Why didn't he just tell people that he's cursed and can't tell people what his power is?

Why didn't he just tell people that he's cursed and can't tell people what his power is?

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Because Re:Zero is a bad writen story and re:cucks defend it like if it was the savior of anime

If he told people he was cursed they’d probably look into it, end up triggering the heart crush thing and end up dead.

Killer Witch has already entered their eyes!

Story telling is about creating impressions. Not vacuum sealed air tight logic. He tried to explain his situation to Emilia once and almost died because of it. Sure, he could have tried other approaches but that's beside the point. Stop being autistic.

bad writing, the author can't seek a valid excuse to answer this question

>says the sword art online watching beta cuck fuckboi

that's too smart for Subaru

This, pretty much

Clearly you know more

>it's a "just turn your brain off" shitpost

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He can't even tell them that much retard, Satella isn't an idiot. He couldn't even answer the question about Rem's death in the 2nd arc timeline when he stayed in Beako's library the whole time. Which lead to them all being suspicious of him

eat shit and die condescending cunt

>why doesnt character in a story behave like a person whos reading the story would
I fucking wonder. Not saying rezero isnt shit but
>destroyed by facts and logic
gets real old when you dont account for circumstance and personal character

If I remember he tried once, the curse started to kill him so no ... he can try but that just leads to him dying as it will kill him and reset the whole thing.

even if he managed to get away with that much explanation people would want to know more and investigate making him die anyway

i'm autistic but i understand the whole artistic liberty of autism but not even trying to write it down gave me extra chromosomes

Did everyone here watch the series at 2x speed? He tried to tell what was happening with the loops multiple times but almost got his heart crushed

why aren't you asking how a sorceress can transport someone from another world into her own.
Why can a cat talk, transform and fly around? Why can people shoot fireballs and beams of light out of their bodies? You just sort of accept that without questioning it don't you?

Now shut the fuck up.

not to mention emilia dying

If isekai writers could write well they wouldn't be writing isekai.

Zero reading comprehension. Nigger you dumb as fuck right now bro


haven't read the LN or WN, but does he ever begin to learn the witch's motive for summoning him?

She loves him and claims he saved her and brought her out into the world

S2 will cover it.
S1 should have had her telling him she loves him but they had it silently said in the anime(as in you had to read her lips). They also didn't add the between revival scene where he says that he will save her and that's his mission.

You're not wrong, but there's a certain point where the audience has to ask what the fuck is causing the main character to make these decision.

Why did Subaru wait until his FIFTH death to try and tell someone in the first place, for example?

Eventually Explanations from the narration start sounding more like excuses from a writer who maybe should have revised his draft one more time before publishing.

A major point of his character is that he stubbornly tries to do everything alone. That’s why he gets shit on in arc 3 when he realizes it’s impossible

Who would believe that?

Pretty much anyone he knows after arc 3. He’s literally a national hero.

>d-dude stop thinking about it!
isekai fags in a nutshell

Rezero is a plebfilter and it can never change. COPE harder virigins

What if the Witch inside his mind wasn't aware of any investigation? There could be background discussion about the whole situation without Subaru. Of course, it wouldn't work the 2nd time once Satella realized what the hint that triggered the suspicions was.

Because that would be sensible. This show doesn't do sensible

I don't even like this series much and I knew that, fucking Mexicans and Europeans literally can't read English subtitles or something.

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>intelligent and powerful witch who nearly dominated a planet full of wildly powerful and magical beings/demons, and is still feared centuries later
>Nearly kills him once for spoiling the witch's possession of him

contrarianfags in a nutshell

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It doesn't get triggered if other people learn about it without him informing them you retarded secondary

is subaru the sin of pride? he looks so prideful to me

nigga you can defend it but it's still bad writing, author not having clue what to do etc.

Because Satella isn't a brainless fuck and will stop him form even hinting at his power

No he didn't. Unless it's novel-only shit, Subaru only ever tried saying he can return by death. He could easily fake having a limited prophecy ability instead.

"Guys I'm cursed but I can't tell you what it is and DON'T LOOK IT UP" makes him sound crazy, then again they already think he is. For someone with endless resets he didn't experiment much.

His curse is intelligent, that's why it slapped Betelgeuse out of Subaru's body and also why everyone died in one of the arc 4 timelines where he was freely talking about his curse inside Echnida's world because it knew he was mouthing off about it and so it wanted revenge. Although he's never tried to tiptoe around it, it would probably still activate if he tried.

