Which form is actually stronger?

Which form is actually stronger?

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Gogeta-senpai. Also nice dub dubs.

Earrings are gay

Gogeta > Vegito

Gogeta by far.


Vegito, though I prefer Gogeta's design.

I thought they were canonically equal but judging in terms of what I've seen, I'd say Gogeta

I like Vegeto's hair and clothes better, but I don't know who is stronger.
Would it be cool if the series ever came up with some hamfisted way that the two could spar with each other?

Vegetos fusion is permanent so he can last longer than just 10 episodes.
Also his name sounds cooler and his outfit looks cooler and the.

and the potara fusion is canon while the other one isn't. I think. I only watched about 50 episodes of dbs.

Okay both of you are wrong about some things

>Vegetos fusion is permanent so he can last longer than just 10 episodes.
Not anymore according to DBS

>and the potara fusion is canon while the other one isn't. I think.
Both are canon. Vegito was in Goku Black arc, Gogeta in Broly

With permanet I mean the dance fusion only lasts 30 minutes, even less if you power up too much.

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Gogeta Blue lasted longer than Vegetto Blue now.

what's the difference in function anyway?
besides dance v earrings, aren't they basically the same?
same cocky personality, same physical stature.

Damn, seems like a lot of stuff happens. I stopped watching because I didn't like the voices. Are you watching the dub?

Holy crap, leave Yea Forums and never return.

Get out

I thought dubs are complete shit for a very long time, but now I realized they are just fine.
Did you watch dbz with subs? I don't think so.

I also watch the dubbed version of shows I really liked with subs.

>Did you watch dbz with subs?
>I don't think so.
I do.

Shut up you fag. You have no power and won't do anything to make anyone leave.

DB is one of those cases where the dub can actually sound better than the source material, depending on which dub you choose. I personally don't like what they did with most of the Pride Troopers in the english dub but the regular main cast have had literal decades to get their roles down.

>DB is one of those cases where the dub can actually sound better than the source material
Leave Yea Forums and never return

japanese scores with spanish voice acting isn't bad, though

Everybody thinks dubs are created by a bunch of wannabe actors who never made it to the screen. It's not true.

Every line is repeated like 3 times, people work together. They watch each episode multiple times and read though long transcripts before they start. They put a lot of effort into this.

If you think it's complete shit you must hate your own language.

There are objectively bad dubs out there, though. It's more of a matter of what voice actors are behind the dubs than anything. Veterans in the industry are more likely to do a good job and make a good dub while amateurs are more likely to do bad.

t. English VA
Please quit.

Fusion dance seems to last longer somehow. Why