Would Panty fuck you?

Would Panty fuck you?

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I mean, yeah. Probably.

She''ll fuck anyone.

No, I don't think even she would be willing to fuck me.

Honestly? Nah probly not, maybe... if literally no one else was around. I have a gf but thats only cuz the ritual worked, i couldnt ever get any1 to fuck me legit, not even a literal skank like panty

Maybe, but Stocking fucked everyone at once.

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At least she’s not into bondage/farts like her sister.

I could probably lie well enough to get her to sleep with me. She has pretty low standards after all.

Well, She's Panty isn't she? The real question is would I fuck her... and the answer is also obvious. If only she wasn't torn to bits.

so they did this as a fuck you with no intention of ever making a sequel, right?

agh it still stings, even if it was just a joke ending

They expressed interest in a second season, but that was as far as it ever got.
So maybe?

I feel like in some circles people would want me to fuck her and others not. But by default, no.

What do you guys think Panty’s snatch even looks like at this point? Shit’s probably like a pile of roast beef.

Panty is an Angel.
She'll never get STDs or pregnant, and her cookie probably looks like a strawberry macaron.

Nah, I'm like Brief, except not secretly handsome and don't have a giant dick.

Only if she's desperate and sex starved enough. She prioritizes certain types (and sizes) far above others. Why fuck you when she has plenty of better options?

It's unlikely, all the staff that matters already left gainax, so unless trigger somehow gets the rights a s2 is never ever happening god I hope I'm wrong, I need more of my wife

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Not unless she had to use my underwear for a gun.

Everyone forgets Panty primarily fucks Chads with huge dicks. Even after learning Brief has a huge cock, she's uninterested until he shows his cool side. If anything, Stocking is the one who'd give it away to anybody that could keep up with her many, many kinks.

No but I would

I meant maybe to the fuck you part, there wasn't ever really much hope for a season 2, as cool as that would be. IIRC it was much more popular in North America than it was in Japan, makes it hard for them to greenlight more of it when the local interest isn't there.
Shit sucks, but whatever.

>If anything, Stocking is the one who'd give it away to anybody that could keep up with her many, many kinks.
She's literally fell in love with some disgusting monster. People want to forget Gainax going out of its way to trigger them.

If Gainax retains the rights, and they get desperate enough you can be absolutely sure they'll do something with their old properties. On the other hand at some point they were selling tomatoes so I don't know what desperate enough would look like.


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I don't know.
Does Panty do lovey-dovey vanilla fuck?

>She has pretty low standards after all.
She has high standards for physical fitness, user. If you don't come off like Chad Thundercock, you won't get a second glance.

What the fuck is a "footpussy"?

it's like a boypussy but footier

Yes. Maybe got a ugly face, but my big dick would be like her.

i dont think she wants virgins

>he doesn't know
it's pretty self-explanatory and also lurk more

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>but my big dick would be like her.

She'd take anyone.

Except you, user.

>that artist's Stocking
user please

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She'd treat me like briefs, I'm fine with that.

She'd probably suck my dick for some weed and a xanax or 2

She absolutely would the massive slut. Shit even if she didn’t if you waved cash infront of her face she’d probably do it anyway.

No, I'm like Geekboy only I don't have a giant key dick

They made a sequel comic/manga but it only released in Japan. Panty gets revived in the fist chapter and idk after that because no one ever translated it.

>those toes

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I mean I breathe so

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Shut up gayboy.

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She was as loose as they come, 110% she would.
I bet stocking would too if I went back to my old ways and didn’t shower or shave for days at a time.

that thing actually looks like a pussy
Is this still worksafe?

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Is it on Amazon for kindle?
If so then you can at least obtain the raws incredibly easily.

That's a good point about Stocking. I only shower once every few days. She would definitely fuck me for my dick musk.

>not attractive
>no megacock
Nah. Unless she wants to do a big bukkake scene and is running out of guys.

