Season 2 when

season 2 when
also who is you are waifu from this show

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Other urls found in this thread:

Papi is objectively the best one

snake is best choice because she loves MC most

really whys that


my least favorite was mero
fair enough
personally, i like the mommy types more. i really liked rachnee and lala

although i also really like antiheros so thats probably why im more partial to them two. centoria was great too and thats definitely where the mommy-drive is kicking in

I really wish Crab would branch out and explore other guys and their girls, so maybe we could get some ACTUAL variety instead of endless harem cucking shenanigans.

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a fellow man of taste.

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but you posted 10 rams

Have you seen them before? I haven't.

I wish he would have more relationship progress with the existing harem.

i guess but we dont need ten rams

He never will, that's why I want him to branch out to other groups. More creative freedom that way, can't mess with his bread and butter after all.

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S2 hopefully soon
Also waifu != favorite girl from a show
With that in mind, Miia is my waifu now and always.

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If anyone is introduced that's relevant for more than a chapter or two, I wouldn't expect any more development than the main group has had.

Imagine getting a horde of snek children with Miia and then letting them train their constriction skills on you.

Maybe some should visit them at home to both train and to give Miia and the others ideas again.

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>S2: Never ever if being realistic.
Prove me wrong existence you bitch, as you always do.
I'll never understand Japans anime industry and how they can make a series that is amazing and then just let it die. Yet other stuff will drag on forever.

Waifu: Realistically Rachnera is probably the only one that could actually tolerate me. If she doesn't just outright dislike the type of human I am.
Suu/slimes probably isn't super judge-y or preferential. Would make for good company as opposed to constant isolation.

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If 10 isn't enough, ow about 10 more goats, and 10 fluffy sheepies.

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...twenty cows.
All of them wanting some hands on action in one form or another.

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>tfw crab turned them all into dykes
what was he thinking

Yuri spin-off that he wants to do, filled to burst with big to medium milkers?

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>God Tier:
Lamias, Dragons, Arachne, Alraune, Succubus, Valkyrie, Ignis

>Great Tier:
Insect girls, Slimes, Yuki-onna, Fairies, Dullahan, Automaton, Elves

>Good Tier:
Mermaids, Harpies, Lizard girls, Oni, Kistune, Zombie, Ghoul, Invisible girls, Squid girls

>Okay Tier:
Mimic, Wolf girls, Cow girls, Ghosts, Vampires, Worm/Slug girls, Cyclops, Gargoyle

>Shit Tier:
Centaurs, Goblins, Orcs, Kappa

>Brainlet Tier:
Cat girls, Dog girls

Get bent. State your opinion normally you coward.


Thanks for reminding me your shit opinion

Always good to see fellow anons of good taste.

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He wanted to do something new with his OC cow girls, but has no way to actually do something since he is barely able to get two series out the door.
Crab has never been the best writer, but I figure the yuri ending is just the simplest way to end it that appeals to the most people. Stereotypical male audience likes girls on girls, and presumably female fans are either bisexual or completely lesbian, thus 'ok' with it.

If the MC ever returns to that farm, they are going to back all over him like it was the full moon again.

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Prove me wrong.

>>God Tier:
Stop reading right there

She has the nicest and prettiest ass of all the girls

Apophis alone puts lamia in God tier category.

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I dont know if you got the memo, but we are talking about Monster Musume, not Monster girls in general. Go to

Lala or Mero.

Sorry, can't beat the original.

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Miia, Lamia's have the top tier cuddling ability.

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>Imagine getting turn on by literal worms

My wife Centorea LMFAO while bearing my kid in her second tummy

>imagine fucking a smelly horse vagina
is the place for you

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whats going on with the author? is he having mental health problems or something?

2 is for sitting down in your lap and getting head pats. She looks insecure.

Doppel, for she is the prime wench!

Someone has been in trap threads too long.

actually. There's a dedicated Monster Girl Encyclopedia general there.

too. Though they're more for world building and casting the monster girls as horrible people so they can have HFY stuff.

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Is she nary an Elder God?

For me it's 6

Names and stats translated here.

