Shingeki no Kyojin

Why is General GODgath so absolutely, positively, based and redpilled, SNKbros?

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Other urls found in this thread:クルエレ

I rabu Piku.

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I miss Yumiru

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Wtf it's really this easy to read it online? I just googl searched attack on titan manga and went to first link and bam.

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use mangadex, newfag


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Hello my fellow EHgods.

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How can Zekuck compete with GODgath?

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I chose rabu with Pii.

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>thinking this is even a question
Annie is the patrician choice

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I choose... all the vets, instead.

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I miss Godholdt Fubar.

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>174 cm
Magathfags will defend this.

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Zekucks will defend THIS.

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I don't understand why is everyone shipping Eren with Hange here?


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I choose both. At once

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Because it's cute.

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>Let it die bro

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>this is a man in his twenties

25 actually
>wh*te genes

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Is Sneed a manlet self inserter?


>almost the same height as Porky
>pudgy like Porky
>similar face shape to Porky
>similar eyes to Porky
>Porky didn't have any specific characteristic attributed to him that made him worthy of being a warrior
Is Porky Magath's secret lovechild whom he picked as a warrior due to nepotism?

What was your first reaction?

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Finally something interesting going on

>even Armin, SKRONKmin of all people has abs after military training
>b-but Porco is fat because I dun liek him
>and so is GODgath despite being a drill sergeant and the top artilleryman in the military
Imagine being this intimidated by Marleyan GODS. The reason Magath protected Pieck was because she was his future daughter-in-law. Which is also the reason he kept him back in Marley so he could bond with Pii, and always assigns them together on the battlefield. Godgath and his son are truly based.

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Ohh, here we go

Imagine being Zeke and getting humiliated by Chadgath at every turn in your life. From the minute he joined the Warrior Unit he was getting smoked by Theo, he always got the blame for Reiner's incompetence, and then when he finally escapes and can make his cuck plan come to fruition GODgath shows right up at your doorstep and BTFOs you in one shot.

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Next chapter

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>girl was disgusted by manletoid's height and drew him to be taller

Why does Eren’s pige have six front legs?

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The difference is Zeke is a mentally ill character with a twisted logic to "save" the eldians, even a meme charater. Meanwhile warriors outside of Reiner are kind of unlikeable
>Porko is shit and for some reason never uses the knowledge from Paradis he got from Ymir, never think about it
>Pieck is all smug after gassing a village and then think the others have no right to defend themselves
just offer his butt by killing innocent people, not even investigating Paradis more. If he did Marley would be one of the firsts to have access to the Paradis resources instead of sharing it with the rest of the world, and he would have known people like Hangou wanted to try the peaceful way first. I don't know why you consider him any better than Zeke when he would always use new scapegoats everytime the other leaders from the rest of the world wanted

Aren't they just in their knees?

It's shit on mangadex. Most of the middle chapters are missing and the scan quality is terrible


Attached: 1539648593192.jpg (595x649, 137K) is so much better as it has the official translations

Digits and JM and LH become canon


Are you aware that """Chadgath""" could not reveal the biggest traitor Marley? Pieck did it all. Or do you just ignore that Zeke raped Marley and now """GODgath""" and his bastards will not be able to get out of Shiganshina? One scream, marleykek, one scream.

remove jean, magath, gabi, and hange from based and this list is A1


Jeanbros and Hangebros support Erenbros

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>Fagath beats children

the rest

Based numbers

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Based quads


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>tfw you genuinely like most of Marley's cast but Marleyfags are insufferable
Pieck and Porco suck

>official translations

You must be new here.

Good choice

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Can wait for pieck to kill magath next chapter with a sword

fags lol

>scanlated versions
fucking yikes, newfag
cringe summerfag



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Porcofag vs Zekefags is fun to see, I personally can't stand Reinerfags


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mikasa ackermann off course

I could swear all Reinerfags are women


Gary Stuminfags

hange and jean are meh and not based characters

>fags lol
All explained

Eren Jaeger of course

They are both cool despite their flaws!



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Hissu Reissu

The goddess Ymir. Praise Ymir!

Zeke will live and play baseball with his niece

>Imagine being a cuckren self-inserter...


>start celebrating early again
>someone gets killed again
Floche and his friends are fucking pathetic.

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floch isn't

Floch wasn't celebrating early. He sensed something was wrong.


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his death will be fun

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Shitrenfags are pathetic.

He's at least somewhat competent, but his company is pure garbage in terms of discipline.

Holy fuck all you Reineroasties/Erwinroasties do is cry

>kicks Eren even though Mikasa is the one who literally had a blade to his throat
Manlet is a pathetic white knight.

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Who else but Pieck?

