So it begins

So it begins

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Other urls found in this thread:

Claim the servant you'll summon in the Moon HGW before it's too late.

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Altera the good civilization

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you do realize the thing in the moon is underneath a giant impact crater, right? it's a lump of nickel iron, the core of an asteroid


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Yup, they are called mascons and we've known about them for more than 50 years.


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My cute tanuki

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Can I have best Kouhai? I dont care if she betrays and kills me

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>FGO will be Yea Forums related this October
Good grief I just wanna see the shitposts and the butthurt of it.

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Holy sht that site is such a clickbait misleading piece of shit.

I haven't played this game more than a year.

Yea Forums hate the FATECHADS

God I've fapped to her too much

claimed, GG mongrels

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It's actually Cathedral Terra

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Passionlip is my wife! I'll reform her!

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Garcher since the days of DEEN anime.

the one true emperor.

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GG easy win

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It's already Yea Forums, First Order is a thing, unfortunately

I-it's just a coincidence right?

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>no fun allowed


That's what they want you to believe.

Here I cum!

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oppaitoria alter

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Let's fucking go

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My lovely wife Jack!

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Today I will remind them

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Best girl for me. A Tamamo would be fine too.

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It seems I was too slow. Tamamo it is.

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Mine come in pair. GG fuckers

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I never found Saber Alter hot until that Shinjuku outfit.

>NASA is fatefags too

No one wants an unstoppable immortal army that once bested 6 other nations and united a country after 700 years of war?

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Medusa best girl and Servant.

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has elixer of immortality

has own army

can summon a giant wall as defense

Iskander on steroids basically

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stop wasting your time on chines literral who and just take a grand servant that hasn't been claimed yet

The pony tail suits her.

First Order is worth it for non-loli Lancer Medusa

I choose my girl Oi, if I lose at least I’ll have had a good time

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Dibs on my boy.

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Star (Shape of the Star)
Cosmos (Shape of Space)
Gods (Shape of Gods)
Animus (Shape of Myself)
Antrum (Celestial Bodies are Hollow)
Anvas (Hollow is the Void)
Anima, Animusphere (In the Void, lies God)
Also to be fair 90% Olga is actually a test tube/homunculus/designer baby/experiment though

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Got this guy

How are my chances anons? I think I'll be fairly ok.

To make it easier for you anons here is a roll link

It's just my dad's space resort, chill

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she'll hate you if you're not jap

Medb of course!

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No matter which one of us lives, the ground we're standing on will crack and blow away.

Alright then, my girl Circe

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she'll hate you if you're not odysseus

That's fine, I'm Nobody.

Fuck you, fight me.

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Claiming my king

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This cute bird. Even if by chance we manage to lose, she will be waiting for me in the afterlife.

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Is this the power of the umus?

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Cute... but is that homo?

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Abigail easily.

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Bro...she's married

cute. CUTE!

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With me, yes.

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Who the fucketh is thy demonus semenus?

So so far who wins the Yea Forums mooncell war?

is she a failed Solomon clone or is it some wacky theory made up by retards?


The apostle/miko of the alien god invading the planet in Part 2 of FGO. Nobody knows her endgame, though.

Nobody. The war is eternal.

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If only I had $80,000.00 to spend on FGO.

All the strong guys take each-other out because the servant container is infinitely weaker than the power they can shit out so it'll probably be some waifufag who avoided the war to spend time with his servant winning due to not being around to get caught up in the fight.

The mooncell war is just 1v1 tournament you can't avoid it

The one and only

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>implying the rules matter in a grail war.
I appreciate your dedication to the rules but even Fate/Extra is still a war of women and children.

This is cheating.

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What's weirder is that the real enkidu wasn't adrogynous at all. He was full freddy.
Fucking Japan.

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This is Fate, there's nothing weird about that

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Why will FGO do nazies?
They seem to avoid them.

Nazis would be trash league heroic spirits. As in Avenger would put up a good fight against them. There is not enough mystery after the World Faith Domination to support a strong myth.

>There is not enough mystery after the World Faith Domination to support a strong myth.
Everyone believe the Holocaust was a thing right?

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Though usually it's full gender bender, not turn into trap.
That said, they did it with Alexander to a degree (though more gay if you exclude the androgynous doujins from your mind)

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clae isn't even a trap though

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>There is not enough mystery after the World Faith Domination to support a strong myth.
Nonsense. Hitler and Stalin both have ludicrous amounts of mystery around them considering they're from the modern era.
Nazi gold for a start (if your ignorant on some of the recent revelations) and the whole thing with Trosky with Stalin.