Young Master, please get back to work, we're expecting a lot of visitors to the onsen next chapter!

not long enough actually

Never ever. Sad. But true.
Also Ma0ko is mai waifu.

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Snek > Spoder > Hoers > Cuckmaid > Lala > Rimuru >>>> Birdbrain

Out of the main girls, at least. Overall Mama Miia is Best because in anime mothers are always objectively sexier copies of their daughter.

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I’ll have a #8 please.

As a /d/ user, we've been ruined by 2016ers to the point that it's much more advisable to go to /jp/'s monster girl thread.


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>Another monmusu thread
New chapter when btw?


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Unless you're gymbro you've already lost.

>season 2 when
>S2 hopefully soon

Reminder that your centaur bitch is literally just rapebait.

Nah, he's better since Fall season. Just taking his time with the new chapter involving user-submitted "Which monster girl would you go to the onsen with" requests. I hear it'll come out either this month or the next.

>implying ttf is safe after what happened with Cathyl

>user-submitted "Which monster girl would you go to the onsen with" requests.
Turning this into a chapter could be fun, but he's going to need a bigger onsen.

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What did happen?
Last time we saw Cathyl she wasn't trying to full moon attack the MC. She took her pills.
Before that she was hosting a cow and sheep milking experience at the MG Expo.
Different character?


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I wanna live on the farm and never leave bros

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>Which monster girl would you go to the onsen with
Manako would be a good choice.

Top 3

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There are no bad choices.

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Reminder that if you like horse, you will never be able to satisfy her due to the fact that she has a horse pussy, and your human cock will never be big enough for her

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Horse would be a bad choice. But someone with Manako's personality would be a good change from the others who are more interested in being seen naked.

Lala is my first waifu ever. And the only one.
Also, second season never

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You shouldn't get your anatomy lessons from R18 comics, user.

The one who isn't in the picture so

WTH kind of translations are those?

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I think Smith would approve if she thought it would be amusing or gave her one less thing to deal with.


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Just keep in mind that she won't be alone.

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There is approximately 0 chance of this series ending with anything that isn't an ambiguous ending or a straight up harem.

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Some of the more aquatic choices might be less than ideal.

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I don't think they would have a problem if it was darling, so they just have to approve of the person. There wouldn't be much of a problem if Doppel joined too.

Smith is far and away the best girl.
If I have to pick a freakish monster though I guess Manako is nice.

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I fear an ambiguous one will happen, but harem end is much better than only one getting married. Then it needs a sequel with their married life, possibly adding a few more minor characters into the harem.

How did everyone forget to post actual best girl

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sex with these bitches would be awkward as fuck

>they'd approve of an user.

Lamprey would be fine.
Leech I'll leave for someone who'll appreciate her.

I wouldn’t mind a fit dog girl gf

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If you are reading a series about MONSTER GIRLS and the human is the one you like most, you are reading the wrong manga, my friend

Know what I want? I want those early oneshots to be true, and for Darling to have a ton of identical brothers, one for each of the girls, with the original darling getting Miia, seeing how she was there first

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Some of them would be good even with a human body, and even a horse body would still be acceptable even if it would be a severe downgrade. Smith isn't one of them.

I can't see them accepting that solution even if identical brothers do appear.

1. Miia
2. Miia
3. Miia

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You're just scared she's got a bigger dick than you.

Horse saber

The story is about an average guy getting saddled with a burden. The monster girls are just a way to express that burden they could easily be replaced and are non-essential characters. Like with debt, depression, or a pregnant girlfriend.

According to one of the omakes, she told to her own squad that they are able to marry Darling as long as she gets rid of taking care of Darling and co.

"Hey, Loverboy!"
Am I not strongest after all?
Be familiar with anyone, Am I not awesome?
Mission accomplished for sure. M.O.N!
There is nothing I'm not familiar with
However, isn't it sad to not have your own figure?
Hey, look at me

D O P P E L, Doppel-chan
D O P P E L, Doppel-chan

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Put on some clothes!

Attached: angery.png (697x541, 552K)

The Crawling Chaos in a nutshell:

>Phantasmagoric Hair
>Black Sclera
>Yellow Iris Eyes
>Dark Tanned Skin
>Prankster Personality
>"Faceless God"

Doppel is truly the Superior Girl.

