I'd let Cybelle bite me.
I'd let Cybelle bite me.
Other urls found in this thread:
This tournament arc is such boring bullshit. Alot of Carole standing around and doing nothing while Tuesday is molested and mentally traumatized. When will it end??
Probably only two more episodes max. It's been fun but it'll be nice to move on to something else since a lot of it has just been extended jokes.
At least it’s not 13 episodes long like my hero macadamia
Or 20 episodes like Pedo HxH
Angela a best
Tuesday a second best
Carole a shit
starting to think this whole show was just a front by netflix to get a bunch of pop artists to contribute to their platform
Who will win the TuesBowl?
Is the insert songs out yet? I missed few weeks and I don't know shit.
1st Vocal Collection was delayed, gonna release in the middle of July.
Hoping for more best girl!
T-Thanks user
>threads die at 20 replies
this talent show arc is just that pointless. erai had raws up last night and the one or two threads that got posted went straight to page 10
Lets not kid ourselves and pretend Yea Forumsnons know enough Japanese to watch it. But otherwise I kind of agree, there is not enough to discuss. Cybelle was a pleasant surprise though.
>japanese enough
>carole and tuesday
God, I want to have angry sex with her so bad.
>[PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 10 (WEB 720p AAC) [00D69AF8].mkv
Fucking goddamn it, GGK deserved that win.
Pyotr's totallynotanattemptatrecreatingJustinBieber song was also great.
Also I can't believe Cybelle is the only one keeping this show interesting.
Oh fuck, at least one more episode of this arc.
Liquid nitrogen (or that's what it seemed like) burns are gonna make it pretty difficult for Tuesday to play the guitar, I'm guessing.
Todays trek - Ike & Tina Turner "River Deep, Mountain High"
I think it's the right version.
I did not expect this show to have an obsessive crazy stalker plot but I kind of like it.
2 more episodes user and we're free.
Smug Angela
As an Aussie I'm more familiar with the Jimmy Barnes cover which is played incredibly often on the radio.
Tuesday's hand is now hurt and she can't play the guitar, so they'll lose by default, delaying their inevitable confrontation with Angela
The miraculous seven minutes are gonna be Cybelle assaulting and murdering Tuesday during a live performance.
What exactly is it? Is that carbon ice or something, and it cold burned her hand?
Did the chick who bit her send it?
Or she can just sing. Or learn to use her other hand.
She had a kind of sinister look on her face when looking at Angela's phone. I think she's had enough of her shit and is going to do something about it.
Or plot twist, Angela sent it.
Can't tell if you're retarded or not but you need both hands to play a guitar.
Cybelle sent her heart to Tuesday in that box.
>Did the chick who bit her send it?
Probably, but it was just a package with her name on it that Tuesday naively opened. Considering Cybelle knew about Tuesday's birthday and she's a nutcase, it was probably her.
Depends on how bad her other hand is injured. If she can move it a bit, then she can do most of the playing with her other hand. Guitar picks can also help take the strain off of the fingers.
He had the best song.
Okay, but what exactly is it? A bomb?
lol if she sabotages Angela and Carole and Tuesday end up winning as a result.
inb4 she tries to perform with her injured hand and it goes terrible but the judges give them the win because of the bravery and soul it took to do such a thing
inb4 she tries to perform with her injured hand and it goes terrible but the judges give them the win because the staff Angela's been annoying rigs her performance to be even shittier.
They're against Pyotr at the moment silly user, presumably her hand will be healed for the Angela showdown. Though, they will still win the finals because someone has it against Angela.
Liquid nitrogen in some form probably. It can can burns.
That's a pretty bad burn for such a small box.
Now this is a fucking good song.
It all makes sense now, she's gonna unleash her JUSTICE power next episode.
Angela's song was too short.
I can't believe Tuesday is gonna die from anthrax.
Can she be redeemed?
Redeemed? She was shit from the moment she appeared on the screen.
>lesbians, not even once
Love yourself with a fist!
Tuesday getting addicted to painkillers while recovering from her burns!
Rest in pieces
There is a slight chance that she didn't send the package and she's just a red herring for the person that really did it.
Angela's manager was eyeing Tuesday's phone before the incident.
I knew the DJ was going to be one of the judges. Oh, yeah.
