>Hasn't seen him for fourteen years
>puts bomb around 14 year old boys neck. Threatens to kill him if he disobeys
>Treats him like shit for something she refuses to tell him he did.
Did She Go Too Far?
Have you ever tried bullying Shinji? It's addicting
3.0 is a pleb filter
>Treats him like shit for something she refuses to tell him he did.
More than that, she was literally cheering him on in 2.0 telling him to do it for himself and whatnot.
People change in 14 years.
Well she did have 14 years to regret it and hate him for it.
Most of us dont turn into literal fascists.
She could have just tell Shinji what's going on. But that would destroy the drama.
Most of us aren't forced to build a paramilitary organization in a post-apocalyptic world.
>She could have just tell Shinji what's going on. But that would destroy the drama.
No, she couldn't. She was busy doing more important things.
>hate him for it
Hate him?For what?
*forced drama is what I meant.
She'll never acknowledge she did anything wrong
>Hate him?For what?
This shit.
>Hate him?For what?
He made her relive her childhood trauma. So that might make her more than a little salty
she watched him doing it from the sidelines and literally, LITERALLY cheered him on as he did, the rebuilds, particularly 3, are bullshit
oh and the zeruel fight in original Eva versus the Rebuild is literally the definition of "soul vs. soulless"
The final movie hasn't even come out yet.
>oh and the zeruel fight in original Eva versus the Rebuild is literally the definition of "soul vs. soulless"
That's what the second rebuild is about, though.
It's Eva, except everything is just not right. Not the way it should be.
>That's what the second rebuild is about, though.
>It's Eva, except everything is just not right. Not the way it should be.
Why? Because things were actually going right for Shinji for once before Q had to shit all over everything he'd managed to do for himself?
Why isn't the new movie out yet.
Is Anno a hack?
Yes, among other things.
It's cool, she's still hot.
3.33 is what happens when eva tries to focus on nonsensical plot instead of character drama, everyone just acts stupid.
Again. Why would she hate HIM? He is just as much a victim of circumstances as she is. Real Misato would never, ever do what the bitch from 3.0 did. The characterization is simply inconsistent.
Real misato would acknowledge, but this is not real Misato.
>Rebuild is literally the definition of "soul vs. soulless"
And it still was one of the best parts of that schlock. At least it looked cool.
What is to hate about that, it looks pretty
Why did she decide to switch into the stupidest outfit in the entire series?
Blaming Shinji for what happened in 2.0 is like blaming a dog with a bomb strapped to its collar for blowing up. He gets in the robot, he fights the angel, that's his job. He'd done it several times before. Of course he didn't know trying to save Rei would end the fucking world.
And we still don't even know why trying to save Rei would destroy the world.
Why the fuck was Shinji able to access some kind of God mode in Rebuild that was never alluded to or mentioned again?
She's basically wearing the same uniform as 02, you fucking tard.
People that think that Misato acts out of character or that she somehow acts illogically are retarded.
She never hates Shinji in 3.0 she only shows distrust towards the person that almost destroyed the world than disappeared for 14 years only to turn up again in some weird space craft.
What do you want her to do?
Shinji and 01 becomes a literal god in EoE. They even say it.
The movie could have worked and still driven Shinji to a mental breakpoint without them killing off half the cast and turning who was left into sadists.
And usually for worse.
Moon is out of orbit. That can't be good for the human race.
But then people wouldn't still be butthurt about it 6 years later.
>She never hates Shinji in 3.0
This is clearly an expression of love and not loathing or hatred.
She views him as a potential threat to the world. And remember that she could have killed Shinji when he fled with Rei but couldn't bring herself to do it.
It's a reference to Anno's Nadia Secret The Blue Water series. The series that had such a disastrous production he was driven to a mental breaking point.
>What do you want her to do?
Treat him like a human being? Or at least tell him what the FUCK it was he did that warranted a bomb being put on his neck and being threatened with death?
>Blaming Shinji for what happened in 2.0 is like blaming a dog with a bomb strapped to its collar for blowing up. He gets in the robot, he fights the angel, that's his job. He'd done it several times before. Of course he didn't know trying to save Rei would end the fucking world.
and that's what baffles me. Hello? Idiots on the Wunder? If Shinji hadn't gotten into the fucking robot and fought to save Rei. You would all be literally dead! How about you all be fucking grateful that this kid ruined his life to save your unworthy ungrateful asses?
