ITT: Overrated Shit
ITT: Overrated Shit
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Gurren Lagann, not so good.
Konosuba is shit and so is mugemine
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
I think gurren laggan, outside of the meme is actually a lot worse than people remember it. S1 ended on a cliff, and S2 failed to pick it up. S2 also had some down right goofy shit baked on to it. But because it stuck the landing people forgave a lot of it.
I think Konosuba is slightly over rated. It's good but hardly great or intresting
You first Oh Pee
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
t. assblasted Re:cuck
>S1 ended on a cliff, and S2 failed to pick it up
What did he mean by this
Darker than black? More like browner than SHIT
What's mugemine?
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
Fate shit, not so good.
Megumin, but people mistype her on purpose because they think that makes people mad, for some reason.
Nisekoi a SHIT because SHIToge
I mean if you think that is overrated I would like to see what your "superior" taste is like, I mean, there have to be a LOT of series better than Monster then, right? Because its fame sure it's not the one of a masterpiece but the one of a really good story.
>But because it stuck the landing people forgave a lot of it.
The ending is literally the most controversial part of the show lol.
Lurk moar holy shit
There’s no point making overrated shit threads, 90% of current day Yea Forums don’t understand what these threads are supposed to be about.
not the removal of all strategy death, the contrived girl death, the focus on spectacle, retarded plans, character inconsistencies
controversial doesn't mean bad, it's the most well liked and impactful ending in the medium, when people talk about geass they don't talk about how much they hated the ending.
Unless you mean whether he lived. that's just a tangent it doesn't/didn't matter
This trash. 63 episodes of torture, it peaked at episode 4.
You started talking about Code Geass somewhere in here and I'm not sure where exactly.
Kaiji. If I wanted to see some pussy bitch cry all day, I'd watch Lifetime.
The Tatami Galaxy. Endless Eight for hipster faggots.
Did you respond to the wrong post? The ending of Gurren Lagann is far from "the most well-liked" in the medium.
why do people like this shit so much?
Ping pong, if I wanted to see people smack balls around for 2+ hours, I would have watched gay porn.
Have sex instead of spending enough time here that you start recognizing patterns and shitposts.
>have sex
Haha cringe redpilled incel wojack dilate rent free cope seething, amiright?
comedies are low hanging fruit, japs can't into humour, it's all slapstick, funny noises and le epic reaction faces
That's literally all of Yea Forums's humor.
Anna a best!
nah, Yea Forums's humor is mostly absurdism and self-deprication, pretending to be pretending to be retarded to hide the fact that you actually are retarded etc. etc.
it's probably an unhealthy coping mechanism, but at least it has some complexity, even if it is often subconscious
Seeing him in despair is the good part tho? Its not wish fulfilment garbo
This is the shittiest Zizek impression I've seen, just awful.
these high energy anime like GL, redline, code geass feel like they're just fast consumption anime only supposed to be watched once
it's fun and forgettable anime which doesn't go into any deep philosophy shit and is pretty straightforward so it would be obviously unenjoyable and shallow every time you rewatch
This shit. Boring and not that interesting. I guess it's great if you love bratty kemonomimi
gurren laggan,fuck that anime. Dropped when Kamina died. There were no good characters left.
God damn it feels good to not be a person who unironically thinks like this.
so like 99.99% of anime?
i think there are some anime which are specifically made to be rewatched multiple times instead of a quick cashgrab
bebop, fate series, kara no kyoukai, eva, ergo proxy
but watch and dump shit makes up of the large majority of anime nowadays, as it should though because a lot of source material is pretty shallow since these LN writers or mangakas aren't making masterpieces
>Have sex
way to show you're from Yea Forums retard
I wonder if people who haven't seen the show actually base their opinion of it on this re-occuring shitpost
Death Note. No thanks I'd rather watch CNN.
Last Exile? If I wanted to look at clouds all day, I'd become a meteorologist.
Kaiji. If I wanted to see some pussy bitch cry all day, I'd watch Lifetime.
Soul Eater? More like Shit Eater. Worse than Naruto.
Code Geass, if I wanted to watch homosexuals pilot robots, I would watch Gundam Wing.
Kanon? More like Clannad season 2.
Strike Witches, If i wanted to watch fanservice without plot, i would watch hentai.
Higurashi, shitty horror bullshit, a failed attempt of Chaos Head.
Akagi. If I wanted to see old people sitting around a table I'd visit my grandma more often.
Spice and Wolf? If I wanted to watch a documentary about economy with a fanservice character thrown in, I wouldn't because it'd be SHIT.
GTO? More like GTFO. Shitty shounen is shitty.
The Tatami Galaxy. Endless Eight for hipster faggots.
Shitugan no Shita. Shitty ripoff of To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Haibane Renmei, a boring show about angels fucking around. I liked it better when it was called Evangelion.
Hidamari Sketch, if I wanted to watch a bunch of little girls doing nothing, I'd go and watch my local kindergarden.
Baccano. It's like messing with your media player's seekbar.
5 Centimeters per Second, thats how slow the plot would move, if there were any.
Gundam 00, if I wanted shitty character designs I'd watch G Gundam.
Monster? Now THERE'S a show that needs some surgery!
Considering there are people in this thread who apparently don't recognize the shitpost, I doubt it.
Genuinely overrated mediocre tripe, nobody remembers anything about the plot aside from surface-level economics and a forced love triangle. It was a 7/10 for me at best, yet people treat it as a must-watch classic, probably just because Horo was their first waifu
Well someones gotta post it.
Maria Holic. Traps got old two years ago.
Kino no Tabi? If I wanted to watch a dyke on a motorcycle, I'd go visit San Francisco instead.
Ichigo Mashimaro, fanservice without fanservice.
Aria, a show about nothing.
FLCL, boring, unfunny, LOL SO RANDUM XD shit.
BLAME! If I wanted buildings and walking, I'd go outside
Welcome to the NHK, if I wanted to watch a loser, I would stare at the mirror.
Kaiji, atrocious character design and completely contrived plot.
Planetes. As empty as space.
Legend of the Gay Lactating Homosexuals.
Cromartie Highschool, Lucky Star with men.
Berserk, shitty anime and even worse manga.
Full Metal Panic? More like Code Geass with a shitty tsundere.
Zero no Tsukaima, more like Harry Potter: The Animation
5 Centimetres Per Second? More like 5 Wallpapers Per Second
Cowboy Bebop? More like Cowgay Begay. Shitty music and plotless style-over-substance bullshit.
Azumanga Daioh, shitty ripoff of Lucky Star.
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
RahXephon? If I wanted to watch a shitty Eureka Seven clone, I'd watch Evangelion
ARIA? I liked it better when it was called naptime.
Outlaw Star, One Piece in space.
Gintama, Bobobo with shittier animation.
Bartender? more like BOREtender.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? One look and I said sayonara to this piece of shit.
Gurren Lagann, childish Drill-penis show.
Samurai Champloo? More like Cowboy Bebop with swords and shitty music.
Nanoha is just Bleach or Naruto but with more pedo pandering.