Shows that feel like Lupin III

I've been binge watching Lupin, I love the feeling of traveling Europe and the air of class in the locales.

Are there any other shows that reproduce that feeling?

I've already seen Cowboy Bebop, Baccano, and most Ghibli films. (Porco Rosso was my favorite setting.)

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This is a good topic, so if you do make a thread on /wsr/ hopefully I can offer some suggestions.

My bad, I haven't posted on Yea Forums in like 8 years.

No worries.

I'm worrying.

>the red jacket episode in NYC with the Japanese woodblock artist where Lupin finally screws Fujiko out of a score for once

Absolute Kino.

Master Keaton is kinda similar, lacks the same sense of whimsy but every episode is a new European location, and the MC is fairly likeable as a jack-of-all-trades

Attached: Taichi-Hiraga-Keaton-Master-h.jpg (725x543, 58K)

lupin is the G.O.A.T
nice man, groovy guy, yeah he smiles

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Master Keaton is the thinking man's Lupin

Masted Keaton was awesome. The episode where he bluffed the nogunz twice in a row, then his third bluff turned out to not be a bluff was great.
Also the episode with the 3 Russian friends, that was great.

Attached: Keaton.jpg (312x312, 47K)

>tfw anything above VHS quality never ever

And this is the cute girl version.

Attached: Gisele Alain.png (1270x1850, 1.07M)

A lot of World Masterpiece Theater shows involve lots of characters traveling around Europe.

The manga is miles better

These look fantastic, thanks all.

Keaton is great, but that fucking image quality...
Anyone know how that shit even happens?

Imagine wanting to nuke everything.

Attached: mamo 50350707_p0.jpg (455x800, 66K)

Didn't this dude show up in Part 4 or one of the specials? What was up with that?

The masters were lost or destroyed IIRC, so every recent release has been sourced from already-shitty DVDs I think. There was a German BR release but it's just a scrubbed version of what's already out there

Jigen's Gravestone I think. If there's another special after Fujiko's, maybe Zenigata or Lupin, I bet he'd show up again.

I mean, how did the original DVDs even turn out like this? I doubt they intentionally created them this way.

there happens to be a 720p BD encode on ADC

Gunslinger Girl

Completely different feel - psychological/tragedy instead of comedy - but great exotic locations. And the first season has one of the all-time great art styles.

Which is just as bad as the DVD