Komi Can't Communicate

It's out.
Are you gonna pick up a copy?

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One fucking job.

>Comic sans

I want to FUCK Komi!

why isn't it "miss Komi", or, god forbid, "Komi-san"? does such a person exist who buys manga, but doesn't understand common japanese suffixes? This is almost as bad as "Don't Mess With Me Nagatoro"

>Komic sans


Because that's what a good translation/localization should look like. Honorifics aren't untranslatable.

>Komi Kan't Kommunicate
Fuck it, I'll buy the first volume for the kino blackboard scene

I feel like there's more of a sense of alliteration and flow in "Komi Can't communicate" over "Miss Komi Can't Communicate" or "Komi-san Can't Communicate"
Honorific translation is always kinda iffy anyways.

Because using honorifics in a translation is fucking retarded.javascript:;

Picked it up Tuesday.


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Translations by Yoda.

My fucking sides

I literally read that as yoda jesus christ

Communicate komi ca’nt

>Not Komi Kan't Kommunicate

God no

Mine arrived from Amazon. They don't use honorifics which seems out of place. Not sure if I should return it and just stick with the fan translations.

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>don't dead open inside
Also what the hell is with that font? It looks awful
>wanting it to be known as KKK
How do they handle the Najimi gender thing? Do they just use 'they'?

using the full title for watamote was stupid as hell. I doubt even nips care to remember it.

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Got a pic of the blackboard spread?

>that redrawn sound effect
Thank God most of the stuff I've bought recently hasn't done that shit.

It's really shit. It actually takes away the mangaka's art to do this. I'd rather see a the TLd sfx written on top or under the japanese sign than this.

Yet another case of the scanlations being better than the official translations
What the hell

There is a severe lack of Komi-san and Tadano chapter

I came here expecting a full review of the translation but all we've gotten are two pages

Scanlations are done by enthusiasts with infinite time. Official translations are done by wage slaves who don't give a shit on a deadline. Of course they're better.

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None of us are smart enough to judge tl quality

Seems alright. Thankfully they didn't try to translate the name puns.

I'm more concerned about scanlators dropping it due to copyright fears.

whatever you say user-javascript


I honestly don't know how that happened.

No because Komi is just boneless Sakaki-chan

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I didn't know it had been licensed, I've been on Seven Seas' ass about picking it up.

How often does that even happen? Especially cause the official translations are gonna take 2+ years to get to where we are right now like Watamote
We'll be fine

>not Komi-san
Dropped in the fucking TRASH.

Who do these faggots think they are?
>oh noo the precious lil wypeepo's noggins would explode if they saw an honorific
>nobody understands that manga is JAPANESE so we can't use JAPANESE naming conventions

>does such a person exist who buys manga, but doesn't understand common japanese suffixes?
Teenage girls who just like cutesy things and are therefore fond of SoL manga without even caring too much that it's manga.

Honorifics don’t matter. Also, you’re not going to buy it anyway so who cares what the official translations do?

>waaaah, you don't understand! honorifics are sooo important and they carry sooo much meaning! it's not like i'm only saying this because they're the only japanese language concept i can vaguely understand!
Get a fucking grip.
Also, san is a basic bitch honorific. You lose nothing by omitting it.

>buying manga
>buying localized manga

>no honos

>keeping knees together while sticking her ass out comically
Komi awkwardly telling other apes shes ready and willing with body language.
Nothing prevents retarded people from getting horny after all.

I just bought all volumes in Japanese. Can't read Jap to save my life but i want to support the mangaka and what not.

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>tfw wanted to do that but I live in a third world shithole and can't get them shipped here
I'll buy them one day, just you wait Oda
>Can't read Jap to save my life
This is the perfect excuse to start, do it for Komi

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I bet you think localization is acceptable too.

That image stops being cute once you realize that deep down Komi is plotting to kill Manbagi so she can have Tadano all to herself

I'm too lazy to make a new thread so here we go

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I bought them while on a trip to Japan. Sending them would have cost like half a ticket(and also because i bought loads of others. About 8kg of manga).