That's why I said androg, not mere trap.
Androg is another tier of lewd taboo.

She is the Priestess of the God of Another Planet/Foreign Star (the main antagonist of FGO part 2). So far we have known that she can conceal her presence perfectly and completely destroy the Fantasy Tree by a single touch. Chaldea can't detect her presence, instead detecting simply [nothingness] where she stands (Holmes describes her as a void-like emptiness seeping out into the space around it). It is implied that she used to speak human's language but she forgot it and probably only Kirsch can understand what she says now (Ivan can do it too) + she knows Chaldea, Fujimaru, Mashu and the Crypters before (gazing sadly at the MC's destroyed room, tried to told Ophelia something after that "hopeless woman" conversation in her room & when she got magic'd by Surtr, reached her hand out to Mashu in OP,...)

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Shit nobody believes is not Mystery. Fiction is not Mystery. Extremely obscure crackpot theories are definitely not Mystery.
It has to have some ring of truth, some expectation that it could be real. Like the idea that Sherlock Holmes was a real person and Arthur Conan Doyle just adapted his adventures, which might be obviously bullshit, but it "could" be true (in the same way Noah might have been a guy who survived a really bad rainstorm with his farm animals) because Doyle knew some smart people. Tesla claimed to make a super death ray even if no proof was ever demonstrated and it's unlikely to be real, the idea that it could have been is there.
Beyond all that? Too much documentation, which is the death of mystery. We know how tall Hitler was. We know Hitler wasn't going around punching tanks into scrap metal. We know Hitler died a pathetic death. It's recorded, the faith is depleted. We don't know anything about King Arthur, so many things might be wrong about Alexander the Great, and so on. Hitler lived in an era of audio and visual recording. We see the man, and cannot weave the legend.

>Abraham Lincoln is a Heroic Spirit who would qualify for the Saber and Berserker classes when summoned as a Servant.
>Robert E. Lee is a Heroic Spirit who would qualify for the Ruler and Avenger classes when summoned as a Servant.
>The Wright Brothers are Heroic Spirits who would qualify for the Rider class when summoned as a Servant.
Does Nasu hate Americans or something?

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Hitler is basically a mystery and tons of people have varying interpretations of him. He's the prime example of someone's character twisted via word of mouth. Some people think he's literally the devil, some think he was trying to save civilization.

>It has to have some ring of truth
But there is a lot of evidence that both were real things. In fact there have been admissions of them.

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Actually most think he was both.

Red Girl

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How can literally anyone compete?

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Why doesn't she have a full adult version like Jahy?

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Still not the stuff that makes you a worthwhile servant, lads. You're just gonna get E rank trash. He may be in the throne but he'd be bottom tier. Come back when Hitler wrestled bears or lifted a mountain or swallowed the sea.

Claiming the APEX of humanity

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>Come back when Hitler wrestled bears or lifted a mountain or swallowed the sea.
>implying he did none of these

And here's where the World Faith Domination cripples modern heroes: prove it nigga

real enkidu wasn't gay either, sorry fujos and revisionists

She's the strongest, all thanks to the faith of NEETs worldwide.

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is power proportional to age

At least summon Eiki who is ACTUALLY a legendary figure (Enma-sama) and also not a youkai (phantasmal species)

Why would I want to be lectured by Eiki during the entire war? Sounds like hell.


Claiming this little bundle of autism.

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Finally with a proper Master, no one could beat us.

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there are grand servants in the thread you're done user


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Why does the DEEN anime get so much hate?

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In that case I'll call for Archtype-neesan(and hope she answers) to deal with the scrubs

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It's a product of it's time. Also merging UBW and HF with Fate is pants-on-head retarded. The music and character designs are more VN-accurate if you're into that sorta thing. I'd still recommend it as the starting point if you have no intentions of touching the VN, loads better than starting with Zero or UBW desu fampai

Because Ufotable btfo and raised the standard. I remember how popular and well liked Deen used to be. It's what got many of the oldfags including me into Fate

Doesn't matter
she's still outclassed by solomon and Hassan

>Nasu loved DEEN and made Garcher's swords canon

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were they not canon?

Noooo I wanted my boygirl clay.

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Dumb brats.

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I think I can fap to this.