Attached: doppel.jpg (1025x1080, 434K)

They should just move in with the rest.

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Rapists belong in the trash tier.

At least they take responsibility and marry you after the rape is finished.

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Bullshit. They just take your soul or your liver.

And steal your soul

What's the appeal?

Being thots. That's literally the whole plot.

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Hey, look, you weren't using that second kidney, so quit complaining.

>best ending ever
>imagine not liking this
Are you even into monster girls, user?

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Monster girls like them deserve death.

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>Brainlet Tier:
>Cat girls, Dog girls
>Cat girls

Cat girls are overrated.

That's the wrong object to penetrate her with and the wrong location to do it.

>he doesn't want to fuck human girls like Ms. Smith
Thank god monster girls don't exist.

>Marry Darling!
>Also, we'll arrest you for life if you touch one of the girls
Get it together Smith, you're a dick.

>Thank god monster girls don't exist.
But they do, user. They're just on the inside.

It's the only excuse she has. I doubt any law actually says having sex with them outside of marriage is a crime.

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I dont get that word

>Smith isn't one of them.
Not true at all.

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Have a fit dog girl would be great she'd cheer you on as you try to get fit with her.

Or kill you through intense exercise.

Now she's even worse than as a human. This Manako is also worse than the original, but a purely human version would be better than horse, and both are better than human Smith.

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But if you live the sex will be great

It wouldn't.

>only cheer
You're doomed.

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>waifu from this show
>from this show
>multiple shows, multiple waifus

>purely human version
Take your sick-ass self to you freak.

This. Best Girl on all levels.
Ass, legs, titties, kind, useful, and a Otaku.

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giv oni gf

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I know it's just a plot device to help enable harem antics, but it also just comes off as Smith being vindictive for no reason since there's plenty of other couples shown in the manga.

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Wouldn't fuck.

you homosex?

Just accept that you’re gay, user.

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They break pelvis.

Give oni goddess gf.

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Reminder Manako likes butt stuff.

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can be repaired

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I'd like to do stuff to Manako's butt.

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Snake pussy is bad pussy.

They deserve no dickings. Oni kill people.

make them repent via sex

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She might be trying to balance her enjoyment watching him suffer and how much she wants to work less.

But she doesn't. She's too pure for that.

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Can it, Abe.


more oni girls for me then.

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Polt already has.

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Plot is in a very enviable position there.

That whole scene is hilarious and sexy.

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Why does Manako even bother wearing a bra when it does effectively nothing?

For hope, user, for hope.

For another step when undressing her.

Why does the manga update so infrequently? One chapter in all of 2019. Is he out of ideas?

He knows that the monster girl fad is over.

I need closure tho

All he does is monster girls tho. Might as well finish.

Variety in main character and their various relationships would be nice. But at that point I'd want Crab to wrap up the main story and just do a series of shortish side stories pursuing the topic.

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I don't know why it should have ended with so many possibilities to use. There are many opportunities for more of them in all the isekai and those don't often include any.

I expect a quick wrapup of the main story close to the end, since we aren't getting much change in their relationships so far. A focus on side stories wit others isn't what I prefer, but I'd much rather have that than it just ending with no new content.

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Her booty is for loving not hurting.

Has anyone read Monster Girl Doctor LNs? I've been enjoying them. Hope it gets an anime. Always looking for some more Monster girls since Monster Musume.

Miia is ready.

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Volume 15 just came out

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Best girl.

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> hands

They're a fun read.

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Cliffhanger is the best option.

Dammit Miia, how do your titties look bigger and bigger every time?

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Only if it continues in a sequel.

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Reminds me of somebody

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>anime inspired by monster girl encyclopedia
>basically regular girls with insecurities because they are monsters

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>anime inspired by monster girl encyclopedia

I think it's more inspired by what gives Crab a boner mashed with some classical mythology.

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>waifu from this show
Kill yourself.

Because he knows mge is shit since it's all about the rape.


Cerea has it rough in that chapter.

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The biggest flaw. Why do so many just want to rape people? There should be plenty who would be willing.

Next time they hit the water though she was the big winner.

