Who would win, the """strongest""" warrior, or one smug girl with a gun strapped to her back?
Shingeki no Piku
Peick is shit. SHIT
best girl
More images like this? Having people Eren has eaten talking inside his mind.
Reminder that CHADke will reveal he's been honing his MMA skills under Annie's dad for his entire lifetime. Shitren doesn't stand a dhance
Kys Zeke.
I miss Yumiru
Before going to Marley
We know GODholdt.
>Uzumaki Ani
>Nardo cancer
>Muh Eren Uchiha
We know, Hisu
They look good together
Just you wait. Zeke always gets his win back.
>ShingekiNoKyojin (subreddit)
>caring about the source and not the content
Sorry didn't know the resident retard was awake. Back to sleep with you.
So who is going to die next chapter?
No one important unless Reiner really does sacrifice himself for Falco/Gabi like others have said. Still feels like he needs a sendoff with Eren though, and I can see Zeke screaming being the cliffhanger
G-good thing I'm an important character, right user?
I don't think Reiner is going to sacrifice himself for Gabo or Falco. Characters never get what they want, after all. I honestly can see him living until the end.
Colt is a better looking Zeke
Piised and Coltpilled.
>ZP was canon
>Hacksayama can't even draw his face properly after a whole month
*grim reminders ZPnignogs*
She looks uncomfortable
I don't get your pic. Wouldn't you be worried and scared of your titans appearing dead all of a sudden? But obviously with Pieck he had a special connection
>special connection
Nonexistant in the manga, only in spic headcanons spurred on by having to live in a favela. He makes the exact same expression in both, only with a little disappointment when he realizes it isn't a sneak attack(but then it is).
Stop staring, Manlet.
Are you retarded? Even Pieck hesitates at shooting at him
Why are Piitards so fucking stupid? You just defend the same cuck shit because of a waifu.
>Pieck even hesitates at shooting him
Wew, Zekefags are so retarded that they don't understand the basic flow of panels, Pieck adjusts her aim to shoot at Zeke and then flinches and jumps away once she sees him readying a volley of rocks. She shows no hesitation BTFOing Zeke later in the chapter, even hoping for his death and instantly betrayed him to Marley when she had evidence of his betrayal. Reminder that ZP has had ZERO conversations or interactions in the entire manga.
>Personal reasons
>My Pieck-chan
>Zeke has a beard and Pieck likes beards
Come on. Are you that retarded Porcofag?
Warriorfags hating Zeke is hilarious when
>m-maybe if we genocide our people t-the world will suddenly stop looking us like monsters
The only likeable character was Reiner, the rest is garbage
Ah yes, I remember when Zeke called Annie "Annie-chan" while trying to get RB on board with leaving her to die, and called Pieck "Pieck-chan" while decieving her and condemning her to death.
>characters make noise when about to come under fire by a volley of boulders breaking the sound barrier
>muh beards
>Pieck subtly calling out Yelena on her shit disguise means she likes beards
Zekefags are truly the most retarded posters, even more deluded than EMfags over a ship that never even talked to each other.
>and condemning her to death.
He abandons Anniet yet he wanted to make sure Pieck was inside that hole with her beta orbiter brother Porko
At least Zekefags know his character is a parody, unlike you who would kill your own people for a shitty waifu. Magath is a cuck and Porco is a fucking shitty character
>i-if I become a monster and die in 13 years dad will love me
>i-if I force my friends to go through a hopeless terrorism operation the country that treat us like shit will hail me a hero
>w-well I still have some friends and juniors left r-right
>j-just go to sleep Eren
>traps Pieck and Porco in a hole away from the battlefield in an abandoned house with no way of escape
>only escape because brainletlena wore a fake beard when xhe was manly enough already
>does nothing to make them retreat afterwards, lets the survey corps try to kill them without even taking their powers
>gets Pieck's closest allies killed, Zekefags think she will sacrifice her life for him still
Zekucks, seek help, stop browsing /snk/, let your crotch wound close, I don't want to see nexts month's cope for your own sakes.
The only good warriorfag is the Anniefag
>Magath: forced meme for a cuck
>Pieck: stupid bitch who is offended by Eren attacking when she was all smiling after gassing a village (at least Reiner or even Zeke showed some feelings)
>Porco: does anyone really like this shit?
>Reiner: I like the character but his fags only cry about Eren and Erenfags 3000 times a day. Don't know if they are fujos just hiding behind Reiner
>peace ending
>Ereh gets killed as muh evil devil
>Armin talks about peace, shows them Gabi and Falco and the world is so moved by him they let go of 2000 years of hatred
>Mikasa becomes nip empress of Hizuru
>the world is at peace because everyone loves and understands eachother
Something like this will happen. Yea Forums will shit on it like as one of the worst manga ever while reddit/tumblr calls it a masterpiece.
>Don't know if they are fujos just hiding behind Reiner
gee you think? its literally one person
This, I'm too fucking tired of the Warriors, I want to see more Kruger, Kiyomi and even Mikasa.