>It would go down as the miraculous 7 minutes
How good is this last episode song going to be? Because so far Carl and Tuesday have had the worst music out of everyone in the show. Are they just going to expect us to believe MUH SOUL makes it good again or will they actually shit out a good song
My theory, it was actually Pyotr who left Tuesday the present. He's social media obsessed, so he could have looked up her birthday. He's an attention whore, so he'd want to win the contest for attention. He met Tuesday running around in the halls, so he knew she wouldn't be in her room so he could plant the present. Also he said pic related to Carole which seems a bit suspicious in retrospect.
It's turning into a real Who Done It? Cybelle is meant to be the most likely suspect, but Angela's manager and Pyotr are both acting odd as well.
that was angela's phone
The description of this episode from last week implies it was Cybelle
C&T need to have some fire effects on their performance. Make Ertegun go into traumatic flashbacks and be unable to judge.
I think Pyötr the attention whore would be the first to be aware of the attention-grabbing and dramatic potential of Tuesday powering through a performance despite a very noticeable and limiting injury. From his point of view he'd just be shooting himself in the foot.
he benefits the most immediately but that's a stretch. tuesday's identity was secret (she's the presidential candidate's and former governor's daughter). and pyotr is too self obsessed to care about what other people actually do. besides which he's best boy and wouldn't stoop to those kinds of shenanigans (he gives off the impression of being 'fake' and a douche but he's actually really nice deep down, despite his narcissism)
Angela had it this time
not to mention the last thing cybelle says to tuesday sort of implies 'you left me no choice'
gravity bounce was better
It was her Mom
Way to spoil that they still play anyways.
the episode ended with her reacting to the box. at that point we don't know that their performance is in jeopardy.
Was it? If memory serves me right Cybelle's phone was pink as well, right?
watch the fucking scene. she looks at the phone RIGHT AFTER ANGELA PUTS IT DOWN (before she goes to take her shower)
I feel the culprit not being Cybelle is more interesting. They will make you believe it's Cybelle for the whole episode and then a bouquet of flowers arrives for Tuesday for Cybelle.
Brain with the size of a peanut
He's endearing, honestly. I can see it going the way of him actually beating Angela then using his social media presence to help C&T get big because he feels bad that he essentially got a free win over them because of Tuesday's injury.
Indeed. I'd have more suspected Cybelle falling to her death from above right in the middle of C&T performance than her sending a trap gift.
Maybe it's Tao? He seems to be concerned by C&T and also seems to fit "do anything to win" mentality.
Accurate depiction of streamers.
Angela's was way better than GGK this week
All according to Megane-kun plan.
Tao doesn't seem obsessed with 'winning'. He seems obsessed with proving his intellectual superiority (autism for AI). This by definition would require that he wins fair and square (otherwise the results of his AI research aren't valid in from a scientific standpoint)
Being Roddy is suffering
Ertegun has a better chance at banging Tuesday than Roddy does.
All she's missing is an eyepatch to go full chuuni.
Let them be, user. They're speedwatchers, whaddya gonna do
>Ertegun has a better chance at banging Roddy than Tuesday does.
>tuesday's identity was secret
But Cybelle knew about her birthday and didn't mention anything about her politician mom, so her birthday must be on the C&T social media account.
Anyone else still rooting for a Cybelle x Tuesday end?
Yeah, you are right. And they are in Angela's backroom not the other's. Don't really know the point of that close up.
She literally ASKED HER when her birthday was last episode, speedwatcher.
At this point I'll be happy if she doesn't kill herself. But yes.
It was obviously Cybelle
>b-but muh red herring
this show is too fucking stupid to do something like that. They are just sticking with simple tropes
Wouldn't be the first time a crazy psycho won the girl.
Okay what the fuck did Cybelle do
watch the episode
The show is called CAROLE & Tuesday for a reason, Einstein
because that is what will be engraved on their tombstone and Tuesday kills Carole and fakes her own death so she can elope with Cybelle
Sent Tuesday her cryogenically frozen ovaries.
Did nothing wrong
Yes, but I will be perfectly satisfied if they end as friends.The three of then.
Psycho bitch bit Tuesday. She should burn in a fire.
Fuck off. Cybelle is trash. The whole character is a forced drama plot device.
Tuesday is for Carole!