Archtype would make quick work of any of them

Which one of the two is the better servant?

Isn't it obvious?
I will summon a bro, pick up girls with him, hang out, pick up girls, NEET with him while retards kill each other, lasthit weakened enemies and progress towards.
I would also realize my wish by Merlin making me a king (even if I grow tits I don't mind it) anyway. With Holy Grail I would just wish for Moon to become my habitable kingdom and would reign there, laughing at the earthling morons from above the skies.

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>summon merlin
>he turns you into a woman

How are you a fatefaggot and now know Nasu hates americans?

Dat gap.

>Some fateshit
>Not cathedral terra
Fuck weebs

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If someone summons Okki none of you will win. Is there a time limit for the HGW?

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nope she'd get destroyed by solomon

He's fat like a pig so it'll be okay.

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It's over

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*kills you in seconds from mana expenditure*

>Couldn't even defeat gilgamesh without ishtar interference
>Gil is still alive anyway

Merlin will create a fake account in social internet/use her degenerate imageboard, chat with her and lure her out on fake meeting where he would make her surrender with his D.
Btw, he could in theory defeat Solomon in a same way, it did work on him after all.

No one said they had to exist
or that it had to be Yea Forums

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It's stated that Archetype Earth is weaker than Amaterasu, isn't it? If that so then Tamamo with nine tails can defeat her though. I've seen the AE vs Ammy discussion many times by both japanese fanbase and western fanbase before too, and their final answer is Amaterasu as well.
Btw i also heard that Human History > Celestial Bodies but i couldn't find any source for this, so just take it with a grain of salt.

tamamo with nine tails isn't summonable though

So what is it that made the japs angry with FGO this time?

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Problem is that Ammy is unlikely to really happen as Tamamo wouldn't grow back 9 tails unless absolutely needed.
While Ammy > Archetype-chan, she is also very unlikely to happen compared to her. Also, neither technically are servants anyway.

LB4 coming out so fucking slow

What if I summon the tails separately and then merge them together?

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Literally in a week.
Then a huge halt till December, when 5th Lostbelt comes out.

You just need to summon her one tail form tho? Tamamo can grow to her nine tails form, she did it in CCC (only in her route)

yeah just wait 1 000 years it'll be easy

Nips are angry at F/GO?

>stabbed to death by Tamamo-bitchy if you try

/fgoalter/CHADs rise up

Don't pick BB. She'll just tease your dick in the beginning with her lewd words and body, but she'll either leave you to die or kill you herself.

>summons merlin
>No futamaking
Whats the fucking point?

the gap between two main story chapter is fucking long (almost 7 months)
made a gacha that nobody wants (Da Vinci and Altera -> ranked 59, now there are Okki + Old Li and Rama + Arjuna gachas currently, but i don't know its current ranking).

Wait the stream's date is 06/15 though ?

>no futamaking
kingmaking and futamaking is same in Merlin's case

These cups

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I remember seeing 19th June as release date. Who cares, proper translation will be in a year like with LB2 I guess.

One thing DEEN has definitely got better over Ufotable's adaptation was the Atmosphere and the Feeling of Fate Stay Night.
Cannot really put into words, but whenever I watch Deen's fate I am genuinely reminded of the visual novel, it actually feels like Fate. UBW's fate does not have this feelings, it feels alien and different.
Deen's fate also has the best soundtrack of any Fate because it used Kenji Kawaii as head composer instead of Kajiura. Kenji Kawaii is way more talented than Kajiura, for example he worked on the Ghost in the Shell movie and numerous Big Budget movies like Ip Man. All of Kajiura's music sound the same, while Kenji's has variety, his Fate soundtracks are great.
DEEN's fate focused more on the mystery and magic of servants rather than pure action and power like UBW, which I feel was the better approach and Ufotable should have done the same, though actionfags and sakuganigers would probably not have liked it then.
DEEN fate has numerous memorable moments such as the Archer vs Berserker fight (which was non-canon but Nasu liked it so much he implemented part of it to canon, in the form of Trace-On Overedge, which has become an iconic move in the series featured in Prisma, Unlimied Codes and even FGO) Gilgamesh vs Saber/the final fight is amongst the best animated fate moments in my opinion, they particularly nailed he death of Gilgamesh very well.
DEEN also presented Gilgamesh better and made him seem more threatening, whereas I could never quite take him seriously in UBW.
The addition of Caster and Kuzuki from UBW into Fate was actually a good choice on DEEN's part (minus the Sakura HF part that was also forced in), it allows for a far better story in anime format than simply killing her like she should have died originally in he VN.

