Other urls found in this thread:
Where is a female version of Gobiin Slayer when you need her?
Do the female goblins let the males go after or not?
>female gob rapists
dump it if you'd be so kind
are lh pulling their chapters off mangadex too?
Is that Tim getting gobbed?
I dont think so.
Probably next chapter
Thanks for reminding me Peter Grill exists
>Innocent village girl
>Village destroyed and her reliable, loving brother raped to death
>Farm boy who provides her stability and a place to live
>Constantly rescues mindbroken catatonic men
The man the legend
goblin rape should not fall off the page
hentai or mainstream?
He is fucked
So no different than any other time.
When you consider how depraved humans can be, why aren't there roving bands of crazy homos raping goblins?
that's kinda hot but IRL men cannot be raped, user
Noble fencer? Who knows.
but you can't force a man to get hard
A man can't force himself to not be hard either.
If a guy getting hard means it wasn't rape, then a woman getting wet/off during initially forced sex should mean that's not rape either.
never said it's not rape, what I meant is it's far harder to force a man to impregnate you than to forcibly impregnate a woman.
>exchange student in london gets chav attention
>now in isekai
How many times a year do you go outside?
Hentai but only if a man's wife is forced to watch him be gangraped by goblins and impregnate them all.
most men don't share your fetish for being raped
It's precisely because of human depravity that there aren't any. If such a group of humans did appear humanity would prioritize subjugating them over the goblins.
I wish that was me.
Quite the opposite, what we need is Goblin Layer