It's okay, guys. If worse comes to worst Tuesday still has a trump card: her pristine pink aristocratic butthole.
god i wish I could taste it
Hey, nothing wrong with a amagami once in awhile. Jokes aside, Tuesday didn't look concerned with it, so neither I will. I mean, she still run after Cybelle after all that.
That's because Tuesday is naive and too nice a person for her own good. She was probably only concerned that the stalker was going to kill herself. Doesn't change the fact she was creeped out as fuck after the bitch gave her a hickey.
I dropped this show around episode 6, is it worth picking up again?
i've been avoiding this show like the plague
give it to me straight, is it yuri-trash or an actual wholesome story?
>why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Watch it and find out.
Reporting in
That's a bite mark user
>just waste like 5 hours lmao
i don't have that kind of free time faggot, if there were a manga i would just read that instead but there isn't
>pick me up to dance and pick me up again
You know what to do.
Then don't watch it.
If Cybelle ever appears again, it will be interesting to see how Tuesday reacts to her now. She's always been the type of person to assume the best in others, but...
Why was Angela's tranny mom angry at Tao?
based yuki nogtoe poster
Do we really need this forced drama? Why is Tuesday so dumb and why is Carole being such a little bitch that won't stop her?
He refuses to communicate and makes Angela do things without even explaining why.
I mean, it's me who wants to fuck you, but you know.
It's just a mediocre forgettable show so far. FUCKING BULLSHIT is the only thing people will remember about C&T if it continues like that.
>consider the following
Tuesday doesn't understand the world because she's lived a sheltered life, which makes sense.
The rest is pretty dumb, though. Everyone running around the whole episode was just silly, especially at the end when Carole went to go look for Tuesday. Gus and Roddy should've went to look for her and Carole should've waited there. Gus and Roddy standing there like idiots was just stupid.
You can stick your whole hand into liquid nitrogen and it won't do anything, because the evaporation will create a protective film around your skin, so as long as you don't do it for too long, you are fine. Doubt that it is nitrogen, seeing as Tuesday probably flinched back instantly.
How could you forget about Tuesday's cute, pink butthole?
Stop her from doing what, exactly? Tuesday is a compassionate person and she felt bad over Cybelle looking depressed; it's not like Carole would win any points by being a cunt about it.
He can tell Tao's bothered because Angela might lose.
"All I Want" was based, and I dare say, pretty redpilled. Pretty redpilled.
1000 hours in paint
thanks user-kun, now i can sleep comfy knowing i'm not missing anything
How was the first round even a competition? Gravity Bounce sucks dick.
So when will Cooraragi stop messing around and actually conquer Mars? Literally watching just for him.
Fuck the crazy lesbo bitch
Fuck all of those dumbass relationship misunderstandings in Sakamichi no Apollon
Fuck the drawn out mommy issues and dying love interest in Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
When did you actually start liking this show? For me it was the appearance of Fire Brothers and Fucking Bullshit.
My main reason is still watching it for Tuesday's pink butthole, though.
>Literally watching just for him.
I would've dropped the show after the awful recent episodes if he didn't show up.
I'm not Angela btw
Yeah sure Dahlia
What will happen to Angela if she loses? Will she stop relying on AI?
Lesbian suicide when
Lesbian femcel chimpout when
What nobody realize yet is that it was Tuesday brother.
It was actually Carole framing Cybelle to make sure Tuesday will never leave her.
Speaking of Tuesdays family, I wonder if the mother ever sold tuesday body to old men in exchange for political favors. That would be nice.
Tao and Cybelle are the same person.
She gave me a birthday present and its not my birthday WHAT THE FUCK!
Cybelle is an android designed by Tao to capture Tuesdays DNA. He wants to branch out in to the sexbot industry but he needs to bring something to compete with people already in it. Tuesdays pink butthole is his trump card. Now that Cybelle has her DNA Tao wins
>Tuesday and Julia are the same person
Seems legit.
Cybelle is actually Tao so no.
I don't think I understand music. Angela's song was just teen pop for girls to me, am I pleb?
What is the appeal of this show?
Of course. That's the entire point. Angela is the autotuned shit nowadays, it sounds decent but it's without ````heart''''. That's the entire point of Angela's song.
I like it though.