>if I sterilize my own race my adoptive father and molestor will be proud of me
>I just have to betray everyone I ever have known in my life
>get beaten out by everyone because your only redeeming qualities are your blood and your faked loyalty
>well at least my brother who I have never met and totally had the exact same upbringing as me and holds the exact same ideology still loves me, now my self-genocide will finally happen!
please be patient, he has ackertism
Zeke is more likeable than your shitty waifu who was all smug after gassing a village. And Porco...shit I rather Ymir over that garbage
>Zekuck still doesn't realize Pieck's titan face doesn't have the same expression as her human face
>thinks Magath is a cuck for fighting for his own countries' survival despite it's flaws
>muh Jobco, even though he's the only minor warrior with an arc
>A-anniefags are b-based though, they rarely post and challenge my delusions
If Marcel had been alive none of this would have happened.
Kill yourself Benhmed.
>self-hating cuck jobber
Let me guess, you have one of pic related on as we're posting
Are you retarded? So if a like an evil character I do evil things in real life? Waifutards are really braindead
Sorry, but Porco is THAT bad and a fucking waste of pages, and ugly as sin
>doesn't realize Pieck's actual face doesn't match her titan's
>thinks plotholemir is better than Porco
>didn't realize Zeke's flashback was made up bullshit to begin with
>thinks Zeke is likable but thinks GODgath is a cuck
Is this truly the worst poster on /snk/?
i rabu zikku
We know, Yee.
Eren isn't pulling a lelouch. He literally shits on that mentality during his first conversation with Pixis.
You can think whatever you want about my waifu because I understand that different people perceive characters differently. But stop insisting that ZP is canon because it's complete bullshit. And some of you even seriously write that Pieck is pregnant.
>wearing Pock's jacket
>manga ends, and then a year later we get a sequel series
>a year later
>CHADsayama ever taking hiatuses
That's right!
No, I want something new from Isayama. I believe he can do even better than SNK.
The Connie and Sasha of Marley
>manga ends
>a year later we get a GoT rip-off prequel series that detail the events that led to Karl the Cuck going mad
>j*an parallel and entirely unique character
>the c*nnie and s*sha of Marley
Based retarded Z*kecuck
Does anyone really prefer Porko over Ymir? He is fucking terrible
So was Ymir, but at least she was hansamu
ZP is the EH of Marley
PP is the EL of Marley
I don't like Pieck because characters and writings always favor her no matter what
she's like a mini mary sue
being competent doesn't make someone a marysue
>Zeke is the exact opposite of Eren and everything Pieck idealizes
>Zeke and Pieck show no interest in each other while PP's interactions are much more natural like EH (while ZP have none to speak of)
>Pieck literally wants Zeke dead while Zeke has attempted to kill and condemned her to death many times
ZP is the (other) BA of Marley except with them being enemies and having less interactions. Truly a pathetic ship only supported by the most pathetic fags
Some shipperfags prefer him
Porco looks fucking disgusting and have zero personality
Cope Yuemhueierooufag, just cope.
For real Gabi and Pieck are fucking boring and I don't feel bad for them. Like they said above Pieck was smug after killing an entire village. Reiner became repetitive as fuck and Porco is just a meme with zero charisma.
First time they are making me miss AM
60 IQ post
being competent doesn't make the charcter likable or add depth
>this thing is attractive to Sneed
At least Ymir didn't hurt my fucking eyes
>that loathing of island Eldians
I don't understand why people can't like characters regardless of their "side". I love Sasha but I also like Pieck very much.
PP is the BA of Marley.
you should know that since the whole relationship is about a beta orbiting a cute girl who likes someone more taller, fit and handsome.
post your fingers when it's not fat anymore then i'll take you more seriously
Porco is just a Jean and Ymir rip off
good thing she has both of them
I don't think Porco is supposed to be a thing
he's just a filler titan
dunno why he replaced Ymir with Pork
I just want them to be okay
Exactly my thoughts but about Historia. Goddess, queen, canonically the most beautiful, fucking loved by everyone, constantly saved by everyone. I don't want to attack Historiafags or EHfags, just my opinion.
>dunno why he replaced Ymir with Pork
So Eren can use him as a nutcracker
Is Ymir the definition of uglyhot?
>Ymir go back to the walls
Would be out of place in the current arc
>Ymir go to Marley
Would be fed to a warrior candidate instantly because there’s no way Marley would trust her and she’s not a good fighter
>going rogue
Write out one of the nine titans
Hilarious Zekuck, you probably had to skip the PP scenes because you couldn't handle them without having an autistic fit, but Pieck is the one who orbits Porco, she's around him all the time, always by his side, she's stuck to him like glue, while she completely ignores Zeke.
>taller, fit, and more handsome
Are you talking about Eren here because Bert was taller and more fit, and his handsomeness was debatable, the problem is he never talked to Annie, and Zeke talks even less to Pieck and vice-versa.
Who did Pieck go see immidiately after the battle of Fort Slava?
Who did Pieck fight alongside every day on the ground with, while smiling remembering their times together?
Who did Pieck stay outside the meeting room specifically to greet when everyone else was already there?
Who did Pieck infiltrate Baladis ALONE with for a month, because they work together THAT well?
Who did Pieck swoon for when she got saved from the Surveycorps while every other warrior she has to do the saving to?
Who is the man Pieck always appears by, always talks to, and is concerned with?
Uglyhot is a thing?
really want to blow seed deep in yimr and then take responsibility for our freckled devil mutts lads
Only in the anime which makes everyone more attractive. In the manga, well...