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Because monster girls only sees us human men as sex toys.

>mge is shit since it's all about the rape

i hope when you die you get isekaied to the MGE universe. heretic

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Shes a good lamia. Best

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So that I can kill all monsters?

Non-sample where?

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Wasn't it Lala who tried to kill Miia early on in the story? I forget if Rachne was there to help Miia or was for her dying, it's been a while.

At first it was Centorea with her noble personality and huge fucking rack, but then Suu won me over with her cuteness. And the fact that she can both be my imouto and mommy.

It literally just came out, if we're lucky some user will upload it somewhere in a few days.

good luck with that faggot

Rachnee is objectively the superior girl

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How many chapters in this?

Suu also knows how to solve their problems.

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>tfw ywn go to sleep and wake up to this.

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It's the perfect solution.

>spider pussy

Lala supposedly tried to reap Darling's soul but it was just her chuunibiyou. She never tried to kill anybody, even less one of the girls

imagine waking up to this...

Attached: rachnera.webm (900x506, 2.96M)

Much better than horse.

The entire lamia village arc. And looks like they will add the multiple lamia species endcard
Also, no sample (that was fast)

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>She never tried to kill anybody

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>he don't want human pussy

Nice, thanks senpai

I think we can all agree horse is objectively worst girl

At least back then. And she knew that darling is practically unkillable or maybe she keeps reviving him

Maybe leech could be worst, but horse is certainly worst of the main group.

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>tfw no centaur waifu to Crusade against the Saracens with

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So, uh, they totally are promoting Lala as a main character too, yet she didn't made any active move towards getting darling for herself

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Why not both? Especially since we learned that the leech is a futa.

Shit taste.

Mermaid is worst. Unless you are around water and even then why bother. Has to be wheeled or carried everywhere, always slimy, just not worth it. If I want slimy there is suu which has abilities and fun.

Attached: suu.png (1920x1080, 282K)

>also who is you are waifu from this show
This is your brain on anime, any questions?

centorea=arachnee > lala > mia > suu > mero>papi

Made for molesting and tender loving.

Big girls need big love.

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centaurs so low, bluepilled

>lala over miia

How does it feel having such awful taste

Maybe there should be a side chapter where vampire moves out and looks for a new home because the leech is having sex with the other two. Why should she want something like that around when there are normal men to choose from?


Is there enough bird in this show to justify watching it for her?

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Yes user

honestly they're pretty close but i chose lala because of many kinky shit you can do with a dullahan

>Papi has the best doujin
That egg-laying one is in my top 10. Papi is lower on my monmusu list tho

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>not liking honorable chivalrous knight girls
disgusting go away

Body is way too big, horse legs are gross, can't cuddle with her.

>can't cuddle with her.

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>Might as well finish.

It was a fun ride while it lasted

I'm honestly more afraid of the hooves.

I've seen people get kicked by horses.
I'm kinda scared

Your waifu would never kick you though.

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Or get stepped on.
Cerea could destroy your feet in an accident, but I guess she's very careful when she's near other people

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>satyr girls are way taller than me

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>tfw farm spinoff never

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Oh I remember now. Miia wanted to stop Lala but Rachne was fine with darling getting reaped. Explain yourselves spiderfags

>that third pose
Truly Centaurs are the thinking man's fetish.

>yet she didn't made any active move towards getting darling for herself
She doesn't have to make move, user.

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Spidermom knows very well that Lala is just going through a chuuni phase

Handsfags need to leave.

Don't forget bellybutton and hips too
But I want to see her trying to seduce him!

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Good. Minotaurs/Cow girls are overrated.

Don't be so sure. Everyone can panic.

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Whatever you say, Kaede.

In the disco

>user doesn't like leech
You don't wanna suck her manly and strong looking cock user? For real?

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What kind of girth are we talking about here?

>from this show
>implying having multiple
Get the fuck out of here.
Suu is my adopted daughteru, however.

Never, and especially not when there's Kyurii.

Probably some that beats easily Darling's small cock

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It was just too lewd for him.

First post is the best post, as usual.

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Is she a blue Jay?

She's the blue bird of harpyness.