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>b-but he's cool now because he killed civilians, has a mysterious cold demeanor, wears black clothes, tells his friend to fuck off, and leans back in his chair!

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Isn't he just telling him to tell all the truth to Armin?

That's Jaegerists for you. Just as retarded as the rest of the population screeing for another empire.

what's wrong with liking Hange an Jean? or is it that their fanbase is cringe?

Manlet killed Erwin ;)
Lmao did you even see the episode?

Maybe Reinerfags are jealous.


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Still not as bad as Sir Erekose who couldn't nut up and just let Historia be titanized

They harass people and Jeanbotrannies are selfinserters

Those are fake jeanbofags. Real jeanbofags are nice to everyone.

Just faggots baiting

thanks user, I'll now be wary when calling myself a Hange/Jeanbro.

He already sacrificed Pissu by bringing Zeke to the island though

>listening to Android Zekechad
Don't do it, user!


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A pregnancy based off of a lazy, cliched, unearned, consensual, off-screen, heteronormative romance would trash Historia and Ymir’s themes by devaluing Historia’s character arc to use her as a uterus (for unneeded MC motivation) and reducing Ymir to an expendable pawn in a story based off of the discrimination against a marginalized group of people who are dehumanized as expendable pawns for war.

My cute wife Piku is very cute.

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>my ship ooga
>your ship booga

>EHfags are brainlets


>you can finally filter the porcofag with fat fingers

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LM is cute

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>REtard sperging again and again

Just call yourself a Hange/Jeanbro if you like them.

blow it out your ass, shizo

>ZPfag doesn't even have proper resolution Pieck pics
Kill yourself fake Pieckfag

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Manlet is best papa

those are characterfags. he didn’t name one ship at all. based retard shipperfag

What's she thinking about here?

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LM is brotherly

characterfags are automatically shippers you retarded ass newfag

>it woke up

Eruritrash is senile please forgive her

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Imagine any of these madmen in SnK

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ok my dumb little shipperfag. whatever helps you sleep at night.

suck my dick shipperfag

Fuck, haven't seen this in so long

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Aren't you automatically shipper for reading this manga then?

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No and no.

based homo and shipperfag

Armong needs to be added at the bottom.

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porcofag only likes pieck because they want her to be with pigco who they self insert to.
Isayama has been telling you time and time again that orbiting someone will never make that person like you.
look at mikasa
look at ymir
now look at porco
just let it die, bro

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Absolutely fucking based.
>m-muh cardboard personality
Listen here, sonny, the only "real" personality a woman can ever have is either bipolar or psychopathic bitch.
Women live to serve men, Mikasa is the embodiment of this natural balance between humans of opposite genders.
When Eren berated Mikasa about only being attached to her due to Ackerhax instincts, he fails to realize that humans, like any other organism, are bound to instincts and subconscious impulses. We virtually have no free will and the "Ackerhax instinct" is clearly part of her true nature, not a social addition to being born to some clan.

>b-but she is autistic
Autism is the original form of human thought processing, it is just that we have evolved in a way that disposes us to become less and less autistic. In Neanderthal societies humans were autistic by default.

Mikasa is the potrayal of what humanity really is, while Eren is the potrayal of what an angsty PTSD-riddden teenager wishes for humanity to be.

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when will Pieckfags, PP and ZPfats die out

>Why are the German Nationalists' ancestors in a ghet- Oh. Ohhh...
Then you find out that the Warriors are Eldians who are made to kill their own race. Then Kruger said the numbers don't add up. Then Racetraitor King Globohomo Willy Tybur allows a terror attack to happen so all the countries that want to bomb Marley are now going to help them bomb Eldia instead.

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Akagi, Conan and Akiyama wouldn't do shit that would be significant to the plot
Hard to see how Johan would fuck shit up given that the whole world is already at war

Shirube's the only one who'd be interesting since he's clearly trying to overthrow Zaizen and change something on the grand scale by taking his fortune

>Kicks Mikasa
>"I told you to tell him everything, Eren"
Yeah that makes sense

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But Pieck is the one that orbits Porco. She had no logical reason to wait solely for Porco in this position unless she was in rabu with him.
Zekefags are like Yuemhueierueooufaggots, they actually hate Pieck and just want her to die to validate their own character's pathetic failings.

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When does Armong use asspulls

I just want it to be Sunday already.

>Eren's headpat reaction is to cringe from the memory of being beaten up by manlet
>Mikasa's reaction is concern about Eren

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based. mikasa is the most realistic female in fiction

The answer is Annie. Annie is perfect, so she's the best.

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What the FUCK is wrong with Kruger?

