One Punch Man S2

Why was Sonic's ass scenes better animated than the fight scenes?

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Because they have taste

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This still looked like garbage in motion.

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The animators are gay.

Fuck off retard.

it did

Because it wasn't done by JC staff.

He's right though

Why does faggots like feminine traits on males

Because they are gay.

Ok but they shoulf like male traits, I mean, a male ass not a female one.
They act like repressed etero

They like Sonic ass who is a male. There is really nothing to suggest he has a feminine ass as visually you can't tell because even a male can have big butts/shaped butts/others.

Decent smears won't save a fight scene from shit direction, crappy inking, amateurish rendering and lack of backgrounds.

I thought he was a girl until I heard him speak

because fujos are the only audience that actually buys shit anymore

Because he has tight clothes?

When will Saitama invite Tatsumaki out to ballroom dancing?

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where is the webcomic chapter?

>affording a suit

Saitama is rich now, he is in A class.

Jumpaoki likes 'em chunky

A-Class scum don't get paid, only S-Class.

They are rich.


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A-class do get paid. Confirmed by Suiryu when he told Snek "You A-class heroes get paid a high salary" or something along those lines


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he's an A class hero now
he's a NEET no longer

cause they knew some faggot like you would focus on it

because its part of the joke.

Why the artist had to ruin it by making that bottom part?

As if it's an insult to call a girl faggot.

Can Saitama heal Tatsumaki?

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No, he can't. He will just fuck her.

Saitama isn't a doctor

Worst ship.

Haters are too blind to see the fun, they even complain about parts that were like the manga (gouketsu offscreened).
JC Staff did their best keeping the fans into the series.

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He unironically is a mental one though. All people around him get influenced even though they're not aware of it.

Cuz its hot. Barashit is fucking disgusting

>JC Staff did their best keeping the fans into the series.
No matter how hard they tried, it was impossible for them not to be compared to Madhouse and the first season

>No matter how hard they tried
It doesn't look like they tried at all.

>t-they're doing their best gaise

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The 1st season wasn't that good either except for some sakuga and the last ep.

Nothing a cock wouldn't heal up.

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Sakugabooru has over 150 scenes of good animation for season 1. Season 2 only has 8 so far.

opm s2 has 29 scenes.

>1st season wasn't that good either either except for some sakuga and the last ep.

Fuck off apologetic shill
And I can go on and on

I feel like Gale Wind & Hellfire Flame are underrated, they would murder more than half the S-class if they didn't go after Flashy

ONE is gay

They were blitzed by Child meaning they are slower than a flash while Atomic cut down a flash with his sword.

They were mindless zombies.
Even PM said they were pretty strong

Also I said more than half.
The top tiers would obviously win but kinda struggle due to their speed.

>They were mindless zombies.
so? why should their speed be affected by this.
>Even PM said they were pretty strong
And they were, even rhino was pretty strong.

I can see them beating PPP, Genos, Tank top and Zombieman only.


>so? why should their speed be affected by this
Hell their speed was affecting them even before death.
FF said they weren't used to their speed.

ff also said he can beat saitama.

Has Saitama ever been damaged, if only a little?

Wow you must know better than the animation experts who have been praising S1!

Why do you forget that in verse Saitama is a literal who?

OPM ass tier list:
Sonic>Mizuki>DO-S>PPP>The rest of the cast

emotionally yes, but otherwise no

he literally saw saitama defeating garou but still believed that only because weakened garou, saitama was able to deal with him.


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Same thing with Sea King.
No character in this series actually gets how absurdly strong Saitama actually is

What are you saying? Common people aren't Flash. They can't follow Saitama's match.

Missing the point.

>Same thing with Sea King
Saitama himself wanted to ennoble other heroes and their work.

No, I am not. The only one who said that Deep sea was weak was a retarded common man that couldn't follow properly the match because Saitama was too fast. Flash, on the other hand, said he was conscious during the entire match.

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Not that Saitama not getting credit is the whole meta narrative of OPM not about FF.

Hey everyone, ONE is reading this post right now. I've linked him to this thread and promised we'll discuss Tatsumaki if he comes. I put the link behind a click counter, and the counter just went up.


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One Punch Man sucks.
Keep doing Mob psycho instead.

sure buddy

mob psycho is done, user. let it go

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what am i supposed to be looking at here?

So the Gouketsu fight was in the manga? And the anime skipped it?

no and yes


Oh shit, I'm watching fanmade manga on youtube

>watching fanmade manga on youtube
I understand each of those words individually but I have no idea what you're on about

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It's surprisingly well done I guess

Because they know what's actually important.

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please tell me there's somewhere I can just READ this like a normal fucking person

Everybody in every class gets paid. But C-class basically only get paid shit scraps while maintaining quotas but B-class and up get paid regular salaries and it gets higher.

JC Staff didn't do this scene justice.

wow what a shocking revelation user

I died inside a little when I saw this scene So I don't really expect anything from the rest of the eps.

That's actually not bad, but I hate how it's a video and doesn't even have the dj reading version.

Tits or gtfo


>shitty generic """""epic""""" music tracks
>annoying panning and zooming
>characters' speech fading in like a fucking powerpoint presentation
that was really disappointing
why the fuck did he feel the need to ''''''animate'''''' it? it would have been so much better as something you could just read at your own pace

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of course that girly boy can put his knees that close to his face.

Lose weight