Or Saber?

I see Olgafags are still desperate

Unironically this

Just know that the chink has a saint graph equal to an actual grand servant.

I am not Olgafag, though. But the Priestess has been heavily implied to be her Void or some shit like that.

Moon Cell will foot the bill
Gilcuck would've lost even without Ishtar interference

I liked the part in the Deen UBW movie where it just skims over half of the events of Deen FSN really fast

based and arcpilled

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Doesn't HF do that too?

I haven't seen it

Though Kara no Kyoukai does it briefly in paradox spiral (for an earlier part of the movie)

>Her Void
The fuck is that supposed to be?

Dunno, but so far we have this
>The instruments of the Shadow Border are unable to detect her presence, instead detecting simply [nothingness] where she stands. Holmes describes her as a void-like emptiness seeping out into the space around it.
>Star (Shape of the Star), Cosmos (Shape of Space), Gods (Shape of Gods), Animus (Shape of Myself). Antrum (Celestial Bodies are Hollow) . Anvas (Hollow is the Void). Anima, Animusphere (In the Void, lies God)
Can only wait for new chapters i guess

>Loses to fucking civ and Yea Forums
gg no re, I can't wait to falseflag as /fgog/.

They would kill each other before you get the chance to merge them.

Shut up oniichan we beat your ass.

>inb4 CiLR
in combat she still will lose

So will we ever learn who the other Tamamos are?


Now Olgafags are trying to invent terms so their precious waifu can be saved. It's really pathetic

In my madness, forgot pic.

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shit pic

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That's not cute at all though.

penth is an ugly asshole though
she's not cute
hyppo is cute

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You are a dumb, blind faggot and will be the first to go hippo lover.

lmao penth is shit tier compared to her siister
you faggot will get decimated

Divinitycucks beware!

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I claim my cute Darth Maul-chan.

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Can I have both? Either one is fine

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Not an asteroid, probably what remains of the planetoid that hit the proto-earth to make the Earth-moon system we have today. There are more craters there because the magnetic pole attracts them

Nobody. Somethiing goes wrong in the Moon Cell and the war is put on hold indefinitely. The whole thing devolves into a bad SoL anime featuring all the autistic Masters and their Servants

>a useless shit that Hercules killed and stole a dress from
lmao, keep dreaming chubby chaser

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>"And there you go. You heard her Iri. Our Heroic Spirit over there considers a battlefield to be better than Hell. What a joke. A battlefield is Hell itself. There's no hope to be had on one. There is nothing but unspeakable despair. Just a soulless crime we call victory, paid for by the pain of the defeated. But humanity has never recognized this truth. And the reason is that, in every era, a dazzling hero has blinded the people with their legends, and kept them from seeing the evil of bloodshed they bring. True human nature has not advanced a step beyond the Stone Age."

What did Keanu Reeves mean by this?

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Calling in best Onee-san to suplex us into victory.

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I'll make another ROMA inside Yea Forumsnons butthole!

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>fate design is literally Saber with dark hair

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Saber, though he could have an NP where he remembers he killed his wife and goes into a self-hate powered rage. He wouldn't make a bad Rider either, since he was supposed to be an ace pilot.

I can only hope another servant doesn't remind him of Padme.

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>yfw this wakes up Type-ORT

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God Drake is top tier.
Imagine having someone like her as a girlfriend.

if it ain't broke don't fix it

I don't see how Kerry would win a HGW as a servant user.

>*blocks your path*

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Could Zelretch turn himself into a Fake Servant, just to troll the Clock Tower?

But if its overused and uninspired then by all means, defend it.

>summon hitler
>opponent summoned a jewish/hebrew heroic spirit
>Hitler's extremely specific yet broken saint graph kicks in

He'd have to die, but there is only one Zelretch across the multiverse, so no

at least she isn't half naked like her whore sister
she's supposed to be a virgin of artemis for fuck's sake

>*Obsidians your face*

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>Hippo is the only Amazon to have married
>Dumped by Theseus for another woman
>Betrayed her sisters for sum cock
>Not even for (You)

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Can a Servant defeat one of the DAA?

>not for (you)
Youw wanna play that card when the servant you like is penth?


Merlins just gonna bolt and use you as entertainment on his netflixchannel as the single master without a servant

What about it?

