter Nadeshiko and her friend Shimarin
The Biyoris (Hotaru is lewd but I don't like her that much so I'd rather not lewd her)
Hina and Anzu from Hinamatsuri
I used to feel the same way, but now I lewd them almost on a daily basis. They're too sexycute and I love them so much that one day I couldn't help it.
They have lewded each other and look where they are now!
I've wanted to lewd Akari for almost a decade but have never been able to because I know I'll regret it.
I lewded the campers once.
Now I just feel guilty.
Get your alt-right hate symbol away from my precious Akari you dumb frogposter
Would rather there be lewds of MY waifu than you /pol/tards shitting up anime
hmm..I guess I've never fapped to usagi drop. In general though I dont think anything is too "sacred" to fap to. It's just another way of showing appreciation for the art.
Nadeshiko pleases young boys for fun!
Sorry, user, but Sakurako x Himawari doujins are just too good.
Obviously cinnamon buns like Yotsuba or Renge. I can't lewd Haruhi either, since it was one of the first anime I saw.
I don't think /pol/ even existed when that image was made
There's no way I could lewd this gross creature
Only the girls from Aria
Anyone from Nichijou
I know others do, but I can't.
Anything from Aria. When I first watched it I had paused an episode with Akari's face on my tv screen. I went to go take a shower, and get dressed. In the process, I flashed my tv and felt legitimatley bad, like I potentially ruined something.
what is considered lewd?
They're too pure
Mio lewded her crush though
Bocchi is not for lewding
sorry but that body painting doujin was too much.
you better not be
I have seen hentai of all of these and i have restrained myself from masturbating to them.
Based taste.
I mean she kinda just lewds herself don't she?
Did she wet the bed?
with tears