What he did was almost end the world. Whether he did it knowingly or not doesn't matter since they don't know if he is still capable of doing it again. Maybe if they told him Rei was dead he would have gone berserk right then and there and actually ended the world.
>What he did was almost end the world. Whether he did it knowingly or not doesn't matter since they don't know if he is still capable of doing it again
They could have at least fucking LED with that and he might have settled down.
>Maybe if they told him Rei was dead he would have gone berserk right then and there and actually ended the world.
He can't do shit without the robot.
>And remember that she could have killed Shinji when he fled with Rei but couldn't bring herself to do it.
It would have been a mercy killing and spared everyone the pain. Letting him live jeopordized the entire human race and made a bad situation worse.
They have no idea what he might be capable of. They found him inside an angel he could really do anything. For all they know he might be able to end the world without the help of 01.
>They could have at least fucking LED with that and he might have settled down.
Or he might have done something irrational, like almost end the world again. Which is exactly what he did.
This is what really rustled me beyond all compare, if Shinji didnt act and do what everyone was literally cheering or forcing him to do they would all be fucking LCL fluid and repurposed. The 3rd movie made no fucking sense and suffered from such deus ex autism moments. Like they immediately treat him like shit telling him he is the literal anti christ and to never get back in the Robot without giving him a single reason why. I very much doubt the 4th movie will do anything to redeem the shit 3rd movie.
>They have no idea what he might be capable of. They found him inside an angel he could really do anything. For all they know he might be able to end the world without the help of 01.
They understand angel mechanics after 14 years of R&D they would know he wasn't a threat without the robot.
It also happened after Near Third Impact stopped with Shinji sealed in Eva-01 and Lilith still lanced to her cross. Resurrecting Lilith, cutting her head off, fusing Seele's Eva to her, and it going wrong enough that they needed to wait for Shinji to try again was a separate event.
Shinji is something completely new to them. How were they suppose to know?
Kaworu in NGE could remotely control Evas. What if Shinji had the same ability.
>This is what really rustled me beyond all compare, if Shinji didnt act and do what everyone was literally cheering or forcing him to do they would all be fucking LCL fluid and repurposed.
Maybe it'll make sense later in a needlessly convoluted, annoying way. Like maybe Shinji shifted to an alternate universe where he was Chad Thundercock until he fell into a coma from fucking his harem too much and now Misato is salty
>if Shinji didnt act and do what everyone was literally cheering or forcing him to do they would all be fucking LCL fluid and repurposed.
What he did do was almost end the entire world anyway. It is retarded to think they should be grateful for killing almost every human on earth.
>Kaworu in NGE could remotely control Evas. What if Shinji had the same ability.
you're confusing continuities. Theres no proof that is even a thing in the Rebuilds.
So he should have just laid down and let the angel get to Lilith? Better some human beings alive than no human beings alive.
Given how ungrateful they are maybe he should have.
It being different continuities doesn't matter.
It is still a possibility.
I mean what was the other option? Everyone else that survived dies also?
He could have just killed it normally like he did in NGE.
But the point is that he brought the apocalypse, and for all they know he might be able to do it again.
But he didn't kill it in NGE. That was all Yui.
>killed it normally
>it dumpsters on all other conventional Evas including Rei and dumb glasses chick
They tried to kill it conventionally like the others and were unable because of how strong it was, did you even watch the movie?
>But the point is that he brought the apocalypse, and for all they know he might be able to do it again.
You can't put the blame for that on him. His handlers are far more to blame for that than he ever could have been. Will they take responsibility for that? Will they absolve him of his wrongs and acknowledge that they were far more at fault than the teenager they handed the keys to a Nuclear powered superweapon to? Dont hold your breath. I doubt Misato or Asuka or anyone will even apologize.
Irrelevant. The point is that it was killable without ending the world while doing it.
That is what happend in NGE did you watch that?