This one is the one for me.

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have you read her lines?
She sys she'l neer reciprocate (you)r affections at best she'll acknowledge them

Dibs on Rasputin

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Could the Red Death become a Servant?

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Get back to me when he's actually in the game.
Until then, OLE!!

spain will always be cucked in fate

That's fine. Still stands that she's far better than her used goods sister.

>is weaker
>is uglier
>is cuntier
penth has no redeeming qualities

>Kajita next launches into the core of the interview, saying that while FGO has improved, it feels like something from 2-3 generations ago that is being retrofitted to keep with the times, and that the game system is starting to reach its breaking point, and asks Nasu on his opinion on this. Nasu agrees, saying that after countless revisions, the old system has become something twisted. The only way to actually fix this would be to break it and rebuild it up from scratch

>Kajita next points out how in some cases, smartphone games reach a limit to how much they can be patched, and end up releasing an entirely new game client, and asks how this applies to FGO. Nasu says that this is being handled by Takeuchi. Kajita says that he doesn’t think FGO could end entirely, and Nasu says that they do want to make something entirely new with a new system built from scratch

>Kajita asks if FGO will really end with part 2, and Nasu says that going by the plot he wrote, it is to end with part 2, and that he intends to do everything he can and wants to before it ends.

Then the OLE-ing shall continue!

So how is Rasputin an Alter Ego, anyway?

>tfw spaniard
>tfw no Quijote, Cid, conquistadores or anything AT ALL
Why does Nasu hate us so much?

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I don't trust this hack, he said the same thing with Extra.

Don't lose hope, LB7 might make or break any Spanish servants confirmed.

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well we technically have Avicebron although he's a literal Jew that lived when most of Iberia was controlled by the moors


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Give me papa Adam please.

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Checkmate, infidels.

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So a Rasputin Kirei pseudo-servant is basically confirmed right?


You know HGW still exist today right? Instead of fantasizing how about go out and find a way into them.

>You know HGW still exist today right? Instead of fantasizing how about go out and find a way into them.
You shitpost with your servant?

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The only girl that matters.

However I'd probably end up accidentally summoning Mordred cause she fits my personality better.

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>Implying you'll get the servant you want
it's fucking gacha shit in Moon cell

>everyone summoning sluts
Me and my daughter got this in the bag

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>couldn't even kill jeanne with the 3 conitions of her NP fulfilled

Who needs a grail?

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Is he still refusing to make WW2 heroic spirits? Archer White Death when?

is this it?
is something interesting finally happening in this shit world

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>worm slut posters

>writes chapter for fgo set in america
>only three americans
>one of them is a joke and has never been depicted as anything but a joke
>another could literally be removed from the game and no one would notice
>the third only still gets appearances because he's drawn by hidari and girls like him
>da vinci goes off on a dialogue running down america at the start of the chapter (which wouldnt mean anything except this wasnt the only place she does it to)

it's pretty obvious dude

What? I checked the wiki, and the only servants drawn by them are female and none of them are American.

which servant would give you a hug when you're sad and tired?

Elizabeth Bathory GET

Ahhh Tamamo then

Are you trying to tell me Hitler wouldn’t get bullshit nazi occult stuff

>Wright Brothers

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>nobody wants to have fun jew adventures full of gaining wealth and women
you guys have no taste

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he'll take all the wealth and women though


that's not a doable strategy in the mooncell HGW


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then how did hakuno win

I'm gonna fucking lose but at least I stay true to my heart

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>summons gilgamesh
Gee I wonder

Sorry you all had to suffer, but it was necessary to enlighten you.

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in regular fate/extra not ccc. CCC isn't even a holy grail war

anyway you have to fight in direct 1v1 in Extra and nero was able to in against most opponents, even gawain. Jing ke would've at best taken out drake in a double kill and died right there
you just can't win

They're pretty modern compared to 99% of the other servants. There hasn't been much in the way of legendary Americans who inspire story book style heroism when you compare it to the rest of the history of the human race. Also, being more modern, you get less tall tales about them. Its a crime that Billy the Kid gets in but Wyatt Earp isn't an Archer. Honestly, you would be hard pressed to get any Americans in the Saber or Lancer classes.

I love you Siddhartha

Can I choose Mao? Literally highest kill count in history?

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>implying TTGL is any less weeb
Fuck off, contrarian shit.