Pyotrs dance moves
Most of Mars is freaks and normies, that they like it doesn't mean the music is good
rating of this episodes music
>Tuesdays scream
>Angelas song
>Pyotrs song
>Erteguns generic intro music
>GGKs song
Tuesday's pink butthole
Cybelle did literally nothing wrong
she didn't kill carole
what is this anime tv show about?
murder plots, underage prostitution of aryan girls with pink nipples/lips/buttholes, drug abuse, and fast cars
Will Cybelle get arrested?
who is this anime for because it actually sounds interesting
You think Carole was going to gift her one of those thingies peopel use to play guitars?
No I don't know the name fuck you
this tournament arc has been the best part of this anime so far
episodes were quite meh before but now each week I'm looking forward to new shitty pop songs
This arc is terrible with such stupid drama. Cybelle is so annoying every time she's on screen and now Angela is gonna have some bullshit thrown at her by her manager. This obsessive fan stuff does not need to drag on for so many episodes, nor does this stupid talent show crap. We've been on this shit for 4 episodes and still have 2 more to go. A quarter of this show will have been wasted on this shit. It should've just been a 3 episode arc.
I like Pyotr's voice the best for this type of music
Fucking bullshit > you
It’s called a guitar pick, and yeah I was thinking the same thing since the box was so small.
6.5/10 added points for the dance
2/10 just the same shit as always
8/10 I would genuinely listen to her music given the mood if the lyrics weren’t so stupid
I wish they wouldn't always cut off Ertegun's songs
She'll have to spend half her modelling profits on paying back 20kk won that were invested into her. For the next 40 years.
prostitution and porn
Is this really going to be 24 episodes?
I bet he streams in the toilet and gets banned
>added points for the dance
Too much unnecessary movement.
Cybelle did nothing wrong.
she wore clothing and didn't crab walk everywhere
I lost my fucking sides at that scene. Mamoru delivered big time.
>My fist is the fist that fierces the cunnies!
>she will never look at you like that
>Cybelle is so annoying every time she's on screen
>Cybelle is so annoying every time she's on screen
cybelle's dick and balls. she had them frozen and packed in dry ice after the operation.
I really hope they won't go for the most generic and unoriginal choice for the culprit. And I'm not even saying this because I like her.
Thank God (lel)
At least there is a thread when the episode premieres.
This. Tuesday immediately went to grab the cock in front of her as a natural instinct, and hurt her hand in the process
I LOVE CYBELLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love rape
i wish cybelle was obsessed with me instead
>Liquid nitrogen (or that's what it seemed like) burns are gonna make it pretty difficult for Tuesday to play the guitar
Did this dumb girl keep holding onto the container when the stuff suddenly gushed out? Otherwise, one doesn't get burns from short contact with liquid nitrogen that easily, compare Leidenfrost effect.
Pyotr is best boy with best moves and best songs BOTH WEEKS. I hope he's not going to job to C&T because of MUH SOUL
I seriously doubt fiction writers worry about realism. Just look at "silencers" for example.
please go back
2/10, competently produced but literally soulless
6/10, he's consistently solid
N/A, didn't hear enough of it, but it sounded enjoyable
5/10, nice mood but fittingly terrible lyrics
Can't find it right now, but weren't there some martian terrorists? Is it maybe connected to Tuesday's mother election rhetoric about separating from Earth influence?
Nah. In 2012 you'd have the strength to fight tumblr, but right now, with your mods? And your emasculated balls? Nah.
When they were checking the headlines on their phone a while ago one of the headlines was about terrorism. Whether it will be relevant to the plot or just some random news article they thought up is unknown.
I feel like if it was actually terrorists they'd rather kill her than just mess up her hands so she can't play guitar.
Maybe they are amateur terrorists? And their small bomb misfired?
I guess you could say this arc is FUCKING BULLSHIT
What year is Carole and Tuesday in?
Are we going to see terrorists from Cowboy Bebop making cameos
Considering Sibyl is a name also used for people with multiple personalities, that wouldn't be too surprising. Also, the personalities tend to not remember what the other did.
They have to prove she did it.
this is like 10 years prior to CB, I think.
I think this arc doesn't last too much longer.
Pyotr will win.
Start watching C&T 2 days ago, trying to hold off for the end of the season.
