It can't be helped

>It can't be helped.

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finally, another one of these.

>So in other words it can't be helped, just like Schrodinger's cat. Just as expected of mc-kun

>tring to explain magic with inorrect uses of science buzzwords like Schrodinger's cat or lapras demon

at least Monogatari just went "spirits are being weird, fuck em"

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>introduces the "smart" character with chess
>the moves don't even make sense

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Wtf is a lapras demon? Do you mean the Laplace Demon?

Instant drop, no matter how much I otherwise enjoy the series

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Dumb frogposter.

>if you do [X] you'll catch cold

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>RPG mechanics in real life

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>have children

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>if you kill him you'll be just like him

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Even if you say that...

>a girl falls from the sky

>"I-is he talking about... th-those things?"

another big brain thread made by a snail patrician goes to page 10 while the smooth brained lolicons of Yea Forums argue about which dress Shinobu looked prettiest in.

>Beta male protagonist wakes up
>almost naked girl is laying across from him
>he jumps out of the bed
>shot of her almost naked saying "good morning"

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>"what are you saying..."

>someone says something silly
>freeze frame
>someone goes ‘eh?’ and maybe their faces are animated to look silly
>scene transition

>welcome home darling
>do you want dinner, a bath or

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If anything we don't get enough of those anymore since isekai replaced battle harem. Now it's more like the guy falls out of the sky onto some girl, in one sense or another

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>you're 100 years too early to challenge me

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>Do you find it risible?

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