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I want to say yes, but I really don't know. Papi and other harpies my secretly be some of the smartest monster girls around considering Jays and other Corvidae are some of the smartest birds around.

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>Darling is a vanilla fag
I'm not sure what to think about this
Cute butt, would slap

Owl harpies are geniuses who can make night vision goggles. Real Owls are retarded. Fair to say it's not exactly a linear transfer

>Jays and other Corvidae
>no reading interruptions from a raven haired harpy gently rapping, rapping on my chamber door.
Frigging timeline, I want a refund.

Fucking this
Their eyes are so big that they have a smaller space available for their brains.
RL raptor harpies would be quite smart while owl harpies would be quite dumb

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>Cute butt,
She thinks it's her best feature, at least she thinks that it's her butt.

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Too many babies.

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>Don't do that, Papi!
That's the wrong response. She shouldn't be interrupted.

6. 7 has the body and horns but her fluff is in the form of clothing rather than the natural material

I want Papi to give me salmonella on my dick.

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Only 1 survived.

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They shouldn't have stopped him from watching her lay the egg.

You shouldn't be breathing, user. It's an imperfect world that we live in.

Papi-bros unite!

That's very sad.

I found it!
The subspecies endacards are exclusive for some of the bookstores.
The volume will have a secrets page of those subspecies tho

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Very nice user ty

Girls being into Girls is viewed as a "normal" phase in japan. That girls just grow out of it. I guess it's the same stereotype as people who go to all boys grammar schools have a gay experimental phase.

For today's episode of "What if it was PURPLE?"

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>I guess it's the same stereotype as people who go to all boys grammar schools have a gay experimental phase.


Geeze user, that's rough. At least two of them are around my height and I don't know how to feel about that...

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Oh come on, it's that or a pig's skull.

Moar Spode.

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You never fucked a horse girl before, have you?

It's a stupid concept, a human anime girl can become a catgirl with cat ears and a buttplug.

Aren't they usually called butterfaces?

Capricorn girls please.

When is Japan going to make a lord of the flies anime. They can even have an all girl yuri class and Meganekko piggy will start a fire with her glasses.

>Papi been laying a hugefuck egg every month for years now.
Either she is EXTREMELY elastic, or boy oh boy, that hole is a bit ruined by now

>not having a dick big enough to scramble her ovaries

What kind of monstergirl wouldn't be sufficiently elastic?

>Waifu: Realistically Rachnera is probably the only one that could actually tolerate me. If she doesn't just outright dislike the type of human I am.
>Suu/slimes probably isn't super judge-y or preferential. Would make for good company as opposed to constant isolation.
holly fuck this is spot on, are you me?

Goddamn crabman made miia's waist even waspier
holy moly

You already had a whole farm arc fuck off

God I fuckin hope not.
All of the mes are internal as far as the main me is aware. no one drives but me...I hope.

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Are you some sort of cruel or sadistic person. Because i find it hard believe the other girls would just abandom you.
Also rachnera actually has some issues, more than any other main girl, and need a mentally strong person with her

No, not actively. However as I've gotten older I've just died more and more inside.
I've almost no real empathy or sympathy for humans. But I don't go out of my way to antagonize people.
I'm the equivalent of an miserable, rotting tree stump. Either grind that shit out and plant something new or leave it alone and forgotten.

What the hell kind of person would want anything to do with that? Out of respect for all the girls I would tell them to not waste their efforts on me.
I imagine Polt trying to life coach me unsuccessfully. Then I imagine the genki in her dying due to her lack of success. I wouldn't want to damper her.

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And as far as Rach own issues, I have no understanding on how to actually help her.
I can barely help myself.

If opposites attract, then sames repel.

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>cute short hair
>genki look
>huge milk tanks
brehs.. I want a kobold gf

>They just take your soul
>implying this is somehow not the case with regular human marriages

>nobody ever tried to make bina and doppel hoers edition

Handsy was a catcher, not a pitcher.

Give her fuzzy house slippers and maybe keep steel-toed boots for dance nights.


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>the holes in the outfit make her body look patchworked

If I lean towards one it's probably 7, but honestly I'd be down with any/all of them.
Spooder is best girl