Still better looking than Porco
Yes. Once you go far enough into the negative it suddenly turns positive.
Post examples
Pieck is probably the second most beautiful character as well. The Jeagerists were blushing instantly, and so was his harem, and I remember more whos also blushing to her
Calm down, Hisu
The difference is Historia wants to protect her people and if that smartpass is canon she understands why would Eren do that, meanwhile Pieck
>REEEEE how dare him attack my people after sending them titans to eat them alive and gas their people REEEE
sometimes non traditionally attractive features can make a face more striking, and/or can project a kind of presence and attitude that's attractive in of itself
Porco is the quintessential chad.
Holy shit is Flegel + Armin, ewww
don't insult flegel like that
Pieck is the second most beautiful character to me, to be honest. But I doubt she's canonically that beautiful. She isn't called goddess or something like that. But anyway if someone calls Pieck Mary Sue then he shouldn't forget about Historia who has like a full pack of Mary Sue traits.
I knew about the phenomenon, but would refer to it as uglyhot.
I knew a petite blonde girl with a roman nose.
It suited her. Then she had a rhinoplasty ;_;
Flegel is already a chad, Flegel but in-shape and with a glorious GALLIARD Jaw Titan is unstoppable. The most beautiful character in the series who isn't used goods is his for the taking.
Is it similar to people looking ugly, but their personality makes them hot?
what a tragedy
>glorious GALLIARD Jaw Titan
He looks like a neckbeard
yeah i'd say it's all kinda the same nebulous sort of thing. cleopatra was that way apparently for example
>Greased hair
>Short tempered douche
idk he seems pretty cool to me
Certainly. I mean she was pretty anyways, but changing her nose made her lose that unique charm.
He has a magnificent lion's mane and a magnanimous and an awe-inspiring Jaw, unlike your la criatura dyke self-insert tranny titan.
Where is our shojo chapter bros, we are more blue-balled than the anniefags
I have also meet the opposite. They looked good until they opened their mouth
If you say so, neckbeard
Oh, please. Smarpass only shows that Historia isn't retard. It would be weird if someone from 104th thought differently about war and soldiers. Eren escaped to Marley and killed innocents only because Historia will give birth soon and will be under the risk of titanizing again so he needs to act quickly. So his actions are connected more to Historia's well-being and less to Eldia's well-being. Pieck as selfish as everyone, of course she thinks only about her people. The same way as Eren thinks about Historia and is ready to sacrifice even his own people to save her. He already allowed to kill 35 Eldians and manlet and to poison 300 Eldians. Pieck at least doesn't want to kill her comrades. She literally said that she's fighting not for Marley but for them.
Comfy cave chapter soon.
I don't know. But at least it means they're still alive.
Not until the epilogue, Isayama needs to string the fujos along for every last dime first.
What do you think?
>muh neckbeards
It's a tranny alright
just hot
Jesus, contain yourself Bert.
>Pieck is a worse soldier with Zeke
Love really makes her weak
Not a tranny though. Are you the neckbeard who posted his hand?
>Ymir (dios)
>Ymir (dios mio..)
I think it's more like comfy castle chapter.
She certainly isn't the best.
Control yourself, Hisu
peak sure is tiny
Eren doesn't think so.
>worse soldier
>comes up with a genius surprise attack that instantly turns the tide in favor of Marley
>holds her own against the SC until Panzer Unit's death makes her break composure
Uhhhh Zekefags?
And very smug.
Pieck rabu Zeke. All she needed to do was to tell Magath what he said to Eren. Yet she even trusted him during the attack on Marley
Tell him what, that he tried to say his eldian restorationist father tried to brainwash him? That in a hostage situation he tried to appeal to Eren? There was nothing that could indict Zeke of anything that would indicate his betrayal, but with the other more unreasonable Marleyans in charge she still could have gotten an innocent family killed for nothing. Zekefags are truly delusional, the minute she was able to connect Zeke to Yelena she had no issue exposing him to Magath. She showed more reaction to a character with 5 panels death than Zeke's supposed death, and even in thatg miniscule amount of screentime that one Panzer Unit member had more chemistry with Pieck than Shitke.
Not that guy but I hate how people overrating Pieck
>holds her own against the SC until Panzer Unit's death makes her break composure
Are you talking about the fight in Liberio? See pic related.
Without Marley's weaponry, it's pretty much the weakest titan among the nines.
>constantly saved by everyone
Funny you say that because it seems no one gives a shit about what happens to her anymore aside from Eren, at this point.
Isayama, they've suffered enough. Just let them be happy.
I'm talking about this panel where she is able to evade thunder spears until the loss of one Panzer Unit breaks her composure, while she immediately moves on from Zeke and still shows signs of missing the Panzer Unit to this day. Your pic is literally the first time she ever went head-to-head with a 3DMG user, later on she adapts to their movements but lets the death of the Panzer Unit get to her.
How many times did Pii try to rape Zii?
Never, she was too fixated on trying to unleash Porco's italian schlong.
>It would be weird if someone from 104th thought differently about war and soldiers
Jean was literally shown to have serious misgivings about this very concept in the same smartpass, and that reluctance of his was present within the story as well, whether it be during Uprising or in Marley.
Hange still cares about her.