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teen eren is fucking delicious

>Falling from almost 60m plus severe burns over entire body

Manlet and Hans best parents

>ywn hold Eren's pliant, vulnerable body right after he's done shifting
Why live?

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Yeah but that's not an asspull he came up with himself to defeat the enemy. It's just plot armor

it was more like 20~ meters and he wouldn’t have died immediately, which is what’s important. the breathing/wheezing was a bit much but if the heart beats, he can be titanized. it must have taken less than 10 minutes for the serumbowl to take place.

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I have a phobia of physical eye contact and I hate you for sharing this.

>0 votes for Shadis

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They are still newbies

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That's hot

The fuck? Is that tongue hitting the back of his eye supposed to pleasure Eren? Did he orgasm at the end?

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In fact the best part of all this is that eren don't give literally a fuck to recreat the empire or other nationalism ideology. He just want to save his friends and his race.

The CHAD Kuruerefag

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I bet that schizo complaining about shipping won't appear now ;)

imagine running your tongue on every line of that body

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My nigga. seepcobalt's new log is nice as fuck

That schizo is the REtard, she is a crybaby crying when others post what she doesn't like till she creates her safe space to post her shit. LEpedo was in the right, REsluts suck

That's your otouto, Zeke. It's wrong to lewd him like that.

Incest between adults isn't wrong.

Someone gave birth to you. Maybe they weren't always good to you but there were moments when they loved you. They fed you. Clothed you. Cleaned you. And now you're nothing more than a pornzombie. You jerk off to the same stuff everyday. All day. This is it. This is what all of those childhood moments amounted. Because this is what you chose to be.
Call your father. Think about the tone of his voice. Try to discern the disappointment in it and let it linger in your mind for a bit. That's you.

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>Gopnikslut aka Eruritrash at it again
Geeez I wonder why no shitren or pedoGabi posts now?
I'm always in the right

Absolutely based, they are probably my favourite active snk artist.

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So now shipping is okay?

>That mask

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>It's wrong to lewd him like that
Hold on now, I think he's got right idea

>try to shitpost
>someone calls you a name and assumes you are a regular poster
Fuck /snk/

I'll be honest, with the chapters being a month apart I no longer know what the fuck is happening or who most of the new characters are. I'm just here for the titan memes at this point



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Just re-read the previous chapter before the new one comes out.

>my dear little pieck

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>you only have one chance to read a chapter. after it disappears into a blackhole

>Look mom I posted my picture again

>Seething Zekuckfag



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>look mom I posted my (((localized))) translation courtesy of CrunchyRoll™

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>Sneed jealous of zeke because low t porco can't grow a beard


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>summernewfags can only type in greentext


Now that Mikasa and Eren are the first canon ship alongside Falco and Gabi, who will Historia end up with at the end of the manga?

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Dunno if either Mikasa or Eren would agree to a triangle relationship.

Dunno who told you Mikasa is even involved to actually be a triangle.


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Mikasa is not a triangle, silly. She is a fictional human being!

t. sweetamyrose14

no you don't

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Kinda cringe you need to crop Eren's picture and ignore the content to suit your delusions. Isayama usually makes identical panels from time to time to save time.

fuck off

When is the next AU fake chapter coming?

Post snk related Abe memes

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Sad that you only function on your emotions and cannot name a single argument against EMdom.
Just shows how manipulative many humans try to be BAKA.

1/10 like to obvious user.

Lmao just imagine the reaction here if she got blacked


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You can deny it, but you can't convince me that EM isn't canon through emotional manipulation, alone.

it would honestly be fucking crazy. isayama would never do that though

I would kill myself

>Abe's face when the Nips soak in Zeke's philosophy and the birth rates drop even further

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Next month.

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I still don't get why he bit her

Should be EM LOL



Asserting dominance.

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why did serumbowl episode look so good but last episode look meh?

Do you think Zeke fucks Pii because she reminds him of his tsundere and seemingly unattainable otouto

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WIT loves Erwin.


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>SergeantMajorGross (Youtuber)

Only edgerenfags love this character

What ever happened to Ymir and her titan anyway

Eaten by Porco. Did you forget?

-12/10 bait

>tfw the schizotranny reddit lurker is absolutely SEETHING that her cringe campaign completely backfired

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I thought that was obvious

Who's porco again I forget the names, I'm pretty much a casual watcher of this series, she wasn't the jaw titan, was she? If so why are they so different


waiting for Hisu in the PATHS

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Guys, every time i listen the first 3 openings i can't start immagine in my mind the same animated scenes of those openings but with the actual setting (Sc soldiers who fight marleyans, eren casting the cristal pillars against porco and reiner, zeke crushing the zepellinse etc....., all those scenes frames with the music of guren no yumiya, jiyou wo tsubasa and shinzo wo sasageyo).
Do you think im mad? Nd do you also think we will have some fanmade animation as "remake" of the 3 openings but with the actual setting?