Well yeah, shes hungry for a good dicking

That's not up to her ;)
She's getting fucked by me whether she wants to or not ;))

Canonically every wizard who retained their purity to the end is guaranteed a stocking GF in the afterlife.

>but thats only cuz the ritual worked,
I’m curious. What’s this ritual?


>every few days
Wot. I wash every single day.

I finally got around to watching this (about half way through) after hearing so much about it when it was airing, despite not being into anime that much at the time.
I'm in love with it, especially the dub which adds a whole lot more to the humour. I actually managed to laugh a few times. Somehow it's making me nostalgic for the late 00's early 10's, which might be from hearing the soundtrack micspammed on TF2 back in the day.

I feel like I missed out on something special by passing over it when it was new, it would have been nice to see the firsthand reactions here.

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I really don't find the sub humorous at all. The dub is fucking funny, though. And we got Stocking out of it, a tag we'll be able to throw into booru search engines and cum to for the rest of our lives.

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i need to keep up building muscle

on the other hand the better girl will appreciate me as i am

there's no point to showering every day when it's colder or when you don't get excessively sweaty/dirty, your body is capable enough of killing bacteria
showering every day is a harmful meme that hurts your skin and wastes precious water, which gets polluted by soap and shower gels and needs to be processed to be usable again
you should literally only shower if you start smelling bad or feel sticky/dirty, otherwise you can get away with only washing your hair and pits and wearing a clean change of underwear

protip: use baby wipes for the final few wipes after you take a dump, that way your ass won't smell and your pants will last for longer without needing laundry

thank me later

Stocking was a favourite of mine even before going in, but now that I'm more familiar with Panty's personality I can appreciate her so much more.

You can just wet toilet paper in the sink if you're at home, you don't have to use baby wipes and potentially fuck up your sewage system.

Leaning towards yes

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That's also an option, but modern TP gets really soft and easy to pierce through with your finger once it contacts water
You're not supposed to flush baby wipes anyway unless it says so on the box, it's why I said it's for the final wipes so they're not too filthy to be discarded in other ways

No because I would tell her that Stocking is better

Amazing taste

As with you desu

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No, since she isn't a rapist. At least, as far as I know.

I'm uncircumcised, so no.


>Cock is normally 5 and a half when erect
>can get up to 8 and a half if I'm turned on enough and while it hurts when it gets that big I'm usually so horny by that point I don't even care
Yes, probably.

You aren’t supposed to flush them even if it says so on the box. The companies are outright lying to you via using a different definition of safe to flush( can it go down vs SHOULD it actually go down) and the sanitation workers call the result demonic snowballs.

No her standards are way too high

The toes and fingers are so shittily drawn. It digusts me.

No, but the fact that Scanty wouldn't either hurts me much more.

I think she would. I can post my dick if anyone doubts me.

Do it fag

I look like the ugly bastards in anime but I'm not old af and have a decent face

I doubt you user, I doubt you verily strong.

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season 2 when? ;_;

Fuck off Jared

massive lol

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I hope so, but I want to be the last in line.

Nah. She fucks chads.
Stockings, on the other hand, was going out with the antropomorphic personification of Yea Forums and she isn't currently chopped into the thousand pieces, so it's possible.

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Yea but I'd prefer if Kneesocks fucked me.

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yeah, I'm 6'4" and jacked.


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Like, in the butt?

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Sorry, she's not my type. I'm into demon girls.

You are?

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man it fucks with me that its been almost 10 years, it just doesn't feel that old. also anyone know of some albums from teddyloid or the other ost artists that have similar sounds to the ost? that sound track is honestly pretty fucking great

that's not how bagina work

you shill for AAA devs and post SJW twitter screencaps

Granted now is goimg to made for netflix

If she fucked a NEET she can fuck an average dude like me

When did she fuck a NEET?

I'm black with a big dick, so yeah

How would Panty and Stocking react if they caught you wearing their panties and stockings?

Yes that's how it works

how would they react if i could activate their power?

pretty sure she's fucked her sister

No, she would start having standards having seeing me.

I don't know why but this was one of the more fun shows I've watched