>What? You are over 20 years and still watch anime and read manga? Pathetic. How about getting a job or a girlfriend for a change? Mm? Oh, That's right you are an ugly NEET still living with your parents. Disgusting. Why don't you do us a favor and stop breathing?
What? You are over 20 years and still watch anime and read manga? Pathetic...
is that a personal waifu battle?
Isn't this post too NSFW?
Joke's on you, I work a job with really flexible hours due to extensive traveling and late as fuck hours and live in a small dorm apartment.
Jokes on you, i got a job and started living alone 2 years ago. Worst decision in my life btw. Now i live alone in the empty house and talk to tv at dinner time.
Shut up and take off your clothes already you slut
Jokes on you my libido fucking tanked once I hit my late 20s. ;_;
Everyone... I think I'm going to take a walk outside. I'll talk with you tomorrow.
Stop this targeted online bullying now.
But I do have a girlfriend! Her name is Rin!
>Why yes, I'm over 20 years old and still watch anime and read manga, what gave it away?
Why don’t you take your own advice, you little piece of shit? Oh wait, unlike you, shit is useful and makes plants grow.
Hey watch out your words little missy, I could crush you using my incel aura alone
I am 33 soon.
>How about getting a job
already got one
>or a girlfriend
yeah... well you got me there
>Mm? Oh, That's right you are an ugly NEET still living with your parents
i make money though
>Disgusting. Why don't you do us a favor and stop breathing?
cancer working on that as we speak
fucking kek
Yea Forums thread.
I don't live with both my parents, one died.
This is some weak bullying
20? Kid, its past your bed time.
Is that Juju?