3.33 is a critique of the anime industry showing all of the elements that became popularized in the wake of the commercial success of NGE as others chased the dragon by aping the shallowest traits of series instead of the artistic principles which had gone into its production and resulted in its popularity. For instance, Asuka is stuck as an eternal 14 year old because no one would dare to change the design of a flagship character. That is the curse of Eva.
1.11 and 2.22 were bait for the switch. "Giving the (unintelligent) fans what they want" meant rehashing the series and even fulfilling wishes by putting a more positive spin on things and making Shinji overtly badass. 3.33 is the result of 1.11 and 2.22, not in terms of narrative, but as meta-narrative of the industry.
It doesn't matter if you blame him or not. The point is that he did it and might be capable of doing it again.
>Will they absolve him of his wrongs and acknowledge that they were far more at fault than the teenager they handed the keys to a Nuclear powered superweapon to?
The only one that even knew what unit-01 was capable of was Gendo and he wanted Shinji to do what he did.
And what does Asuka have to do with it?
Are you retarded, illiterate or both? Shinji was the only one able to kill it and the only way he could was use the power with intent to save Rei.
Literally every other attempt to stop the Eva from killing everyone was rebuffed so it was a small price to pay especially when no one even knew the cost or warned shinji about using his power. Holy shit how hard is that to understand?
Rebuilds look like such a shitshow. I'm glad I never bothered with them.
>3.33 is a critique of the anime industry showing all of the elements that became popularized in the wake of the commercial success of NGE as others chased the dragon by aping the shallowest traits of series instead of the artistic principles which had gone into its production and resulted in its popularity. . . . That is the curse of Eva.
Good symbolism that should have been in a much less bad more coherent more straightforward movie. None of the symbolism lands because the movie bounces from plotpoint to plotpoint without even a break for a piss or taking time to explain or establish just what the fucking hell happened. So they symbolism doesn't land. Same thing with the Christ Imagery in the shitty Superman movies.
I think you are the retarded one. The exact same angel that they had similar difficulties killing in NGE was defeated by Unit-01 without any god powers. So there is no reason as to why that could happen again.
>it was a small price to pay
The destruction of the world was a small price to pay?
>And what does Asuka have to do with it?
She treated him like shit too.
She always does.
The movie itself is the symbol, that's why it's as shitty as most anime being made nowadays.
>The destruction of the world was a small price to pay?
At least the human race isn't extinct. Which it would have been if the angel got to it.
>Be an adult woman.
>Have 14 years to come to terms with the fact Shinji was intentionally kept in the dark about everything and slowly nudged into doing awful world-ending shit by accident.
>Instead, treat him like trash even though he's *THE* victim.
At least it's realistic I suppose.
He could have just killed it normally.
I'm sure theres a law that states collateral damage when attempting to save the life of a loved one isn't punishable.
>the exact same angel in NGE
Is the movie the same timeline as NGE, I dont remember that scene happening in the movie as it does in the show you stupid faggot?
Its a different angel, its a different unit 1, its a different shinji holy shit how are you this fucking retarded.
Also lol just let the Angel get to Eve and humanity can die then and there lol.
Except it was more powerful than unawakened 01
Yeah but those laws usually have restriction on the amount of collateral damage acceptable.
They turned the christmas cake into an old hag
>At least it's realistic I suppose.
A ton of the worst films ever made have been made because they tried to make them 'realistic'. It wasn't realistic in Q's case it was just her being a bitch.
There is nothing in the movie to suggest that the angle was stronger than its NGE counterpart.
If Shinji had not bothered to save Rei and instead simply killed it, the world would not have turned out as it did. Otherwise Gendo wouldn't have done what he did.
Having realistic character motivation and action is what usually separate bad scripts from good ones.
The way she acts makes sense in the context of the movie and her character. To have her act otherwise would have made the movie worse because the characters wouldn't act believably.
Except you know dumpstering a conventional and awakened Eva in the same battle before Shinji enters you retard?
But thats the argument her motivations and all the hateful actions of the people on the Wunder were retarded because they all would be dead without Shinji?
there is literally no reason whatsoever for Misato to not simply say to Shinji "if you get in the robot the world will likely end, like it practically did the last time".
