Active Heart

Attached: 13874623.png (1432x1076, 1.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not posting the jiggle

finally saw this, man that ending while not as crushing as it could have been still got me down pretty hard, especially when kimiko felt noriko calling out

As expected of the Daughter of Defeat. She has no understanding of her real worth.

Attached: 1556915358493.webm (1432x1080, 2.02M)

And with this, anime was destroyed forever.

Attached: Umdj7HB.gif (540x407, 1.29M)

You mean saved?

Back then, when animators had seen actual women.

Attached: PrqYb6Y.gif (500x340, 1019K)

>people unironically like Ganbastah now

Attached: 1560387757561.png (377x370, 239K)

Was this scene really necessary?

Of course.

the opening is pretty shit but aim for the top so absolute fucking kino

You think this is the first series that had fanservice?

I know I need it.

Attached: 1547226384803.webm (1432x1080, 1.64M)

>anime was destroyed
Which one?

Attached: Noriko.jpg (1430x2164, 1.19M)

Ranma had fan service

Go Nagai did lewds back in the 70s.

People always liked it, it's a fun time capsule of the 80s.


Attached: Shining Finger.jpg (480x360, 19K)

My bad, he did it in 1968 already:

Attached: harenchi-gakuen-1024x754.jpg (1024x754, 198K)

Go Nagai did it since the 60s, actually.

I would pay up to a million dollars for the original cel of Noriko's bush.

Attached: 1436846897241.webm (808x456, 398K)

Too bad they censored this in the bluray release.

Id be lying if I said that doesnt make me throw up, worse than goatse

It oughta be a crime.

Attached: this is vandalism.webm (1432x1080, 1.11M)

Noriko is a crime.

What's with the influx of gunbuster posts lately?

Attached: 1559681158426.jpg (1000x957, 936K)

demo ne

Attached: 1449328810238.gif (346x367, 510K)

That second of nipple blew my mind when I was 15.

go suck dicks somewhere else

80's fanservice is the best fanservice

Holy shit, I hope there are enough hentai doujin with this style.

it's somehow more tasteful and naughtier than modern fanservice at the same time

>He doesn´t watch 80s animes

Attached: 1514764902587.jpg (1436x1080, 271K)

Any anons read The Forever War? Some elements reminded me a lot of Gunbuster.

These robots wearing "Adidas"

Can you hear it?

Attached: calling out your premeditated super robot attacks.png (1424x1080, 2.82M)

based ESL poster

Attached: Plastic Little - Tita Suits Up.webm (640x480, 234K)


Just did a rewatch, anyone know a good 80s-90s anime that can get me the same feeling as episode 5-6?

Not anime but see

>anime was destroyed forever.

Attached: bebop kek.gif (275x187, 667K)

Wow, incredibly realistic jiggle there. They look dense instead of filled with just air or water.

Sell me on it.

It includes time dilation, but no titty bounces and the aliens aren't inscrutable biomonsters that might possibly be an immune response from the galaxy itself.

Might as well recommend Interstellar if that's a good enough criteria.

Interstellar is basically Gunbuster: Nolan Edition anyway


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Attached: 3ArgmHb.gif (500x251, 1010K)

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I know it wasn't. I want to say probably certain scenes in Lupin III part 1, the first full fanservice anime had to be the original Cutie Honey, but I could be wrong. I love animated jiggle physics, fanservice anime in general is my jam.

Noriko is cute

Attached: 934535502.jpg (710x1024, 157K)

Muh dick

I think the original VHS release didn't have it either. It was only on the laserdisc release IIRC.

Gunbuster > Diebuster

Sex with Noriko!