
Promare north american distribution announced. The film has been licensed by GKIDS with special screening events on Tuesday September 17 (dubbed) and Thursday September 19 (subbed). It will then open in select cinemas starting Friday September 20.

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Middle-East folk always miss out on the good stuff...


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But it just played in France! ohohoho

Choke on a baguette ;_;

The ambience was fire yesterday.

What was the deal with all the paper airplanes?

I hope the dub will be at least serviceable, because I'm planning to see both screenings.

You just want two posters, you monster

Who’s in the dub?

What's the chance of there being a screening in DC/Baltimore?

You can look up theaters right now. I found where it’s playing near me.

Doesn't seem like dub cast is out yet

You forgot Poland!

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What website are you looking at? Couldn't find any theater information on Atomtickets or Fathomevents.


Didn't get any showtimes at any theater locations I checked (and I checked in several states), so I guess I'll wait and see.

Try increasing the radius. The default is 15 miles I think.

>closest theater to me is 150 miles away

Uhh maybe more showings in DC will appear in the coming weeks.

Not the DC user btw. I live in bumfuck Alabama, and this theater's in Atlanta.
Even if closer locations don't come up, it's not a big deal. I'm still super excited to see this. Thanks for the info user.

Probably, the listing on Fathom says ticket sale isn't available until July 3rd


There are probably 0 people who saw the film here but are the screenshots on the GKIDS site accurate or edited? It looks very saturated compared to the trailers

>no screening at AX like everyone wanted

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I haven't seen it but those look way off.

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Oscar for Trigger?

I don’t remember if they ever nominate more than one anime, but it would likely have to compete with Yuasa’s new movie for a nomination.

>good stuff
who lied to you user?

you, just now

Stolen idea from fire force!


>firefighters fight fire-using enemies
Let's be real, it's not exactly a novel idea to begin with.

And it sounds like they do very different things with the concept. Promare takes the X-Men route where the Burnish are an oppressed group but Fire Force has fire users working for the firefighters. And some shit about a cult?

While I can't seem to buy my tickets from Fandango yet, there are 5 theaters in the NYC area to choose from.

Anyone else here just can't help, but see a connection between the burnish, and real life deplorables? Not even looking too closely to USA. We've got plenty of "enraged citizen" over here in Europe too.

By the way, the OP and ED are out. Been rocking out to Superfly all day long.

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This is the symbol of burnish. It's not exactly subtle.

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>yfw you realize nazi's made homos wear pink triangles on their sleeves

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No aliens, just fire mutants.

I heard Kakusei plays during a hype scene

I don't know if it appears elsewhere but it plays during Mad Burnish's first appearance:

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God I hope they don't fuck up the English dub for this.

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Is GKIDS in charge of the dub, or are they just releasing a subbed version?

How hard is it to start talking with a heavy nipponese accent?

The ED is quite a romantic tune.
It is. It's a REALLY cute song. And I can't see how it isn't about Lio and Galo.

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Based trigger

Based trigger stealing from fire force

Pretty tender.

Their concepts are the same only at their basest. Ohkubo can stay mad.

Fire force is better than this stolen idea film!

Boycott this movie!

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I never even heard of Fire Force until this meme and I'll bet it's the same for Imaishi and Nakashima

The original statement on the website was explicitly stated to be about them and then changed when it got too much attention. I guess they didn't realize how gay it looked.


It's lovely.

Seems like just calling the movie "garish" and "CGshit" wasn't enough so now the shitposter is resorting to spamming the "Promare ripped off Fire Force" meme (all while he hasn't read/watched either)

Gridman was a rip off too. Stole storyboards from an animator without asking.

Fuck Trigger N****ers

It’s not

seething kyoanus ..

Fill me in.

2 more were just added, one in Battery Park and one in New Rochelle. I wonder if there will be even more locations in Westchester.

>not a burger
>not a frenchfry

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There are still 60 more countries the movie has to open in.

so we can assume it'll keep slowly opening in different countries until 2025?

>those panels
what the fuck


There was only 1 day between the screening at Annecy and GKIDS making this announcement. I don't think it will be a slow process.

Fuck Trigger!

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Huh. I'm not a mecha guy, so when I saw the side-by-side the first time I thought it was a homage or something.

Full sized posters? Or you mean the little illustration thing I've seen the nips get?

No it’s stealing and now the Trigger diggers are by stealing again!

It was, the problem is they never asked him for permission to do that.

Looks like a 12"x18".

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I'm no mecha genius, but doesn't literally everyone take from Obari without permission? There's a pose called the Obari pose (character holding sword in badass perspective) and the Obari punch, which are both common in tons of anime since he started those visual trends. Obviously Trigger took it a bit further, but when people have been ripping the dude off for 20 years to the point where his stuff becomes standard, and your series is a huge mecha/tokusatsu love letter, don't you think it's a weird time for him to get upset about it? They still should've asked permission, but he's probably been waiting to call plagiarism for decades since his ideas became standard.

it's this simple
>when it's a show I like, it's an homage
>when it's a show I dislike, it's plagiarism

I hope they screen this movie on my city, so I can boycott them!!

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That cut is pretty cool, I wish they'd used the gif instead of that still image. It's a lot more indicative of the movie's style.

The part where he swings the sword behind his back in that super flashy motion before he starts swinging it at Galo and crosses blades with him is probably the best looking cut from the trailers. So damn satisfying every time I watch it.

He should go make a Soul Eater sequel, that was at least entertaining