I'd say everyone does but for the sake of muh ambiguous narrative it hurt AMJC characters more than anything. If Isayama planned Eren to be the father he is being too coward and dragging shit (maybe he is just waiting for the anime to end)
pp_kiss.jpg - Porco Pieck, right? I thought it was Erwin Hange at first.
I thought it was obvious by their clothes and faces.
Yes, I should have mentioned her as well. It's almost unreal hiw she's the only one in this arc who hasn't talked about her as though she were a tool. Not gonna open the can of worms that is AMJC's silence either.
Picture this scenario. If you have several thousands of dollars worth of Shingeki figures still sealed in box, would EH being endgame make their values go up or down?
>(maybe he is just waiting for the anime to end)
This probably. Same reason we're not getting any LH either, I guess.
>porcofags is a thing
Zeke is a cuck, but at least he's handsome
>I'd say everyone does but for the sake of muh ambiguous narrative it hurt AMJC characters more than anything
I dunno about that anymore. To convince MJC to help Eren Armin literally explained a plan that was nothing more than a more violent version of the original 50 year plan, which by all logic would have the same implications and consequences including the fate of the royal family, but that didn't cross either his nor the others' mind. It's too much to just be pinned on muh ambiguity at this point. Shit went down this last year and we need to know what.
What if AMJC already know that Eren is the father?
MP > ZP & PP
Who knows what happened and why now they don't mention her. Still Ymir was crazy in love with her, Eren is crazy in love with her and she's loved by everyone in general.
How did Ymirfags handled their waifu's off-screen death? I can not imagine that pain if it happend to my waifu
It would make sense (some said that Wakano went full on ErwL merchandising to the point of ignoring even LE which is bigger) as their appearance would have been a nice parallel to the anime episodes.
Even if they fought it doesn't fit their characters though
People Historia had sex with:
Reiner (virginity)
Ymir (Lesbian phase)
Annie (once outside of crystal, once inside of crystal)
Berthold (pity sex)
Mikasa (teaching how to please Eren)
Farmer-san (couldn't resist)
Eren (put a baby inside her)
Armin (Lesbian phase)
You can help this list by expanding it.
cumstoriafags btfo
I remember they were in denial, saying that she didn't really die and she was alive, you can check the archives
This is true, all marketing went on ErwL
>No LE
>No EAr
>No LH
>No EM
>No LM
And they had material from the serumbowl, if you check that guy's twitter he is a full ErwLfujo though I don't know if that would explain manlet and Hans disappearing or Wakano (the fujo version of Araki) wanted to grab all the money he could before wathever Isayama had planned to do with those two veterans
i want to to masturbate to hitch
>forgetting manlet
Well, anyway my point is that her attitude towards a war can't be connected with Eren's actions because his actions are mostly to save her and only then Eldia and he even doesn't mind killing his former comrades and putting their lives under in danger (AMJC and Sasha's family locked in the building with 300 potential titans who aren't enemies too btw).
Ewwgh no
Manlet doesn't like womanlets.
manlet is a virgin
Only people her age disgusting pedo selfinsert/Gabotard
She's top tier and her husbando was nice too
Not a Ymirfag but imagine losing your fave character to a piece of shit like Porko
Honestly I preferred the offscreen death and a letter over something that Bort got
Are you one of that kind?
>Headcanon: Levi is crying during masturbation
You're posting something that happened a year ago, which makes the complete silence on her situation even more jarring, if anything.
Anyway Ymir had her reasons for loving Historia/Krista that made sense given the kind of character she was, and the same could be said of Eren (assuming he is love with her) considering the impact Historia had on his own progression. Her popularity among the 104th trainees was due to her appearance and superficial traits, and when she dropped the act no one cared anymore aside Eren. Her being popular among the faceless common folk for helping the orphans and the poor doesn't make her a Sue either, or else you might as well call Zeke and Eren Sues for having their own cult followers.
I love his death so fucking much because of his fangirls reactions.
Bert ain't dead.
Denial. Some of them are probably still at that stage even now.
post some examples for lols
Porco is so simple and lazy he seems ok with killing them despite he having the memories of someone who spent time with them
>off-screen death
the off-screen death was very fitting and she died with content, making her the only character who has died fulfilled.
>vague memories of girl hanging out with peoole with glimpses of who Yumiru was really focused on, CHADner
>this is supposed to make him feel sympathy for the people burning down his home and killing his people wantonly
Ewwgh yes
>this is supposed to make him feel sympathy for the people burning down his home and killing his people wantonly
What? He should know they are good people who were victims of Marley. I know you are a cuck pretending people to not defend themselves
This is the TRUE LH.
There is one thing she regretted not doing though
Why would he care? A few memories won't undo years on endoctrination, especially not after what happened in Liberio.
>anons were joking
>That pedophile who makes everything weird
Manletpedos I swear
he was popular with women, once
incomprehensible user is incomprehensible
>You're posting something that happened a year ago, which makes the complete silenc
That's why I wrote
I don't say she's a bad character. But someone called Pieck a Mary Sue. If Pieck is Mary Sue then Historia is even bigger Mary Sue. That's all. She clearly has Mary Sue traits. She's the most beautiful canonically, at the same time she's so skilful that she was 11th and it's already fucking high result. But of course she became top 10 because Ymir was deeply in love with her. Then of course she's a royal. And not just royal, now she's the queen. And now mc is in love with her and is ready to sacrifice the whole world to save her from titanizing. There is no other character in this manga who is portrayed more "special" than Historia.