Episode 1 and 2 made me cry. Beautiful music. I think there is an issue with the pacing because the quality has dropped since then, but there are highlights here and there. I like Angela despite her attitude. Trying to survive a career transition and dealing with trauma from Daddy(Mom). I really wonder what he did to her, but I got the feeling it was a sexual abuse issue.
Disgusting trannies.
If Tao is Cybelle I'll drop the show
Enjoy your stay
Tao's name might be another clue. Taoism involves Yin and Yang opposites. So man/woman and AI/emotion would fit too. Cybelle might be a personality of unchecked emotion created to balance out Tao's own repressed self.
I want to mating press Roddy so hard, you don't understand. Each episode, the urge becomes that much harder. I want to turn his innards into a slurry using my dick. I want to paint his walls white. I want to fill him up with so much of my baby batter that it leaves a visible bump on his belly from just how full he is. I want to dress him up as one of his anime waifus before taking him to pound town. I want to fuck him with such intensity that he's left a drooling mess incapable of speech. There are no words that can encapsulate just how much I want to deep dick Roddy. That there is absolutely no R34 of him is a shame and will go down as a black mark in Japan's history.
They're gonna lose to Pyotr and he'll win the entire thing.
This is so stupid that I'm starting to believe it.
I want to tie up Cybelle and make her repeatedly gag with my fat cock
Shut up Gus
she bites
Considering that obviously Cybelle isn't the culprit, what will be her actual gift to Tuesday?
Weed cookies
Hope the second cour is a lot better. I loved the first 2 or 3 episodes but it's been nothing special lately.
Aside offering herself? Probably help hunting down the culprit.
she's gay
A used dildo.
A song to help Carole and Tuesday to win the competition.
Cut off bodyparts
Love cookies or something edible of the same nature, Cybelle just wanna go inside Tuesday somehow,
Roddy arc when
Roddy will let Ertegun fuck him to ensure Carole & Tuesday win the competition.
I want to have sex with her by putting my penis in her vagina and repeatedly thrust it in her till I come and so impregnate her with my sperm.
If you know what I mean.
Damn I knew my gut feeling was right again. I hated her since I saw her the first time.
I somehow like Universe girl's songs.
>shizumare, ore no migi te
it was Tao
Shut up Ertegun.
We've never seen Tao and Cybelle in the same place at once
This. Similar hair color always hints at shit in anime, it was why people knew that the two KlK feMCs were related since episode three or something.
Gravitu bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce vs Carly Rae Jepsen & Co.
Episode 2 but I got even more invested when the first big concerts started, which is pretty unusual, I usually hate tournament arcs as well as concerts but the music in this series is way better and more varied than expected.
When C&T were singing we saw Tao and Cybelle in different rooms.
I don't honestly don't think this show would pull something as stupid and trippy as Cybelle and Tao being the same person
I think Cybelle is Tao's sister or something and he paid her money or blackmails her to do what she does. He probably hates and fears C&T for being the only ones doing music without any AI support. Or Cybelle has a general problem with C&T so C/T work together to get rid of C&T.
Okay but is Taocybelle male or female?
Oh shit, s/he has Martian Androgyny.
Biologically interchangeable sex, the same as Mama.
This theory is retarded and impossible, as noticed, but I have to admit that I kinda like it.
This is dragging on for way too long even if I welcome the performances
Maybe there is a connection. It was Mama who knew Tao first anyway.
It's the current colony! We're like, soooo pass that, like seriously?
This is the most retarded theory anyone has ever come up with
Angela's songs sounds like garbage you would hear on Disney channel back in the early/mid 2000s. Not even good enough to be current main stream pop.
This. Mrs. Universe should have won. She also has an own particular style, unlike Angela who just sings whatever Tao thinks will get the most points right now.
No. They are just both Asian
It'll end with the first cours, so 2 more episodes. Next week will be the semi final and aftermath, while 2 weeks from now if the final
Why is Angela obsessed with Tao's approval?
>it sounds decent
It doesn't. It's generic shit any teenage girl can sing.
Cybelle should have won
Only the lightest and pinkest of hues for Tuesday's aristocratic pink butthole.
>Cybelle happened
Nice way to ruin a good thing.
Ah, I knew it had to happen at some point: pointless Watanabe drama.