Fuck off.

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Eldians = Aryans

>Eren Jaeger
>Erwin Smith
>Reiner Braun
>germanic trairs such as blonde hair blue eyes and brown hair and green eyes
>german op lyrics
>centuries of colonialism and holocausts

They clearly represent some form of post colonialist germanic nation. The themes of the story involve the actual oppression post colonialist nations experience at the hands of their supposed victims. Which is on point for the japanese since korea and china are trying to oppress japan using post colonialist rhetoric.

read the fucking manga

That's bloody rude mate. Why didn't Ymir have a big jaw then hmm? I disproved your theory

no, eldia was just based on germany before hackayama thought out the rest of the story

Is also funny how the literal traslation of that three opening fits better with the war genre we have now than the survival genre we had before

I did but it doesn't make sense

Ymir had big jaw

Please stop replying to him in the future

Hange is my wife!

You're not mad. Sometimes when I listen to regular songs that aren't related to snk at all, I picture Marley and the people/setting/events that occur there. Works best with anti-war music but others are good too. Don't expect a remake unless if you're making it yourself though, however some people were theorising that the OP for the next arc will have guren no yumiya but the visuals will be from the perspective of Marley. I don't think it's happening since our last OP has already been a rehash of the previous ones though. I think we just appreciate the kino that is Marley.

I just finished 108 and can't stand the fact that Zeke was a Marleyan traitor this whole time. It's this all as planned shit that really pisses me off in anime/manga, and I thought Isayama was better than that.
I could suspend my disbelief with Armin during Female Titan because I guess Armin is genius with master detective-like skills of perception. I was fine with all of Erwin's gambits because that's what they were: gambits. It was always made clear that he was a gambler at heart; plus every plan ran into a bind or two at some point.
But this shit with Zeke not only ruins his character, but it undermines Grisha's backstory. I liked the idea of Grisha turning his son against the Eldian cause because he was too zealous. I like how that set everything in motion.
But no. Zeke's another unrealistically mature, fast-thinking child capable of forming master plans.
Then to make it worse, I get that reveal after Sasha's death. She was the one character that kept SnK from being a total edge fest. Isayama could have killed Connie, Jean, or Floch; he could have killed Mikasa for all I care, but no. I fucking hate this series now.

I don't get it.
Why are you up so late, bong-san?

>went on these threads for less than 5 hours today
This is considered really good progress for someone like me.

>stooooooop having discussions!

I dunno, I feel so empty inside, I need to find some passion


>I've lost you
I've lost you
>I've lost you
I've lost you
>I've lost you...

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Titans have different aspect based on the physical thrats of the person shifted, this rule works also on the 9 special titans ( for example grisha's Snk was fatter and different from kruger's and eren's SnKs).
For this reason ymir's jaw titan was different from porco's and marcel's one (also porco made that titan stronger comapared to ymir's, since he have got the hardening and also he have an actual mastodontic Jaw insted of ymir who only had piercing teeths)


>woag dude, people go through CHANGE

Holy Based

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No spoilers, but come on, user. Keep reading. It's just 10 chapters. There's a reason for a lot of things.

>Armin is genius with master detective-like skills of perception
He's way worse written than Sieg.
But yeah, since the Marley reveal Sieg just comes out as a pathetic character with plot armor because muh euthanasia.

Also Flocke or Mikasa I agree, but don't you dare to touch Jean or Connie you monster.

What are you doing with your life now? NEET? Am also in bongland and I have a pretty bad case of anhedonia and emptiness. When I'm not studying I like to read books on war history, it helps me feel. I get more satisfaction from reading them than when I read snk or manga, and there are even some parts that have moved me to the point of tears like in a fictional story. I take notes while reading as well on another tab on google docs just to make sure I'm learning something so I know I'm not completely wasting my time. I have class tomorrow and I don't think I will go, it's hard to get out of bed in the morning.


>SergeantMajorGross (blogger)

Look zeke get all his motivation and his past expleined during the chapters 113-114-115.
He don't want save his race, at least not in the way you think, his plan is euthanize his race turning all of them sterile (so no children will suffering for their pityful existance), also grisha was really a shitty dad for him, when zeke found out marleyans were discovering everything about his dad group, he tryed to make grisha understand and hive up but he refused, so tom xaver, the previous beast titan and zeke's mentor ( was the guy whit glasses who hug zeke when his parents got arrested) suggest him that the only way to save hiself and his grandparets was betray his parents ( and so being recognized as an onorary marleyans and became the next succesor for the beast titan).

