Now that the dust has settled... was it any good?
Death Note
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The apple shenanigans were unnecessary.
Otherwise yes.
Sure, but it has no hook for me at all.
The apple is the biggest symbol in the show
I was severely disappointed that Raito didn’t win, as I was rooting for him throughout the entire show. Although the ending was such Kino that I think it made up for that
Great soundtrack, immersive animation, interesting characters, unpredictable yet consistent and logical, important themes of justice, and of course the ingenious use of the death note by Light (though imperfect, of course) combined with L’s amazing detective work is what makes the show stand out.
The first part is
Producers fucked this manga up and kept it from turning out a masterpiece
>now that the dust has settled
user it's been 10 years
So there's a story behind it? Thought it was just sheer incompetence
IIRC it was meant to be episodic, differently paced, and without the Near/Mello stuff.
Well I enjoyed it. I'd say most Yea Forumsnons did, but because it's one of the gateway anime outside of Japan, and therefore is popular with the so-called "normalfags", everyone acts like they hate it to fit in. Which is a shame, partially because it's actually a pretty good series but mostly because we allow these "normalfags" to dictate what we do and do not like/what we discuss
It’s really difficult to say how the show could have been improved.
the ending was disappointing.
I enjoyed it through and through, but I was getting kind of tired out near the end of the story.
How would you right the ending?
Extremely bad. Relies almost entirely on happenstance and other characters being breathtakingly stupid. Multiple characters are intellectually nerfed at the exact moment the plot requires them to die in order for Light to advance. There is some legitimately clever writing, but it's always presented in a masturbatory context. I can't enjoy Light at all, either, because it's glaringly obvious from the start that the dude uses the idea of justice as a crutch, so I'm soured any time anyone tries to sell him as someone who starts out as morally grey.
>Multiple characters are intellectually nerfed at the exact moment the plot requires them to die in order for Light to advance.
Misora and Mello are the two who stand out most.
What was so bad about the way Light handled her? I thought that scene made Light seem clever and quick-minded
Light wasn't the problem in that scene. Misora herself was. Like I said, she was nerfed. She's presented as a competent agent who has pieced together a shocking amount of the picture herself. She's sharp and sturdy enough to have worked with L himself. And yet she repeatedly spills her guts to a kid whom she has absolutely zero reason to trust with her highly sensitive information. Her mistake with her alias was also extraordinarily dumb given her situation. Light seems clever here because he has defeated someone who herself is very clever--except she doesn't do one single clever thing in her entire interaction with him, meaning every single clever thing she had done beforehand amounts to nothing. It's like the moment she met Light, she became so unintelligent that it killed her. I cannot believe a trained agent like her would reveal so much to someone she literally met on the street and made her feel suspicious.
To be fair, she doesn’t understand that giving away her name amounts to her death because she isn’t aware of the death note. If Light was actually lying to her, she still probably didn’t see much of a threat.
The thing that always bothered me, was Mello allowing himself to die. The plan would have worked out the same, either way.
What's the point in using an alias if you're going to just hand out your real name to literally whos who kind of sketch you out? It's ridiculous.
Regardless, that doesn't nix the other stupid shit she does. In fact, holy shit, the fact she even divulged to Light that she had worked with L in the first place is insane. Stupid as fuck. Light should have never made it past her and only did because she's the most braindead FBI agent ever. I don't see how anyone can really dispute this.
The thing about Mello's death is it totally amounted to Sudden Dumbass Syndrome on his part too. The guy has no qualms with murder and doesn't seem particularly chivalrous, given his willingness to kidnap and traumatize a young woman; so what the fuck possessed him to let Takada keep her underthings on when the stakes are what they are?
The Mello one in the anime is true
-can you turn around while I take off my clothes?
the end
It's just as true in the manga, it makes zero sense for his character.
Light’s manipulative and obviously came off trustworthy as he is the chief’s son. She’s a woman and her boyfriend just died, so it’s not unlikely that she trust Light out of desperation.
what dust?