He wasn't around for Willy's speech and even so they pose a threat to exponentially more innocent people. Dumb Parakike.
If Eren is Sasuke, does that make Armin Naruto?
Haters gonna hate
>Q: Around what age is Levi most popular among people?
>A: He refuses to reveal the exact age, but he will insist there is a period of time when he was popular.
He's a virgin alright.
>Being this triggered by the comfiest ship
Grown up levi and child hange
Why is this fanbase so obsessed with shipping when romance is pretty much non existent
user, not even a diehard LHa-fan can deny the pure aesthetic of a cute short male and a cute short female with dark pasts socializing with eachother.
Why are you so obsessed with being retarded? xd
>literally had a romantic scene in the last chapter
>Muh no romance
I dont ship LH and I find any manlet ship with the youngers ones disgusting.
The jewish are behind the EH posting, it's jew propaganda.
I would like to see you posting this when our local EMfag is spamming EM non stop the entire thread
Eldians are literally jews and Marleyans are literally nazis.
What if Mikasa suspects Eren's the father?
Same, it feels kind of wrong. Manletwhales are really disgusting and worse they pin their pedo projections onto Erenfags
They're all 18? you're so retarded
Because he is an EMfag
>his mother was a whore
>she was getting drilled by her johns all day while he was nearby
>obsessed with cleaning "filth"
He is not so different from Zeke, is he?
He's either late twenties or early thirties. After the timeskip, early thirties to late thirties. So maybe average 15 years difference. Basically, when they were babies, he was a teenager. Yeah, technically a bit yucky.
Not really plus I also believe Eren is the father and I liked the EH moments, no offense YHfags
user, age gaps aren't disgusting. My father is 11 years older than my mother. This is something that occurs naturally. It would only be unnatural if a female of an older age marries a younger man, as the woman's self-worth automatically decreases along with her fertility.
How do you not know this?
>Threads got raided by rabid EMfag(s) last week to the point that half of the posts are the same person spamming
>No one complains about muh shipping
>a few posts about shipping in this thread, most messing around
Do you know how many loads Manlet took to the face as a fetus?
Stay away from children
even hotter than regular LHi is AU Hisu messing with the janitor
EH, LH, FG and maybe AA are the canon ships
Dude Historia is 19 while Manlet is almost 40
>Mikasa's entire character revolves around her love for Eren
>Ymir's love for Krista/Historia was one of the driving forces of Clash
>Falco's desire to protect Gabi from titanization being motivated by his love for her
>literal confession last chapter in the middle of the battlefield
>"Children are the future"
I mean, come on.
And he is the same manletpedo who used to post manlet with minors
well my father is 23 years older than my mother
How do you feel about Historia fucking Eren?
We know, Annie Fubar.
>everyone I don't like is one guy (depending on ship)
I was being objective, I hate skroinkmin too
You're hapa aren't you
I thought my grandpas 9 year age gap with my grandpa was big, holy fuck
Depends on when your father first boink your mother when she at what age. If the younger party is at least 20, most of the yuckiness fades away. But if the boinking initiated when the younger party was in his-her teens, there are questions naturally. Cause looks fade with age, so... there would be concerns whether the older party will abandon younger party when he-she is older. Most especially if there are babies involved.
A lot of yuckiness with age differences is based on child abandonment / neglect. Over time, society simply had too much of parents who are poor with the stuff that happens after sex. Ya know... child-rearing.
>grandpas 9 year age gap with my grandpa
Based Ymirbro.
She was 17 when they started dating, married 19.
was ymir retarded or being controlled by Marcel through PATHS?
How is the Manletpedo coping with
>Falco x Gabi
>Eren x Historia
Oh dear... Yes, that's a bit questionable. But... if they're still happily married presumably, then OK.
To win, you don't need to kill your enemies. Just stop them from killing you by not existing.
>Manlet is a oyisan/big brother
>Historia was 15 and manlet like 35 years old
The problem is you project something manlet isn't. Like saying he is a faggot because Isayama created him for fujo fanservice
she was a fake dyke who betrayed paradis for a taste of the BWC (big warrior cock)
Isayama wrote himself into a corner. Ymir couldn't have stayed with Paradis to give away the plot, so it was either that or a quick death
>People mixing the real life when Isayama is writing about different generations
>Historia and (possibly) Eren fighting for their kids
>Older generation (Keith Hange Manlet etc) are in the way
Do you even understand this manga?
Levi is the father
Projecting is the wrong word, I am simply justifying that an age gap alone is not much of an issue.
These relationships exist everywhere in the world and wouldn't even be illegal in my country.
I wouldn't approve of it, but SnK is not real life, so I like the combination of Hisu with Levi.
Divorced when I was 15.
And manlet was planning to sacrifice Historia to protect Eren for his comrades. And Eren and probably Historia knew about the wine.
>writes Levi...
Also how do you feel about Eren being the father of Historia's baby?
Nigga you blind
Holy shit I rather ZPfags vs PPfags, fucking thirworlders
Can Zekefag and Porcofag have a belly off? If you really go to gym, you shouldn't be scared right, Zekefag?
>Divorced when I was 15.