It absolutely destroyed Unit-00 and 02 in NGE. And it is quite obvious that unit-02 beast mode wasn't as strong as unit 01.
I was being sarcastic in that it's realistic for people to be irrational and fucking stupid like Misato was in the third movie.
>The way she acts makes sense in the context of the movie and her character.
No it didn't, all we know if she became the next Gendo and she's either stupid or trying to get Shinji to initiate another impact.
>The way she acts makes sense in the context of the movie and her character.
There was no justifiable reason to treat him the way they did.
They also almost died because of him.
Except for the reason that that would not have changed anything at all.
Except the reason to prevent the world from ending again.
>trying to get Shinji to initiate another impact.
Thats going a bit too far.
And they also didnt die because if him. He is the reason humanity had any chance.
I NEED Misato, Asuka, and everyone to get called out on their shitty treatment towards Shinji in the next film.
How was it obvious? Unit 2s beast mode was clearly as strong and Unit 1s conventional mode fuck off dude.
Obviously because Unit-01 was able to almost kill the angel without being in its awakened state.
She's over forty now.
>They also almost died because of him.
and they didnt!
>I NEED Misato, Asuka, and everyone to get called out on their shitty treatment towards Shinji in the next film.
If they dont? They all deserve to die.
>and they didnt!
Most people did.
>Thats going a bit too far.
I'm just basing my opinion off of how incredibly Gendo-like she became, and Gendo was attempting that.
So she's either an ignorant retard or a wise piece of shit bitch.
In the TV show you fucking sperg, we have established that these are 2 seperate timelines with 2 seperate unit 1 that are acting out similar but not the same events of the previous time. Jesus christ how hard is that to understand, just rewatched and look at the moon you retard.
I was talking about the movie. Unit-01 almost kills the angel before going awakened.
And everyone would have if he didnt act.
Yeah, that's NERV's side. Even they took it slow because Shinji was already disinclined to trust Gendo, one mindbreak arranged at a time.
He could have done it in a way were no one had to die.
I think you might be suffering from brain damage because he awakens unit one casuing the chaingm events leading to the impact event well before he is able to reach the angels core.
He is just about to destroy the core when it runs out of time. Then he becomes awakened.
you little children will never understand the allure of a Milf.
So you admit that he needed the awakened state to get to the core to kill the angel then?
He could have recharged or something.
He also didn't need to end the world either way.
>If they dont? They all deserve to die.
I agree. I want the mother of all angels or whatever to convince Shinji that everyone isn't worth saving and to abandon Earth and go to some alternate universe where Earth isn't destroyed. That after all the shit they've done to him, he should just leave and live his life.
Are you retarded or did you just not watch the scene? Nerves base was FUBAR, Unit 1 had lost an arm already and there was no possible way for him to jack into a port even if there was one while he was on his back. Holy shit the mental gymnastics you go through to put all the blame on Shinji man.
>taking Eva 3.33 seriously as a topic of conversation
The blame is on him since even when he was in the awakened form he didn't need to destroy the world.
But how do you know that? If we go by your logic on the TV series when he goes into the awakened form he also causes and impact event?
>all these 500 IQ explanations
It's because the film is fucking bad, anons, Jesus Christ.
The plot is bad. It's full of holes and forces characters to act like retards. One such case is nobody telling Shinji jack shit for absolutely no reason.
In NGE, where characters were obviously the focus, the plot just had to be good enough not to get in the way of characterisation. It manages this much just fine. In Rebuild, where it's honestly difficult to pin down what the focus is meant to be because each of the three films has been so different, with weaker characterisation to boot, the plot has to carry a heavier burden and does a worse job of it.
This kind of attitude is the reasonable response to what happens in 3.0. That film's characterisation is bullshit, it makes everyone who interacts with Shinji out to be an asshole except Kaworu, who makes NGE Kaworu look like fucking Satan because he's so prim and perfect while everyone else is at their lowest in 3.0 (except Mari who at this point is going to be nothing more than a meme no matter what they do with her in 3.0+1.0).
Because the impact didn't start until he tried to drag Rei out of the angel.
>One such case is nobody telling Shinji jack shit for absolutely no reason.
Nothing they could have told Shinji would have changed the plot.