Y-You should try it too, user. Studying all day gets really tedious and sad but it's worse than the eternal depression and suicidal thoughts that comes with posting on Yea Forums all day.
Base Grossposter

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Young wagie, I'm just bored in general, I want to meet people but I don't know how. I'm bored of the internet/programming/games in general now.

Immense autism and

Why are you depressed? It is because of your lack of companionship?

Spic or Hue? My bet is on huehue

What's with the SergeantMajorGross meme? I was looking through desuarchive and couldn't find shit with context.


>Gotta give my children sum of that ackertist genes

Why can't you meet people at work, user? Are you sure you should be depending your happiness on relations with other people?
I have been depressed since I was a kid, I don't really know why I am like this. I have given up on trying to find the source a long time ago when I realised I was wasting my time, and now just push through and do whatever I can to distract myself desu. I don't really like people.

>mfw Pisstoria is easyly the worst one in pic by far

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Based Reinerchad, Pissu is a dumb waifutard.

>SergeantMajorGross (newfag)

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There’s a guy on reddit/youtube/twitter (and also probably here) who goes by the name of SergeantMajorGross. That’s all anyone really knows, someone just started spamming the meme and others caught on. It then got popularised last week on the aqstream for last episode. Here’s a video he made:


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Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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It's a tragedy that parents take away the peaceful bliss of nonexistence away from the unborn. Because of that, they make the same mistakes over and over again.They'll go on saying to themselves that if they're going to die, they might as well pass on their genes. It just proves how unimaginative and set in their ways they are. The little fools.

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Try you to write more than 100 words on smartphone in italian and than you can judge me.



Attached: 1557277511158.jpg (614x921, 343K)クルエレ
Here’s your kuruere, bro. Look up the last tag on twitter too and you’ll probably get some more results too. I’m off to bed now.

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Height: 174 cm


Perfect for Willy’s willy.

>historyfags aren't ped-

i remember when moblit orders two cheeseburgers its for him and hans

Why is this a ship? And more importantly why does it have such good art despite being so obscure?

Why are they using swords?
Don't they have dual-wield mausers and thunder spears now?

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Do titans ever get skin infections? If they're organic creatures then surely they'd have some kind of disease or unhygienic fungus.

>Mankasa turd got BTFO by best girl Annie
Yea Forums never disappoints me.

Attached: Annie-f38.jpg (500x800, 46K)

Cool aesthetic. I wish I could have a cool older gf to drink shitty rationed coffee with in muddy trenches while we cuddle for warmth. Seems like something EK could do.

It's aesthetic

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Erenfags are mentally ill

God her nose is ugly
pii more like pee


Cazzo piccolo spaguetti, mamma mia vafanculo putana ravioli e finitto.



Thanks Kruger bro, goodnight

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stfu pedo


I'm up to Eren and friends attacking Marley, and g-guys... I... I think I might like Eren now.
By the way, what did he do wrong anyway? It looked like all the Survey Corps was working with him along with Yelena and that one >based black guy. What were Levi and Hange so pissed about?

because he went against their wishes and became hitler

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They went there undercover together for something else, he abandoned them and sent letters outlining Zeke's plan. Because they needed to retrieve him they cooperated but they weren't there to firebomb the ghetto and destroy the harbor. They're unhappy he forced their hand to violence.

They probably get cured through paths. That or the founder rewrote titan DNA so it's immune to all pathogens. Have we ever seen an Eldian get sick for that matter?

Thanks for the clarification, user.

manlet's mom
sick leave as a concept is mentioned a few times too iirc

>2 threads
>both are dead

sex with Mikasa

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I also remembered the pandemic that Grisha saved Carla and the others from.

oh right, duh. it would make sense if eldians are naturally immune to things that regular people would have to be inoculated for though.

>No massive Yelena gf to give you a rusty trombone

Maybe Grisha brought something with him that they hadn't been exposed to in 100 years?


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my wife of course

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i’d say it’s just that he knew medicine enough to make something new with what ingredients they had. he was a famous doctor iirc

>SergeantMajorGross (Nazi fanart)
Slightly based

Based and GODpilled.

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i forget, did paradis already have germ theory? 'cause if not something as simple as grisha knowing to quarantine the right infection vectors would've made a big difference

You cannot be more based

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He'll be cured of his injuries from the bear

>SergeantMajorGross (Nazi Larper)

>These speedreaders

keep reading, faggot.

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Eren has been edgy since day 1

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Wtf is goin on? I just said fuck it and started reading manga, this shits crazy but I like it way more post basement.