Well, they stayed married for at least a decade and a half. That's not so bad, user. Could be a lot shorter. Also, I forgot to mention that the bigger the age gap - the more unequal the power levels or something tends to be. This ups chances for abuse of the younger party by the older party. Which is also why student-teacher relationships are very frowned upon. It's not just about societal squickiness. Falls along more with keeping youngsters away from drugs, alcohol cigs. Especially since the brain doesn't stop development until about age 24. Actually, I tend to equate it more with dental hygiene. Getting into a relationship too early can be very financially painful, like dental work.
I feel really bad for Manlet and Hans.
Is it me or those who write Levi speedread the manga
Me too, probably Eren and Historia knew about the wine and those two backstabbed them
I will now proceed to pleasure myself with Mikasa's abs.
calm down, Louise
Mikasa is angery now!
Eren knew about the wine
She is the worst girl (her words), she backstabbing them (being forced to be a ruler and going to negotiate with Marley would be for nothing, only for more eyes to be looking for Historia) kind of makes sense, her life was going to be hell. I don't know how her current relationship with AMJC is, but I think she only cared about Ymir and now Eren, the rest were "okay" with she living trapped meanwhile they were having fun
Calm down, mate.
She was controlled by plot convenience retardation
Me too. Hange especially because she is going to lose her eyepatch. Manlet not so much because he is going to be the one wearing it after she dies! ;-;
I cannot believe they did that to Marco
She is dumb. Truly the worst character.
I used to believe the SnK fanbase being too retarded for SnK was just a meme, but after years spent posting/reading these threads I can only confirm this is true.
>Hange removes eyepatch
>Becomes stronger than Eren
Bertolt got the best VA
Annie x Marcel is the most cute and canon ship
>clearly distraught over Marcel’s death, rightfully blaming Reiner
>hatred for Reiner compounded by the dumbass pretending to be her bf for five years
>Marcel’s fondness for short blondes clearly transferred to Ymir and transformed her into a rug muncher
>Annie is clearly interested in Eren due to his roguish charm and natural manliness, reminding her of Chadcel
Your third world =/= snk. I'm not surprised manletfags can't read, but this was always about generations forcing others to carry their sins. Manlet is irrelevant and his character was always as a support type/big brother type like Isayama said. I guess you also skipped Floch vs Keith about new methods vs old methods, or Gabi/Falco generation, AMJSCEH fighting for their future, two of the superiors being sent out, Nile interacting with Falco and loving his daughters. Your only type are represented by the molester kun with Armong or the pedos trying to sell Mikasa.
Your iq is too low for this manga
Manlet has to show off his scars, he isn't wearing an eyepatch
I understand where you are coming from, but I find it is very much dependent on one's idea of marriage. I personally believe that a husband should always assert his dominance over his wife. Not in a direct way, though in an indirect way. In urban societies where no family trusts the other, this kind of relationship would be exceedingly rare (at least, in higher social classes). If we are referring to rural high-trust communities, where family-bonds are strong and we are in a more natural environment that resembles a tribe consisting of multiple families, this kind of relationship would work as any other.
I also find it kind of strange this is criticized in anime and manga, where we clearly KNOW that Levi is a trustworthy person who would not be an abusive misogynist.
I think Hange has better survival odds than Levi.
she was merely tsundere to chadner after he exerted his dominance
Calm down, Hisu
Have you thought manlet and Historia are not attracted to each other? Also manlet see them as kids.
I need more AU chapter.
I don't ship, I just like the idea of Hsitoria and Levi fucking eachother.
>Manlet's comrades died a terrible death because Hisu wanted to protect herself
>Manlet would sacrifice Historia before Eren
GODren el diablo devil succubus Jaeger will DESTROY SHITner el blanco calvo shit braun’s earlets
we know plot contrivance-kun and forcedmystery-sama
Annie BTFO
Eren definitely knew, and he still gave Zeke a meeting time and place, meaning he was fully aware of its potential consequences and went along with it anyway.
If Historia's backing him as her decision to fool the govt (which allowed its eventual downfall) seems to suggest, then she most likely knew too.
God I'm so bored of the warriors
Bert = cucked
>not wanting more DEVILGODren destroying Liner Shit Brown
Wanna know how I know that you’re gay?
>I personally believe that a husband should always assert his dominance over his wife.
Will not touch this, even with a 60 meter titan.
As for Levi x young scouts. If you indulge in this type of ship, it kinda ups the chance that you'll look for something similar in real life, user. Real life people simply isn't as safe (or OK to take advantage of) as fictional characters.
Fictional characters, especially our favorites, are completely in our control. Even if their creators make 'em do something we do not want them to do, we can just excuse it away as bad writing or "we'll just make alternate universes".
Fyi, so long as you can completely separate fictional characters from real life people, you should OK and won't be among the unfortunates who become frustrated with real life people for not being as convenient as fictional characters.
What about Gabo?
It became boring, even more ridiculous they obeyed Reiner just to rescue Gabi
What do you expect him to do? If he stepped in he could of accidentally killed them
Demon-turned-angel GODbi will now become blackpilled and enlightened after SHITco’s death and use that GOD-GIVEN knowledge of hers to benefit GODren
she will save humanity
Gabi is a hack now, she likes the devils
how tsundere is this?