Anno hates you. That's the whole reason Rebuilds exist.
I'm seriously thinking he delays 4 so much simply to think of a way to piss off an many people as possible and shit on Shinji even harder.
I mean do you know what causes impact events or what the meltdown trigger is or how long it takes for them to for or the if there was even a chance for Shinji to stop it?
Of course I don't know all that because the movie doesn't explain it.
But what I can do is see Shinji act a certain way and then the impact starts, seemingly as a reaction to that.
The literal impact event angel halo appears over unit ones head well before he finishes off the angel, but i guess your retardef selective memory ignores that aspect as well :^)
Yes, because Adam and Lilith merged. Rei takes Adam from Gendo and merges with Lilith. Neither are anywhere near whatever the fuck happened at the end of 2.0.
So what? Any reasonable person can look at the events and see that Shinji isn't to blame for the end of the fucking world. They had no reason to be so pissed that they wouldn't give him any info after he spent 15 years on ice. I would hope that if I went into a coma for 15 years, when I woke up, people would fill me in a bit on what's happened.
Also maybe if they weren't assholes Shinji wouldn't be so keen to fucking ditch them and spend the rest of the film with Kaworu.
Uni-01 gets a small halo but it doesn't do anything until Shinji starts to pull out Rei.
>Nothing they could have told Shinji would have changed the plot.
Except for the fact that Shinji left specifically because they wouldn't tell him anything, and defected to the side that would actually fill him in.
Why did Maya turn into the biggest fucking cunt? Being a dyke doesn't excuse it
You only say he is not to blame because you have the entire picture. But from the people in the movie then it is not as clear. They have no idea what happend at the end of 2.0 or why it happend.
Shinji left because of Rei. If he was willing to end the world for Rei then there is nothing they could have told him that would make him not go with her.
Where the fuck did this bitch even come from?
Maybe he wouldn't have left if he knew she was a clone being controlled by Gendo and he was used to end the world.
You know.
Communication. At the very least it would have made him hesitate or formulate a better plan of action. More knowledge is always better than no knowledge.
But that would have stopped any conflict in the series, nullifying the movie maybe entirely so the characters were made to act stupid. Just to create conflict.
Please don't defend shit like this anymore.
Yeah i guess you are retarded when you ignore the previous scene where Shinji is already too far into the plug before he even gets to the Angel while Misato is cheering him on.
>(except Mari who at this point is going to be nothing more than a meme no matter what they do with her in 3.0+1.0).
She exists purely to sell doujin.
I find it amusing people still argue the same things 7 years later, a nice break from the waifu wars at least
Why would he believe them over what Rei herself would tell him.
Misato even tells him that it isn't really Rei, but he simply rejects that.
>after all the shit they've done to him, he should just leave and live his life.
Agreed. If anyone has suffered to the point of earning the right to be a selfish asshole. It's Shinji,
Honestly, I can handle Misato becoming a cold hearted bitch.
But doing the same thing to sweet little Maya is just evil, they made her a stereotypical man-hating dyke. Has me convinced 3.0 is just some really fucked up nightmare Shinji is having.
Only if they touch our videogames or anime
The only remotely acceptable explanation I'll take is if the theory that there were Shinji look-alikes that were previously retrieved and fucked things up for them before is true.
>Has me convinced 3.0 is just some really fucked up nightmare Shinji is having.
It's not. It's very very real for him. and he's going to suffer for things that arent his fault.
She was in the 2.22 next time preview. So she was planned from the very beginning.
>The only remotely acceptable explanation I'll take is if the theory that there were Shinji look-alikes that were previously retrieved and fucked things up for them before is true.
That might actually be the case. Though it still wouldn't change how I feel about 333 though
I would also accept that Wille hates and fears all of the Children like that.
We all know that preview is bullshit and everything in it was scrapped for what 3.0 now is.
It's still canon. It's been confirmed for the most part that the 2.22 preview showed what happened between 2.22 and 3.33
I didn't see any bomb collar on Mari or Asuka. Then again their necks were always covered up during the whole movie.
Best part is that last time he saw her she was encouraging him to do for what she treats him like shit now.
That is why he is so confused.