Hippos are cute and misunderstood

Smug Stheno to dab on all other Masters

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If we’re counting indirect kills, that would be Gavrilo Princip

>believing the publicized report
Have you seen the moon up close with your own eyes, user?


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not if i suck up to touko and aoko and buff her

cute idol.

Direct or not, Mao had upwards of 45 mil from Great Leap Forward alone. How do you figure that Princip's count is even close?

Hakunos made it to the 3rd round with brainlet version of it right?

Loli-miya for me.

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Gee user, how come the Moon Cell lets you have TWO servants?


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*leyshifts to america to look for work*


*projects sword maracas*


*skin completely dries up*


*Gets shot by Edison*


*puts a baby in Saber Alter*


*tosses her across the border*


*sells tacos outside chaldea*


*gets deported in the name of seigi*


*flies off in Helena's UFO*

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my wife of course

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Are you serious? You think a Servant could stand up to Altrouge, ORT, Primate Murder, Van Fem, Ortenrosse, or even Merem's Right Leg?

>let's just change the skin colour even though it's not the main problem of his design
Fuck them, Emiya Alter deserve justice

Not him...but yes?

First, you said A DAA, which Nasu confirms are about on-par with servants circa 2007. The top three like CM, PM and ORT were on a different level. However...that was 2007. Servants have got ridiculous buffs since then. Hell, PM is something they're now supposed to fight.

But DAA isn't a thing in Fate world though ? They are only called Superior Dead Apostle and since the main foundation of Fate is Strong Human Order, they are much weaker than in the Tsukiverse, which has Weak Human Order as its main foundation.
Also ORT probably will show up in LB7 and be defeated by Gun Goddess Mashu + other servants, btw.

>invent terms
What? Both Void and Nothingness are created by Nasu very long ago and now those terms are mentioned again in the Animusphere's chant and her presence.
>can be saved
To be fair Olga's probably already fully dead or she was a experiment subject and now becomes that Priestess (remember that scene when her naked body got broken by those mysterious people in Lostroom ?) so i doubt if she could be saved and live a human life later, especially when her family is probably the main antagonist of part2. And don't forget that basement in Area 51 which resembles Chaldea's furniture and design.
Also speaking of Lostroom, Olga's eyes and body has all colors in the venn diagram and the Priestess's eyes also have those colors too (though it seems like she doesn't have the red - observer's eyes and has white color instead). Olga's dream is also called the dream of the absence/dream that doesn't exist (Lev = dream of the dead while Fujimaru = dream of the living person) and her dream isn't included in that venn diagram as well (maybe white = dream of the absence ???)
And again, 90% Olga is just a test tube/homunculus/designer baby/experiment. Marisbilly was already in his 60-70 when she was just 11 (mentioned in Case Files and Chaldea was established in 1950), he didn't even care about Olga and let her tutor did it. Her lack of praise can also be explained by the lack of mother too.

Most of the power of Gil, only some of the arrogance
Fair trade

OVEREDGE was a DEEN original change.

Nasu fucking loved them so made them retroactively canon. FGO Redman uses them in his regular attacks when you invoke the Extra card.

>time limit
The Fuyuki HGW has a time limit of several day or something.
Other HGWs can go as long as whatever. Mooncell HGW in particular has no time limit (evidence by Last Encore and CCC) unless it's an alternative HGW made by other parties. The problem is mana supply, and only the Mooncell doesn't give a shit.

I wonder if this is how it feels to be KAZU!

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I'll make do with this stupid creature.

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Moon's haunted

She may not be the most powerful Servant.
We may not win the war together.
But I know that I'll die happy.

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IDK why everyone is responding to this post but hey.

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Why are you in this Fate thread, Tomoyoanon?

Solomon. His authority and power comes from a higher authority, God himself.

>Gil is still alive anyway
Only because of Enkidu. Gil is on life support.

Why not? Also I would be the person to summon tomoyo no? Clannad was all about multi-verse shit and obviously the fate universe would exist in the clannad world so I could corss dimentionally summon someone in a different universe (Tomoyo) and it would 100% be supported with in the rules of Clannad (and especially if we got a kotomi after when she figures out the universe shit)

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Rama Archer. I'm going to lose against Biblical servants and Grands but at least I can take most of the other servants.

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Sad about his incarnation. Rama at his best is way stronger than Karna.

Based Giru

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A week before either they do something good or completely fuck it up

>the Moon Grail War outright prohibits him from being summoned due to his strength
Sorry bud, try again.