Daily Sketchbook Chapter

Because you always have a positive attitude.

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It's for measuring proportions. Like when you see them holding their thumb up in front of the object.
See youtube.com/watch?v=ytW7rBaUKV0

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That's all for today. I've never understood why taiyaki is fish-shaped.

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You're a good person, OP.

Sensei pls


I can't something something Sora is fucking dead

Since those maps are in her speech bubble, is she somehow saying an image?

They're telepathic

I'm highlighting these threads now in my catalogue, because I really like em. Also thanks for the drop.

Thanks OP.

she spoke a total of 2012 words on that bubble

Thanks, OP.
Juju-kun is taller than me.

Thanks, user.

>I've never understood why taiyaki is fish-shaped.
I think that, originally, they weren't. Began more like mooncakes but some day someone made them fish-shaped and that got incredibly popular or something.

what was the point of that?

You might still be growing, Negishi-chan.

>what was the point of that?
Yes, indeed.

Based autist-chan, the last panel caught me off guard and I laughed like a retard.

This page too. How the hell do you think of bringing a parachute soldier to a bowling rink for this?

This is exactly like my dog, she even starts "swimming" along the ground by pushing herself with her back legs rather than get up and walk to her food.

Thanks OP, perfect pick-me-up for treehouse ending. Maybe it's fish-shaped because it is the land of fish and a sweet, fish-shaped dessert is humorous novelty?

>How the hell do you think of bringing a parachute soldier to a bowling rink for this?
The key is to use whatever you happen to have and pretend it was the plan all along.

Thank you, OP.




I'm still amazed that the idea of continental drift has only been around for about 100 years.

would you believe me if I told you that "flat earth" theory was deliberately perpetuated by state disinformation agents to create a slander against proponents of other quite legitimate conspiracies?

Complete world maps have only been around for 200 years.

>Complete world maps have only been around for 200 years.
"Complete" world maps still don't exist, user.

By "complete" I mean "has all the continents".

Fair enough.

It's a hard life for a dog.

Half a day up. Still, might as well bump.

Taiyaki are made that way, aren't they? I wonder if you can ask the maker to just give you two halves before they are joined together?

>Taiyaki are made that way, aren't they?
Yes and no. They are fused together when they are being filled, while baking either both halves simultaneously in a "foldable" cast - or while baking one of the halfs with the other on top.
You could, of course, bake them separately and then add a bit of filling on top of each, but that's not really two halves of a taiyaki anymore.

I would actually want to watch sensei bowl that to see if she can do it. Seems impossible.

>Seems impossible.
Improbable. But not impossible. You just need a bit of luck to send both balls in the right direction.

>Looks like a person's face
I thought the same when I was young, and thought it was funny that I was gouging out their eyes and turning their decapitated head into a bowling ball. One time, I filled the holes with some sort of bouncy goo that was a popular kids toy at the time, just for that extra sensation of sticking my fingers into eyes.

Someone good at bowling might be able to do it. But probably impossible for sensei.

>and thought it was funny that I was gouging out their eyes and turning their decapitated head into a bowling ball.
Wait ... are you still describing your fantasies or ... did you actually do this?

>probably impossible for sensei.
Well, one can try ...

I miss when this had regular updates.

Why yes, as an eight-year-old, I often decapitated humans and used their heads as bowling balls. Why, didn't you?

No, I only made skulls into chalices, like a normal kid.

Good to see that children still have opportunities to hone their creative skills!

I just made a throne with them like a normal person.

From skulls only or did you use the other bones as well?

skulls and arm bones
Well I started with a throne but after the bodies kept building up i made a fort I think someone had taken a load of the skulls already though was it you guys?
I took inspiration from Paris
starts around 10 minutes in

>skulls and arm bones
Argh! Sounds piratey!

My parents did this, I often got told off for playing with my food.

>I often got told off for playing with my food.
Ah, that's cruel. Children need to play. It's a natural instinct that shouldn't ever be repressed.

It seems like Awaji island was originally here.

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That's all for today. From my experience with berry bushes, even if the construction hadn't taken it, the birds would have eaten them all before she could have.

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Would that be just a Taya or just a Yaki?

>raspberry heaven, we'll meet again in the gentle dreams of heaven

This teacher can't catch a break.

>"don't do it."
Why not?

Eating dust isn't very pleasant. Feel free to try and prove them wrong.

Thanks, user. Time moves so fast in that manga ...

>Would that be just a Taya or just a Yaki?
Definitely a yaki. Considering it is baked/fried.

Thanks user. There's no swimsuits in today's chapter despite moslty being a beach chapter. I welcome this change of pace though.
I can't believe the Suzukaze combo is fucking dead!
That strip represents my problem with constellations.

>sandball fight
My eyes hurt just thinking about it.

It's salt-flavored dust.

Thanks OP. I sometimes find ripe berries left, but they are either half-eaten by insects, or covered in bird poo, or have some sort of fungus on them... Damn birds, who do they think they are, eating all the good stuff and leaving the rubbish for humans.

>There's no swimsuits in today's chapter despite moslty being a beach chapter.
That true, I was wonder what was out of place with these chapters. Ah well, it's not like they have much to show anyway. I wonder if they take off their clothes, will they actually turn into stick figures?

>will they actually turn into stick figures?
They'll turn into noodles and be eaten.