>That is why he is so confused.
and the audience too apparently.
If he thinks anyone is getting pissed off he is mistaken. There is plenty of content out there right now and his shit is irrelevant shlop at this point. Same with Berserk, nobody gives a fuck any longer. The author has absolutely driven out any interest in his works because of inconsistent release schedules. People these days have the option of getting involved in franchises that actually going to be worked on until competition like SnK or Fullmetal Alchemist when it was being made. Why fuck around with a story that gets two releases every 6 months?
Maybe theater to satisfy crew? There are guns trained on him while they're trying to establish if this thing has continuity of memory with Shinji Ikari, but he's already on the way to the bridge where the CO is, exactly where he shouldn't be if he's potentially dangerous, and these guys are dismissed when he gets there.
Rebuild 1 and 2 made Shinji into a shonen protagonist, 3.0 was just Anno reminding you that shinji needs to be bullied
Anno hates fans
This is confirmed
And this is only a good thing.
Not enough Shinji bullying in the first 2 parts.
Even Kaji got in on the action.
>Shinji is something completely new to them.
They're not even sure it is Shinji when they fish him out; his toe tag is "Tentative: Shinji Ikari". Rei Q gets the same deal in the artbook.
>Maybe theater to satisfy crew?
She still gave him the cold shoulder when he was locked in the box with the one way glass.
>exactly where he shouldn't be if he's potentially dangerous,
Well they did have the killswitch on his neck.
>And this is only a good thing.
>Not enough Shinji bullying in the first 2 parts.
Shinji doesn't need bullying. He needs therapy. I think Q proved that all the 'tough love' the people who own and boss him around offer just makes bad things worse.
>Anno hates fans
>This is confirmed
It wasn't obvious?
Jesus Christ, the word doesn't mean cunt.
>Of course I don't know all that because it isn't explainedt.
Then how should Shinji?
>Jesus Christ, the word doesn't mean cunt.
Well she does have the mussolini hat.
>Then how should Shinji?
Wille knew and they adamantly refused to explain to him.
I haven't watched it but if that's actually misato I want her to fuck me so badly
Shes now 40. Are you sure about that?
What manga is this from?
Fuck yes
What, you forgot that happened BEFORE he absorbed an Angel with Unit 01, and started Third Impact? Did you forget the fear in her eyes as she clutched her fucking cross necklace, broken down in abject terror at the same sight as when she was a child? Because that's what happened immediately after she was cheering. Pure terror at what he actually did. Did you forget? Because that was kind of fucking important.
Did anyone present think for a moment that Shinji had any clue he was causing an impact?
Why would trying really hard to fight randomly destroy the Earth?
Why didn't Unit-01 eating Zeruel in NGE not destroy the world?
That's pretty obvious. Unit 01 is an Adam in this continuity, not the child of Lilith. It's just like Unit 13. It merged with an angel, along with Rei Ayanami, who obviously still has the soul of Lilith inside her (Lilith fucking looks like her for God's sake) so... the S2 core of an angel, the soul of Lilith, and the body of an Adam, combined, becomes an impact event.
The same thing happened in 3.33, when Unit 13, another Adam, consumed an angel that had partially consumed Lilith. Point is, you need to combine an Angel, an Adam, and something from Lilith to make it happen.
Note, they didn't really have time. Misato and company didn't have an awake Shinji for more than a few minutes, and most of that time was spent fighting. Misato's focus was on not dying. As far as they were concerned, there was plenty of time to tell Shinji what was going on... you know, after the immediate fighting was done.
>Did you forget the fear in her eyes as she clutched her fucking cross necklace, broken down in abject terror at the same sight as when she was a child? Because that's what happened immediately after she was cheering. Pure terror at what he actually did. Did you forget? Because that was kind of fucking important.
No wonder she hates him now. She's had years to stew in it.
nge zeruel didn't eat rei
Shinji should just off himself at this point. He literally can't be any more miserable.
>Anno hates you. That's the whole reason Rebuilds exist.
That's the reason End of Eva exist. Anno hating the fanbase is nothing nwq
End of Eva is the planned ending.
Anno does not hate the fanbase.
He's basically Casca from Berserk at this point.