I ship reinerfags with erenfags
>ZE make contact
>Gabo fucking headshoots Zeke
>Zeke dies
>Eren can't stop the rumbling
>Everyone is doomed unless Eren uses a pregnant woman
God, this scene was unironically really sad.
I prefer the Connie killing Zeke version
Half of them are closet REfags anyway
What the fuck has Connie ever done besides being the comic relief
>Mikasa unequivocally FOGGED by a 12 year old pre-pubescent child
OH NO NO NO Mikabros, quick we have to run a shitsmear campaign on every user who likes Gabi by calling them pedos!
He will kill Zeke and with that he will destroy the world, Paradis, and Eren's mind
not even once.
get shit on
Gabi is like 14
I sitll can't get over that asian butt
She's fictional, it's ok
It's more her hips
Cut your genitals off, shove your balls up your nostrils, and choke on your dick pedo incel.
Who is a bigger jobber, Zeke or Reiner?
Zeke jobbed but that was almost every time against an Ackerman. But he does have an OP ability only available to him.
Reiner is Reiner.
>Mikasa gets the Gundam ending
>Jean joins Historia-Mikasa-Louise
You know this will happen
What did she mean by this?
This is Reiners last chapter jobbing, he's gonna use his newly learned moves on Eren and shitmin
dropped plotline
isayama wrote that when he was like 20 and had probably just read about "time is a flat circle" meme and thought it was mind blowing. he probably dropped it after realizing how cliche it is
EM confirmed
I hope this fight is over next chapter. We all know Zeke is going to end up screaming, just get it over already.
i think the reason why the anime didn't adapt this dream is because that's not mikasa
my guess is gabi
>he thought Marley would just sit back and let him use the rumbling
>locks his friends in a cell with Falco who has Zeke's fluid in him
>"lol fuck off" to Mikasa instead of being an adult and telling her that he cares for her and doesn't want her to be in danger by following him as he genocides the earth
>black clothes
>tipping back in his chair
Rageturd a shit who's 5 years late from leaving his edgy teen phase
That's an interesting theory. So the girl at the top is not the one saying those words?
Are you bipolar?
I am the first user, and no, you just can't take a joke.
i just thought that they want that scene to be ambiguous.
if they add that scene in the anime and had mikasa's va then that would confirm that it was her.
if they had a different va then that would confirm that it was not her.
i feel like that scene was too important to just not adapt
I see
>The Beast Titan is 1/3 the height of Colossal
>Colossal is 60M, Wall Maria is 50 M tall
>At the very least, Zeke should be 1/3 wall in height
The fuck? How did he shrink?
This is your beast titan bro
Hackayama can't draw
>what is perspective
>calf bigger than thigh
Exactly my point. He's barely 1/15th wall.
Is there any character that is more based than Theo Magath? And I'm not talking about Taichō Magatō. Hell, I'm not even talking about Supreme Commander GODgath mounting Pieck's anti-than cannon, so that he can weaken Shitren and have him eaten. I'm NOT talking about Commander Theo Magath when he was risking his life whilst fighting in the trenches with the Erudia-jin Butai around Fort Slava. I couldn't be talking about Commander Chadgath as head of the Senshi-tai, rigorously training the warrior cadets whilst harboring hidden feelings of sympathy and respect for said Eldian children. I'm definitely not talking about Magath when he met Willy Tybur, whose respect he earned through being a realist and pragmatist, thus securing him a place as Commander-In-Chief of Marley. I'm really not talking about Acting Supreme Commander GODgath who bravely faced the assault of the Chōsa Heidan in Liberio whilst dealing the first blow to the usurper Eren Jager’s Kyojin. Do you think I'm talking about Chadgath, the genius who managed to quickly figure out that Sieg betrayed him by analyzing the remains of his body after the battle of Liberio? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Gensui Teo Magatō, the mastermind behind the Marleyan surprise attack on the Jaegerists and Shitren, BTFOing both with the Kūtei Butai, as well as superior planning and technology. I'm talking about Supreme Commander of the Māre-gun, and thus the Māre Rikugun and Māre Kaigun Theo “The God” Magath, who is the modern Helos incarnate, the man who shall save the world from the wicked devils of Paradis lead by the genocidal brothers Eren and Sieg, thus securing a better future for his Marleyan countrymen, as well as the Eldian citizens of Marley, all whilst propelling the world into a new era of peace and prosperity.
PorZ > ZP and PP
>The Beast Titan is 1/3 the height of Colossal
Less than that. CT=60m, BT=17m. 17x3=51. The rest is correct though.
Even if we're generous and assume he'd be about twice as tall as he appears in the pic if he were standing upright he's still about half the size that he should be.
The CHAD contrarian peacemaker
>Pieck is carrying Zeke's child
what would she name the child?