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>I am supported

now i'm just imagining pic related with this sound

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you can edit it in when the episode drops

Just keep reading


great idea, thanks user

It would be good with that "BWAH" sound he makes when you fall from a high height.

I want more happy times in the Jaeger household

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I thought of that but I didnt know how else to describe it. Maybe it's more of a "boof" sound, I hope you know which one I mean.

I've always wondered where Eren got his eyebrows from considering no one in his family has them.

From Carla. That art messed up her thicc eyebrows.

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i hope mikasa can smile like that again someday

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That makes sense, sometimes she's drawn with regular eyebrows so I was confused.

I hope she fucks off and die


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Why does Mikasa look so small there? she's was like 4 inches shorter than levi when she was a loli

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How will cuckren ever recover?

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Is there anyone worse than Marleyfags and Warrior fags?
You must be an ultimate cuckold to support Marley side and these poor brainwashed incompetent retards called the Warriors

Tik tok
Tik tok
Tik tok

Rumbling day is coming for you fags

>*gets BTFO and mogged all his life by a 5'9 man*
The absolute state of Shitke

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Based Paraspic.

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Remember to castrate yourself marleyfag

That attempt at English makes me feel bad for its teacher

Reminder: Marleychads have a triple digit IQ


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Correction: human beings have triple digit IQ. Animals go below that.

But 100 is still an average IQ though.

Eldians are not humans. They're monsters that can't be allowed to exist

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>Yeager bros

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How many times has Porky had his soul slapped out?

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Good morning I hate Eldians

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Can confirm. I'm a Marleychad and my IQ is 145

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Best father-daughter combo coming through

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Sergeant Major Gross is Euro? wtf everything is ruined now

Attached: SergeantGross.jpg (300x420, 110K)

It's great that you guys stake so much on Krueger but he's probably not going to be relevant again. On the bright side at least he got a name unlike that Tybur chick. She manages to be even more of a titan placeholder than Pieck and Pock

Attached: EldiaIllsCommitted.png (1067x1600, 1.78M)

>different eyes
>different nose
>different mouth
>different facial shape
>different hair color
>completely opposite ideals
Stop trying to latch on to Kruger you cringe Yeleniggerfaggot.

Attached: JUSTLENAGROID.jpg (384x423, 34K)

Kruger can never be mentioned again and he'd still be a massively important character. I'd still like to learn just a little bit more about him, but I'm not counting on it.

It's more like a Krugerposter latching onto someone still present and relevant

When will Eren get the painful death he deserves?

t. connie

This Fallrus is literally just Zeke.

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She knows he was lying

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Shitmin will die next chapter

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What OST track will they play with this scene?

This one?


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where is she now?

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Hisu's womb.

I don't see her sacrificed anywhere, though.

Why was S3 allowed to look so shit?

that's from S2

In a pile of titan shit in Liberio's cavern

Historia's daily thoughts

>those forearms

That's my point. Why was S3 allowed to look so shit when S1 and S2 look that good.

In pathsworld with Frieda

No budget because investors see how unpopular this show is now

>When your husband slips and you need to catch him

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S2 was six episodes and still suffered QUALITY in places. Wit has no love of this series

I love BT's dumpy little legs.

I wish. I'm still trying to not think too much about this series again. Even borrowed my brother's Nintendo Switch to give Zelda game a try. Lost interest at how to bake an apple. Plus, I had to cover for another worker for three days this week. It's very annoying to try to concentrate at work when brain wants to think about something else. I do not want one more month of divided attention.

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waiting for hisu within the paths

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She got a booty

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Bit small mate.

Sex with Annie!

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Is that the actual translation?

Just an edit. It's a panel from spoof when Hitch splits her pants in front of Annie

>Hitch splits her pants

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Post it ?

T-this is a b-blue board, user.

Post it and spoiler it ?

Zeke wasn't a genius child who came up with a plan.
He betrayed his parents because he overhead Marley soldiers who were already investigating them. Zeke betrayed his parents because he didn't want to get sent off to Paradis.
The ''master plan'' which is just low IQ cuck shit was what he came up years later while being tutored by another cuck. His ''master plan'' is that he is going to wait for an opportunity to get his hands on the founding titan so he can end his race like a good little cuck.

Zeke didn't plan shit until he found out his brother had the founding titan, and he in his insane delusions decided to recruit people to make contact with Eren. That's it. There is no ''all according to keicuck'' with Zeke. He is just a moron and a self-hating piece of shit.