It strikes me as very unlikely that a woman whose fiance was just murdered would be particularly trusting; I'd think somebody who allegedly has a strong nerve would tend toward hypervigilant.
You're forgetting the important factor of her being a woman. Light got her by calling her "beautiful".
And that's bad writing.
Light offered her a spot on the investigation team. How does that sound so criminal if you don’t know what a death note is? That’s all she cared about, trying to catch Kira, and here Light seems to be genuinely concerned with helping her achieve that. Again, even if there were a doubt in her mind that Light is telling the truth, then what would she be losing? But she has much to gain if Light really is trying to help her investigate with L. I could totally see something like this happening in real life.
And again, Light’s appearance and eloquence probably contributed to his ability to influence her. She’s an FBI agent, so most people wouldn’t be able to manipulate her like that, but Light is one of a kind.
Still one of my favourite openings
She has no idea who Kira is or how he does what he does, but he's already garnering a fervent and pretty crazy fanbase--so she's just going to take the chance this kid who unsettles her isn't lying?
It really does not make sense to me for an FBI agent who has worked dangerous cases. Why would his appearance make her drop her guard when she has most certainly worked or at least studied cases with charismatic violent criminals? It doesn't amount to Light being one of a kind. He is not the only murderer who has been pretty or charming. It amounts to her being less intelligent and competent than we're told she's meant to be.
The desk guy at the police station addressed Light as a friend when Naomi was trying to contact L. She saw firsthand that Light is associated with the police.
And he still manages to make her feel wary and uncertain during their conversation, and she still opts to completely disregard it and tell him literally everything.
Look, nothing about their interaction made me believe she would reasonably spill as much information as she did. There was not one single part of Light that was so outstanding it'd feasibly make an allegedly exceptionally clever agent toss aside all the boundaries she did. It just does not work with reason.
Even if we stop harping on Misora, since we're just retreading the same ground now, she's not the only instance of plot-induced stupidity--meaning her case isn't a fluke, but a trend. In fact, it's even easier to see her case as unreasonable because it does set a trend of smart characters turning stupid for it to suit Light.
Its one of the few animes that isnt a trope ridden mess. So yes its good. Its also one of the rare cases where the english dub is better. I was surprised to find out it was dubbed by canadians, and the same studio did black lagoon which was another great dub. Americans cant do anything right
I just disagree with you. Light raised a good point: you won’t be able to speak with L unless you’re on the investigation team. You can trust me, Light Yagami, son of the chief police officer, the guy who was waved at by the officer at the desk, the guy who seems intelligent enough to be on an investigation team,,, to inform L about you and have you on the investigation team. If you decline, you have virtually no chance of seeing L. If I’m lying, then at worst, you merely gave me your identity. You’re hung up over nothing here.
Yeah, ultimately we just disagree. Misora's actions fundamentally don't make sense to me and I have trouble understanding how they do make sense to someone even with the caveats. But we've discussed that to its greatest extent, I think.
In spite of all that, as I said, Misora isn't the only instance of it and it lends itself to a trend of bad, contrived writing.
In any case I admire your eye for spotting what seems to be contrived writing. Now I enjoyed Death Note, and did not think it much contrived, and in general I think it’s reasonable to say that a show that doesn’t seem contrived will likely be good. And since your eye for contrivances is better than mine, any show you deem to have good writing will likely be good in my view, too. So if you don’t mind, I’d be grateful if you’d point me to a show or two that have near perfect writing, or at least better than Death Note’s.
The ending ruined it for me. But I guess there was no way an ending could have been satisfactory
Can't entirely tell whether this is facetious, but that's okay. I had an overly serious thing typed up about perfection in relation to writing, but it's whatever. I'd have an easier time of recommending manga with great writing than anime.
I only watch anime
I see.
I would rather have no pictures than to have half-pictures. An anime has not only motion, but also color and sound, and that makes the show much more immersive.