>That scared face of Zeke because she knows Pieck is sending him signals
In an early interview he mentions another series he'd like to do, so I hope he can do that
If you are a Yelenegroid, leave this board. You are not welcome here. We have enough low IQ dyke YHfag retards shitting up this board. EM, leave this board. You are not welcome here. We have enough low IQ dipshits like you around. You are fucking retarded as hell and nobody wants you here. Shitletfats. Leave. Now. You are subhuman. You will never be human. All Armongcucks, leave this board immediately. You are not welcome here. ALL EMAnegroids. leave this board. No exceptions, you are not welcome here. If you are not EH, leave this board. You know you are not welcome here, yet you come here anyway. Leave this website you inbred motherfuckers. If any of you fucking niggers, $oymales or trannies try to reply me in ANY way shape or form I will get a full legal kill on you, no question. I will not relent, I am a ruthless killer. Every liberal fucking Floridan retard that likes that joke of a character Yumeerue should leave. This is a right-wing board. Any other dyke, fujo, tranny, anime-watching retards that I have not covered also need to leave this board. You are not welcome here. You had no hand in the creation of this site, this board, or the developed culture of /snk/. You are all worthless and will never amount to anything in the eyes of the white man. You may achieve in one metric or another, but you will forever be subhuman. You will never be like us. You will never be on the level of a true EHchad. Every single one of you niggers leave before you trip and your head is impaled on a bullet. ANY of you that listen to the retarded nigger anime that is called Season 3, leave. Your mind has been penetrated by Arakike. You are so easily influenced, you are not white. You are a beast. You have no self control just like all those stupid nigger fucking tranny miscegenated retarded that keep polluting this board with their retardation. Fuck you.
Based offspring of the freedom couple.
t. low iq shipperwhale
Hans is manlet's tea
>It’s okay to shit on other characterfags and pairings just because I’m le kekistani EHchad! xD
No wonder people think EHfags are so cancerous, you have the mindset of a hxhtard. It gives a bad name to the few EHfags that are decent people.
Anyone else use "EHcuck" as a genuine insult on other boards?
It has become an /snk/ staple.
I don't spread degeneracy outside Yea Forums.
I think they are the first shipping cancer who post cancerous shit like that
>If you don't like my ship, then fuck off reeeee!
>Not knowing sneed from normal EHfags/non EHfags who just believe the same theory
Your problem
Yeah Sneed just use EH only to fight the YHfags. Only newfags don't know this
Sex with Annie's nose
They are not the first, but they are the first to enable and support others who say that kind of stuff. And then this thread is expected to be okay with this just because they are “le nazi aryan plotCHAD EHCHADs!!”. Of course, I’d hate to generalise and say that they are all like this because some seem to be fine. Yet even outside of this board they sperg at any critique of their ship (whether it’s toward shipfags themselves or the ship), even if the one critiquing is an EHfag. See BBORA on twitter for an example.
How the fuck am I supposed to know? I’ve been posting in these threads before EH got incredibly popular
I love how you ignore this
And BBora was harassed because if EH even though she draws other ships too.
>How the fuck am I supposed to know?
Dude it's pretty easy to tell who is Sneed, he is always over the top, he also fights EHfags because of PP. Stop blaming the rest when others are harassed just for thinking Eren is the father without even shipping it
I didn’t ignore it, and she was harassed by an EHfag themselves
>what is anal or oral sex
Sex is evil.
I only just got up to date. Is Armin right? Is Eren just pretending to be retarded?
Eren got leglocked by Historia and he is going to be a father
>Is Armin right?
No. Armin is shit.
Hans>>>>>>>Eren+manlet+Mikasa combined
Hange is my wife!
>Is Armin right?
About Eren not following the euthanasia plan? Probably
t. Erwin manlet Moblit Onyankopon Keith Bruce Willis
She also overpowered Mikasa. She's truly humanity's strongest.
>buys a larger shirt with the exact same design every timeskip
>only character without a past
>Didn't want to talk about Ackermans
>Overpowered Mikasa
>Recovered fast after painting the wall red in the that cave
>Erwin could find manlet
Maybe the meme of she being an ackerman spy was real
>zeke almost dying AGAIN
whats is the point?
Delaying everything till WIT escapes with all the money before Isayama drops the audio
Be patient to Eren. He has autism.
>Can't grow a proper beard
>Wears the same clothes since he was 8
>Obvious mental issues
Why do people like Eren?
Looks comfy.
Their color is slightly different. He wore a light green shirt as a child and a light grey one as a teenager.
The beard was the editor thing
He hates cattle more than anything.
It's the Yaoi Day curse.
Festivals are cheat days.
From the objective point of view Zeke is totally in the right.
Titans are too dangerous, every Eldian is a walking bomb or even worse. If the story would follow Marley people from the start, only contrarians would keep the Eldian side
Fat little jobber.
explain how ODM gear isnt magic
>cuckren self-inserter
It's a different world from Earth so Earthly limitations need not apply. Still, if the 3DMG runs on iceburst stones, and iceburst stones are likely connected to titans in some way, and titans are magic then 3DMG is probably magic by their world's standards as well.
>enko is here
Funny because then you complain about EHfags harassing you
That's why he only eats game meat he's hunted himself.
Kill yourself ErehisuHaven
Keep crying EMcuck
Eldians = Aryans
>Eren Jaeger
>Erwin Smith
>Reiner Braun
>germanic trairs such as blonde hair blue eyes and brown hair and green eyes
>german op lyrics
>centuries of colonialism and holocausts
They clearly represent some form of post colonialist germanic nation. The themes of the story involve the actual oppression post colonialist nations experience at the hands of their supposed victims. Which is on point for the japanese since korea and china are trying to oppress japan using post colonialist rhetoric.
>muscular loli
Is the manga ending? I can't live without snk
Still a year or two to go (most likely).