>For someone with endless resets he didn't experiment much
That's likely because the author isn't smart enough to come up with anything. The premise for the series is really interesting and is great set up, but it rarely delivers. Multiple times Subaru's plans only work out due to being saved by a Deux Ex Machina and dumb luck (e.g., Reinhart stumbling upon him at the last second. Roswaal stumbling upon him at the last second). He has a power perfect for keikkakus but almost never uses them.

Dying seems like it would be an unpleasant experience even if you do get resets.

t. dumb animeonly pleb

He doesn't experiment because he fucking hates dying, because 99% of the time he dies a horrible painful death. In arc 4 he is offered help by some specially intelligent witch who wants him to obey all her commands in return for her sage advice on how to solve things, which would involve mindlessly experimenting and dying for what is expected to be an overall net decrease in deaths as opposed to him trying to solve things his way with that dumb brain of his. He declines because he wants to keep his humanity, even if it means stupidly bumbling through things his own way and dying a bunch of times.

Also Roswaal has a magic book that vaguely gives him instructions/future insight to help him achieve his goals (which also ambiguously described Subaru as someone who can rewind time; Roswaal doesn't know the specifics but does know Subaru can redo shit), which is why he flew off after seeing Subaru clearing one of the flags in his book, to set up the entire series of events that followed afterwards.

>Guys I'm cursed and ca-
>heart thing happens

>Roswaal doesn't know the specifics but does know Subaru can redo shit
So he technically does know about the curse then. Why can't he hint at it and be unspecific?

The curse only activates when Subaru himself makes an effort to make it known to others. If he's too unspecific then it's meaningless. If he tries specifics then

That's like cutting at your neck with a knife to see which parts you can apply the blade to without dying.

>intelligent and powerful witch who nearly dominated a planet full of wildly powerful and magical beings/demons, and is still feared centuries later
>has to use pissy NEET from another world to do unspecified things for some reason

It's almost as if the series has strong mystery themes, as shown from the very first arc onwards.
>baaww why aren't we told of the villain's motives from the first episode/paragraph

My point, you shitheel, was that having a pissy NEET do whatever it is she wants done, instead of a half-competent person from your own goddamn universe, is some stupidly roundabout and arbitrary shit.

She needs someone with alot of free time.

so when does he bang the witch?

He doesn't like dying, so he tries to keep his resets at a minimum

It's anime. They probably knew them in a past life, or performed the ritual to summon the thing that would work and accepted the results despite skepticism.

Are you retarded? Satella 'loves' Subaru for some reason, which is why he was chosen. Could she have loved a competent person instead? Sure, but the point of the series is some random guy being thrown into a dangerous world with just 1 time rewind power, and suffering a lot. If you want some galaxy brain chad who stomps through everything isekai then there are lots to choose from.

Does the "savepoint" move every three deaths?

No. Theres no logic for savepoint changes

That's not a smart idea. The Witch gets less and less bound by the seal everytime he dies, and in arc 4 he does manage to say that he can "Return by Death"
She broke the seal, flooded the entire world with a tsunami wave of shadow and was nearly about to permakill Subaru. However, the Witch seems to possess an aversion to true and heartfelt love, which is why a handkerchief knitted with love manages to wipe away her darkness and kills himself with that handkerchief (I think)

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Savepoint moves as the plot demands it

Perfectly explained OP, Satella isn't an idiot.

Alternatively he could just lie and say he can see potential futures. He definitely has enough proof to convince them.

New OVA subs are out but don't bother, they are far worse than the first ones we got.

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I know the logic behind it is important and all, but can't you just tell that the writer was going for a, dare I say, 'game in real life' type of thing, and simply accept it? Obviously having the npcs 'know it's a game' would kill the immersion, and the rule preventing that is solid enough, not to mention it's handled in a fun way. We know what it was trying to achieve, do we really have to get hung up on such small fucking details?

if he tells them he's cursed and he can't tell them about it - they're only a couple of fucking things that are powerful enough to do that.

it's like if scarlett johannsen said someone raped her but she couldn't tell you who did it. Who the fuck is more powerful than scarlett? Who interacted with her in the last few months?it's a small fucking list. you can figure it out in a couple of hours of thinking at most

If someone told you they were cursed but couldn't tell you what it was you would call them a bitch nigga and walk away

I dunno.
But emilia a qt.

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Beautiful comparison

But this is still a bad excuse. If she can restrict him in such specific and covenient ways, how is the reader supposed to believe that he has any agency as a person whatsoever? It's a bad writing decision.

Why didn't he just wait until Satella is sleeping to explain what's going on? Or explain through the medium of interpretive dance that's too abstract for her but understandable by others?