Who should win asta bowl and why?

Who should win asta bowl and why?

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yuno, because asta is obsessed with him

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Me, because I'm gay.

Left looks cuter so she probably deserves better than an autistic shounen mc.

Who the fuck cares, both are shit and so is asta

Not the generic tsundere bitch

The nun from the beginning. He makes good on his promise to go back for her.


Who even cares about this shit series?

Multiple people

Mimosa is the endgame because she reminds me of Orihime and BC is the new Bleach.

Harem end because a chad like Asta deserves it

Don't compare a masterpiece like Bleach to this shit.

>BC is the new Bleach.
but it's moving FAST

What made you think bleach moved slowly?

Don't care about the Astabowl

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Rent free

No one


definitely the redhead.

Sister has already won desu