Should I watch K-On?

I've been aware of it's existence for years but never got around to watching an episode. it looks like a good time, did Yea Forums enjoy kon?

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yeah it's good

are there any other comfy series like it? I didn't enjoy hibike that much. Hyouka and tamako market were p gud

It's bad, everyone just pretends to like it

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It's great but the big emotional payoffs are s1e13 and s2e20. The rest of the time is mostly comfiness and cute girls.

I still don't know if it was a mistake to watch K-On. I started watching because the main characters are named after members of my favorite Japanese band, P-Model. Also Yea Forums told me it was good, but I don't think I should trust them with anime recommendations (or music recommendations lmao). I expected cute girls doing band things, but instead I got cute girls drinking tea, going to the beach and doing cute girl things entirely unrelated to the supposed core idea of the show. Still, while I'm not a moefag, it's good enough that I haven't dropped it yet (I'm 7 episodes into season 2) since it has some good moments.

Azumanga was good. Lucky star too.

It's a flawless masterpiece.
But don't expect to get the full experience the first time around. Most people need to watch the series 2 or 3 times to understand what makes it one of the greatest anime of all time.

Attached: k-on (5).webm (1280x720, 477K)

I was disappointed. I'd heard a lot of good things about it but I found it got boring very fast. I think it's because even in shows which don't "go anywhere", I prefer the characters themselves to have a bit of purpose. A bit more than these characters do, anyway.

enjoyed this scene

Attached: kiritsugu vs. keions.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

What Servant class would each K-ON be?

I almost dropped it after 2 episodes cos it all seemed a bit dull but decided to give it one more go, suddenly fell completely in love with it, gobbled up every episode in the space of a couple of weeks, and now rank it as one of the most wonderful, life-affirming and moving things I've ever seen in my entire life.

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I got around to watch it late last year, definitely one of my favorites. I'd kill to watch it all over again without any memory of it.

yes, i was going to tell you why you should watch it, but the catalog has already did it for me

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Azusa is the worst of the main girls.

I dropped it. I want to love it but I just don't understand the appeal of moeblobs.


It's shit don't bother. CGDCT are highly overrated garbage.

She is, but she's wonderful as the emotional core of the second season.

It's a comfy moeblob show. It's cute but boring a lot of the time, even if it resonates with me emotionally at the end when the girls graduate.

OP here. just finished episode 1. i finally understand what doki doki means

It's okay; just not a religious experience. S2 kinda wears out its welcome though.

>He hasn't watched K-On
Go and do it

I can relate to this, first time only the ending really kicked in

I don't know why but I had K-On! on my mind for years and I definitly wanted to watch it sometime.
My gf at the time had watched the 2 seasons and kept telling me it was utter shit and just boring, so I let it go for years.

Then, for no specific reason one day, I started it and in a couple of weeks I was let amazed by what I've seen. I didn't like cgdct in general but I loved K-On profusely.
And I still do to this day.
Watch it, op, it's a gem. You need it in your life. When dark times arises, you can come back to look at it. It shines, it's dazzling, you can't touch it but you can admire it and gain some serenity.

Attached: k-on.jpg (640x480, 85K)

>he thinks the music was the core idea

ain't no worst girl in k-on, fool

Mugi best girl

I first watched it when I was about in primary school. It was on shitty animax doing reruns and I have no idea which episode that I watched. But this is THE anime that actually made me so mad that I couldnt watch from start to finish because the TV go for its shitty reruns. This was the golden age of megaupload and I havent learn of torrenting yet at this moment. While it may be my bias but this show is so good, that no matter how much i rewatched it, I felt good and as if I was right at home. Everything just feels.. right? But some of the songs are shitty though imo but there are actual good ones.

I've gone through it twice and it's still only about the 15th best Kirara anime.
15th best still means I like it but it's hard to feel it stands out in any way beyond the episodes around the graduation.

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I'd say the movie is what brings the series to the top.

>became a patrician during primary school
Nice. Stuff like K-ON seems like a hard sell for little kids, but sometimes it seems to work out

Ive finished the first season. Besides really great direction and some funny scenes,there's a lot to be desired in the character development department. I mean we never really see Yui gradually get better at the guitar,instead she just assupulls to being a professional guitar player in one episode. Ritsu is probably the one with the best characterization as she comes off the most natural. Does the second season have better characterization or will it be just more moeblobshit?

what's your kirara ranking, user?

>Does the second season have better characterization or will it be just more moeblobshit?
oh boy, you are in for a treat. I am very jealous that you get to experience K-On!! for the first time.

I thought it was. Thanks Yea Forums.

I'm sure in a K-On thread it'd just be 14 shows for people to shit on, and like I said I still like K-On as a 7/10 sort of series.
I wonder how many people that really like K-On have watched many similar shows. Looking through this thread it looks like quite a few have it as their first one and several don't look like they've watched many others.

Attached: K-onGraduation.jpg (5571x4088, 2.03M)

K-ON is magical. Fuck the haters.

"Flawless" is a bit high praise. It has problems (particularly THAT episode you just posted but I do like that picture; it's my PS3's wallpaper) but it's very good.

I'm watching it for the first time right now and it's amazing.
Yui's monologue when she's running home for her guitar in episode 12 made me cry like a little bitch

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All three parts (season 1, season 2, movie) each have their role and work together perfectly.

It's garbage. The girls all literally look the same, their personalities are predictable and shallow and the music is hella gay. Don't watch it.

delete this slander right now

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Seen many cgdct shows before and after K-On. I think K-On is objectively the best one.

It never feels to me that what makes SoL shows good can be judged objectively.
From the maybe 50 CGDCT shows I've seen I doubt I could give many objective reasons for ones being better than others.

yes so you can learn who the best girl of all best girls is

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best butt

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I'd like to see other good CGDCT shows but every time I explore the genre a bit they just do not do much for me.
Maybe it's just because they start to feel played out after a while.

>Maybe it's just because they start to feel played out after a while.
I assume I've either got more tolerance for it or can appreciate the differences between them. I've seen people call lots of SoL series clones of other ones that feel completely different to me.
It could be like how from the outside I think all mecha look the same but I assume mecha fans don't feel like that.
Maybe the CGDCT with a bit more plot and very different settings would help, like Urara or Konohana Kitan.

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>what is Ritsu

She's best girl user

Jun is literally worst girl

Ui's big ass

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That's literally wrong.

When you think about it, if you marry one of the sisters, you'll get the other one for free