Soul of Gold, Saintia Shō, Omega

Soul of Gold, Saintia Shō, Omega...

But what I'd like to see is a complete anime version of Lost Canvas. I'm still mad.

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> no animated scarred muscle waifu

is it just me or Kurumada's work is somewhat lacking? I always felt he isn't a good mangaka, his drawings always lacked some kind of visual depth

you refer to next dimension?

to all of his work honestly. It's more apparent in the earliest chapter of saint seiya, but you can kinda see it even in hades chapter iirc

I just watched an episode of it yesterday (the one with my bro El Cid)

I love Lost Canvas so much.. it's perfect anime for me. I have been sucked into the story completely.

But good things can't last forever, and this is my main example

I wanted to reply to

Lost Canvas was the best SS and it's not even canon.

Athena is way too hot in Lost Canvas.

Pandora is top waifu.

>you'll never see Regulus putting Kurumada to shame with his asspulls animated.

Kurumada did not write Lost Canvas.

That's what I'm (poorly?) saying. What Regulus pulls is beyond even Kurumada's bullshit.

The mangaka is certainly great at making top tier looking girls.

A shame there are so little of them.

After reading how the manga went in the last arc, I have no interest in it.

Always that one fag.

We are actually many.

I love Lost Canvas with all of myself no matter how it finishes.

I'm glad you do. I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it after a certain point.
Which is a pity. Up until the time they invaded Hades for the first time (before he moved to the sky) it was outstanding.

Saint seiya 1987>hades santuary> lost of canvas >tenkai hen> Shinku no Shōnen Densetsu>Legend of Sanctuary>Saishū Seisen no Senshi Tachi>Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai>Gekijōban>>>>>omega>>>>>>soul of gold>>>>hades infertno >>>>>>hades elysium>>>>>>>>>eugine soon>saintia sho> kotz:ss

>Legend of Sanctuary
>Better that Omega, Inferno and Elysium, he says

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LC sold like shit on Japan. Worst SS entry sales ever, only surpassed by Omega, except Omega aired on the kids timeslot (despite kids didn't watch it) so the discs sales didn't matter that much and Omega was so cheap that Toei recovered the full inversion with some profit just with the international distribution

Lost Canvas was only good at large in its 3 first volumes. The rest is just shounen shit fanservice, only fans of Naruto like that shit.

Not to mention how it gets worse and worse. It doesn't have the essence of Saint Seiya. The Saint Seiya manga still stands as the absolute peak of the franchise, it was the HxH of shounen before HxH.

Only Episode G has been any good after that, all other spin offs are as bad as Naruto or DBZ.

saint seiya by yukito kishiro ?

Reminder that sagittarius was a pedo.

it was miles better than Kurumada Hades Arc


What are you, gay?