It's very hard to watch Nisekoi and not fall in love with Onodera. Arguably impossible

It's very hard to watch Nisekoi and not fall in love with Onodera. Arguably impossible.

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It's very hard to watch Nisekoi and not want to throw a fucking piano at shitoge.

>she lost

>Lose to SHIToge
>Bake their fucking cake for their wedding
Wasting years off my life reading Nisekoi was fucking worth it for this moment alone. MarikaCHADS won in the end.

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Eh, she's married with a child. It's not exactly pathetic, it's in character because she's kind and that is her profession.

Well duh, user. She's literally designed to do that to you.

Tsugumi has a better body.

>Falling in love with a doormat
I hope you guys don't do this

What makes her a doormat?


I greatly regret reading this garbage to the end, what a fucking waste of time

>t. faggot

Shit Taste as Fuck

Enjoy your violent tsundere #3209

I fucking hate Nisekoi so fucking much
The blue haired girl awakened in me a hostage fetish and I fucking hate it so goddamn much it’s not even funny

only if you have shit taste

Yui had such a great personality

Tsugumi and Marika are better

So what if she didn't win?
It just means she can date you instead, user!

>t. edgelord

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wtf did you just write?

I literally couldn't sit through 2 episodes of Nisekoi and I still fell in love with her.

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What did he mean by this?


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Aside from She had an early and decisive lead in the Rakubowl and she still managed to blow it by being too passive. It's like the tortoise and the hare, except the hare started a single step away from the finish line and the tortoise only had 3 legs.

As someone who never bothered with the actual series and just read the one shot, how in the ever loving fuck anyone expected her to win? Blonde girl was set to be the winner even before Nisekoi, as a manga, was conceived. Chitoge had like a million neon signs pointing at her being the endgame, this was clear since day one. I feel bad for those poor delusional fools who thought any other girl had a chance, much less the plain looking girl with a mild personality.

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What do you mean? Why doesn't she have more people falling in love with her in the story besides just Raku?

Kosaki acting out of character

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How bland does your taste have to be to like Kosaki? She has no personality at all. She's literally just the default settings of a love interest in a harem manga.

You mean Tsugumi

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Bland shit is still better than the violent tsun piece of garbage that won, violent tsunderes are literally shit tier.

I hate that she lost, she the only reason why I was planning to read the manga, now I have no reason too.

I will. Thanks you

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Nah user. Nisekoi was always a planned story to cuck Onodera. Onodera is probably the insert for a girl who cucked Komi hard.

Believe it or not some people still expect the main girl to lose for some reason.

There's no way in hell anybody would chose SHIToge over her in real life. And yet, why did she lose the MCbowl?

is the anime any good? I got bored of the manga after volume 1

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Glad I am not the only one.

Watch the first season and Episode 10 in the second season

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Absolutely based my brothers.
Death to all chitogefags.

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Everything in the manga was going alright, until the classroom confession scene and a fucking baseball kills all the momentum. Then ensue 100 chapters of misdirection. Very much a Guillotine Guerilla moment.