I mean, all the music has been pretty generic so far. Carole and Tuesday are just a coffee shop acoustic band that you hear everywhere if you live in the bay area.
The show has this hard on for the fact that Carole and Tuesday don't use AI to write their music and that makes it unique, but you're trying to tell me that latin rapper, death metal grandpa, and space bitch use AI to write their music as well? If not, why is their music not a big deal?
I hope Cybelle gets at least one more song. Her's was the best one so far, though Angela also had a good one this episode.
God I love Angela's fluff.
We need Crystal to return.
He doesn't kiss the floor she walks on like everybody else.
She was obsessed with Tuesday before Tao heard them perform though.
Pyotr playing Pokemon Go.
A lesbian women and gay man
Anyone else pleasantly surprise how good some of the songs have been on here are?
Sorry i think i had a mini stroke. lets try that again.
Anyone else pleasantly surprised how good some of the songs are?
No, most of them have been generic or had decent production, but laughable lyrics.
But I was expecting way worse. Maybe its because I'm high everytime I watch it.
Well to be fair it's a show about music. Is the least they could do. But yeah, I really didn't expect some of the songs they used.
Roddy's the meat in this sandwich.
I love Carole!
Right now some sick fuck jap must be making porn with these 3.
user, everything sounds great when you're high
Uki makes the best feces!
Tua fua mua cua
Gravity bounce bounce bounce bounce
>Tuesdays scream
>Angelas song
Hyper generic
>Pyotrs song
It was great but it didn't get the attention it deserved because of muh drama
>Erteguns generic intro music
Who the fuck even cares about Ertegun's bullshit Skrillex-tier wubs? He's only great because he's voiced by Miyano.
>GGKs song
Reminds me of Tame Impala songs, it's alright.
I like Cybelle's and GGK's first song. The latin rap guy sounded good too. Pyotr and Angela need to go.
This. I hope Crystal gets more screentime.
Pyotr's gonna win this, huh.
netflix original shit tier show
every character from this tournament arc will never be remembered or seen again except for angela and cybelle, and will be forced into the last episode during C&T's final performace
God she's perfect.
Well the laundry guy and the scammer robot did appear again so I wouldn't say never. Who knows.
Exquisite taste.
For a show based around musical performances, the lip sync is really awful.
Lip sync is irrelevant.
>final performace
W-what's going to happen to them?
Yeah just keep their mouth closed through the entire performance.
Stabbed by Cybelle.
The attention whore has been surprisingly likable so far.
Pyotr songs are good but he is insufferable
Why? Pyotr is cute.
Best butthole.
They don't wash.
Congratulations, you have noticed the symbolism!
All those performers are only singing playback as they are part of the music industry controlled by AI. Only C&Dumb are true musicians singing their own shitty pop songs with their own lips and having SOUL.
It's not quite symbolism when the opening sequence features the same flaw.
That's also symbolism. Openings are part of the music industry. Therefore, even C&Dumb are subjected to those SOUL-crushing practises. This anime is deep.
They're just as shitty though, look at the final line they sing in the OP
That's also symbolism. They are humans as well. Therefore they are shitty.
Are they gonna redub the songs in the dub?
I want Cybelle to do the gravity bounce off a cliff
lol no, watanabe explicitly said that he included the shitty lipsyncing just because he thought it looked cool, there's no deep symbolism here
I want Tuesday to do the gravity bounce on my dick.
He's so obnoxious he wraps back into cute.
Back off bro she's 17
In what shithole would that actually be a problem?
It's okay, I like them a little older.
Tuesday will win this competition.
Fucking bullshit best part of the series, everything else went downhill ever since the singing competition arc began. This should have been two or three episodes at most instead of being like half the first cour.
GGK song was so much better than Angela's what the FUCK.
What's so good about "FUCKING BULLSHIT" anyway?
Curse words are funny XD
Watanabe saying this is also symbolism!
>trying to win a pop contest with Latin or Metal
They were doomed to fail
More like it was an excuse for Watanabe to get bunch of pop artists to sing for him.
Mating Press can redeem anyone.
So is Cybelle that AI cunt master dude, or not?
It was a gag song that people weren't expecting. Certainly caught me off guard.
stop forcing this dumb meme
based angela bros
I understand that. I too was surprised, it was kind of funny. But I don't get the overall meme of it all.