>the absolute state of the Mikasawhales

I read this as done "shitting" and became hard as diamonds. I'm ashamed.

user what the fuck

Wannabe e-celeb made a video with like 300 views months ago, and now he is spamming this thread advertising himself. These threads get more posters than he has views on his one video.
No one knows who he is, he is just advertising himself. 99% of the thread hasn't even seen the one video he made which is just a lazy nigger meme of the ''oh no no look at dis dude.'' Expect his next big video with 50 views to be something like manga panels with Shadiay music or Rick Roll.

Nah thats the EMcuck/ErwLmod, she did exactly the same with the LEpedo, like when SJWs when they want to accuse someone they dont like of something

I have a severe case of Eren lust. He became pretty hot, it's not my fault.

yelena is clearly lying

We know, Historia

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Cute and canon

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>Erwin was in love with a woman
>Petra being the focus and and adding more scenes to the anime
>Eren knew about the wine
>Reiner and Zeke always being humiliated and losing
Yeah Isayama is the Kojima of the manga

Now I get why he doesn't want to reveal Hange's gender

This was before his CHAD phase thanks to his cute wife.

I would fuck manlet no homo

Kek, smart way to avoid being called homophobic

>thinking Mannie and Mankasa are somehow better
Hello Homo

>MOOOOOO Eren, focus!

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>Armin shat his pants so hard he was the first to leave

>gets owned by Armong and objectively the worst cadet when it comes to 3D maneuver fighting

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Why didn't Zeke just scream earlier?

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Dead thread

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Why didn't Reiner eat Eren when he had the chance? Even if he didn't know that Eren was the Founding Titan, it was still obvious that he was the Attack Titan at least.

maybe it's hard to unmerge shifters

The scream must be the last option (and the desperate one)

Or why didn't Pieck just headshoot Eren from behind and eat him? And the info she needed would be easier to obtain from his memories. Warriors are so retarded

Having two titan warriors is better than one with two titans

That's why Marley wanted him captured: so that he could be fed to another candidate

Maybe she can't transform in a small room?

Yeah it's amazing how much Isayama evolved from his original ideas (check Historia), I think in an old guide Nile was supposed to be cruel and look at him

Also, because it looks like multiple shifters in one doesn't mean their mana pool gets a lot bigger.

>so this is the power of the paths

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Marley doesn't practice shifter power accumulation, which makes sense when your main military force consists in second-class citizens you treat as sub-humans, even with all the early brainwashing/endoctrination. Giving too much power to a single individual is not a sound idea when you run with that kind of system, and it seems logical not to want to reduce the number of shifters at your disposal if you can afford not to.
Right now the situation's pretty desperate for Marley though, compared with 4 years ago (which is why I assume RBA received orders to bring the Founder back alive back then): Eren is too much of a threat to keep alive but they can't let go of the Founder either, so he has to be eaten right here right now. Pieck shooting him would've been too much of a gamble: if he died on the spot the Founder was lost, and if he managed to transform if only a single finger before she shot him things would've gone down the shitter for everyone in the immediate area, including Gabo.

Trusting 4 kids to bring back the Founder was quite stupid in the first place.

No reason or need to since he was in complete control of the situation before Magath and Pieck's surprise attack.

>the info she needed would be easier to obtain from his memories
How? She can't just access the memories of whoever she's eaten as she pleases desu. It takes time for them to reappear and she'd likely never see all of them, especially since she's not related to Eren.

Yeah, it definitely was. Old Marley was quite retarded but it's been pointed out by pretty much everyone with a brain already. I just don't think those particular instructions regarding the FT retrieval were nonsensical.

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>hansi injects manlet a serum
>he becomes an ugly deformed creatura

That's generally what titans are, yeah.

If you point out how retarded your writing is that doesn't make it less retarded.

but this one explodes

peick not risking it all on the wound path of a single bullet makes enough sense to excuse, but why are they still trying to eat him, especially after figuring out that the founder is useless on its own? and on top of that if it all boils down to trying to capture the power of the ft why did isayama go out of his way to have magath talk about how eating the ft didn't matter anymore twice during the liberio fighting? did he realize later that the combat scenario he wanted to set up didn't make any sense if marley didn't have a reason not to just shoot him out of the nape? am i autistic for thinking about this instead of just absorbing the spectacle?? (yes)

>Luckily, the queen got pregnant eh??EEEEH!!?!?!?!

I usually just blame that it's a shonen series. So of course, the main protagonists have to be kids or teens.

Marley being retarded was a plot point though. Unless you think stupidity or poor judgement = bad writing by default.


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Marley is based on Italy. Them being retarded about war is pretty reasonable writing

Marley and Warriors are kind of dumb, like Magath could have approached Paradis for his resources instead of sharing it with the rest of the world. Also kidnapping Historia would have been the smartest option

Italy has only been retarded about war during ww2 just like marley is only being retarded about war during this apparent ''last fight''

They used to be the Roman Empire.