Oh, i am studying. But for that i use Yotsuba, much simpler Japanese. Only hiragana.

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Literally drenched

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Literally wouldn't need lube with her

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Why does this series not have an anime yet?

How can one boy be so perfect?

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Best boy, zero contest

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How does he do it?

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Kome you're not supposed to be this cute holy shit.

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Ase is so adorable

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>hfw you cum inside

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And that's that
Reminder to thank Komi Scan for being better than the official translations

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Adorable Ase.

I know this is supposed to be endearing and stuff but she looks like those photoshopped pics where you just squeeze the face into the middle.

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I want to lick her sweaty thighs

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I like how Toutoi is both in the judges panel and on the bottom row

Oh no, he's cute

The power of Buddha

that 'am i kawaii ugu' mouth is fucking bothering me

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looks like an orange

literally "do NOT FUCK WITH ME, Nagatoro" tier

play a record

Shit no wonder cakes love him.
I want to ara~ ara~ him too.

Yeaaah no.
She's fucking trash.

I can't believe Ase is the true star of this arc

What the fuck?! Kometani is so cute!!

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It happened back then to Kaguya-sama. However, other scanlation group quickly picked that up since it's a popular manga. So, I guess we're safe.

Fuck. Meant for this


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>attracts bitches just because he's there
>outshines a flashy narcissist
>Has a smile that can block out a sun if he wants to
what a fucking chad

But really, he rarely pulls his honest smile from Valentines

This is nitpicking but you shouldn't capitalize the first letter when characters are just randomly writting sentences. Nobody does that IRL.

I still can't believe that shit got a show

I do

Well this would explain a few things.

Komic san't comicsancate

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If you think komi-san translates to miss Komi you are fucking retarded and have no idea how Japanese works.

You retards are fucking insufferable.

>You retards are fucking insufferable.
I never understand why people want localizations to literally erase and redraw art more than needed. Sometimes it's necessary. It isn't necessary to erase a massive fucking sound effect and "translate" it into something that looks and acts even more awkward.

A single panel and he steals the chapter.

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Yakusoku no neverland


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holy FUCK

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bitch be creepy

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Upvoted XD

>no honorifics

those kisama-tachi, urusenai!

Anons, if you don't like the translation, then consider importing the moon version.
There's something wrong with her legs

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Eh, she's fine.

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where can I find art of her happy that someone actually loves her?!

>she's used to have his pictures taken

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Oh god, just let me hug you. I bet it feels super cool.

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Every note on the board I write has a capitalized first letter.

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I read election as erection

Becoming more Japanese by the day.

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I love how Ase is actually getting some relevance, I always thought she'd be thrown in the background
She's too cute to be wasted

Too cute to be washed*

Stop bullying Ase

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Didn't she get NTR'd recently

I hate Komi's hair

No, she, Rumiko and Tadano are unaware they're in a love triangle right now.

Where the hell is her nose

Mayonegg gets me every single time
She scrubbed too hard when she was cleaning herself and it got wiped off

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Erase this post from time


FuwaToutoi best couple.

>She's used to have his pictures taken

Manbagi a cute
Tadano is cute too. His smile hit Komi and Manbagi
His honest, very happy smilehe did in Valentines was a top-tier waifu smile. No joking.
But he wouldn't be able to do it again because there's nothing special for his heart here

>Rumiko and Komi blushing after seeing Tadano's smile.

This explains a lot.
Buddha-kun is kinda going to the other side because of Kometani's smile
Also, everything for him is kinda lewd

Of course.
Also, when will we see Komi doing a wide, happy smile?

Ase a cute. CUTE!

I wonder what happened back then that made her say such hurtful thing to Ase

Ase smells like Ass is probably why

Is it just me, or does Komi have a fat ass?

combine these two

She has even better feet.

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I've never been a footfag but I'll be damned if Komi doesn't turn me into one.

There's no reason not to capitalize correctly when writing something by hand.