Bro, why didn't you tell me that it was yurishit? dropped it so fucking hard

>bro, why didn't you tell me that it was yurishit? dropped it so fucking hard

Attached: tumblr_pbv066g25w1s3gu0uo1_1280.png (678x1023, 533K)

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This, but unironically. The only yurishit show that has any worth is Utena, the rest is all shit.

How many levels of irony is this post on?

I'm going to with 2, maybe 3.

holy based

Can it be reported as spam by now?

I got to the point where I drop any anime/manga that has w*men in it

i had a body like that when i was still in college
what happened

Bro you like dudes you're a faggot
Now go watch boku no pico


Just do it. Yea Forumsermin is spamming this bullshit everyday.

Yes, but the mods don't care. They think forced reddit memes are acceptable as long as they use anime images.

>not gonna lie bro i cant watch a show unless it has some bromance like hxh or jojo

Attached: 4544410-apture.png (432x625, 779K)

>said while posting a tumblr image
>said while posting a Yea Forums "meme"

>yuri undertones? they're clearly just friends bro

Attached: 1560361747831.jpg (678x1023, 133K)

OP is a hunterxhunter faggot. Really shows shounen garbage attract the crossboarders.


Attached: 34.png (734x540, 129K)

>Yea Forums? Who would I? I watch anime, not playing any games bro

Attached: 1560352009537.jpg (678x1023, 146K)

You can download images here while keeping the filename. Done this multiple times on other memes and everyone all think it's the same user.

This. Clover makes you decide either way

>thinks you have to watch a show to shitpost about it
You must be new.