>especially after figuring out that the founder is useless on its own
They literally figured out how to activate it last chapter thanks to Gabi, though. Unless they somehow assume that the royal family on Paradis is gone (not sure why or how they'd even come to that conclusion), then they have the means to use it gathered on the island. Even if they kill Zeke right now, they can gain control of the Coordinate so long as they eat Eren and go get their hands on the royals still present in Paradis, which would be the next logical step.

Modern Italians don't have much to do with Rome.

Three years

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>"Trust me guys, we need to attack along the Isonzo, tenth time is the charm."

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Magath had no such power back then. It literally took the Liberio raid for him to reach the highest position in Marley's military and call the shots. And they obviously weren't going to call for a truce or negotiation after what happened. The plan he agreed to with Willy always hinged on making Paradis a scapegoat for the Marley and the rest of the world to stop bickering and for non-Paradis Eldians to have a less shitty situation.

Holy hell the writing keeps getting more and more retarded with Gabi Sue

It's like saying present day Egyptians used to be Ancient Egypt.

When it comes to war and politics, shingeki is above-average imho, especially when compared to the usual shonen offering. It just fails when it comes to how shortsighted the characters are with regards to loophole abuse of supernatural powers. Anything magical should lead to post-scarcity ASAP.

To be fair, the only series I can think of that does OK with post-scarcity is the Culture series, and even that series had to derive most of its drama from meddling around with less developed worlds.

>When it comes to war and politics, shingeki is above-average
Largely because the average is at the bottom of the fucking sea

It's over, Luigi. I have the high ground!

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>Not yet?

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We have to raise the bar.

Well, the average audience can't even properly keep up with current events. So you know... the quality of entertainment also largely depends on the quality of the audience.

Blessed numbers.

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[holds infant son closer]

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>this chapter was made during Valentines month

Zele is going to kill Historia and himself to prevent any possibility of canceling euthanasia, right?
But how can he check everyone's sterility in the first place?

Maybe Magath thought he could still use Zeke's abilities back then, so the founder being useless makes sense.

But now that they've lost Zeke as well, and there's a possibility that Zeke might use the founder with Eren, it would be in Magath's interest to prevent that from happening. Plus there's a chance Paradis has more royal blooded people stashed away. The risk is too much

Plus, the founder, if killed, might respawn in an enemy nation, whilst Zeke isn't really that much of a loss if killed straight away

but they still need a royal.

>Hongo has a genuine look of distress on her face when she sees Zeke is alive
>Zeke is the only hope Paradis has to survive
I guess Hange took a liking to Zeke's ideology of Eldian guilt and self-genocide.

Fucking when and where?

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Zeke biting the dust and Hisu being titanized to use the coordinate would be KINO

>Plus, the founder, if killed, might respawn in an enemy nation
there's a line addressing that

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CPR soon.

Even if they don't find one, they're still preventing it from being used against them.

Plus, Marley can conduct a nation-wide search for Dina's relatives and start a breeding program of it's own

What would happen to the FT if all the Eldians with royal blood die? Does Ymir's curse end?

Magath underestimated it's power here.

Imagine if the founder in an enemy nation's hands just turned every Eldian in Marley into a mindless titan at the same time. Or maybe even into colossal titans.

The Titans' age IS coming to an end, but the risk of the founder is still great

More like she was also trying to protect Historia and she never knew about Zekes plan

Maybe a new bloodline gets randomly chosen? Or it just goes to the furthest relative (of which there are probably thousands die to thousands of years of marriages)

So the anime probably ends around 90 and we'll get a movie adapting the Marley arc in 2021. Right?


or the royal line interbred enough to make the habsburgs and ptolemys look normal

Chance of Levi having offscreen death ala Ymir is 0%.

>manlet living on his head rent-free

Although the FT was taken from them there is a royal family on Paradis, they should be aware of that.

What if Ymir revived Zeke because there must be at least one man and woman of royal blood left in the world?

>remove Jean and Hange
Have sex

the founder on paper is functionally exempt from that end of an era shift away from titan dominance of the battlefield anyway (which is somewhat overstated too but that's a different matter) it's a weapon with the capability for really massive destruction and the only drawback is a vulnerability to decapitation first strikes.

Y-you too

Probably the most hated characters for EMfags and LMfags kek

Isayama knows he can’t kill manlet the fangirls would murder him

Would EMfags really give a shit about Jean? It's not like Mikasa likes him back. Seems like Historia would be much more of a "threat" at the moment.

Yeah, but when they feel threatened they just use Boyega-kun card

>don't you dare touch Jean or Connie

Jean's a threat to EMfatties because he still likes her.